LifeProtect Insurance LifeProtect Insurance Brochure Dated: 1 July 2010 Issued by Avanteos Investments Limited (Trustee) ABN 20 096 259 979 AFS Licence No. 245531 Locked Bag 3460 GPO Melbourne VIC 3001 Phone 1800 113 116 Important information This brochure is issued by Avanteos Investments Limited (ABN 20 096 259 979 AFSL 245531), the Trustee. The Trustee holds an RSE Licence issued by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) (RSE Licence L0002691). The Trustee is the trustee of the Avanteos Superannuation Trust (AST) (ABN 38 876 896 681, RSE Registration R1056594), the Symetry Personal Retirement Fund (SPRF) (ABN 24 685 968 122, RSE Registration R1056600), and the encircle Superannuation Fund (ESF) (ABN 68 486 630 403, RSE Registration R1073331) (superannuation services). All insured benefits are underwritten by The Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Limited (CMLA) (ABN 12 004 021 809, AFSL 235035) trading as CommInsure (Insurer). CommInsure are also responsible for the administration of the insurance. To the extent that information in this brochure relates to CMLA or CommInsure, CMLA has consented to the provision of that information. The Trustee and CMLA are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945. The information in this brochure is general information only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. You should read this entire brochure, assess whether the product is appropriate for you and talk to your financial adviser before making a decision. The Trustee has arranged for members of the superannuation services to receive Life and Group Income Protection insurance in accordance with the terms and conditions of the underlying policy documents (the Policies). You are able to obtain a copy of the Policies, free of charge, by contacting your financial adviser or the Trustee. All references to monetary amounts in this brochure are references to Australian dollars. While every effort has been made to ensure the information in this brochure is accurate, the superannuation services’ Trust Deeds and the Policies between the Trustee and the Insurer form the basis of the LifeProtect insurance offering and should be read carefully. The examples and illustrations provided in this brochure are only intended to demonstrate how certain insurance benefits are calculated. All insurance benefits will be determined in accordance with the Trust Deed, the relevant Superannuation Law and the relevant conditions contained in the Policies. No insurance benefits are payable unless the relevant conditions are satisfied. The Trustee will not be liable to pay the amount of any insured benefits that have not been received from the Insurer. A glossary is provided on page 4 to explain the key terms that have been bolded throughout this brochure. For full definitions, terms and conditions you should refer to the Policies. You should seek advice from your financial adviser if you are unsure of any of the definitions or what they mean for your insurance cover. In this brochure, ‘you’ and ‘your’ refer to the person to be insured. Contents 3 Your Insurance Options 4Glossary 6 Applying for insurance cover 8 The costs associated with insurance 10 Making a claim 10 Leaving the Superannuation Service 11 Life insurance 14 Income protection insurance 18 Schedule of medical condition definitions 20 Contact information 1 This page has been intentionally left blank 2 Your Insurance Options The Trustee and the Insurer have developed a range of insurance options including life cover, total and permanent disablement (TPD) cover and income protection cover. We have called these products LifeProtect. Reading through this brochure may help you understand what insurance cover is available to you as a member of a superannuation service, including details of the associated terms and conditions. Please note, there is also important information regarding insured benefits in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and you should read the PDS in conjunction with this brochure. LifeProtect benefits and features Summary Cover Life insurance Pays a lump sum benefit to the Trustee of your Superannuation Service in the event of your death or terminal illness. Life & TPD insurance Pays a lump sum benefit to the Trustee of your Superannuation Service if you become totally and permanently disabled or in the event of your death or terminal illness. Income Protection insurance Pays a monthly benefit to the Trustee of the Superannuation Service for the period of disablement or until the benefit period has expired. The Trustee will then make payment to you in accordance with the Trust Deed and the relevant Superannuation Law. Features of LifeProtect Life Life & TPD Life Insurance Benefit ✓ ✓ Terminal Illness Benefit ✓ ✓ Income Protection Insurance Benefits Buy Back Benefit ✓ TPD Benefit ✓ Income Protection ✓ Security and Flexibility Indexation to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) ✓ ✓ ✓ Interim Accident Cover ✓ ✓ ✓ Life Life & TPD Income Protection Entry age 18 to 69 18 to 64 18 to 64 Expiry age 75 70 65 Minimum cover $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Maximum cover No maximum, subject to financial justification. Terminal Illness limited to $2 million $3 million $30,000 per month (2 year benefit period) or $25,000 for benefit periods of greater than 2 years. Minimum hours requirement n/a n/a Greater than 15 hours per week Eligibility Cover limits 3 Glossary Important terms used in the brochure Phrase Meaning At work Means you are actively performing all the duties and work hours of your own occupation free of any limitation due to sickness or injury and you are not entitled to or receiving income support benefits from any source including workers’ compensation benefits, statutory transport accident benefits and disability income benefits. Active employment You are in active employment if you are: (a) employed (including being on fully paid leave which is caused by sickness or injury) to carry out identifiable duties (b) actually performing those duties, and (c) in the opinion of the Insurer, not restricted by sickness or injury from being capable of performing those duties on a full time basis (i.e. at least 30 hours per week) and the duties of your own occupation on a full time basis (even if not then working on a full time basis, which is at least 30 hours per week). OR [for Life and TPD cover only] (d) not employed for reasons other than sickness or injury, and in the opinion of the insurer you are not restricted by sickness or injury from being capable of performing the duties of your own occupation on a full time basis (even if you are not then working on a full time basis). Benefit Period for Income Protection There are two Benefit Payment Period options for income protection. These are two years after the waiting period, or to age 65. Continued Cover The continuation of cover after termination of the Income Protection policy, but only for disability arising from a sickness or an injury that is the reason you were not at work on the last working day immediately before the termination of the Policy. Cover Expiry Age The earlier of your death or the first day of the month in which you can attain age 65 for income protection, 70 for total and permanent disability and 75 for life insurance. Employee An employee includes a person who satisfies both of the following paragraphs (a) and (b): (a) the person is an employee under the expanded meaning of that term in section 12(3) of the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) (the ‘SG Act’), and (b) the person is a person for whom the employer is required to pay superannuation contributions to avoid or reduce the superannuation charge payable pursuant to the SG Act. In interpreting the conditions of this policy the employer is regarded as: •• the employer of, and •• being in an employer/employee relationship with the person. Income Producing Duties 4 The duties of your own occupation (see below) that generate 20% or more of your pre‑disability income (see below). How you perform your own occupation will be taken into account when determining the income producing duties. Phrase Meaning Income 1. If you are employed on a casual basis, work as an independent contractor, or earn an income from a business you directly own part of or all of, income means the remuneration earned by you from all regular occupations. 2. Where you directly own all or part of the business in which you perform a regular occupation, your income is the total amount earned by that business for the relevant period as a direct result of your personal exertion, less your share of business expenses, but before the deduction of income tax, for that business for the same period. 3. If you do not fall within paragraph 1, income means the regular annual remuneration expected to be earned by you from permanent employment in all regular occupations including: (a) the value of a fringe benefit which: (i) you receive from your employer by way of salary sacrifice, and (ii) you would benefit from for at least 6 months after the date on which the salary, which you sacrificed for the fringe benefit, would have first become payable by your employer, and (b) performance related annual bonuses and commissions (averaged over the lesser of the preceding 3 years and the period for which you have been in receipt of such bonuses or commissions). Limited Cover Cover only for disability arising from: •• a sickness which first became apparent, or •• an injury which first occurred on or after the date you last commenced, recommenced or increased your cover in the Superannuation Service. Monthly Benefit The lesser of: •• 75% of income (refer above) divided by 12, or •• 75% of pre-disability income (refer below) subject to a maximum of $30,000 per month if your benefit period is for 2 years, or $25,000 if your benefit period is until you reach age 65. Own Occupation The normal occupation or work that you carried out immediately before becoming disabled. You will need to be working in this occupation on a full time basis to be able to qualify for the ‘own occupation’ definition of TPD. Superannuation Service Represents a superannuation service, which forms part of the Avanteos Superannuation Trust, the Symetry Personal Retirement Fund or the encircle Superannuation Fund. Pre-disability Income The total monthly value of your income from your own occupation averaged over the most recent 12 months immediately prior to you becoming disabled. If you have been employed for less than 12 months prior to becoming disabled, then the total monthly value of income will be averaged over the period since you last commenced employment but subject to a minimum averaging period of 6 months. Waiting Period The period of time you have to be Totally or Partially Disabled before you can qualify for any Disability Benefits, however, you must be totally disabled for at least 14 out of the first 19 consecutive days. You will need to choose a waiting period of either 30, 60 or 90 days and your choice will affect the amount of premium you pay (please see page 8 for further information). The waiting period starts on the date that a medical practitioner certifies that you are disabled. 5 Applying for insurance cover How do I apply for insurance cover? If you are a member of a superannuation service and are within the eligible age range and a permanent resident of Australia, you can apply for insurance cover by contacting your financial adviser. Depending on the level of cover you wish to apply for you may be requested to provide health evidence, and may also be requested to provide financial evidence if the cover you have elected is above a certain limit. Your financial adviser will be able to best assist you in determining the level of cover you require and the types of insurance you are able to take out. Life and/or life and TPD cover up to a maximum of $800,000 and/or income protection cover up to $6,000 per month can be applied for by completing a short form questionnaire, which contains limited eligibility questions. Should you require insurance cover in excess of $800,000 and/or $6,000 income protection, a full personal statement is required. Both forms contain questions to ascertain details that the Insurer requires for record keeping and premium calculation. The Insurer may require you to provide further medical evidence to assist them to assess your application. The evidence requested from you will depend on answers you have provided on the personal statements including details of any hazardous activities and pastimes. New members of a superannuation service are able to apply for insurance cover up to a maximum of $400,000 for life and/or life and TPD at the time of establishing their superannuation account by completing a limited number of eligibility questions. If completed online, the insurance application will be underwritten immediately after answering the required questions. Standard identification questions will apply. The offer of $400,000 cover is only available within 30 days of commencing with a superannuation service. Application forms may be obtained through your financial adviser or the Trustee. Your duty, however, does not require disclosure of a matter: •• that diminishes the risk to be undertaken by the Insurer •• that is of common knowledge •• that your Insurer knows or, in the ordinary course of its business ought to know, or •• as to which compliance with your duty is waived by the Insurer. Non-disclosure If you fail to comply with your duty of disclosure and the Insurer would not have covered you on any terms if the failure had not occurred, the Insurer may void the cover within three years of issuing it. If your non-disclosure is fraudulent, the Insurer may void your cover at any time. An Insurer who is entitled to void your cover may, within three years of issuing it, elect not to void it but to reduce the sum that you have been insured for in accordance with a formula that takes into account the premium that would have been payable if you had disclosed all relevant matters to the Insurer. Am I eligible for interim accident cover? While the Insurer is assessing your application, you will receive interim accident cover for the cover level you have applied for, up to the maximum levels specified below. For example, if you are applying for life and TPD cover of $800,000 and income protection cover of $6,000 per month and you become disabled as a result of an accident you will be eligible to claim for these amounts. The insurance benefit is only payable if you die, or become disabled within 120 days of being involved in an accident. The maximum amount of the benefit that will be paid as a result of an accident is $1,000,000 for life or TPD and $15,000 per month for two years for income protection. Interim accident cover will continue until the earliest of: (a) the date you withdraw your request for insurance cover or additional insurance cover What is my ‘duty of disclosure’? (b) the date the Insurer accepts the request for cover or additional insurance cover on standard or special terms Before you enter into or become insured under a contract of life insurance with an insurer, you have a duty under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984, to disclose to the Insurer every matter that you know, or could reasonably be expected to know, is relevant to the insurer’s decision whether to accept the risk of the insurance and, if so, on what terms. (c) the date the Insurer rejects your request for the insurance cover or additional insurance cover You have the same duty to disclose those matters to the insurer before you extend, vary or reinstate life insurance. 6 (d) the date on which a benefit becomes payable (e) the date the Insurer cancels the interim accident cover, or (f) 120 days from the date you applied for insurance cover or additional insurance cover. Interim accident cover is subject to the same exclusions, limitations and restrictions that apply for life and TPD cover under the policy. For interim accident cover applying to income protection, the waiting period you will receive, will be the waiting period you are applying for. Monthly benefits will continue until the earliest of: How is my information handled? (a) you are no longer totally disabled The privacy of your personal information is important to the Trustee. (c) you reach age 65 Details of the Trustee’s Privacy Policy can be found in the PDS. In addition, a copy of the Trustee’s Privacy Policy is available by contacting the Trustee or your financial adviser. (d) you die. You can contact the Trustee’s Privacy Officer: Interim accident cover is subject to the same exclusions, limitations, restrictions and claim procedures as apply to you as an insured member under the Policies. Privacy Officer Avanteos Investments Limited Locked Bag 3460 GPO Melbourne VIC 3001 Ph: 1800 113 116 Fax: (03) 9804 0398 Email: [email protected] (b) two years If you are entitled to make a claim your application for cover is automatically cancelled. In addition, the Insurer will require payment of the premium for the period from the date you requested cover to the date of the accident. When does my cover start? You will be advised of the start date for your cover in writing. This will be when the Insurer has accepted the health evidence you have provided and you have commenced your membership of the superannuation service. You must be in active employment when your cover starts, or you will receive limited cover until you are in active employment for 2 consecutive months. How do I transfer my existing insurance cover? If you have existing insurance cover outside of the superannuation service in another superannuation fund or a retail policy, you can apply to transfer this cover over to LifeProtect. In order to affect this transfer you must also cancel your previous cover. For more details on the terms of this insurance transfer, please request an insurance transfer form from your financial adviser. Can I keep my insurance cover if travelling overseas? How do I increase my cover? You may apply to increase your life only or life and TPD cover at any time, up to the maximum amounts offered, by contacting your financial adviser. You may need to provide health and financial evidence to the Insurer who will advise you if and when this cover is accepted. How do I reduce or cancel my cover? You may also reduce your insurance cover at any time by advising the Insurer or Trustee in writing. You can also cancel your cover at any time by notifying the Insurer or Trustee in writing. Once your request has been received, the insurance premiums you pay will cease from the end of the month prior to you advising the Insurer or Trustee. You will continue to be covered for life and TPD cover, at no cost, for 60 days after you cancel your cover, provided that you are eligible to exercise a continuation option (see page 10 for further information). Worldwide Cover: Once you have cover you will generally continue to be covered if you leave Australia. The maximum time that the Insurer will pay an income protection benefit while a person is outside Australia is 6 months. If you place a claim for an insurance benefit while overseas, you may need to return to Australia at your own expense in order to complete medical assessment requirements for the Insurer. 7 The costs associated with insurance Your insurance premium consists of: •• insurance premium, including stamp duty if applicable •• insurance charge, if applicable •• adviser commission. How do I calculate my premium? The cost of your insurance cover will also be advised to you in writing at the time your cover is accepted. It will depend on the type of cover, the level of cover, your age, gender, whether you smoke and what occupational rating you have been accepted for. The occupational loading differs dependent on your type of occupation classification. Occupation classifications Professional Members hold a tertiary qualification or are a member of an institute or registered Government body and earn more than $80,000 per annum. They may also be in a management role. White Collar / Clerical Members work entirely in an office environment (or at least 80%) with no manual work. Non Manual Blue Members roles are primarily non-manual, but may involve some light manual work from time to time. Light Manual Members are skilled and semi-skilled trades people who do a moderate amount of manual work. Heavy Manual Members are unskilled manual workers, or skilled heavy manual workers. The premium rates and occupational loadings applicable to the superannuation service are available from your financial adviser. The following examples use sample rates for the purposes of assisting calculation and are not representative of what premiums may be applicable to you. Example 1 Consider a woman with an income of $42,000 at 1 July, aged 50 on her next birthday. She has selected a 30 day waiting period and a two year benefit period. She is a non-smoker. An occupation loading of 100% applies as she is a clerical employee. Insurance required $42,000 x 75% = $31,500 $31,500÷ 12 months = $2,625 monthly benefit Insurance cost Insured monthly benefit ÷ $1000 x rate shown in the premium rate table applicable to the superannuation service. $2,625 ÷ 1000 x $20.38 = $53.50 is the monthly premium. Therefore the annual premium is $641.97. 8 Example 2 Consider a woman with an income of $180,000 at 1 July, aged 35 on her next birthday. She has selected a 90 day waiting period and an age 65 benefit period. She is a smoker. She is a professional employee, therefore an occupation loading of 90% applies. Insurance required $180,000 x 75% = $135,000 $135,000 ÷ 12 months = $11,250 monthly benefit Insurance cost Insured monthly benefit ÷ $1000 x rate shown in the premium rate table applicable to the superannuation service x occupational loading $11,250 ÷ 1000 x $9.44 x 90% = $95.58 is the monthly premium. Therefore the annual premium is $1,146.96. How do I pay premiums? Premiums are deducted automatically from the available cash balance in your superannuation account on a monthly basis and paid in arrears to the Insurer. You need to ensure that there is enough money available in your account to enable payment to be made. What happens if there are insufficient funds to pay the premium? Where the Trustee is unable to make your premium payment you will be notified in writing and requested to top up your superannuation account, and you will be advised that failure to do so within the period outlined will result in your insurance cover lapsing. Are there any other costs associated with my insurance? The Trustee is paid an Insurance Charge to cover administration costs associated with maintaining your insurance cover through the superannuation service. We pay commission and other benefits to our advisers. These amounts are factored into the cost of the insurance, and are not additional amounts you have to pay. Please refer to the PDS for important information regarding the fees and premiums associated with your insurance cover. If a premium payment cannot be made to the Insurer due to insufficient funds for two consecutive months, the Insurer will write to advise that your insurance cover has lapsed. To reinstate your insurance cover you will need to reapply and undergo any applicable underwriting requirements in order to take out new insurance cover. Will the premium amount change? Premiums generally increase as your age increases. Premiums are calculated on your age next birthday when you take out insurance cover and will be updated each year on 1 July. If you have selected to take advantage of CPI on your insured benefit, your sum insured will also be amended to take advantage of this increase, up to a maximum increase per annum of 7.5%. A minimum increase of 3% per annum will be applied each year. This will also have an effect on your premium amount. You will be advised of your new premium amount and the amount of insurance on your superannuation service annual benefit statement. Your premium may also change where you apply to increase or reduce your cover. Premiums may also change where you advise the Insurer that you have changed your details, including (but not limited to) changes to your occupation, smoking status, benefit period etc. The Insurer may also change the premium rates and we will notify you as required under Superannuation Law if this occurs. 9 Making a claim Leaving the Superannuation Service How do I make a claim? Can I continue my insurance cover if I close my superannuation account? You should notify the Trustee of any claim as soon as possible after you become aware of any claim or potential claim. Before a benefit is paid under the Policies you must: •• provide the Insurer with satisfactory proof of age, if required •• complete any relevant claims forms and provide supporting evidence of the claim •• provide the Insurer with such medical, income or other evidence as it requires from time to time (at your expense) •• undergo any medical or other examination which the Insurer reasonably requires. (The Insurer will pay medical fees but will not pay any other costs such as travel expenses), and •• in the case of income protection cover, comply with any medical treatment or rehabilitation program that is reasonable. If an insurance benefit becomes payable the Insurer will pay the insurance proceeds to the Trustee, who in turn will be responsible for paying the benefit in accordance with the relevant Superannuation Law and the Trust Deed. If you elect to leave the superannuation service, you have the option within 60 days of closing your superannuation account to apply for an individual disability income cover without having to produce evidence of health to the insurer. The following conditions apply: •• you must be less than 75 years of age for life cover, 65 years for total and permanent disablement cover and 60 years for income protection cover at the time your cover ends under the Policies held with the Trustee of the superannuation service •• you were employed on a permanent basis and for at least the 15 hours per week when your cover ended under the Policies (for income protection cover only) •• when your cover ended under the Policies, no benefit was, or was about to be, payable under the Policies and no circumstances existed which, if the subject of a claim under the Policies, would have resulted in a benefit being payable to you under the Policies •• the premium payable for you was not overdue when your cover ended under the Policies •• any exclusions or special conditions applicable to you will apply to the individual disability income policy issued by the Insurer •• the Insurer receives both the request for cover under the new individual policy and the correct premium for that cover within 60 days of your cover ending •• you do not join any armed forces (other than the Australian Armed Forces Reserve) before the date the individual policy is issued •• the individual disability income policy will be an indemnity value policy (which means that you will receive a benefit based on your income at the time you are disabled, even if it has decreased since you took the policy out) owned by yourself, and will be based on the Insurer’s retail product at the time you leave the superannuation service •• the benefits provided will be no greater than those provided under the Policies (including in the case of income protection cover, the monthly benefit, waiting period, and benefit period) •• the Policies with the Trustee of the superannuation service must be still in-force, and •• CommInsure’s minimum policy issue requirements are met. Once you have exercised a continuation option, you will not be eligible for any future cover under the Policies unless the Insurer agrees in writing. 10 Life insurance What types of life cover are available? Life insurance Life insurance only or life and total and permanent disablement (TPD) insurance cover is available. A benefit payable as a result of life or TPD will be paid in the form of a lump sum. LifeProtect enables life insurance cover to be taken out in the following combinations: •• Life insurance cover – payable only in the event of terminal illness or the death of the member •• Life & TPD cover – payable in the event of either death or total and permanent disablement of the member. TPD cover is not offered as a stand alone insurance option and must be combined with life cover. All life insurance cover includes cover for terminal illness. Terminal illness is defined as a member being certified by a medical practitioner specialising in that illness, that the illness will (despite reasonable medical treatment) lead to the member’s death within 12 months of the date of the certification. It is paid from the member’s life insurance cover to a maximum of $2 million. Payments made as a result of death, TPD or terminal illness will be made to the Trustee. In distributing this money the Trustee will be guided by the relevant Superannuation Law and the underlying trust deed, and in the event of a death benefit, any nomination of beneficiaries that you have made. If my personal situation changes, am I able to increase my insurance? If you get married, or become a parent you can apply to increase your life and TPD insurance cover. The maximum increase permitted is the lesser of $100,000 or 25% of your current sum insured. This is without providing any medical evidence and may help keep your insurance in line with your changing personal circumstances. The following conditions apply: •• you can only exercise this option once in a 12 month period •• you apply and provide satisfactory evidence within 60 days of the event occurring, and •• any increase in your cover is subject to the same exclusions and other special conditions as apply to your previous level of cover. Total and Permanent Disability Insurance TPD cover is available when combined with life insurance and can be up to or equal to the amount of life insurance cover or $3 million, whichever is lesser. LifeProtect contains a number of TPD definitions to enable easier access to your benefit in the event that you need to make a claim. Each of these definitions is described below. You will be considered totally and permanently disabled if: Definition 1 You suffer, as a result of sickness or injury: •• the complete and irrecoverable loss of use of two limbs •• the complete and irrecoverable loss of use of one foot and one hand •• blindness in both eyes, whether aided or unaided, or •• the complete and irrecoverable loss of use of one limb and blindness in one eye, whether aided or unaided where: •• limb means the whole hand below the wrist or whole foot below the ankle, and •• blindness means the permanent loss of sight to the extent that visual acuity is 6/60 or less, or to the extent that the visual field is reduced to 20 degrees or less of arc. OR Definition 2 You suffer as a result of sickness or injury, the total inability to perform without the physical assistance of another person any two of the following ‘activities of daily living’ or all of the ‘defined home duties’. Activities of daily living •• dressing – the ability to put on and take off clothing •• toileting – the ability to use the toilet, including getting on and off •• mobility – the ability to get in and out of bed and on and off a chair •• continence – the ability to control bowel and bladder function •• feeding – the ability to get food from a plate into the mouth •• bathing – the ability to wash yourself either in the bath or shower or by sponge bath without the standby assistance of another person and you are permanently and irreversibly unable to do so for life. OR Defined Home Duties •• cleaning the usual place of dwelling •• purchasing household food and items used for cleaning •• preparing meals for the household •• performing for the household laundry services such as washing or ironing. 11 Life insurance OR OR Definition 3 You were, on the date of disablement, aged 65 years or less and: Definition 4 If you were engaged in full time domestic duties or child rearing at the time of the sickness or injury, then you will only be considered totally and permanently disabled if: (i) (ii) are absent from all work as a result of suffering from one or more of the following conditions: cardiomyopathy, primary pulmonary hypertension, major head trauma, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, paraplegia, quadriplegia, hemiplegia, diplegia, tetraplegia, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, blindness, loss of speech, loss of hearing, chronic lung disease or severe rheumatoid arthritis (each as defined in the Schedule of Medical Conditions on page 18) the Insurer considers, on the basis of medical and other evidence satisfactory to them, you are unlikely ever to be able to engage in any occupation, whether or not for reward, and (iii) you are likely to be so disabled for life where occupation means an occupation that you can perform, on a full time or part time basis, based on the skills and knowledge you have acquired through previous education, training or experience. OR (iv) absent from all work as a result of suffering one or more of the following conditions: cardiomyopathy, primary pulmonary hypertension, major head trauma, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, paraplegia, quadriplegia, hemiplegia, diplegia, tetraplegia, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, blindness, loss of speech, loss of hearing, chronic lung disease or severe rheumatoid arthritis (each as defined in the Schedule of Medical Conditions on page 18) (v) the Insurer considers, on the basis of medical and other evidence satisfactory to them, you are unlikely ever to be able to engage in your own occupation, whether or not for reward, and (vi) you are likely to be so disabled for life where occupation means gainful occupation that you were engaging in on a full time basis immediately prior to total and permanent disablement. 12 (i) through sickness or injury, you are unable to perform domestic duties or child rearing and have been confined to the home for a period of six consecutive months and you are under the regular treatment, and following the advice, of a medical practitioner, and continue to be so incapacitated to the extent that you are unable to engage in (whether or not for reward) any occupation for which you are reasonably suited by education, training or experience and are likely to be so disabled for life (ii) you have been unable to perform domestic duties or child rearing and you are confined to the home as a result of cardiomyopathy, primary pulmonary hypertension, major head trauma, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, paraplegia, quadriplegia, hemiplegia, diplegia, tetraplegia, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, blindness, loss of speech, loss of hearing, chronic lung disease, or severe rheumatoid arthritis (each as defined in the Schedule of Medical Conditions on page 18) and you are under the regular treatment, and following the advice, of a medical practitioner, and you continue to be so incapacitated to the extent that you are unable to engage in (whether or not for reward) any occupation for which you are reasonably suited by education, training or experience and are likely to be so disabled for life. OR Definition 5 One of the following applies: You: (any occupation) (i) were, on the date of disablement, aged 65 years or less and employed, and (ii) as a result of illness or injury, have been absent from all work for 6 consecutive months from the date of disablement and the Insurer considers, on the basis of medical and other evidence satisfactory to them that you are unlikely ever to be able to engage in any occupation, whether or not for reward where occupation means an occupation that the insured member can perform, on a full time or part time basis, based on the skills and knowledge the person has acquired through previous education, training or experience. Life buy-back option Twelve months after the Trustee has been paid a TPD benefit for you under the Life & TPD insurance policy, you may be able to take out a continuation option for life only cover. Please contact your financial adviser for more information. When does cover cease? Your cover ends in the superannuation service on the earliest of the following: •• the date a benefit is paid for you that reduces your insured cover to nil •• the month prior to you reaching the cover expiry age, which is 75 for life cover, and 70 for TPD cover •• when you leave the superannuation service •• the end of the month prior to you providing written confirmation that you wish to cancel your insured cover, or on another date the Insurer agrees in writing (but you will continue to be covered under the extended cover provisions for 60 days, see page 7) •• 2 months after you have insufficient funds in your superannuation account to pay your insurance premiums or You: (own occupation) (i) were, on the date of disablement, aged 65 years or less and employed, and (ii) as a result of illness or injury, have been absent from all work for 6 consecutive months from the date of disablement and the Insurer considers, on the basis of medical and other evidence satisfactory to them that you are unlikely ever to be able to engage in your own occupation, whether or not for reward •• if you die, or •• if you commence active duty in any armed forces, other than the Australian Armed Forces Reserves. where occupation means gainful occupation that the insured member engages in on a full time basis immediately prior to total and permanent disablement. Despite the above, you will not be totally and permanently disabled under Definition 5 if: (i) at any time after you cease employment but prior to the date of disablement, you are not employed for a period of 6 or more consecutive months from the termination date of your last period of employment (‘period of unemployment’), and (ii) you do not, after your most recent period of unemployment but prior to the date of disablement, return to active employment for 40 consecutive working days. If your life insurance amount exceeds your TPD insurance amount and you are successful in lodging a claim for TPD, the excess life insurance amount will continue in the superannuation service. If your life insurance amount exceeds $2 million and you are successful in lodging a claim for terminal illness, the excess life insurance amount will continue in the superannuation service. 13 Income protection insurance What income protection cover is available? If you are an employee of an employer on a permanent basis and are working more than 15 hours per week you are eligible to apply for income protection cover within your superannuation service. The cover provided is an indemnity value policy (which means that you will receive a benefit based on your income at the time you are disabled, even if it has decreased since you took the policy out), which allows you to insure 75% of your pre-disability income. You can also elect at the time of applying for cover to have your benefit increased, effective 1 July each year, in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI), up to a maximum of 7.5%p.a. If you do not make this election when you first have the opportunity you may need to provide health evidence at a later date. Further information about CPI is located on page 9. There are a number of different types of insurance benefits payable under income protection cover, these include: •• Total Disability Benefit •• Partial Disability Benefit •• Rehabilitation Expense Benefit The Insurer will pay a benefit of $3,000 per month provided that you continue to be totally disabled, after you have waited 90 days (the waiting period). The period during which the benefit will be paid depends on the benefit payment period that applies to you. Partial Disability Benefit If you are partially disabled after the waiting period has ended, some of the total disability benefit will be paid, based on the reduction in your pre-disability income. This is called the partial disability benefit. This benefit can continue until the end of the benefit period, provided you continue to be partially disabled, but not beyond age 65. Partial disability means that because of sickness or injury, you: •• have been totally disabled for at least 14 days •• are unable to work in your own occupation at full capacity immediately after you became totally disabled because of the sickness or injury that caused your total disability •• are working in your own occupation in a reduced capacity, or working in another occupation •• are earning a monthly income that is less than your pre‑disability income, and •• Recurrent Disability Benefit. •• are under the regular care of, and following the advice of, a medical practitioner acceptable to the Insurer. Each of these insurance benefits is now described in more detail. If you are partially disabled, the monthly benefit will be reduced. Total Disability Benefit The total disability benefit is paid if you are totally disabled for longer than your elected waiting period. Insurance benefits can continue until the end of the benefit period you elect, provided you continue to be totally disabled, but not beyond age 65. The amount of total disability benefit you will receive is the monthly benefit (see the Glossary) subject to a maximum of $30,000 per month for benefit payment period of 2 years, or $25,000 for benefit payment periods in excess of 2 years. For example if you suffer a partial disability which results in your income decreasing from $4,000 to $1,000 per month and your monthly benefit is $3,000, the Insurer will calculate the partial disability benefit to which you may be entitled as follows: Total disability means that because of sickness or injury, you are: Rehabilitation Expense Benefit A rehabilitation expense benefit is payable if you are disabled and you participate in a rehabilitation or vocational retraining program (that is approved by the Insurer before the expenses are incurred). The benefit the Insurer will pay reimburses the cost of the approved rehabilitation program (subject to a maximum of 24 times your monthly benefit). Approved rehabilitation programs exclude programs providing hospital treatment or ancillary health benefits (as defined in the National Health Act 1953) as those laws prevent the Insurer paying a benefit for these programs. •• unable to perform one or more of the income producing duties (as defined in the Policy) of your own occupation •• under the regular care of, and following the advice of, a registered medical practitioner satisfactory to the Insurer, and •• not working in any occupation, whether or not for reward. The total disability benefit the Insurer will pay is the monthly benefit. To illustrate, if you become entitled to the total disability benefit and you have the following cover: Monthly benefit:$3,000 Waiting period: 14 90 days $3,000 – ($1,000 ÷ $4,000 x $3,000) Partial disability benefit = $3,000 – $750 = $2,250 per month. For example, if you undergo an approved rehabilitation program costing $20,000, and you have the following cover: Monthly benefit: $3,000 Waiting period: 90 days What is a benefit period? Insurance benefits are payable after the completion of the waiting period, while you continue to be disabled. The benefit will cease if the following occurs: A maximum rehabilitation benefit of $72,000 (24 x $3,000) will be paid. •• you are no longer disabled The maximum payment period cannot exceed the benefit period. •• you turn age 65, or This benefit is paid in addition to the disability benefit. •• the benefit payment period ends •• if you die. You have the choice of a benefit period of 2 years, or to age 65. Recurrent Disability Benefit This means that you won’t have to go through the waiting period again if you become disabled again from the same, or a related, cause within six months of the end of payment of a disability benefit. The recurrence of your disability will be treated as a continuation of the original claim. Are there any limitations and exclusions applicable to the income protection insurance? Can the benefit be indexed? You need to be aware of the following limitations and exclusions, which may affect the cover provided by this income protection insurance policy. If the Insurer is paying a disability benefit and the benefit payment period exceeds 2 years, at the end of every consecutive 12 month period, the Insurer will increase your monthly benefit by the percentage increase of the CPI (Weighted Average of 8 Cities Combined Index) up to a maximum of 7.5%. The indexation of benefit payments is designed to help offset the impact of inflation. Further information about CPI is located on page 9. Will I pay premiums while in receipt of an income protection benefit? You are not required to pay any premiums which fall due while a total or partial disability benefit is being paid to you. You must continue to pay premiums throughout the waiting period. The Insurer will only pay benefits for one disability at a time. A benefit will not be paid if a sickness or injury is directly or indirectly caused by: •• intentional self-inflicted injury or infection, whether or not you are sane at the time •• your service in the armed forces of any country •• war, or •• normal and uncomplicated pregnancy or childbirth including multiple pregnancy, caesarean birth, threatened miscarriage, participation in in-vitro fertilisation or other medically assisted fertilisation techniques and normal discomforts of pregnancy (such as morning sickness, backache, varicose veins, ankle swelling and bladder problems). What is the waiting period? The waiting period is the continuous period of time you have to be totally or partially disabled before you can qualify for any monthly benefit. LifeProtect offers a choice of waiting periods: 30, 60 or 90 days. You will be charged a different premium depending on the waiting period you choose. The waiting period starts from the day a registered medical practitioner examines you and certifies that you are disabled. To request a change to your nominated waiting period, you must first notify the Trustee of the superannuation service or the Insurer through your financial adviser. If your request is to reduce your waiting period, for example from 90 days to 30 days, the Insurer will request evidence of your health. The Insurer may apply an exclusion or other special terms as a condition of accepting your request. Any change in your waiting period will be effective from the date you are advised of the Insurer’s acceptance. The change to your premium will occur at the end of the month following your request to vary your waiting period. 15 Income protection insurance Will the benefit payable be offset? What continuation options are available? Your monthly benefit will be reduced if you receive other disability payments during the same period from: If you elect to leave your superannuation service, you have the option within 60 days of closing your superannuation account to apply for an individual disability income policy without having to produce evidence of health to the Insurer. 1. any income (other than insurance benefits received under LifeProtect) or commutation of income, paid as a result of your sickness or injury, including: •• any sick leave entitlements •• any amounts payable under legislation, such as worker’s compensation or motor accident compensation •• any insurance benefits payable under any other insurance policy that provides income benefits upon disability 2. any applicable social security payments 3. any income earned by personal exertion while disabled, but excluding any income earned from your employer 4. any income which, in the Insurer’s opinion, you could reasonably be expected to earn in your occupation while disabled excluding any income actually earned from your employer. Any income described in paragraph 1, 2 or 3 which is in the form of a lump sum or is exchanged for a lump sum will have a monthly equivilent of 1/60th of the lump sum over a period of 60 months In what circumstances will cover cease? Your cover will cease automatically in the event of one of the following occurring: •• your death, or the date that a terminal illness or TPD benefit becomes payable for the member under the policy •• you reach age 65 •• the end of the month prior to you advising you want to cancel cover (but you will continue to be covered under the extended cover provisions for 60 days, see page 7) •• 2 months after you have insufficient funds in your superannuation account to pay your insurance premiums •• if you commence active duty in any armed forces, other than the Australian Armed Forces Reserves, or •• the date the income protection policy terminates. 16 The following conditions apply: •• you must be less than 60 years of age at the time your cover ends under the policy •• you were employed on a permanent basis and for at least the minimum hours when your cover ended under the policy •• when your cover ended under the policy, no benefit was, or was about to be, payable under the policy and no circumstances existed which, if the subject of a claim under the policy, would have resulted in a benefit being payable for you under the policy •• the premium payable for you was not overdue when your cover ended under the policy •• any exclusions or special conditions applicable to you will apply to the individual disability income policy issued by the Insurer •• the Insurer receives both the request for cover under the new individual policy and the correct premium for that cover within 60 days of your cover ending •• you do not join any armed forces (other than the Australian Armed Forces Reserve) before the date the individual policy is issued •• the individual disability income policy will be an indemnity value policy (which means that you will receive a benefit based on your income at the time you are disabled, even if it has decreased since you took the policy out) owned by yourself, and will be based on the Insurer’s retail product at the time you leave the superannuation service •• the monthly benefit, waiting period, and benefit period under the individual disability income policy will be limited to the amount provided to you under the policy •• the Policies held with your superannuation service must be still in-force, and •• the Insurer’s minimum policy issue requirements are met. Once you have exercised a continuation option, you will not be eligible for any future cover under the policy unless the Insurer agrees in writing. What if I take a period of leave without pay? Cover will continue while you are on leave without pay from your employer, but your pre-disability income will be affected. To illustrate, if you become entitled to the total disability benefit while you have been on leave without pay for 8 months and you have the following cover: Monthly benefit:$3,000 Waiting period: 90 days We will calculate your pre-disability income [(8 x $0) + (4 x $3,000)] = $12,000. This means your monthly benefit will be $12,000 ÷ 12 = $1,000, which you will receive until the benefit ends. What will occur if my claim is successful? For income protection if you are successful in making a claim, the insurance benefits start the day after the waiting period has ended. Benefit payments are payable monthly in arrears and are calculated for the part of the month they are payable. All initial certificates and evidence (including any medical evidence) required by the Insurer for the claim will be provided at your expense. Insurance benefits will be paid to you as an income payment. The Trustee will provide you with a group certificate, which you will need to include as income on your personal tax return. 17 Schedule of medical condition definitions cardiomyopathy Condition of impaired ventricular function of variable aetiology (often not determined) resulting in significant physical impairment, i.e. Class 3 on the New York Heart Association classification of cardiac impairment. primary pulmonary hypertension Primary Pulmonary Hypertension associated with right ventricular enlargement established by cardiac catheterisation resulting in significant permanent physical impairment to the degree of at least Class 3 of the New York Heart Association classification of cardiac impairment. major head trauma Injury to the head resulting in neurological deficit causing either: •• a permanent loss of at least 25% whole person function (as defined in the American Medical Association publication ‘Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment’ 4th Edition or an equivalent guide to the evaluation of impairment approved by us), or •• the permanent and irreversible inability to perform without the assistance of another person any one of the following activities of daily living: •• •• •• •• •• dressing – the ability to put on and take off clothing toileting – the ability to use the toilet, including getting on and off mobility – the ability to get in and out of bed and a chair continence – the ability to control bowel and bladder function feeding – the ability to get food from a plate into the mouth as certified by a consultant neurologist. motor neurone disease Motor neurone disease diagnosed by a consultant neurologist. multiple sclerosis The unequivocal diagnosis of multiple sclerosis as confirmed by a consultant neurologist and characterised by demyelination in the brain and spinal cord evidenced by Magnetic Resonance Imaging or other investigations acceptable to us. There must have been more than one episode of well-defined neurological deficit with persisting neurological abnormalities. muscular dystrophy The unequivocal diagnosis of muscular dystrophy by a consultant neurologist. paraplegia The permanent loss of use of both legs or both arms, resulting from spinal cord illness or injury. quadriplegia The permanent loss of use of both arms and both legs resulting from spinal cord illness or injury. hemiplegia The total loss of function of one side of the body due to illness or injury, where such loss of function is permanent. diplegia The total loss of function of both sides of the body due to illness or injury where such loss of function is permanent. tetraplegia The total and permanent loss of use of both arms and both legs, together with loss of head movement, due to brain illness or injury or spinal cord illness or injury. dementia and Alzheimer’s disease Clinical diagnosis of dementia (including Alzheimer’s disease) as confirmed by a consultant neurologist, psycho‑geriatrician, psychiatrist or geriatrician. The diagnosis must confirm permanent irreversible failure of brain function resulting in significant cognitive impairment for which no other recognisable cause has been identified. Significant cognitive impairment means a deterioration in the person’s Mini‑Mental State Examination scores to 24 or less and deterioration would continue but for any effective treatment. Dementia related to alcohol, drug abuse or AIDS is excluded. 18 Parkinson’s disease The unequivocal diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease by a consultant neurologist where the consultant neurologist confirms that the condition: •• is the established cause of two or more of the following: •• muscular rigidity •• resting tremor •• bradykinesia, and •• has caused significant progressive physical impairment, likely to continue progressing but for any treatment benefit. The person must be following the advice and treatment of a specialist neurologist. blindness The permanent loss of sight in both eyes, whether aided or unaided, due to illness or injury to the extent that visual acuity is 6/60 or less in both eyes or to the extent that the visual field is reduced to 20 degrees or less of arc, as certified by an ophthalmologist. loss of speech The total and irrecoverable loss of the ability to produce intelligible speech as a result of permanent damage to the larnyx or its nerve supply or the speech centres of the brain. The loss must be certified by an appropriate medical specialist. loss of hearing Complete and irrecoverable loss of hearing, both natural and assisted, from both ears as a result of illness or injury, as certified by a specialist we consider appropriate. chronic lung disease Permanent end stage respiratory failure with FEV1 test results of consistently less than one litre, requiring continuous permanent oxygen therapy. severe rheumatoid arthritis The unequivocal diagnosis of severe rheumatoid arthritis by a Rheumatologist. The diagnosis must be supported by, and evidence, all of the following criteria: •• at least a six week history of severe rheumatoid arthritis which involves three or more of the following joint areas: •• proximal interphalangeal joints in the hands •• metacarpophalangeal joints in the hands •• metatarsophalangeal joints in the foot, wrist, elbow, knee or ankle •• simultaneous bilateral and symmetrical joint soft tissue swelling or fluid (not bony overgrowth alone) •• typical rheumatoid joint deformity and at least two of the following criteria: •• morning stiffness •• rheumatoid nodules •• erosions seen on X-ray imaging •• the presence of either a positive rheumatoid factor or the serological markers consistent with the diagnosis of severe rheumatoid arthritis. Degenerative osteoarthritis and all other arthritidies are excluded. 19 Contact information Who can I contact for further information? If you require further information you may contact your financial adviser, who will assist you in obtaining the information that you require. Alternatively you may contact the Insurer on 1800 045 288. Please return completed insurance forms to: CommInsure Group Risk PO Box 321 Silverwater NSW 2128 Who can I contact if I have a complaint? If you have an enquiry or wish to lodge a complaint, please call the Trustee on 1800 113 116. Otherwise, you can direct your complaint to the following address: Customer Liaison Officer Avanteos Investments Ltd Locked Bag 3460 GPO Melbourne VIC 3001 Fax: 03 9804 0398 Email: [email protected] If, after doing so, you are dissatisfied with the handling or outcome of your enquiry or complaint, you can lodge a written complaint with the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal (SCT). The SCT is a tribunal established by the Commonwealth Government to deal with certain categories of complaints. Contact the SCT from anywhere in Australia on 1300 780 808 or at the following address: Superannuation Complaints Tribunal Locked Bag 3060 GPO Melbourne VIC 3001 Email: [email protected] Fax: (03) 8635 5588 20 15063/0610 Symetry – Group Life Rates Monthly Premium rate per $100,000 sum insured Life Insurance only Male Life and TPD Insurance Female Male Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker 18 9.46 10.40 4.75 19 10.56 12.15 5.06 20 10.50 12.60 21 9.79 22 9.03 23 24 Female Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker 5.23 9.46 10.41 4.75 5.23 5.82 10.56 12.15 5.06 5.82 4.99 5.99 10.50 12.59 4.99 5.99 12.23 4.69 5.85 9.79 12.23 4.68 5.85 12.20 4.37 5.89 9.09 12.27 4.37 5.90 8.26 11.98 3.96 5.74 8.42 12.21 3.96 5.74 7.53 11.66 3.63 5.63 7.77 12.04 3.67 5.69 25 6.90 11.39 3.32 5.48 7.21 11.90 3.39 5.59 26 6.24 10.93 2.99 5.24 6.61 11.56 3.10 5.41 27 5.77 10.38 2.72 4.90 6.17 11.11 2.84 5.11 28 5.43 10.06 2.66 4.92 5.89 10.89 2.81 5.20 29 5.25 9.97 2.80 5.32 5.76 10.94 2.99 5.69 30 5.14 10.01 2.83 5.53 5.70 11.11 3.07 5.97 31 5.08 10.15 2.99 5.99 5.70 11.39 3.27 6.55 32 5.02 10.29 3.16 6.46 5.78 11.85 3.53 7.22 33 5.03 10.55 3.40 7.14 5.93 12.45 3.89 8.17 34 5.15 11.08 3.73 8.03 6.23 13.39 4.37 9.41 35 5.28 11.60 4.07 8.94 6.53 14.37 4.87 10.70 36 5.46 12.28 4.48 10.08 6.92 15.57 5.47 12.32 37 5.59 12.75 4.89 11.13 7.28 16.60 6.15 14.02 38 5.78 13.33 5.34 12.34 7.73 17.85 6.93 16.01 39 6.11 14.30 5.85 13.69 8.42 19.69 7.83 18.32 40 6.56 15.53 6.40 15.17 9.27 21.96 8.84 20.94 41 6.97 16.73 6.99 16.77 10.13 24.31 9.95 23.89 42 7.57 18.32 7.63 18.45 11.30 27.35 11.22 27.15 43 8.21 20.03 8.22 20.08 12.60 30.74 12.51 30.52 44 9.00 22.13 8.65 21.27 14.19 34.91 13.60 33.44 45 9.87 24.50 9.04 22.43 16.01 39.71 14.71 36.47 46 10.84 27.11 9.41 23.51 18.07 45.16 15.84 39.60 47 11.80 29.38 9.83 24.49 20.20 50.29 17.18 42.76 48 12.88 31.94 10.43 25.88 22.66 56.19 18.90 46.86 49 14.08 34.77 11.24 27.76 25.46 62.88 21.12 52.18 50 15.34 37.73 12.16 29.92 28.52 70.14 23.76 58.46 51 16.93 41.48 13.32 32.64 32.35 79.26 27.08 66.35 52 18.71 45.11 14.57 35.10 36.69 88.43 30.77 74.15 53 20.71 49.08 15.74 37.31 41.66 98.74 34.61 82.01 Note: Rates include GST and an adviser Commission of 22% Please contact your adviser and refer to the Product Disclosure Statement and LifeProtect Insurance Brochure for further information Avanteos Investments Limited Trustee ABN 20 096 259 979 Fund ABN 24 685 968 122 AFS License 245531 Symetry – Group Life Rates Monthly Premium rate per $100,000 sum insured Life Insurance only Male Life and TPD Insurance Female Male Female Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker 54 22.81 53.14 16.85 39.26 47.08 109.71 38.59 89.92 55 25.16 57.61 17.95 41.09 53.30 122.07 42.88 98.20 56 27.76 62.46 19.07 42.91 60.38 135.86 47.62 107.14 57 31.39 68.42 21.27 46.38 69.36 151.19 54.02 117.77 58 35.71 75.35 23.58 49.75 80.15 169.11 60.88 128.45 59 40.84 83.32 26.05 53.15 93.06 189.83 68.36 139.47 60 46.88 92.35 28.77 56.67 108.42 213.60 76.71 151.11 61 53.29 101.26 31.45 59.75 166.20 248.32 149.23 207.20 62 60.18 111.69 34.38 63.82 197.78 295.50 177.58 246.56 63 67.73 122.82 38.04 68.92 237.33 354.59 213.09 295.87 64 76.02 134.41 42.61 75.32 287.17 429.06 257.85 358.01 65 85.20 146.88 47.93 82.64 350.34 523.45 314.57 436.77 66 119.44 199.68 89.50 127.16 521.15 776.15 470.04 652.29 67 136.16 227.64 102.03 144.95 635.39 943.36 575.50 798.27 68 155.22 259.51 116.32 165.25 775.94 1148.59 705.67 978.33 69 176.96 295.83 132.60 188.39 949.04 1400.84 866.44 1200.72 70 201.73 337.25 151.16 214.76 1162.54 1711.28 1065.23 1475.55 71 231.98 387.84 173.84 246.97 n/a n/a n/a n/a 72 269.11 449.89 201.65 286.48 n/a n/a n/a n/a 73 314.85 526.38 235.93 335.19 n/a n/a n/a n/a 74 371.52 621.13 278.41 395.52 n/a n/a n/a n/a 75 442.11 739.14 331.30 470.68 n/a n/a n/a n/a Occupational Adjustments Life Insurance only Life & TPD Insurance TPD Definition Occupation Classification 'Any' Occupation Own' Occupation Professional 90% 75% 102.8% Clerical 100% 100% n/a Non Manual Blue 100% 110% n/a Light Manual 115% 150% n/a Heavy Manual 130% 200% n/a Hazardous 250% n/a n/a Note: Rates include GST and an adviser Commission of 22% Please contact your adviser and refer to the Product Disclosure Statement and LifeProtect Insurance Brochure for further information Avanteos Investments Limited Trustee ABN 20 096 259 979 Fund ABN 24 685 968 122 AFS License 245531 Symetry – Income Protection – 2 year benefit period Monthly Premium rate per $1,000 sum insured Waiting Period 30 day Male 60 day Female Male 90 day Female Male Female Age next birthday Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker 18 3.84 4.61 5.12 6.13 3.08 3.69 4.09 4.92 1.52 1.81 1.61 1.93 19 3.90 4.69 5.18 6.22 3.13 3.75 4.14 4.98 1.53 1.84 1.62 1.95 20 3.97 4.77 5.25 6.30 3.18 3.81 4.20 5.04 1.55 1.86 1.65 1.98 21 4.03 4.84 5.32 6.39 3.23 3.88 4.26 5.11 1.57 1.89 1.66 2.00 22 3.95 4.74 5.39 6.46 3.16 3.79 4.31 5.17 1.47 1.76 1.69 2.03 23 3.88 4.65 5.46 6.55 3.11 3.71 4.37 5.25 1.38 1.66 1.71 2.05 24 3.81 4.58 5.54 6.64 3.05 3.66 4.42 5.31 1.31 1.57 1.72 2.08 25 3.76 4.51 5.61 6.73 3.02 3.61 4.49 5.39 1.24 1.48 1.75 2.10 26 3.73 4.47 5.69 6.83 2.98 3.57 4.55 5.46 1.18 1.42 1.77 2.13 27 3.75 4.50 5.84 7.01 3.00 3.60 4.68 5.61 1.15 1.38 1.89 2.26 28 3.81 4.58 6.06 7.26 3.04 3.66 4.84 5.82 1.14 1.37 1.98 2.37 29 3.90 4.68 6.32 7.58 3.12 3.74 5.06 6.07 1.14 1.37 2.05 2.47 30 4.02 4.83 6.63 7.96 3.22 3.87 5.31 6.36 1.14 1.37 2.13 2.56 31 4.17 5.01 7.00 8.39 3.35 4.01 5.60 6.72 1.17 1.39 2.21 2.65 32 4.36 5.22 7.40 8.88 3.49 4.18 5.93 7.11 1.20 1.44 2.28 2.74 33 4.56 5.48 7.86 9.44 3.65 4.39 6.29 7.55 1.24 1.50 2.37 2.85 34 4.80 5.77 8.36 10.04 3.84 4.61 6.69 8.04 1.31 1.56 2.47 2.98 35 5.07 6.08 8.91 10.70 4.06 4.87 7.12 8.55 1.37 1.65 2.61 3.13 36 5.36 6.44 9.49 11.39 4.30 5.15 7.59 9.11 1.46 1.74 2.76 3.31 37 5.69 6.82 10.13 12.15 4.55 5.46 8.10 9.72 1.55 1.86 2.94 3.54 38 6.03 7.25 10.80 12.95 4.83 5.79 8.63 10.37 1.67 2.00 3.17 3.80 39 6.41 7.71 11.51 13.80 5.13 6.16 9.20 11.04 1.80 2.17 3.43 4.12 40 6.83 8.20 12.26 14.70 5.46 6.57 9.80 11.76 1.96 2.36 3.75 4.50 41 7.29 8.73 13.04 15.65 5.83 7.00 10.43 12.52 2.14 2.57 4.11 4.93 42 7.77 9.32 13.88 16.65 6.21 7.45 11.10 13.32 2.36 2.83 4.52 5.44 43 8.29 9.95 14.75 17.71 6.63 7.96 11.80 14.17 2.60 3.12 5.01 6.01 44 8.86 10.62 15.68 18.81 7.08 8.50 12.53 15.04 2.88 3.45 5.54 6.65 45 9.47 11.37 16.64 19.97 7.58 9.09 13.32 15.98 3.19 3.84 6.15 7.38 46 10.14 12.15 17.67 21.19 8.11 9.73 14.13 16.96 3.57 4.28 6.82 8.19 47 10.86 13.03 18.73 22.48 8.68 10.42 14.99 17.98 3.99 4.79 7.57 9.07 48 11.65 13.97 19.87 23.85 9.32 11.18 15.89 19.07 4.47 5.37 8.39 10.06 49 12.50 15.01 21.08 25.30 10.00 12.00 16.86 20.23 5.03 6.03 9.28 11.14 50 13.43 16.12 22.36 26.83 10.75 12.90 17.88 21.46 5.65 6.79 10.25 12.31 Note: Rates include GST and an adviser Commission of 22% Please contact your adviser and refer to the Product Disclosure Statement and LifeProtect Insurance Brochure for further information Avanteos Investments Limited Trustee ABN 20 096 259 979 Fund ABN 24 685 968 122 AFS License 245531 Symetry – Income Protection – 2 year benefit period Monthly Premium rate per $1,000 sum insured Waiting Period 30 day Male 60 day Female Male 90 day Female Male Female Age next birthday Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker 51 14.46 17.36 23.71 28.47 11.57 13.89 18.97 22.78 6.38 7.64 11.31 13.56 52 15.60 18.72 25.18 30.21 12.47 14.97 20.14 24.17 7.19 8.62 12.43 14.92 53 16.84 20.22 26.74 32.09 13.47 16.17 21.39 25.68 8.10 9.72 13.64 16.36 54 18.21 21.86 28.44 34.12 14.58 17.49 22.75 27.30 9.13 10.95 14.93 17.91 55 19.75 23.69 30.27 36.32 15.79 18.95 24.22 29.06 10.29 12.36 16.29 19.54 56 21.43 25.72 32.27 38.72 17.15 20.58 25.82 30.98 11.61 13.93 17.73 21.28 57 23.32 27.98 34.46 41.34 18.66 22.40 27.57 33.08 13.07 15.69 19.24 23.09 58 25.44 30.52 36.87 44.23 20.34 24.41 29.49 35.39 14.71 17.65 20.82 24.99 59 27.79 33.36 39.53 47.43 22.24 26.69 31.62 37.95 16.55 19.86 22.47 26.97 60 30.47 36.56 42.48 50.98 24.37 29.25 33.99 40.79 18.61 22.32 24.18 29.01 61 33.47 40.18 45.79 54.94 26.78 32.14 36.63 43.95 20.87 25.06 25.94 31.13 62 36.89 44.27 49.49 59.39 29.52 35.41 39.59 47.52 23.41 28.09 27.74 33.29 63 40.77 48.93 53.67 64.41 32.62 39.15 42.94 51.53 26.21 31.46 29.59 35.51 64 44.85 53.83 58.07 69.68 35.88 43.05 46.46 55.75 29.10 34.92 31.50 37.79 65 49.12 58.95 62.69 75.22 39.30 47.16 50.14 60.18 32.07 38.73 33.45 40.14 Occupational Adjustments Occupation Classification Income Protection Professional 85% Clerical 100% Non Manual Blue 130% Light Manual 210% Heavy Manual 250% Hazardous n/a Note: Rates include GST and an adviser Commission of 22% Please contact your adviser and refer to the Product Disclosure Statement and LifeProtect Insurance Brochure for further information Avanteos Investments Limited Trustee ABN 20 096 259 979 Fund ABN 24 685 968 122 AFS License 245531 Symetry – Income Protection – to age 65 benefit period Monthly Premium rate per $1,000 sum insured Waiting Period 30 day Male Age next birthday Non smoker 18 19 60 day Female Male 90 day Female Male Female Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker 7.73 9.83 12.79 15.99 7.19 9.14 11.89 14.87 5.41 6.88 8.95 11.19 7.99 10.29 12.79 15.99 7.43 9.57 11.89 14.87 5.59 7.21 8.95 11.19 20 8.23 10.76 12.79 15.99 7.65 10.01 11.89 14.87 5.76 7.54 8.95 11.19 21 8.31 10.76 12.79 15.99 7.72 10.01 11.89 14.87 5.81 7.54 8.95 11.19 22 8.63 11.08 13.10 16.37 8.02 10.30 12.18 15.23 6.04 7.75 9.17 11.46 23 8.95 11.40 13.33 16.68 8.33 10.60 12.40 15.51 6.27 7.98 9.33 11.67 24 9.29 11.72 13.65 17.07 8.64 10.90 12.70 15.87 6.50 8.20 9.56 11.95 25 9.72 12.15 13.89 17.37 9.04 11.30 12.92 16.15 6.80 8.51 9.72 12.16 26 9.96 12.47 14.21 17.92 9.27 11.59 13.22 16.67 6.98 8.73 9.95 12.55 27 10.12 12.65 14.32 18.25 9.41 11.77 13.32 16.98 7.08 8.86 10.02 12.78 28 10.25 12.82 14.49 18.64 9.53 11.92 13.47 17.34 7.18 8.97 10.14 13.05 29 10.46 13.08 14.59 18.94 9.73 12.17 13.57 17.61 7.32 9.16 10.21 13.25 30 10.66 13.33 14.76 19.33 9.92 12.39 13.72 17.98 7.46 9.33 10.33 13.53 31 10.94 13.68 15.33 19.90 10.18 12.72 14.26 18.50 7.66 9.58 10.73 13.93 32 11.41 14.26 16.19 20.80 10.61 13.26 15.06 19.34 7.99 9.98 11.33 14.56 33 11.88 14.84 17.23 21.93 11.05 13.80 16.02 20.40 8.32 10.39 12.06 15.35 34 12.34 15.42 18.29 23.07 11.48 14.34 17.01 21.46 8.64 10.80 12.80 16.15 35 12.96 16.21 19.36 24.19 12.06 15.07 18.00 22.50 9.07 11.34 13.55 16.93 36 13.58 16.98 20.83 26.04 12.63 15.79 19.37 24.21 9.50 11.89 14.58 18.23 37 14.29 17.86 22.28 27.85 13.29 16.61 20.72 25.90 10.00 12.50 15.60 19.49 38 15.06 18.83 23.73 29.66 14.01 17.51 22.07 27.58 10.54 13.18 16.61 20.76 39 15.92 19.90 25.19 31.49 14.81 18.50 23.43 29.29 11.14 13.93 17.64 22.05 40 16.92 21.16 26.58 33.24 15.74 19.68 24.72 30.91 11.85 14.81 18.61 23.27 41 18.02 22.51 28.70 35.87 16.76 20.94 26.69 33.35 12.61 15.76 20.09 25.11 42 19.25 24.06 30.90 38.62 17.90 22.38 28.73 35.92 13.47 16.85 21.63 27.03 43 20.58 25.72 33.04 41.32 19.14 23.92 30.73 38.42 14.40 18.01 23.13 28.92 44 22.13 27.66 35.23 44.04 20.58 25.73 32.77 40.95 15.49 19.36 24.66 30.83 45 23.91 29.89 37.36 46.71 22.24 27.80 34.75 43.44 16.74 20.93 26.16 32.70 46 25.85 32.32 40.57 50.70 24.04 30.06 37.73 47.15 18.10 22.62 28.40 35.49 47 27.94 34.94 43.88 54.85 25.98 32.49 40.81 51.01 19.56 24.46 30.72 38.40 48 30.28 37.85 47.33 59.16 28.16 35.20 44.02 55.01 21.20 26.50 33.13 41.41 49 32.84 41.05 50.89 63.62 30.54 38.18 47.33 59.17 22.99 28.74 35.62 44.53 50 35.56 44.45 54.58 68.24 33.07 41.34 50.76 63.46 24.89 31.11 38.21 47.76 Note: Rates include GST and an adviser Commission of 22% Please contact your adviser and refer to the Product Disclosure Statement and LifeProtect Insurance Brochure for further information Avanteos Investments Limited Trustee ABN 20 096 259 979 Fund ABN 24 685 968 122 AFS License 245531 Symetry – Income Protection – to age 65 benefit period Monthly Premium rate per $1,000 sum insured Waiting Period 30 day Male 60 day Female Male 90 day Female Male Female Age next birthday Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker Non smoker Smoker 51 39.20 48.58 58.95 73.69 36.46 45.18 54.83 68.54 27.44 34.01 41.27 51.59 52 43.11 52.97 63.63 79.54 40.09 49.26 59.17 73.97 30.18 37.08 44.54 55.68 53 47.22 57.53 68.49 85.61 43.91 53.50 63.69 79.62 33.05 40.27 47.94 59.93 54 51.53 62.26 73.61 92.01 47.93 57.91 68.46 85.57 36.07 43.58 51.53 64.41 55 55.81 66.88 78.92 98.65 51.90 62.20 73.39 91.75 39.07 46.82 55.24 69.06 56 59.53 71.96 82.36 102.95 55.37 66.92 76.60 95.74 41.67 50.37 57.65 72.06 57 62.70 76.46 85.68 107.10 58.31 71.10 79.68 99.60 43.89 53.52 59.98 74.97 58 65.21 80.19 88.44 110.55 60.65 74.57 82.25 102.81 45.65 56.13 61.91 77.39 59 66.44 82.39 90.09 112.63 61.79 76.62 83.79 104.74 46.51 57.67 63.07 78.84 60 65.83 82.29 90.09 112.62 61.22 76.53 83.79 104.73 46.08 57.60 63.07 78.83 61 62.30 77.88 86.56 108.20 57.94 72.43 80.50 100.63 43.61 54.52 60.59 75.74 62 55.51 69.38 79.15 98.95 51.62 64.52 73.61 92.02 38.86 48.57 55.41 69.26 63 44.96 56.20 66.10 82.62 41.82 52.26 61.48 76.84 31.47 39.34 46.27 57.84 64 37.77 47.21 55.53 69.41 35.13 43.91 51.64 64.55 26.44 33.05 38.87 48.58 65 24.17 30.21 35.54 44.41 22.47 28.10 33.05 41.31 16.92 21.15 24.88 31.09 Occupational Adjustments Occupation Classification Income Protection Professional 90% Clerical 100% Non Manual Blue 150% Light Manual 225% Heavy Manual 350% Hazardous n/a Note: Rates include GST and an adviser Commission of 22% Please contact your adviser and refer to the Product Disclosure Statement and LifeProtect Insurance Brochure for further information Avanteos Investments Limited Trustee ABN 20 096 259 979 Fund ABN 24 685 968 122 AFS License 245531
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