2015 Thunder Classic & Jesse Leimbach Memorial Golf Tournament Donations / Sponsorships (Tournament Date May 22, 2015) Sponsorship Type Reco gnition Co st Scoreboard & Event Sponsor Event Sponsor Longest Drive Sponsor Closest to the Pin Sponsor Corporate Hole Sponsor See Sponsorship Packages Page on website See Sponsorship Packages Page on website Business Name and URL on RHS Football Website, Recognition in Game Day Program (Homecoming). $1,500 $500 Alumni / Family Sponsor Silent Auction Raffle Item Snack Items Gift Bag Items 1-‐Classic Thunder Tournament Participant (incl. gift bag and T-‐ Shirt), Recognition at Event (T-‐Box & event program) $25-‐$499 value – Recognition in Game Day Program (Homecoming) , Recognition in Event Program $500 value or greater – Web Logo on RHS Football Website, Recognition in Game Day Program (Homecoming), 2-‐Classic Thunder Tournament Participant (incl. gift bag and T-‐Shirt), Recognition at Event (Hole signage & event program) Gift Bag Inclusion of Snacks Gift Bag Inclusion of Products, Literature, Coupons $250 $250 Gift Cert’s Products Gift Baskets Snacks Products Thunder Classic Donation / Sponsorship Form Please complete this entire form exactly as you would like the information to appear in our 2015 Auction Program. Company or Donor Name _______________________________________________________ Contact Person ______________________________ Title ________________________________ Street Address ___________________________________________________________________ City, State & Zip ___________________________________________________________________ Telephone _______________________ Fax_________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT / SERVICE DONATIONS Complete description of donated item(s). Please be specific, and include any special exceptions or restrictions. Donated Items or Sponsor Monetary Value Expiration Date (if any) Level ** Attach additional sheet if needed Options for redemption or delivery (select one): ! Donor will accept a photocopy of the form as a voucher for redemption of the above named items(s) by purchaser. ! Donor will provide a gift certificate or letter redeemable for the above named item(s). ! Item(s) will be delivered to _________________________________ on ____________ ! Item(s) to be picked up at _________________________________ on ____________ Please include a displayable description and illustration of service or redeemable items. Thunder Classic Donation / Sponsorship Agreement By completing this form, I agree to donate/sponsor the above listed items(s), services, or sponsorship to the 2015 Thunder Classic Golf Tournament. Proceeds from the Thunder Classic support the Rocklin High School Football Program and a portion will be donated to the Jesse Leimbach Memorial Scholarship fund. Jesse Leimbach was a RHS Student that lost his battle to Cancer and whose passion was playing football. Each year we set up a scholarship fund that is awarded to a student athlete selected by the Leimbach Family. All donations are tax deductible. Non-‐Profit Tax ID is 68-‐0294148. Signature of Donor/ Sponsor __________________________________________ Date __________ Sponsorship Payments: (Online or by Check) ! Please make checks payable to Rocklin High School Football. ! Pay online at http://rocklinhsfootball.com/ Mail or Drop off: Rocklin High Sch ool Attn: Tou chd own Club 5301 Victo ry Lane Rocklin, Ca 95765 To ensure submission of your donation into the 2015 Thunder Classic Event Program, please return this form no later than May 8, 2015. For more information and tournament details contact: Mark Diele -‐ Thun der Classic 2015 Chair Email: mark@wh itn eyoaksinsurance.com Or visit www.rocklinhsfoo tball.com
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