Application Form for Camps 2015 - Reformed Presbyterian Church

General Information
Senior Camp
Saturday 4th — Saturday 11th
July 2015
The Royal School, Armagh
Leaders: Johnny & Carolyn Stewart
10 Victoria Close,
BT39 9YN
Tel: 02893354904
Speaker: Rev. Warren Peel
Trinity RPC
“Behold the Lamb,
Christ in Revelation”
Application Form for
Girls’ Discovery Camp
Boys’ Discovery Camp
Girls’ Adventure Camp
Boys’ Adventure Camp
Senior Camp
Get your form in before
closing date!
Reformed Presbyterian Summer Camps aim to
provide enjoyable and worthwhile holidays for
children and young people within and outside the
Reformed Presbyterian Church family. The camps
are planned and led by committed Christians who
are keen to share their faith. These camps are
therefore organised with a view to helping those
who attend to grow in their understanding of
Christian belief and practice.
Presbyterian Church
What is included in the cost?
The cost of the camp includes accommodation,
food, activities, craft materials and public liability
insurance. All cheques should be made payable to
the camp that you wish to attend – eg ‘Reformed
Presbyterian Boys’ Discovery Camp’. Places will be
allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Book early to avoid disappointment.
What are the camp rules?
As in all situations where people live together there
have to be some rules, although we try to keep
these to a minimum. Leaders are to be respected
and obeyed at all times. Campers are expected to
help with routine chores. Campers are not allowed
to leave the camp area without permission. Smoking
and the possession or use of alcohol and illegal
substances is prohibited at all of our camps. In the
event of a serious or continual breach of camp rules
we reserve the right to arrange for a camper to be
taken home.
How do I apply?
Having identified the camp which you plan to
attend, complete the booking form, filling in the
necessary details. This form together with a £30
deposit and two stamped self-addressed envelopes
should be sent to the appropriate camp leader. The
envelopes are needed because the camp leader will
be communicating with you before camp.
Bookings close Saturday 16th May 2015
Don’t delay—Book Today
Name …………………………………………………..
………………..…Postcode ……….………….
Tel No…………….………..………………….
DOB ………………..…….. Age at Camp ……….
(If the applicant is under 18, the parent or guardian
should complete this section and sign below)
Do not give any health and dietary details now,
they will be requested later by the specific camp.
At Junior Camps the use of mobile phones is not
allowed. Parents will be given leaders numbers.
Do you give permission for your child’s
photograph to b e taken for Camp purposes?
Yes / No (delete one answer).
Do you give permission for your child’s
photograph to be used on RPC website and
church magazines? Yes / No (delete one answer)
I enclose:
£30 cheque (non-refundable)
made payable to the appropriate camp.
I enclose 2 stamped self-addressed
Closing Date for Booking Forms is 16th May 2015
I / my child / my ward agree(s) to abide by camp rules:
Date ______________________________________
Fill in Parnt’s email address for under 18s and campers
own email address for 18 and over in these boxes please.
Girls’ Discovery Camp
Date: Saturday 1 – Saturday 8 August 2015
Venue: Ballycastle High School.
Girls: 10 – 12 years old
Cost: £160
Leader: Alison McCollum,
17 Edenmore Way,
BT53 7RE
Girls’ Adventure Camp
Date: Saturday 1st — Saturday 8th August 2015
Venue: Strabane Academy (Junior Campus).
Girls: 13—15 years old
Cost: £160
Leader: Rachel Gardiner,
115 Moneygran Road,
BT51 5SL
028 29540951 / 07821909570
Girls’ Discovery Camp is heading to a new venue but still
on the beautiful North Coast.
As always there will be time to make new friends, learn
more about God’s Word, play games, shop, swim and much
much more. So get your form filled in today and don’t
You must be 10 years old on 1st July 2015.
How much of an adventure can you have in one week?
Come to Girls’ Adventure Camp and find out! Is your idea
of adventure is in “the Great Outdoors” – wall climbing,
kayaking, abseiling, or in “the Great Indoors” — battling
your way through a shopping centre or trying a tricky
new craft? You’re sure to find something you enjoy! We
also have time to find out what God has to say to us
from His Word each day. So if you want to find out
what real adventure is, send your form in today!
Boys’ Discovery Camp
Boys’ Adventure Camp
Date: Saturday 1st – Saturday 8th August 2015
Venue: Rathmore House, Larne.
Boys: 10 – 12 years old
Cost: £160
Leader: Joel Loughridge,
72 Drumadoon Road,
BT44 9LJ
Date:Saturday 1st – Saturday 8thAugust 2015
Venue: Regent House School, Newtownards.
Boys: 13—15 years old
Cost: £160
Leader: Steven McCollum
44 Old Mill Meadows,
BT16 1WQ
Discovery Camp?
Come along and discover new friends as well as old ones.
Discover how many goals, runs and buckets you can score
in a week! Discover what BBTF stands for! Discover
great food, great books, great crafts, great outings,
great activities and great fun.
Above all, come and discover more about the very first
book of the Bible.
Apply today
- don’t delay!
You must be 10 years old on 1st July 2015.
We promise you a week of fun—packed action, with
sports, competitions, water sports and trips. You’ll have
the chance to make new friends and renew old
friendships whilst hearing practical spiritual teaching
from God’s Word and enjoying lots of good food!
If you’ve been to Boys’ Adventure Camp before, you’ll
know how good it is.
If you haven’t been before, don’t miss out!
Come for a week of Adventure!!