Development of an emergent and inquiry-based curriculum – Linking the Building Pillars of Practice through the use of the Aistear/Síolta Practice Guide Inspiring Leadership within the Early Childhood Care & Education Sector DATE: SATURDAY 16TH MAY 2015 VENUE: THE ABBEY HOTEL, ROSCOMMON. Roscommon County Childcare Committee (RCCC) in collaboration with Longford County Childcare Committee (LCCC) and National Council for Curriculum & Assessment (NCCA) are delighted to support the Early Childhood Care and Education sector in organizing this continuing professional development event. The demand for this event is as a result consultation conducted with early years services/early year’s educators on their ongoing professional development needs during CCC support and mentoring on site visits. Who should attend: This event is tailored towards the needs of the early childhood care & education sector and in particular to early years educators, ECCE voluntary management committees, ECCE owner/managers parents, support workers, professionals, teachers, social work teams and students. All welcome. IN 2015 ROSCOMMON CCC ARE DELIGHTED TO WELCOME INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED EARLY YEARS SPECIALIST SUSAN MCDONALD WHO WILL CO-FACILITATE WITH ROSCOMMON CCC DATE: SATURDAY 16TH MAY 2015 VENUE: ABBEY HOTEL, ROSCOMMON TIME: 9.30AM – 4.30PM As part of the day’s workshops, facilitators will demonstrate the linkages with the Aistear Síolta Practice Guide which is intended to help you in your role as curriculum-developer to build, reflect on and extend your curriculum to support babies’, toddlers’ and young children’s early learning and development. The Practice Guide is based on the understanding that settings are compliant with, or are working to become compliant with the Child Care (Pre-School Services) (No. 2) Regulations (Department of Health and Children (DHC), 2006). The Practice Guide uses the concept of an emergent and inquiry-based curriculum to help practitioners to use the two frameworks together. An emergent and inquiry-based curriculum uses children’s and practitioners’ interests, questions and experiences as starting points for curriculum planning. Background of Presenter: Susan MacDonald, M.Ed., is the founder of Inspiring New Perspectives, a consultancy focused on empowering educational leaders to create programs that respect and nurture the possibilities that lie within each child, parent, and early years educators/early years practitioners/teachers. Her dynamic presentation style engages participants in their own learning. Susan is committed to combining her knowledge of early childhood quality standards with her unique professional background to develop and deliver a higher quality of inspirational courses and workshops. With over 20 years of hands-on experience in the early childhood field, she has proven herself to be a passionate lifelong learner. Susan holds a Master’s degree in Instructional Design, professional coach certifications through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, and has participated in the Parker Palmer, Courage to Lead program; Evocative Coaching: Transforming Schools one Conversation at a Time program; and Immunity to Change program at Harvard University. Susan is currently on the faculty of The Center for School Transformation. She has served as director of a Reggio-inspired preschool program, as adjunct faculty at Lesley University and Wheelock College, and as a licensing supervisor for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Susan is past Vice President of the Massachusetts Association for the Education of Young Children and Membership Coordinator for the Massachusetts NAREA (North American Reggio Alliance). 9:30 A.M. REGISTRATION 9:45 A.M. WELCOME BY IRENE CAFFERKY, ROSCOMMON CCC 10.00 A. M. SANDRA O NEILL, NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT (NCCA) 10:15.AM - 12.30PM Session One – Susan Mac Donald & Majella Mc Govern Six life skills children need to be successful This highly interactive workshop will provide a clear framework for understanding the six life skills children need to develop and grow and reach their full potential and linkages with the Aistear Síolta Practice Guide Together we will explore how strengthening these vital skills will help children in managing their own behaviour in positive ways. Participants will learn new strategies to use to support the creation of a positive emotional climate for children to thrive: Attachment, Belonging, Self-regulation, Collaboration, Contribution Adaptability. You will be inspired to create a clear vision and action steps that will guide you on a path to increased satisfaction and engagement in your daily work. Each participant will be actively engaged in reflective learning activities that will build his or her understanding of the techniques they can use in their unique educational programs. Six Life Skills Children Need: Beyond Behavior Management Family Miss Tizzy by Libba Moore Gray All available to purchase on the Day 12.30PM-1.30PM Lunch Break LUNCH **LUNCH IF REQUIRED MUST BE PAID DIRECTLY BY THE PARTICIPANT TO THE HOTEL** 1.30PM – 3.00PM Session two – Susan Mac Donald & Kathleen Kearns Creating Vibrant Engaging Learning Environments In this session you will develop awareness of meaningful learning experiences designed to enhance your understanding of developing a unique quality learning environment and linkages with the Aistear Síolta Practice Guide A key feature of this session is an opportunity to engage in reflective practice. It is designed to inspire and challenge participants to create new perspectives on high quality learning environments. Learning outcomes Enhance pedagogical skills through reflective learning experiences, individual and group activities Discover new ways to connect with our own unique passions and interests and find ways to bring new creative energy into our daily work Stress the importance of adults practicing what they want to develop in the children. Support children to grow and develop as competent and confident learners within loving relationships and interactions with others Suitable for all interested in early childhood care and education strategies to develop leadership and advocacy 3.00 P.M. – 4.30 P.M. Session 3 - Susan Mac Donald & Carmel Dunne Skillful Intervention & Leadership for everyone working in the Early Childhood Care and Education Sector The quality of early childhood provision depends on many factors. Confident leadership and positive energy is the key to transforming the quality of early childhood programs. Together, we will explore how we as individual’s impact on the children in our care and how this interaction can have a major impact in the learning experiences the children gain as a result of whom young children engage in our early childhood care and education services. Through this workshop, participants will learn to see new possibilities, develop strategies for overcoming setbacks, and build a resource kit to continue their professional growth. Linkages with the Aistear Síolta Practice Guide will be discussed. In our roles as early years educators we set the foundation stones for children’s future interactions at all levels of society and ensure their primary learning experiences are very enjoyable/ relevant and meaningful. Drawing from current research including strength-based leadership, emergent early years curriculum and mindfulness, this workshop endeavors to provide insight into the multitude of benefits of creating a vibrant, engaging, and strength-based learning environment for young children. Suitable for all interested in early childhood care and education strategies to develop leadership and advocacy 4.30P.M. CLOSING – EIMEAR CARRON, LONGFORD CCC RCCC BOOKING FORM- CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY –SATURDAY 16TH MAY 2015 PARTICIPANT’S NAME NAME OF ECCE SERVICE _______________________________________________ EDUCATOR CHILDMINDING SERVICE PARENT & TODDLER GROUP /AGENCY YOU REPRESENT/ OTHER CONTACT NUMBER ADDITIONAL CONTACT NUMBER (MOBILE) E-MAIL ADDRESS IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE ADDED TO RCCC’S NEWSLETTER MAILING LIST, TICK HERE COST PER PARTICIPANT IS €20. NO REFUNDS FOR NON ATTENDANCE ON THE DAY CHEQUE ENCLOSED CHEQUES MADE PAYABLE TO ROSCOMMON COUNTY CHILDCARE COMMITTEE CASH ENCLOSED PLEASE VISIT OUR FACE BOOK PAGE AT: ROSCOMMONCOUNTYCHILDCARECOMMITTEE FOR FURTHER UPDATES COMPLETE THE BOOKING FORM ABOVE ENCLOSING FEE TO RESERVE YOUR PLACE AND RETURN TO: CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EVENT ROSCOMMON COUNTY CHILDCARE COMMITTEE, KNOCK ROAD, CASTLEREA, CO. ROSCOMMON ADDITIONAL BOOKING FORMS CAN BE DOWNLOADED FROM OUR WEBSITE: HTTP://ROSCOMMONCHILDCARE.IE/MAIN/QUALITY-PRACTICE/QUALITY-AND-TRAINING-EVENTS/ TELEPHONE: 094-96 22540 or follow us on facebook @Roscommon County Childcare Committee WEBSITE: WWW.ROSCOMMONCHILDCARE.IE PLACES WILL BE ALLOCATED ON A FIRST COME BASIS WITH A COMPLETED BOOKING FORM INCLUDING PAYMENT. TH CLOSING DATE FOR RECEIPT OF BOOKING FORMS IS 5PM THURSDAY 14 MAY 2015 RCCC RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THIS EVENT Roscommon County Childcare Committee Booking and Payment Policy As of 1st January 2015, payment for training organised by Roscommon County Childcare Committee (RCCC) must be made PRIOR to the event. An online booking facility will also be available from May 2015. Registration will not be complete until a booking form and payment has been made in full or online booking confirmation received and this means that you will NOT be guaranteed your place if you have only registered but have not made a payment. RCCC reserves the right to postpone, cancel or alter events without notice. In the event of this happening, participants will be informed and a refund will be paid. Please note that RCCC are not liable for any expenses incurred by the participant associated with attending this event. Tea/coffee and lunch are not provided and will have to be arranged by the participants, if required.
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