ASPECT AUTISM IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE 2014 Australian Technology Park, Sydney THURSDAY 31 JULY 2014 8.00am Registration Opens 8.30am Chair Briefing Session (for Session Chairs only) Room: 6A 9.00am Welcome and Conference Opening – Her Excellency Professor The Honourable Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO Governor of New South Wales, John Doyle AM (Aspect Patron), Adrian Ford CEO, Autism Spectrum Australia, (Aspect), Jenny Young, Chair of the Aspect Board, Welcome to Country by Aunty Fay Room: Auditorium 9.20am Ms Judy Brewer, Autism CRC, Cooperative Research Centre for Living with Autism Spectrum Disorders, VIC Why research matters to families Chair: John Doyle 9.40am Asha Tulloch-Hoskins, student with ASD and author Introduced by Trevor Clark 10.00am Dr Barry Coughlan, University of Limerick, Ireland Meeting the mental health needs of young people with complex need and autism spectrum disorder: Understanding the complexities involved Chair: John Doyle 10.45am MORNING TEA – Parent Networking Session (Room 7C) People with ASD Networking Opportunity (Room 5B) 11.15am SE01: SCHOOL AND FAMILY COLLABORATION 11.15am SE02: MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING SE03: TEACHING AND LEARNING Room: Auditorium Chair: Debra Costley Room: 6A Chair: Barry Coughlan 11.15am Dr Lisa Ruble, University of Kentucky, USA WORKSHOP COMPASS: An evidence based intervention for improving child educational outcomes 11.15am Kate Sofronoff, University of Queensland, QLD Managing emotional and behavioural problems in children with autism spectrum disorders: programs with school trials Brian Smyth King, Department of Education and Communities, NSW “The Education Reform Agenda”: Delivering person centred approaches locally 11.45am Kerrie Nelson, Giant Steps, NSW Students, ASD, mental health and schooling – one way forward – the Rob Llewellyn Jones Clinical Centre Jacqui Roberts, Griffith University, QLD Making school work for students with autism: Building school capacity to improve outcomes 12:15pm Tom Tutton, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW Supporting school staff in situations where there is challenging behaviour Erica Dixon, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, VIC Disability through the lens of diversity: new thinking, new approaches 12.15pm Rozanna Lilley, NSW School change and school autism inclusion disorder Room: 6B Theatre Chair: Trevor Clark 12.45pm LUNCH AND POSTER VIEWING 1.30pm 1.30pm SE04: TEACHING AND LEARNING SE05: TEACHING AND LEARNING SE06: ADOLESCENTS SE07: WORKSHOPS Room: Auditorium Chair: Lara Cheney Room: 6A Room: 6B Theatre Chair: Elizabeth Gadek Chair: Tom Tutton Room: 7AB Chair: Pam Lea Room: 7C Chair: Erica Dixon Amanda Webster, Griffith University, QLD Implementing a whole of school approach for students with ASD: a pilot study Caroline Mills, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW Classroom based sensory processing intervention for students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD): a pilot study using single system design Christine Stylianakis, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW Implementing a multilevel literacy program for a child with autism Nigel Duckett, Liberator, SA, Matt Kocher and Ellen Winchester, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW “Minspeak: The Language of LAMP” Thomas Kuzma, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW An aspie odyssey: the educational years SE08: WORKSHOPS ASPECT AUTISM IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE 2014 Australian Technology Park, Sydney THURSDAY 31 JULY 2014 continued Room: Auditorium Room: 6A Room: 6B Theatre 1.50pm Verity Millard and Rachael Bowen, Giant Steps, NSW Differentiating teaching instruction to support thinking and learning for children with autism in K-6 classrooms Betty Ho, Macquarie University Special Education Centre, NSW Cognitive-behavioural approaches for children with autism spectrum disorder: a meta-analysis and literature review Debra Costley, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW We belong too: the experiences, needs and service requirements of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder Room: 7AB Room: 7C 2.10pm Kellyanne Gianatti, Adventure Preschool, NSW The Drake, the red umbrella and other stories of hope on the spectrum (if you use the word inclusion, you’re not being inclusive) Scott Hardie, Coaching Mind, Body and Soul, VIC Through my lens of perception (a personal journey) Val Mckelvey, Catholic Education Office of Western Australia, WA Successful inclusion in schools sports for secondary students with autism spectrum disorder Nola Norris, University of Wollongong, NSW The cognitive profile of gifted learners with ASD: pedagogical implications Craig Smith, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW Supporting goal acquisition for students with an autism spectrum disorder using iPad technology 2.30pm Lydia Griffiths and Caroline Mills, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW Best practice teaching for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and moderate intellectual disability (ID): a whole class case study Meghan Williams and Jennifer Crawford, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW Structured teaching in practice – a case study Matthew White, Rosebank College, NSW Secondary school does not have to be scary 3.00pm AFTERNOON TEA 3.30pm SE09: ADOLESCENTS SE10: TRANSITION SE11: ENGAGEMENT: SE12: WORKSHOPS STUDENTS & FAMILIES SE13: WORKSHOPS Room: Auditorium Chair: Kate Sofronoff Room: 6A Chair: Debra Costley Room: 6B Theatre Chair: Suzanne Carrington Room: 7AB Chair: Mark Carter Room: 7C Chair: Tom Tutton 3.30pm Daniel Giles, Speaking Insights, VIC Personal journey from special education to Honours degree Iva Strnadova and Therese M Cumming, University of New South Wales, NSW Transitions of students with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders: Fostering school-home partnerships Kerrie Kimes, Department of Education and Communities, NSW, Kerry Parsons, Department for Education and Child Development, SA, Carmel Blake, Department of Education, NT Innovative computer based professional learning -supporting the inclusion of students with an autism spectrum disorder Jay Hobbs, Brisbane Catholic Education, QLD Lego Robotics Clubs, the social skills network Sonja de Boer, Woodbury Autism Education and Research, NSW Successful inclusion practices for students with autism spectrum disorders: facilitating a student’s education within the general education classroom 3.50pm Caitlin Harrington, The University of Queensland, QLD The mainstream schooling experiences of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder in Queensland Julie Lawson, Horizon Christian School, SA Working together; staff, family and a speech pathologist: our ongoing journey with a highly complex young man Julie McMillan and Lisa Papatraianou, Flinders University, SA Supporting students in key indicators of autism spectrum disorder: variations between educators’ and parents’ perceptions ASPECT AUTISM IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE 2014 Australian Technology Park, Sydney THURSDAY 31 JULY 2014 continued Room: Auditorium Room: 6A Room: 6B Theatre Room: 7AB Room: 7C 4.10pm Jill Ashburner, Autism Queensland, QLD Bullying experiences of students with autism spectrum disorder: comparing the perceptions of adolescents and their parents Joanne Merrick, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) and Catholic Schools Office Diocese of Broken Bay, NSW Transition from preschool to mainstream kindergarten – an overview of best practice in practice Maureen O’Donnell and Lee Casuscelli, Positive Partnerships, NSW “Collaborating with diverse communities to make a difference: How we are working with the ATSI and CALD communities to support students with autism spectrum disorder” Tonya Agostini, University of Western Sydney and the MARCS Institute, NSW Improving social communication in children with high functioning autism spectrum disorder Paul Kelly, Positive Partnerships, NSW How to make adjustments and accommodations to increase students with autism spectrum disorder engagement and participation in the classroom 4.30pm Jeanette Purkis, ACT The wonderful world of work! Promoting a successful transition to employment for young people on the autism spectrum Berinda Karp, TAFE NSW, NSW Making it Work! Transition program to TAFE Roselyn Dixon, University of Wollongong, NSW How does professional learning impact on acceptance, implementation and sustainability of the use of the iPad for teachers of students with autism spectrum disorders? 5.00pm WELCOME DRINKS – Opening of student art exhibition, Everyone Can Dance performance Room: Exhibition Hall FRIDAY 1 AUGUST 2014 8.00am Registration Opens 8.00am Chair Briefing Session (for Session Chairs only) Room: 6A 8:30am SE14: EDUCATION ACROSS AUSTRALIA SE15: INCLUSION SE16: COMMUNICATION SE17: WORKSHOPS Room: Auditorium Chair: Mark Schlosser Room: 6A Chair: Kerry Bissaker Room: 6B Theatre Chair: Bronwyn Sutton Room: 7AB Room: 7C Chair: Elizabeth Gadek Chair: Lara Cheney 8:30am Wendy Lawson, University of Birmingham, UK Autism spectrum conditions: The pathophysiological basis for inattention, the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-V) and broadening attention for ASC individuals at school Mathew Townsend, NSW Life as an aspie Ying Sng, Macquarie University, NSW Teaching a student with autism on-topic conversational responses with an iPad: a pilot study Kristen Ody, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW Working as a teachers aide in an autism setting 8:50am Rozanna Lilley, NSW Rumour has it: The impact of maternal talk on primary school choice for children diagnosed with autism Chantée Nixon, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW Collaborating to improve better outcomes for students with ASD through a positive behaviour support emotional regulation group program Siang Lee Yeo, Macquarie University NSW and Universiti Malaya, Malaysia From ‘the nudist colony’ to ‘what colour can apples be’ – Conversations of children with ASD SE18: WORKSHOPS Jane Cotter, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW Skills building workshop for classroom teachers (Primary, 3-6 focus): ‘Welcome to 4/5ASD – a practical focus on strategies to meet the needs of students with high-functioning autism in primary classrooms’ ASPECT AUTISM IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE 2014 Australian Technology Park, Sydney FRIDAY 1 AUGUST 2014 continued Room: Auditorium Room: 6A Room: 6B Theatre Room: 7AB Room: 7C 9:10am Stacey Rabba, AMAZE, (Autism Victoria), VIC Supporting parents with autism spectrum disorder Pamela Ambler, University of Newcastle, NSW Anxiety and aggression in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders attending mainstream schools Matthew Kocher and Ellen Winchester, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW Developing and implementing a whole class approach to teaching communication using language acquisition through motor planning therapy approach Maureen O’Donnell and Michelle Hambly, Positive Partnerships, NSW Working with CALD communities. Cultural views of disability and the implications for working with families and schools to support students with ASD Sue Low, Positive Partnerships, NSW Schools working together to improve educational outcomes for student with autism spectrum disorder 9:30am Meredith Ward, Autism Family Support Association, VIC Parents as policy advisers – policy development and translation at delivery Bronwyn Hannaford, Catherine Davies and Vanessa Alexander, Department of Education and Children’s Services, SA A framework for supporting students with autism spectrum disorder Roselyn Dixon, University of Wollongong, NSW The need for collaborative relationships between teachers and parents to sustain the use of digital technologies for students with autism spectrum disorder 10:00am MORNING TEA 10:30am SE19: MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING Room: Auditorium Chair: Debra Costley 10:30am SE20: TEACHING AND LEARNING SE21: TEACHING AND LEARNING Room: 6A Chair: Jacqui Roberts Room: 6B Theatre Chair: Lisa Ruble 10:30am Dr Barry Coughlan, University of Limerick, Ireland WORKSHOP Evidence based practice in action: Recent initiatives to promote emotional wellbeing in young people with complex need and autism spectrum disorder 10:30am Kerry Bissaker, Flinders University, SA High quality ASD professional learning: what we know, what we do and what’s still missing Suzanne Carrington, Queensland University of Technology, QLD The CRC for living with autism spectrum disorders: program 2 enhancing learning and teaching 11:00am Anita Bundy, The University of Sydney, NSW and Suzanne Donnelly, Aspect and Positive Partnerships, NSW How to get the most from working with an Occupational Therapist Trevor Clark, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW, supported by Daniel Giles, a young man with ASD EDUCATING for the FUTURE: strategies for the development of savant and splinter skills, strengths and interests of students with ASD to improve school and post-school opportunities and outcomes 11:20am David Dossetter, Children’s Hospital at Westmead and University of Sydney, NSW Developmental mental health and psychiatry: concepts, prevention, promotion and tertiary intervention 11:30am Bronwyn Sutton, Speech Pathologist, QLD Social communication in the classroom: a journey to inclusive practices Mark Carter, Macquarie University, NSW Approaches to supporting children with ASD in inclusive school settings ASPECT AUTISM IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE 2014 Australian Technology Park, Sydney 12:00pm LUNCH FRIDAY 1 AUGUST 2014 continued 12:45pm SE22: INDIVIDUAL PERSPECTIVE SE23: SOCIAL / MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING SE24: DIVERSITY SE25: WORKSHOPS SE26: WORKSHOPS Room: 6A Chair: Kerrie Nelson Room: 6B Theatre Chair: Suzanne Carrington Room: 7AB Chair: Lara Cheney Room: 7C Chair: Karen Jones 12:45pm Carol Barnes, GLD Australia and Griffith University, QLD Disability adjustments for gifted students on the spectrum: what happens when the school says ‘no’? Andrea Garner, University of Wollongong, NSW Considerations for the explicit teaching of a social and sexual development curriculum for students with autism Natalia Ranson, Diverse Minds Psychology Clinic, NSW Promoting peer acceptance of females with higher-functioning autism in a mainstream education setting: a replication and extension of the effects of an autism anti-stigma program Debra Costley, Meghan Williams, Vicki Stevens, Lynie Canillas, Ellen Winchester and Craig Smith, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW Aspect practice model classes: sharing our evidence-informed innovation Lee Casuscelli and Patricia Glass, Positive Partnerships, NSW Working with ATSI communities to support students with autism spectrum disorder (Practical tools and resources to develop increased awareness and understanding) 1:05pm Leanne Jessop, QLD “Stories of schooling: struggles and successes” Michelle Wong, Children’s Hospital at Westmead, NSW Emotion-based social skills training: 6 months follow-up to a controlled intervention study in 55 mainstream schools for children with autism spectrum disorder Tori Haar, ACT Self-directed learning in secondary school: a personal account 1:25pm Lauren Purcell, The Denny Foundation, NSW From mainstream to home education, and the ‘good and bad’ in between: a personal journey Matthew Bennett, Flinders University, SA Why do they pick on me? Practical strategies which school students on the autism spectrum and their parents can use to detect, manage and prevent school bullying Elizabeth Gadek, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW Can educators increase meaningful parent and student engagement in the Individual Education Plan process? 1:45pm Randa Habelrih, NSW Autism/lip service/blah blah blah….. Renae Beaumont, University of Queensland, QLD and Vicki Stevens, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), NSW Implementation and evaluation of the secret agent society social skills program in aspect satellite classes Jessica Paynter, AEIOU Foundation, QLD Fathers of young children with an autism spectrum disorder: links to well-being and burden Margot Politis, Shopfront Youth Arts Cooperative, NSW Accessibility Director Margot Politis and members of the Bodylines Ensemble present: Making Your Mark: Facilitating the artistic expression of young people on the autism spectrum Amanda Webster, Griffith University, QLD Parents taking charge: giving parents a framework to realise a vision and engage in effective decisionmaking and advocacy for educational programs for their children with ASD 2:15pm Refreshment break and move to Auditorium 2:30pm Dance Fever – Aspect Vern Barnett School students 2:45pm Dr Lisa Ruble, University of Kentucky, USA Implementation science: The next leap forward in autism research Chair: Trevor Clark 3:30pm Conference Panel and wrap up – WHAT’S AHEAD? International perspectives on the future of autism education Professor Jacqueline Roberts, Dr Lisa Ruble and Dr Barry Coughlan Room: Auditorium Chair: Trevor Clark 4:00pm Close of Sessions Room: Auditorium Chair: Jacqui Borland
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