April_8_2015_Public_Notice _3 - Rockingham Planning Commission

156 Water Street, Exeter, NH 03833
Tel. 603-778-0885 Fax: 603-778-9183
[email protected] www.rpc-nh.org
Rockingham Planning Commission
Notices Regarding:
Regional Master Plan, Ten Year Transportation Plan Project List and Long Range
Transportation Plan Update
March 10, 2015
Comment Period and Public Hearing for the 2015 Draft Regional Master Plan
The Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) has begun a 30 day public comment period for the 2015
Draft Regional Master Plan. The comment period will conclude on April 8th with a public hearing on
Wednesday, April 8, 2015, at 6:30 PM, at the North Hampton Town Hall, 233 Atlantic Avenue, North
Hampton, N.H. The 2015 Draft Regional Master Plan is the proposed comprehensive plan for the
development of the RPC region, as required under RSA 36:47. The Regional Master Plan is an advisory
document intended to serve as a resource to communities in developing local master plans and to
recommend policies about the future development of the region for land use, transportation, economic
development, infrastructure, housing, public health, energy, and cultural, historic, and natural
resources. Copies of the Regional Master Plan chapters, along with supporting documentation, are
available at the office of the Rockingham Planning Commission, at all libraries within the RPC region, and
on the RPC website at http://www.rpc-nh.org/rmp.
Comments will be accepted through April 8, 2015 and until the conclusion of the public hearing. Written
comments may be addressed to:
Rockingham Planning Commission
156 Water Street
Exeter, NH 03833
Email: [email protected] with Regional Master Plan in the subject line.
For more information, please contact Cliff Sinnott at Rockingham Planning Commission at (603) 7780885.
Public Comments on the Project List for the State Ten Year Plan
The RPC invites comments on a proposed prioritized list of transportation projects that will be submitted
to the New Hampshire Department of Transportation as its recommendations for the State Ten Year
Plan. The RPC/MPO Policy Committee will consider this list of projects for adoption on April 8th. A draft
prioritized list of projects will be available on the RPC website (www.rpc-nh.org) on March 23, 2015.
Comments can be submitted to the address below.
Notice of Long Range Transportation Plan Update
The public is hereby notified that the RPC is initiating an update to the MPO Long Range Transportation
Plan (LRTP) which will take place over the next 15 months. This document identifies and recommends
transportation improvement needs for the RPC region over a 20 or more year timeframe. This update
Atkinson • Brentwood • Danville • East Kingston • Epping • Exeter • Fremont • Greenland • Hampstead • Hampton • Hampton Falls • Kensington • Kingston • New Castle
Newfields • Newington • Newton • North Hampton • Plaistow • Portsmouth • Rye • Salem • Sandown • Seabrook • South Hampton • Stratham
Rockingham Planning Commission
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will assess needs related to all modes of surface transportation in the region and will present a longrange vision for the transportation system in southeast New Hampshire. A requirement of the LRTP
process is that notification be provided to the public that an update is being undertaken and this serves
as that notice. This will be discussed at the April 8, 2015 RPC/MPO meeting described above where
information will be provided about the timeline of the update as well as a summary of the process and
contents. The existing Long Range Transportation Plan is available on the RPC website (www.rpcnh.org). The agenda and meeting materials for the RPC/MPO meeting will be posted on the RPC website
on or before April 3rd.
Rockingham Planning Commission
156 Water Street
Exeter, NH 03833
Email: [email protected] with TYP Projects or LRTP in the subject line
For more information, contact David Walker at the Rockingham Planning Commission: (603) 778-0885.
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