Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Chennai – Bangalore Highway, Pennalur, Sriperumbudur-602 105 (Tamil Nadu) Phone: (091)044- 27163127 Fax (091)044-27163227 website: www.rgniyd.gov.in Date: 17.04.2015 OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE ON RENTAL BASIS Space for use of offices of Govt/Quasi.Govt/Public/Private sector and reputed companies engaged on commercial activities is available for letting out on rental basis, in the Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development at Sriperumbudur. For details, please visit the website www.rgniyd.gov.in and go to tenders and click on the link the advt, for letting out vacant space in RGNIYD. Last date for receipt of completed offers is 1st May,2015, up to 12.00 hrs. For inspection of vacant building, Office of the Registrar of the Institute can be contacted till 29th April, 2015, on working days from 11.00 AM to 4.00 PM RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF YOUTH DEVELOPMENT (An Institute of National Importance by an Act of Parliament No.35/2012) Sriperumbudur-602105 Instructions to Bidder/Applicant 1. Offers in sealed covers, in two bid system, are invited, for allotment of vacant space on rental basis. The Tenders forms can be filled on-line from the website http://www.rgniyd.gov.in and print out of the completed forms, in all aspects, duly signed by the bidder, along with the required/relevant copies of documents should be sent in a sealed cover. 2. The last date of receipt of application is 1.5.2015 up to 12.00 Hrs. 3. Premises can be inspected from 17.04.2015 to 29.04.2015 between 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m., on all working days. The intended/interested bidder /applicant may contact the office of the Registrar at the following address for inspection of premises. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Pennalur, Chennai-Bangalore Highway, Sriperumbudur-602 105 (Tamil Nadu). 4. The technical bid (Annexure’A’) should be accompanied by the following documents, without which the technical bids will be rejected. a) Copies of License / Registration of the firm/company issued by the concerned competent authority b) Audited statements for the last two years (FY 2012-13 and 2013-14) c) Income Tax Returns filed for the FY 2012-13 and 2013-14 d) Copy of PAN of the assesse of Income Tax 5. The offer received after the last date and time mentioned above shall be rejected. In case the last date of issue/receipt/opening of tender form is declared/happens to be public holiday, the Tender will be received and opened on the following/next working day at the same time. 6. Technical and financial bids, as per Annexure A & B along with the instructions to bidders/applicants kept in separate closed covers super scribed ‘Technical Bid’ /’Financial Bid’, as the case may be, and both the sealed covered should be kept in a sealed cover super scribed as “ Quotation for leasing office space” and sent to: The Registrar Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Chennai –Bangalore Highway, Pennalur, Sriperumbudur-602 105. Tamil Nadu 7. Technical Bid will be opened on the 1.5.2015 at 15.00 Hrs in the presence of the bidders or their authorised representatives. 8. Financial Bids will be opened only in reference to those bidders, whose technical bids completely meet the criteria and found acceptable. Decision of the RGNIYD in this matter will be final and no correspondence in the regard will be entitled. 9. The offer should state the nature of intended usage of premises, giving full Name, Address, Telephone Number of the person for contact. 10. Rent per month should be quoted per square foot area exclusive of Taxes. 11. Broker will not be entertained. 12. Registrar, RGNIYD reserves the right to accept any Bid /offer or to reject any or all Bid/Offer at sole discretion without assigning reasons thereof. Registrar i/c Place Sriperumbudur Date 17.04.2015 ANNEXURE-A RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF YOUTH DEVELOPMENT (An Institute of National Importance by an Act of Parliament No.35/2012) Sriperumbudur-602105 TECHNICAL OFFER “Technical details and Terms & Conditions” for letting out Office Space (The Annexure A and Annexure B are to be signed and submitted in a sealed envelope on or before 1.5.2015 upto 13.00 Hrs. at the Registrar Office of RGNIYD at Sriperumbudur) S.No. Particulars 1 Location of Premises 2 Area Offered 3 Monthly rent 4 Period of Lease 5 Rental escalation 6 Electrical meter / connection 7 Possession 8 Lease Agreement I. TECHNICAL DETAILS Description Chennai-Bangalore Highway, Pennalur, Sriperumbudur-602 105 (Tamil Nadu) Independent, single storied building having carpet area of approximately 2000 Sq.ft. with compound wall and parking space Monthly rental rate per one square foot of carpet area is to be quoted in the offer form annexed herewith as Annexure-B (The basic rent finalized will be exclusive of municipal taxes, service tax, water charges, repair cess and other charges. These charges will be charged on actual basis. Any upward revision in such expenses will be applicable on actual basis) a) 3 years + 3 years + 3 years (max 9 Years) or b) 5 years + 5 years (max 10 Years) a) 25% after every 3 years OR b) 35% after every 5 years, depending upon the lease period Already provided, but the allottee shall bear all the charges for consumption electricity, surcharge tax etc. as levied by TNEB from time to time. Upon execution of lease deed on RGNIYD standard lease draft As per our Standard Lease Deed and terms and condition of lease will be as per our set norms. 9 Security Deposit a. b. c. d. e. 6 months’ rent will be kept in security deposit which will not carry any interest on it as long as the same will be in deposit with the RGNIYD. Security Deposit shall be refunded upon expiry of lease period. Security Deposit is to be paid by DD drawn in favour of the RGNIYD and on any nationalized Bank payable at Sriperumbudur. II. Other Terms & Conditions The Annexure A & B along with the instructions will form part of the tender to be submitted by the bidder to RGNIYD. All columns in the tender form must be duly filled in and no column should be kept blank. All the pages of the offer/application document are to be signed by the authorized signatory of the bidder/applicant. And affixed with the rubber stamp of the firm/company. User of correction fluid is not permitted. The space is offered on ‘as is where is basis ‘only for running regular offices of Govt. / Quasi Govt/Public/private sector and reputed companies engaged in commercial activities. The allotment of premises shall be made to the bidder, who has quoted to pay the highest rent provided it is otherwise acceptable. RGNIYD reserve the right to accept any offer, without assigning any reasons therefor. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the Bidder/Applicant Lease agreement of the premises will be executed immediately after finalization of the deal. No deviations from any of the terms and conditions of the lease agreement will be permissible. Agreed & Accepted Date : (Applicants Signature) Official Seal. ANNEXURE-B RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF YOUTH DEVELOPMENT (An Institute of National Importance by an Act of Parliament No.35/2012) Sriperumbudur-602105 Area of premises offered FINANCIAL OFFER Applicant’s offer of monthly basis rent, per square foot of Carpet Area in Rs. (Excluding all Taxes) Both in figures and words. Independent, single storied building having carpet area Rs. (in figures) …………….per square foot, per month of approximately 2000 Rupees (in words) ……………………………………… Sq.ft. with compound wall ……………………………… per square foot per month and parking space Note : Rental rate is to be quoted in view of the technical details and other particulars mentioned in Technical Bid (Annexure-A) Full Name of Organisation Present Address of the Organisation Name of Contact person Designation Contact No. Office Tel.No. Mobile No. Email id Nature of Business to be conducted in the premises Applicant’s office seal Date : Applicant’s signature Applicant’s name:
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