RIVER VALLEY SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION WINTER•SPRING 2015 REGISTRATION STARTS TODAY REPRESENTING: Bourbonnais Twp. Park District • Kankakee Valley Park District • Limestone Park District RIVER VALLEY SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION OUR MISSION STATEMENT Providing year-round recreation and leisure activities that add to the quality of life for those who participate and their families. 1335 E. Broadway, Bradley, IL 60915 • 815-933-7336 • Fax: 815-933-4632 Office Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday thru Friday E-mail: [email protected] • Website: rivervalleysra.com WHAT IS THE R.V.S.R.A.? The R.V.S.R.A. is an association formed by member agencies to provide community-based Therapeutic Recreation to individuals with disabilities or special needs. Member agencies provide the primary source of operational revenue through a property tax levy available to the park districts who have entered into a cooperative agreement. Bourbonnais Township Park District Brian Hebert • Donna Brown Kankakee Valley Park District Alfred Hollis • Duane Tucker Limestone Park District R.V.S.R.A Board Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month. Call the office at 933-7336 for the location and time of the meeting. The public is invited to attend. Executive Director: Tom Breitenbucher, CPRP Program Coordinator: Dorene Mohler, APRP Special Olympic Coordinator: Pam Bright A caring, positive approach will be used regarding discipline. R.V.S.R.A. reserves the right to dismiss a participant. Each situation will be evaluated on its own merit. REFUND/CREDIT POLICY Refunds and Credits will be given only if a program has been changed or cancelled, or for medical or relocating reasons. PROGRAM FEES REMINDERS... Although we do our best to estimate program beginning and ending times, there are occasionally a few changes that have to be made. Prior to all programs, we mail reminders. Look for these to come in your mail. If you have any questions or if you are unable to attend, we would appreciate a phone call. Our office and cell phone numbers are on all reminders. ANNUAL INFORMATION FORM If this is the first time you have registered for a R.V.S.R.A. program or it’s been over a year since the last time you have participated in a SRA program please contact the office so we can update your file. The annual information form is designed to give our staff medical and behavioral information on each participant. We intend to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA) which prohibits discrimination in the provision and inclusion of programs and services to individuals with disabilities 2 • BEHAVIOR • DISCIPLINE Francis Ciaccio ADA COMPLIANCE BEHAVIOR / DISCIPLINE R.V.S.R.A. participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. The Association's behavior code states that participants shall show respect to all participants and staff, refrain from using foul language, refrain from causing bodily harm, and show respect to equipment, supplies, and facilities. Additional policies may be developed for specific programs, camps, and integrated programs. ASSOCIATION MEMBER AGENCIES AND BOARD REPRESENTATIVES whenever possible. However, in some cases, programs are designed to meet the needs of specific disability groups. Parent/guardians should be aware that programs are staffed at a 4:1 ratio and some activities may not be appropriate or adaptable for all participants. • IN DISTRICT & OUT OF DISTRICT Residents living within the boundaries of Kankakee, Aroma Park, Bourbonnais and Limestone Townships are considered in district when registering for programs. Non-Residents can register but may be required to pay an additional fee for some programs. • OUTSTANDING BALANCES All participants that have a fee balance remaining from a previous season will not be allowed to register for new programs until that balance is paid in full. Special arrangements can be made, but must be done by contacting the office in advance. PROGRAM TIMES • DROP OFF & PICK UP PLEASE respect drop off and pick up times. We will be charging a fee when participants are picked up late. We will give you a 15-minute grace period but after that you will be charged $5.00 per person for every 15 minutes you are late. rivervalleysra.com • RIVER VALLEY SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION CHICAGO WOLVES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 5:00-11:30 PM Join us for an evening of fun and be a part of the winning season, when the Chicago Wolves face-off against Milwaukee Admirals at the Allstate Arena. Note: The stadium has indoor fireworks and loud music. AGES: 16 & UP LIMIT: 30 FEE: $38 IN DISTRICT / $42 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1500 (Please choose one of the three) CHICAGO BULLS SWIM TEAM Join us as we travel to Chicago to see the Bulls take on the Orlando Magic at the United Center. Previous swim team experience is not required, BUT the ability to swim at least 25 yards without stopping is! AGES: 16 & UP LIMIT: 30 FEE: $60 IN DISTRICT / $68 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1501 AGES: 16 & UP LIMIT: 15 FEE: $47 IN DISTRICT/$53 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1502 MONDAY, JANUARY 12 4:45-11:15 PM INDOOR Practices will start beginning of February Qualifying Date: SATURDAY, APRIL 18 BOCCE Practices will start beginning of March Qualifying Date: SUNDAY, APRIL 12 IT’S BOWLING ON THE GRASS! No experience is necessary. Practices will take place in the park next to the SRA office. FUNDRAISER SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 8:00 AM-2:00 PM We could use your gently used items for our fundraiser area. If you are interested in your own space, they are $40 each. Any questions, call the SRA Office 815-933-7336. AGES: 16 & UP LIMIT: 12 FEE: $47 IN DISTRICT/$53 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1503 TRACK & FIELD Practices will start the end of March Qualifying Date: SUNDAY, MAY 3 See how far you can throw, how fast you can run or how long you can jump. AGES: 16 & UP LIMIT: 8 FEE: $47 IN DISTRICT/$53 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1504 RIVER VALLEY SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION • rivervalleysra.com 3 ST. PAT’S DANCE SUPER BOWL SUNDAY FRIDAY, MARCH 20 • 6:30-8:30 PM CIVIC AUDITORIUM SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 • 5:00 PM It’s the one time of the year where everyone is Irish. Be sure to wear GREEN ! Join us for our Annual Super Bowl Party! This year’s game will take place in Arizona. Cheer on your favorite team, laugh at the commercials, enjoy the halftime show and of course EAT! AGES: 12 & UP LIMIT: 150 FEE: FREE! CODE: #1-1508 AGES: 9 & UP LIMIT: 20 FEE: $15 IN DISTRICT/$17 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1505 PRO BLITZ WRESTLING SATURDAY, MARCH 14 6:30-10:00 PM RecCenter, Kankakee, IL TUESDAYS 6:30-7:15 PM THURSDAYS 4:15-5:00 PM YMCA IN KANKAKEE Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, this program will get you wet. Learn basic strokes or polish up on your swimming techniques. NOTE: Please sign up for Tuesday or Thursday. Participants under the age of 9 should be accompanied by an adult. NEW Witness the skills between the ropes with your favorite wrestling stars. You will rave about the chaotic night of action that will take place between opponents. We might even have some Hall of Fame stars show. AGES: 16 & UP LIMIT: 25 FEE: $18 IN DISTRICT/$21 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1506 VALENTINE’S DANCE & DINNER SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 • 5:00-7:30 PM MOOSE, Route 50 in Bradley Get all dressed up and enjoy a dinner and dance with all your SPECIAL RECREATION SWEETHEARTS. TUESDAYS Jan. 13, 20, 27 • Feb. 3, 10 (5 weeks) CODE: #1-1509 THURSDAYS Jan. 15, 22, 29 • Feb. 5, 12 (5 weeks) CODE: #1-1510 AGES: 5 & UP • LIMIT: 10 FEE: $30 IN DISTRICT/$34 OUT OF DISTRICT KARATE FRIDAYS FOR 5 WEEKS 4:00-4:45 PM Learn balance, memory control and teamwork as you have fun at Tri-Star Martial Arts Studio. You will achieve different levels for your uniform that Tri-Star provided for you. SESSION #1: January 9 thru February 6 CODE: #1-1511 AGES: 12 & UP LIMIT: 110 FEE: $15 IN DISTRICT/$17 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1507 4 LAP/OPEN SWIM SESSION #2: March 6 thru April 17 CODE: #1-1512 AGES: 9 & UP LIMIT: 12 FEE: $45 IN DISTRICT/$50 OUT OF DISTRICT rivervalleysra.com • RIVER VALLEY SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION FITNESS FUN! SRA OFFICE THURSDAYS FOR 6 WEEKS 6:00-7:00 PM JANUARY 29 thru MARCH 5 Our Olivet Nazarene University Athletic Trainers are coming back for some more physical, speed, coordination, strength and nutritional challenges. We will be doing pre/post testing so that you can see all of your positive results at the end of our journey. So bring your water bottle and LET THE FUN BEGIN! BOWLING SATURDAYS FOR 4 WEEKS 9:00-10:30 AM Join us on Saturday mornings at Brookmont Bowling Center for some strikingly good fun with our friends. This is one of our most popular programs. So don’t “spare” anytime signing up for this one. (Participants under age 9 should be accompanied by an adult.) SESSION #1: Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31 CODE: #1-1513 AGES: 9 & UP LIMIT: 20 FEE: $16 IN DISTRICT / $18 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1516 SCHOOL’S OUT PROGRAMS MONDAYS at the SRA OFFICE 8:30 AM-4:30 PM SESSION #2: Mar. 14, 21, 28 • Apr. 11 CODE: #1-1514 JANUARY 19th AGES: 5 & UP LIMIT: 45 FEE: $30 IN DISTRICT/$34 OUT OF DISTRICT FEBRUARY 16th SOCIAL CIRCLE THURSDAYS FOR 6 WEEKS 3:30-5:00 PM FEBRUARY 19 to MARCH 26 Meet with your friends after work or school for a relaxed game of cards, basketball, puzzles and more. We’ll have a light snack during the program. AGES: 9 & UP LIMIT: 20 FEE: $25 IN DISTRICT/$28 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1515 CODE: #1-1517 CODE: #1-1518 MARCH 30th CODE: #1-1519 Games, movies, snacks, music and more await you at this fun filled program. Enjoy your day off with us. We will keep you so busy that you won’t know what happened to the day. Wear your active clothes, so you can be ready to move with the fun. AGES: 9 to 20 MIN/MAX: 3/15 FEE: $25 PER DAY RIVER VALLEY SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION • rivervalleysra.com 5 TAI CHI SRA OFFICE WEDNESDAYS FOR 4 WEEKS 4:15-5:00 pm MARCH 18 - APRIL 8 NEW Therapeutic Tai Chi© provides participants of any age or degree of ability a calming means to achieve daily physical activity with the use of gentle stretching, moderate movement, and healthful breathing. You can practice this form of exercise standing or in the chair. Our instructor, Gary Paruszkiewicz, has been teaching Tai Chi for over 18 years. AGES: 9 & UP LIMIT: 25 FEE: $12 In District / $14 Out of District CODE: #1-1520 LAP/OPEN SWIM TUESDAYS 6:30-7:15 PM or THURSDAYS 4:15-5:00 PM YMCA IN KANKAKEE Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, this program will get you wet. Learn basic strokes or polish up on your swimming techniques. NOTE: Please sign up for Tuesday or Thursday. Participants under the age of 9 should be accompanied by an adult. TUESDAYS Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 (5 weeks) CODE: #1-1524 THURSDAYS Mar. 5, 12, 19, 26 • Apr. 2 (5 weeks) CODE: #1-1525 AGES: 5 & UP LIMIT: 10 FEE: $30 IN DISTRICT/$34 OUT OF DISTRICT BOOT CAMP BLAST 1 DAY A WEEK FOR 6 WEEKS DATES & TIME TBA SRA OFFICE HORSEBACK RIDING Sunrise Therapeutic Riding Stables Aroma Park, IL THURSDAYS FOR 5 WEEKS APRIL 2 - 30 Each week riders will learn the proper way to lead and guide a horse, as well as the correct way to groom them. Participants should weigh 225 lbs. or less. Call Sunrise at 815-482-4486 should you have any questions about this program. Participants under age 9 should be accompanied by an adult. AGES: 5 & UP LIMIT 4 PER CLASS FEE: $55 IN DISTRICT/$63 OUT OF DISTRICT 4-5 PM CODE: # 1-1521 5-6 PM CODE: #1-1522 6-7 PM CODE: #1-1523 6 NEW Participants will work with a personal trainer. The class will be a four to one ratio. With their guidance you will lift weights and work on some cardio training. You will be given the opportunity to increase your upper and lower body strength while gaining confidence and self-esteem with a positive and enthusiastic atmosphere. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, this workout is for everyone. A treadmill, bike, elliptical and weights are provided. SESSION • 1ST • 2ND SESSION CODE: #1-1526 CODE: #1-1527 AGES: 16 & Up MIN/MAX: 3/4 FEE: $35 IN DISTRICT/$45 OUT OF DISTRICT rivervalleysra.com • RIVER VALLEY SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION FISH & FEAST CHEFS IN TRAINING THURSDAY, APRIL 9 5:00-7:00 PM • BIRD PARK SATURDAYS at the SRA OFFICE 1:00-2:00 PM Experience the thrill of catching a fish first hand! Our local Illinois Angler Association will lead this program with their expertise. We will have a cookout after your big catch. JANUARY 24 CODE: #1-1532 FEBRUARY 14 CODE: #1-1533 MARCH 14 CODE: #1-1534 APRIL 11 CODE: #1-1535 AGES: 9 & UP LIMIT: 20 FEE: $5 IN DISTRICT/$6 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1530 DATE: SATURDAY, MARCH 28 TIME: 1:00 PM PERRY FARM PARK AGES: 7-21 MIN/MAX: 3/15 FEE: $4 IN DISTRICT / $5 OUT OF DISTRICT NEW SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 2:30-5:00 PM Enjoy the thrill of finding your own Easter egg that was left by the Easter Bunny. This is a FREE event provided for families of individuals with special needs. PRE-REGISTRATION IS NOT REQUIRED. WEDNESDAYS MARCH 11, 18, 25 & APRIL 1 5:15-5:45 PM • SRA OFFICE TOUR DATE: SATURDAY, APRIL 4 Calling all Junior Chefs! This program will take you on a delicious journey using all different types of food. Chefs will learn how to read and follow step by step recipes a well as take home their delicious treat! Kankakee Community College BASKETBALL EASTER EGG HUNT EASTER CHOIR CLUB NEW NEW Practice Easter songs for our first ever Easter Choir! Rejoice with your voice! Learn how to listen to your voice while harmonizing and improving your pitch. We will practice for four weeks then take our group on tour. We’ll visit Presence Heritage Village on our last day and bring them the sounds of Easter. AGES: 9 & UP MIN/MAX: 5/15 FEE: $15 IN DISTRICT/$17 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1531 George H. Ryan Activities Ctr. • KCC Campus Watch the Caviliers as they take on Parkland College on their home court. Coach Julian Springer will lead his team to a win as we watch on. Lots of fun will be planned for our group at this exciting event. AGES: 16 & UP LIMIT: 22 FEE: $3 IN DISTRICT/$4 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1536 SCRAP BOOKING MONDAY, APRIL 20 4:00-5:30 PM SRA OFFICE NEW Bring your photographs, imagination and creativity to this hands-on session! Participants will design a scrapbook page or a personalized poster for their room. Everyone will make a greeting card of their choice! AGES: 9 & UP LIMIT: 25 FEE: $8 IN DISTRICT/$9 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1537 RIVER VALLEY SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION • rivervalleysra.com 7 CHILI COOK OFF FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 4:00-6:00 PM • SRA OFFICE COSMIC BOWLING NEW You will be the food critic for this program. We will have several chilies for you to taste and judge. One of our entry chili cookers will bring all her ingredients and explain her technique for her famous chili. What a nice way to spend a cold winter evening. Friends and chili! Turn down the lights and bowl in the dark. The pins will glow as they get knocked down. Everyone love to bowl and this makes it a little more challenging. Note: due to the strobe lights used, those prone to seizures should not attend. Participants under age 9 should be accompanied by an adult. AGES: 9 & UP LIMIT: 25 FEE: $7 IN DISTRICT/$8 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1538 AGES: 5 & UP LIMIT: 45 FEE: $23 IN DISTRICT/$27 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1542 SPA DAY NEW DAY & DATE TBA 4:00-6:00 PM BLONDE BERRY SALON, BOURBONNAIS Ready to relax? Manicures, hair styling, make-up? The Blond Berry staff will pamper participants with their beauty services while everyone enjoys music and popcorn. AGES: 12 & UP LIMIT: 12 FEE: $5 IN DISTRICT/$6 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1539 STARLIGHT DANCE HIP HOP DANCE NEW SRA OFFICE FOR 4 WEEKS THURSDAYS, MARCH 12 - APRIL 2 5:30-6:30 PM Learn how to do hip-hop dance moves like Running Man, Dougie and Spongebob from a local dance instructor. Whether you’re a kid or just a kid at heart, check this program out so you will have the latest moves for our next dance. AGES: 9 & UP • LIMIT: 20 FEE: $8 IN DISTRICT/$9 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1543 FLAG FOOTBALL FRIDAYS FOR 4 WEEKS 6:00-6:45 PM • 9 & Below 7:00-7:45 PM • 10 & Above JANUARY 9 - 30 8 WEDNESDAYS FOR 3 WEEKS APRIL 15-29 • 4:00-5:30 PM BROOKMONT BOWLING CENTER NEW LEGENDS SPORTSPLEX TUESDAY, APRIL 7 • 4:00-5:30 PM Classes will be a combination of ballet, tap and jazz. Both basic technique and short, fun combinations will be taught in class. Any questions concerning this class can be directed to Starlight staff. Participants should be able to focus on this 45 minute lesson with minimal behavioral issues to ensure other participants can concentrate during the lesson. Note: ALL participants should be accompanied by an adult or guardian. Flag Football is similar to regular football but instead of tackling players to the ground, the defensive team must remove a flag from the waist of the ball carrier. Special Olympics clinician, Justin Dunning, will be joining us for this program. He will give a brief training and cover the rules, regulations and tactics of Flag Football. Once you know the rules, you will be able to participate in a 5 on 5 scrimmage. *You must have a Special Olympics Medical Application on file to participate in the program. ALL AGES MIN/MAX: 4/10 FEE: $55 IN DISTRICT/$63 OUT OF DISTRICT 9 & BELOW: CODE: #1-1540 10 & ABOVE: CODE: #1-1541 AGES: 16 & UP LIMIT: 24 FEE: $8 IN DISTRICT/$9 OUT OF DISTRICT CODE: #1-1544 rivervalleysra.com • RIVER VALLEY SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION WINTER•SPRING 2015 Registration Information ALL INFORMATION BELOW MUST BE COMPLETED FOR FORM TO BE PROCESSED. PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH SIDES AND SIGN BEFORE REGISTERING. MAIL or BRING INTO OFFICE: 1335 E. Broadway, Bradley, Illinois 60915 QUESTIONS: Call 815-933-7336 PARTICIPANTS NAME_________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________ PHONE (H)_ ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________ PHONE (W)____________________________________ CITY__________________________________________________ STATE__________________ ZIP____________________ EMAIL______________________________________________________________________________________________ BIRTHDATE____________________________________________ AGE_______ SEX_______ SHIRT SIZE______________ PRIMARY DISABILITY_________________________________________________________________________________ Be sure to list the program code, name, time and fee for all activities which you are registering for. Registration form must be signed before individuals may participate in programs. Checks can be made payable to RVSRA. Mail or bring in your registration form and payment to the RVSRA Office. CODE # PROGRAM NAME FEE CODE # Column Total We accept Credit or Debit Cards for program payments! PROGRAM NAME FEE FINAL TOTAL PARENT/GUARDIAN_____________________________________ PHONE (H)_____________ PHONE (C)_____________ EMERGENCY NAME____________________________________ PHONE (H)_____________ PHONE (C)_____________ RVSRA may use pictures and videos taken at programs for publicity purposes. Is this okay? q YES q NO _ GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for Purchase! Buy your friend a gift certificate from River Valley SRA and they can use this on any program or item. _ River Valley SRA is selling Jerzees Brand Open Bottom Pants with Pockets! 50/50 cotton/poly NuBlend pill resistant fleece (preshrunk). Ash or oxford color with Special Rec. Logo on pant leg. Sizes: SM - 3 X / Cost: $22 RIVER VALLEY SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION • rivervalleysra.com 9 RVSRA Waiver and Release of All Claims We want the participants in our programs to be aware, in advance, that when they participant in an activity including high risk activities such as, but not limited to: swimming, horseback riding, rock or wall climbing, there is a natural element of risk of injury which each participant must assume. I (my child) recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury and I (my child) agree to assume the full risk of any injuries, including death, damages or loss which I (my child) may sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with or associated with such program(s). I (my child) agree to waive and relinquish all claims I (my child) may have as a result of participating in the program(s) against the River Valley Special Recreation Association (R.V.S.R.A.), the Bourbonnais Township, Kankakee Valley and Limestone Township Park Districts and their officers, agents, servants and employees. I (my child) do hereby fully release and discharge R.V.S.R.A. and the Park Districts it represents and their officers, servants and employees from any and all claims from injuries, including death, damage and loss which I (my child) may have or which may occur to me (my child) on account of my (my child’s) participations in the program. I (my child) further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend the RVSRA and the above-named Park District and their officers, agents, servants, and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries, including death, damages and losses sustained by me (my child) and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with the activities of the programs. I further understand and agree that the terms such as “participation,” “programs” and “activities,” referred to in the Agreement, include all exercises and physical movements of any nature while I am participating in these programs and further include the provision of or failure to provide proper instructions of supervision, the use and adjustment of any and all machinery, equipment, and apparatus, and anything related to my (my child’s) use of services, facilities, or premises involved in these programs, and transportation to and from any events. I the event of any emergency, I authorize R.V.S.R.A. officials to secure from any licensed hospital, physician and/or medical personnel any treatment deemed necessary for me or my minor child’s/ward’s immediate care and agree that I will be responsible for payment of any and all medical services rendered. I have read and fully understand the above Program Details, Waiver and Release of all claims and permission to secure treatment. Signature of Participant ( if age 18 or above ) or Parent / Guardian GENERAL INFORMATION RVSRA is committed to conducting its recreation programs and activities in a safe manner and holds the safety of participants in high regard. RVSRA continually strives to reduce such risks and insists that all participants follow safety rules and instructions that are designed to protect the participants’ safety. However, participants and parents/guardians of minors registering for the RVSRA programs/activities must recognize that there is an inherent risk of injury when choosing to participate in recreational activities/programs. You are solely responsible for determining if you or your minor child/ward are physically fit and/or skilled for the activities contemplated by this agreement. It is always advisable, especially if the participant is pregnant, disabled in any way, or recently suffered illness, injury, or impairment, to consult a physician before undertaking any physical activity. When you receive your brochure, fill out the registration information page and return to the office as soon as you can. A variety of programs have limits for different reasons, so they will fill up quickly. So don’t wait! 10 Date When arriving at a program for the first time, it is important to check in with one of our Special Recreation staff. Some of our programs will take place off sight and it is crucial that our staff know that a participant is in attendance. We require that an “Annual Information Sheet” be filled out for all participants that attend our programs. This information is pertinent for our staff to understand behavior and physical needs. Participant Risk Information Recreational activities/programs are intended to challenge and engage the physical, mental and emotional resources of each participant. Despite careful and proper preparation, instruction, medical advice, conditioning and equipment, there is still a risk of serious injury when participating in any recreational activities/program. Understandably, not all hazards and dangers can be foreseen. Depending on the particular activity, participants must understand that certain risks, dangers and injuries exist. In this regard, it must be recognized that it is impossible for RVSRA to guarantee absolute safety. rivervalleysra.com • RIVER VALLEY SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION RIVER VALLEY SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION BEHAVIOR POLICY RVSRA promotes the concept that recreation and leisure activities add to the quality of life. However, certain rules are necessary to ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment. RVSRA participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. Listed below are examples of some inappropriate behavior that may need to be addressed: • Making loud noises in particular settings where quiet is expected. • Inability to sit quietly in theaters, concerts, etc. • Showing lack of respect for other participants/ patrons/SRA staff at activities. • Running in crowded areas or bolting from the group can cause disruption or be a significant safety problem. DISCIPLINE A caring, positive approach will be used regarding discipline. RVSRA reserves the right to dismiss a participant. Each situation will be evaluated on its own merit. APPEARANCE RVSRA requires that our participants will exhibit a clean personal appearance. Listed below are examples of some inappropriate personal appearances that may need to be addressed: • Soiled and wet clothing. • Bowel/bladder problems upon arrival at programs. • Unclean hair, face, teeth, hands, nails, etc. • Inappropriate attire for program participation (i.e. no tennis shoes, tight fitting clothes, loose fitting clothes with no belt for athletic/sports/exercise programs). PARTICIPATION Before the start of any program a reminder sheet will be sent to you by mail. This sheet will have important information about the program. For example: What to wear, if you should bring any money and how much, what time the program runs, where the program is taking place and much more. All participants that have a fee balance remaining from a previous season will not be allowed to register for Follow us on FACEBOOK! new programs until that balance is paid in full. Special arrangements can be made, but must be done by contacting the office in advance. RVSRA currently staffs most programs with one staff to every four participants. If a participant will need more assistance or won’t be able to participate within this structure, please let staff know at registration so appropriate staffing may be attained (IF POSSIBLE). At our larger programs such as dances and our hayride, we ask that group home staff and parents stay to help supervise those participants that will need extra care. With the larger number of enrollments our participant to staff ratio is much lower than at other programs. EMERGENCY CONTACT Emergency phone numbers may be used for reasons other than an actual emergency situation. If staff needs to communicate any unforeseen change(s) of plans, transportation schedule adjustment, etc., and neither parent/ guardian can be reached, the emergency contact is our only source to call. Please help us reduce an anxiety created with these calls by letting your designated “emergency contact” know that they may be called for other situations. Your assistance with this is appreciated. WE NEED PICTURES! Do you have any pictures from any of our programs or events? If you would like to share any of your favorite shots with us please email them to [email protected] or bring in to the office. We always need your pictures to use in the RVSRA brochure! WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE? Do you have a great idea for something NEW you would like to see in the program offerings; a new restaurant, sport, or a fun entertainment idea? Contact us at the RVSRA office 815-933-7336 and let us know! River Valley FIRST CLASS U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 81 Kankakee, IL 60901 SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOC. 1335 E. Broadway St. Bradley, Illinois 60915 815-933-7336 815-933-4632 Fax CURRENT RESIDENT Enter a fantastical winter wonderland beyond all imagination. You’ll be magically whisked away into the wintery world of Arendelle. Sing and dance along to songs including “Let it Go.” Join royal sisters Elsa Anna, the hilarious snowman Olaf, Kristoff, his loyal reindeer Sven and the mystical trolls as they journey to discover that true love is ultimately the most magical power of all. Saturday, February 7 • United Center 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM Limit: 40 Fee: $54 In District $60 Out of District CODE: # 1-1545 Note: Intended for family members also. Each participant and family member under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a paying adult.
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