Ribchester Museum Trust, Operation Florian

Ribchester Museum Trust, Operation Florian
Cross Bay Walk 2015
Ribchester Roman Museum, Riverside, Ribchester, Preston PR3 3XS
Registered Charity no 510490, Operation Florian Registered Charity 1149445
Please help the work of Ribchester Museum Trust and Operation Florian
Walk across Morecambe Bay
Sunday 28th June 2015 – starting at 3.00pm
If you would like to get sponsorship for your walk then that would be wonderful but we are
asking for donations from all participants of at least:
£10 per adult, £5 per child, £2 per dog
Crossing the Bay is an unforgettable experience and a perfect
activity for a summer’s day for all the family. This beautiful and
exhilarating walk leads you from the shore at Arnside to Kents
Bank accompanied at all times by a team of expert Bay Guides
led by the Queen’s Guide – Cedric Robinson. The walk is, on
average, between 7 and 8 miles long and is also suitable for
children and dogs.
No of adults: _______
Please note the following points:
No of dogs:
Suitable outdoor clothing should be worn. Walking surfaces
might be muddy and you will have to wade across a shallow
river (at least knee deep).
I enclose cheque made payable
to Ribchester Museum Trust for:
The terrain is flat and thousands of people have taken part
in a cross-bay-walk.
All participants must safeguard their property. The organisers
cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage.
No children: ________
Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult
Participants must stay with the rest of the walkers and follow
Cedric Robinson & his helpers at all times to avoid quicksand.
Dogs must be kept under control at all times.
I declare that we will take part in the event at our own risk and will
not hold the organisers responsible for any loss, injury or sickness
as a result of our taking part:
Signed: _____________________________
Full name:
First line of home address:
Post code (essential for gift aid):
e-mail address:
Phone number:
If you complete the ‘donor details’ and tick the box you will increase
the value of your gift to Ribchester Museum Trust at no extra cost to you.
Please tick this box if you wish your donation to be gift-aided:
Please return your completed form and cheque to:
Ribchester Museum Trust, Riverside, Ribchester, Preston, Lancashire PR3 3XS
Further advice about suitable clothing and footwear, train information and meeting place will be put on
our website www.ribchesterromanmuseum.org, nearer the time.
Thank you for your support