The Step by Step Mobile Massage Business Start Up Guide

Everything You Need
to Know...
Photo: o5com
The Step by Step
Mobile Massage
Business Start Up
Table of Contents
The Step by Step Mobile Massage Business
Start Up Guide
Introduction: What you can expect from this guide
Chapter 1 Why Is Starting a Mobile Massage Business a Great Idea?
• Confirmation: Yes! You've Made a Good Choice
• Industry Statistics and Trends
• Future Growth and Your Security
Chapter 2 The Top 3 Things That Need To Be Considered Prior to Setting Up Your
Mobile Massage Business
• Message School
• Getting your License
• You're a Business Owner
Chapter 3 How to Set Up a Business Plan for Your Mobile Massage Business
• The Business Plan and Your Options
• Running a Business
• Benefits & Challenges
• Mentor or Business Group
Chapter 4 How to Go About Setting Up Your Mobile Massage Business and It’s Legal
• Resources
• Business name and Incorporation
• Business Registration
• Licenses and Business Insurances
Chapter 5 Branding and Marketing: What Sets You Apart and How Will You Stand
• Branding: How To Stand Out
• Designing Your Logo
• Promotional Materials
• Set up your marketing Funnel
Chapter 6 Generating Leads and Business?
• Local Networking
• Business Cards
• Flyers or Brochures
• Promotional Materials
• Build a Website: DIY or Hire Someone?
• DIY: Buy a Domain Name/Hosting Options/Wordpress
• SEO What is it?
• Social Marketing Facebook/Twitter/Youtube
• News Letters (Collecting eMails)
• Know how to ask for the money
a ou
y n?
Chapter 7 eCommerce and Financial Requirements
• Shopping Cart (or eCommerce Solutions) How to take the money
• Paypal and other payment gates
• Integration with your Website
• Invoicing: Strategies & Tips To Keep The Cash Flow Coming
Chapter 8 What Do You Do Next?
• Recap
• Your Checklist of Steps (Provide a resources list or checklist of steps)
• Transition into the Conclusion & Solution Offer
Conclusion Here's something you may want to consider:
• The Future of Business Ownership Is Here (You can't go it alone)
• Here's What We Have (We handle all the heavy lifting/backing from a national
• Here's What It Does For You (Allows you focus on $$ producing activities =
• Here's What to Do Next: (See if you qualify for the Mobile Massage
Business Fast Track Program through your free 30 minute strategy session)
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What You Can Expect From
This Guide
Photo: o5com
Your Mobile Massage
Consumers' schedules are jam-packed with personal and professional demands, so starting a
business you can take to your customers can save them time and reduce their stress. Mobile
services give individuals and groups the opportunity to take advantage of services from the
comfort of their homes or offices. As a mobile massage business owner, you give the gift of
relaxation by taking your massage tables and skills to the location of your customer's choice.
In this guide you can expect us to lay out exactly the resources, tools and mind sets required
to meet your customers needs as well as your pockets. Like yourself, we’re dedicated to
bringing you solutions for getting your business up and running faster and less expensive than
you thought possible.
Chapter 1: Why is
Starting a Mobile
Massage Business a
Great Idea?
According to the U.S.
Department of Labor in
2011, “Employment for
Since you’re already reading this report you obviously have a
keen interest in starting a massage business. So for starters let’s
just confirm your suspicions that this is an amazing industry to
apply yourself.
massage therapists is
For starters, the *AMTA estimates that in 2011, massage
therapy was a $12-17 Billion dollar Industry
faster than average for
expected to increase
19% from 2008 to 2019,
all occupations.”
According to the U.S. Department of Labor in 2011
“Employment for massage therapists is expected to increase 19
percent from 2008 to 2018, faster than average for all
Between July 2010 and July 2011, roughly 48 million adult
Americans (18%) had a massage at least once.
The economy only reduced massages by 4% from 2008-2009.
The bottom line is this. With this kind of expected growth, you
can rest assured that with the right tools, marketing and insight
which you’re going to receive in this guide, you can have a
consistent and steady flow of clients and profits!
This kind of security is priceless and can go a long way in
supporting your mental and emotional confidence.
However, keep this in mind. These stats do NOT guarantee
your success. They only guarantee there is a solid industry here
where if you align yourself appropriately, you can capitalize
So with this in mind, what you will find in the pages of this
guide are literally a road map of what’s necessary to position
yourself appropriately in this industry all on your own.
So let’s get started!
Talk To
Don’t be afraid to ask
massage schools for
graduates names and
numbers to contact for
a deeper assessment of
the schools true
strengths and
Chapter 2: The Top 3 Things
That Need To Be Considered
Prior to Setting Up Your
Mobile Massage Business
The 3 things you’ll need to consider before you start are:
1. Where will you go to Massage School?
2. How and where to obtain your license and General Liability Insurance?
3. I’m a business owner now, what does that mean?
You can research the schools in your city and/or state by using tools such as the
search function at the Directory of Massage Schools in the United States. You
can discover schools in your city and state quickly and easily with this tool But
you’re not done there! A few things to consider when choosing a school:
Call the schools admissions department and request an information packet. Ask
them what the licenses requirements in your state, the process to obtain it and
the end cost to be appointed. This handles #1 and #2. They can also provide
you information on part time programs and how you can even obtain financial
aid. A few other key points to acknowledge.
Visit the school! Chances are they have “open houses” but realize they are on
their best behavior. Don’t be afraid to talk to students about their experience
with the teachers as well as their curriculums to get a true assessment.
Be wary of
Salary Claims:
Massage schools are in the
business of attracting new
students. That’s how they
make their money. Take it
with a grain of salt when they
say you’re going to make
$50-$75k a year right out of
school. Even with experience
it’s not easy getting those
kinds of “jobs”. However
you’re not getting a job,
you’re starting a Mobile
Building your own practice
does take work and time so
their “claims” won’t apply to
you. Read You’re a Business
Owner Now to the right to
really gain clarity about your
role in a successful business
owners career path.
You’re a
Owner Now
this part time job. Your mobile
massage business will require this
same level of discipline and
commitment. If you didn’t show
up to your part time job “on
time” everyday and follow through
on your responsibilities to honor
Believe it or not, with all of the that role, you’d eventually get fired
resources found in this guide, wouldn’t you?
when you look back, you’ll realize
this was one of the best pieces of Business owners: 1. Have clarity in
the direction of their business 2.
advice you could have received.
Know their roles required in their
If you’ve never been a “business business 3. Have acknowledged
owner” it’s rather difficult to tell the responsibilities of each role 4.
you to treat your business, as a Prioritize the actions of those
business and you really know what roles.
that means. Look at it this way.
Treat your mobile massage An example is knowing when to
business like a part time job. You go into your Finance role for such
have specific times you have to duties as invoicing and book
show up to a part time job. You keeping or when to put on your
know exactly what time to be marketing and promotions cap.
there and you know exactly what
your role and objectives are in W h e n y o u c a n c l e a r l y
order to be successful at keeping acknowledge these four area’s and
know how to prioritize each role
for maximum efficiency and profit
you’re then beginning to think like
a business owner instead of just as
an employee.
Many Mobile Massage Business
owners fail because they haven’t
identified and understood this key
It’s not JUST about
giving a good Massage.
Photo Dragan-Sute
Chapter 3. How to Set Up a Business Plan for
Your Mobile Massage Business
Your business plan for your mobile massage biz needs to show that you have an adequate
market opportunity to be successful and that you have a solid understanding of what your
financial situation will likely be over a period of three years post-funding. You should be able to
detail the use of any loan proceeds you acquire and show when you can complete the
The financials are educated guesswork in many cases, but educated is the operating word!
The Plan
The key here is understanding what is financially required in order for you to be fully up and
running in your business and also to state where you’re business is going. Yes, you’re taking on
a big responsibility but the benefit is that you determine your destiny and ultimately your
outcome. Your profits are 100% your own rather than being in a franchise where you must
give away a percentage of your profits. The flip side is that this can take you many weeks to
several months to get in place before you are able to start doing business.
Other factors your mobile massage plan should address:
• How much money do you need to launch?
• What purchases and equipment leases are required, before you see your first client?
• Where/how will you obtain new accounts?
• What (demographically) does your target user look like?
• Can you define the market need? This is important to the SBA.
We’ll be covering some of these things such as lead generation and marketing/promotions
later in the guide. In the meantime, mobile massage plans must also include a description of the
services and package deals you will be providing (30-minute vs. 60-minute, etc.) and describe
any additional features or items you'll sell. in addendum. The plan will also need a management
section that summarizes your bio and outlines any other key staff or executive needs. Finally, as
part of the pro forma, show a sensitivity analysis revealing what happens to the business cashwise if sales miss projections by 15-20 percent.
Here is a suggested resource for strategically putting together a business plan on your own.
Otherwise it would be wise to seek a mentor or someone who has already been down this
path. Getting a business plan right is crucial to your feelings of certainty and direction as well as
your overall profitability.
Chapter 4: Setting Up
Your Business and It’s
Legal Needs
Picking a business name for many business owners seems to be
an afterthought to everything else. Not you though. We’re
going to cover in the next chapter just how to set yourself
apart from your competition and come across as the most
attractive choice to your ideal clients.
Once you’ve picked your business name you will need to
register it. First lets cover the mechanics of a few things you will
require as your setting up your business.
1. Business Name Registration - Register your name with the
appropriate authorities such as your Secretary of State or
state business licensing department.
2. Filing Your Business - LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp? Visit here for
online business incorporation.
You ask?
The primary benefit business
incorporation is limited
liability. As the owner you are
responsible for any debts and
losses your business may
accumulate along the way.
However, when you
incorporate, you are typically
only held responsible for the
amount of money you
personally invest. Your
personal assets typically
cannot be used to satisfy the
debts and liabilities of your
3. Business License - Not sure if your state requires specialty
business license? Visit here to find out.
4. Insurances - Work with your insurance agent to obtain
general liability insurance for your mobile massage business
practice to help protect you from client claims that may
result in litigation.
5. Vehicle Insurance - If you plan on advertising on your vehicle
check with your insurance company and make sure you don’t
require additional insurance coverage.
6. Legal forms & Client Contracts - Make sure you have the
appropriate legal contracts which you have clients sign. A
very popular choice is Legal Insurance for Business owners.
It’s key you take the time to investigate each one of these steps
because otherwise you can find your self in a costly litigious
situation later down the road.
Branding and
The biggest mistake you’ll make as a
Mobile Massage Business is trying to
be everything to everybody. Sure,
everyone can benefit from massage
therapy, but you won’t be able to
speak to everyone’s specific pain. It’s
best to narrow to a specific audience
and focus on them as an individual,
such as busy executives,
Business that caters to everyone,
narrow your target prospects to a
specific crowd. Let’s say you want to
target high end clients such as
executives. They are busy, in many
cases stressed or trying to maintain
wellness, have money to spend and
looking for a quick fix to their stress.
You could brand yourself the Onsite
Corporate Massage Specialist. You
can get more specific by narrowing it
to your city. Let’s say Charleston
Onsite Corporate Massage
Specialist. See how you’d stand out
around people with names like
“Massage by Beth” or “Heavenly
Touch Massage.” You have to narrow
your target audience audience and
speak directly to their fears or
Many new business owners confuse
marketing and branding. Both are
going to be your biggest assets to
standing out in a crowded market. “The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The
Let’s get the definitions out of the aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer
Peter Drucker:
Branding per Wikipedia: The
American Marketing Association
defines a brand as a “Name, term,
design, symbol or any other feature that
identifies one seller’s goods or services
as distinct from those of other sellers.”
so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself.”
Marketing: “ The aim of marketing
is to make selling superfluous. The aim
of mar keting is to know and
understand the customer so well that
the product or service fits him and sells
itself.” - Peter Drucker, one of the
greatest business thinkers of our
The bottom line is you need to know
your target audience SO well that
your service is branded in a way
where it stands out and sells itself.
Let’s give you an example. Instead of
trying to be a Mobile Massage
Photo: Stefano Principato
Create Your Own
Category To Stand Out
I know what you must be thinking, “But if I only target executives
won’t I be limiting the amount of business I can capture?” Just the
opposite! When you target one specific niche service extremely
well you get referrals. Something especially to keep in mind is
to focus on niche markets that have centers of influence and
could refer you out to people in their network. Many of these
people won’t be in your niche but you don’t care. This is how
you market your brand for maximum returns.
Let’s give you a few more examples of how to carve out you’re
own high end mobile massage niche:
• Executives
• Business Owners
• Surgeons
Narrow Your
Focus For
Bigger Profits:
By narrowing your niche
focus you can laser
focus your marketing
resources with a clear
message and pick up
tons of referral business
from the clients you
• Attorneys
• Athletes
Now you can see why your business name can help you stand
out amongst your competitors because you eliminate them as
competition all together. You create your own category. Your
massage business name should represent you and the niche
profession you choose. Use words like:
• Therapeutic
• Massage Therapy
• Sports
• Treatment
• Pain
Photo: London College of Fashion short courses
As we pointed out before, now you can add your city, street or
county name to the beginning of your brand if you want to
dominate your local market.
• Charleston Attorney Mobile Massage Therapy
• Tampa Surgeons Mobile Massage Treatment
• Manhattan Mobile Massage Sports Pain Relief
Keep this in mind as we talk about your website and lead gen.
Branding Logo, Promo Materials and Marketing:
One of the things we’ll cover in the next chapter but we’ll touch on here is your name
and it’s branding needs to tie into your website name, keywords (used for Google) and
how you are
found in Search Engines like Google as well as in social
media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and
Linkedin. Your branding should also be expressed
through promotional items such as refrigerator
magnets, coffee mugs, calendars and keychains. These
help to keep your brand in front of clients.
quality professional logo up in no
So now that you have a good idea of
where you could go with your
business name, and niche you need
to create a logo that represents your
niche brand of mobile massage. A
good place to go is a site called
99Designs. Here you can set your
budget and announce to an entire
community of graphic designers
you’re desired logo concept. You’ll
have sometimes up to 20 or 50
logo’s to choose from and can have a
When it comes to promotional items
you can check out
which is the worlds largest online sell
of promotional items. Promo items
are an important part of branding
and marketing so as to act as
reminders to current clients of your
excellent relationship with them.
Setting Up Your Marketing Funnel:
Where lots of new business owners
go wrong, is they look at everyone as
a one time sale. Maximizing your
profits is about retaining customers,
and finding ways for them to spend
more money with you over and over
again. So how can you get clients to
spend money with you over and
over? You can start by having multiple
tiers of service or even different
packages which extend over the
course of 3 to 6 months. Create
experiences for you customers. You
could have an introductor y 60
minute pain relief package which
includes 4 sessions within 4 weeks
along with access to an exclusive
email course on tips your clients can
utilize to decrease their pain and
increase wellness in between their
visits with you. This is something
many Mobile Massage Business
owners don’t think of. You can
charge more, provide more value
and not “discount” your services.
Instead of discounting, how can you
add more value? Once they have
completed the intro package you can
up-sell them into your Wellness
Maintenance package service.
Believe it or not, you’re already one step ahead of your competition by creating your own category.
This separates you from the rest of the generic crowd. But now we’re going to cover the best tips and
practices to create leads and business in your Mobile Massage Business. Your business is like a tree.
Marketing and branding are the roots and your lead generation channels capture the nourishing light
necessary for it to flourish. So here we go!
Look at lead generation
as the entry point to
your marketing funnel
we talked about in the
last chapter. How can
you add value to
peoples lives without
asking for money first?
Do you have a special
report, a free audio or
any other kind of
valuable resource you
can offer from your
website to help your
client move either
closer to their desires,
or move away from a
pain they are
Marketing is about knowing your
customer inside and out. This is so
you can connect with them where
they are, not where you”think” they
are. This is a big selling mistake usually
made by inexperienced business
owners. 3 things you need to ask
yo u r s e l f w h e n c r e a t i n g yo u r
marketing or your leads:
• What is their biggest frustration:
What is it they are most frustrated
about right now in their life?
• What is their biggest fear: That
their pain/anxiety/stress will cause
them _______ negative outcome.
• What is their biggest desire or
outcome: What is the best case
scenario they want? Without their
pain/stress/anxiety they can
accomplish more of ________ and
experience _________. (Insert the
positive benefits your ser vice
• Local Networking: (Chambers of
Commerce and for
local relevant groups)
• Free Live Workshops:
• Drop Cards: Business Cards
promoting your services leading
back to your website.
• Flyers and Brochures: These are
easier than you think. Can be
created for free in Microsoft Word
and or “Pages” from iWork via
• Promotional Materials: Mugs,
calendars, keychains etc.
• Website: Personal branded site
• Social Networking: i.e. Facebook
• NewsLetter: Physical or Digital
“Start selling what your clients are missing instead of
what you do. What you do and who you service should
already be clearly stated in your branding. What they are
missing is what will create the emotion it takes for them
to see you as the solution to their problem and hire you.”
Attracting leads with
your Website Presence
A website is one of those things you can’t cut corners on. We
will provide you some free options however we’re going to
highly suggest you go with a self hosted website.
A free website or extremely cheap website builder, such as
something found on Godaddy, gives you limited functionality
and in many cases will look cheap. Integrating with a payment
system will be tricky or limited and again, look unprofessional.
You don’t want this, especially if you’re targeting higher end
Lead Gen Tip
for Online:
Your website is no
different than someone
meeting you for the first
time in person. You
don’t get a second
chance to make a good
first impression so don’t
*A prime example of what you do NOT want your site to demonstrate.
How many “no no’s” can you pick out we’ve already covered? See the
resources area for a list of mistakes.
Don’t worry. You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg
however you have to look at your online presence as an
investment. People ARE going to Google you and see if you
have a website as well as if you’re on Facebook and/or
Linkedin. If you don’t have these set up you will jeopardize your
credibility and have a harder time earning peoples trust. Having
a strong brand and website presence these days is a must and if
you don’t have it in place you’ll be starting out at a deficit right
out of the gate.
The goal here is to ATTRACT the right kinds of leads, not repel
Your First Website
Your online presence will make an impact on your clients. What kind though?
View Point
Build a Website or Hire
It may cost you a few more dollars to have
someone do it for you, however in the long
run if you get someone to do it right, it will
benefit you and your profits. You can do your
own website and if you decide to here are a
few things you will need:
1. D o m a i n N a m e : t h i s i s “ h t t p : / / as an example. You
can purchase this at for as
little as $9.95 for the year. We encourage
you to buy it for at least 2 to 5 years in
advance. Google actually gives your site
more credit if they see you’ve captured the
name for a significant time frame.
you own your content on the site and have
the freedom to add on extras like
eCommerce and an eMail client. Free
websites are like renting an apartment and
having a hosting account is like buying your
own home and customizing it.
3. Email Client: You need a way to collect
emails so you can reach out to your client
base with extra value, offers and even a
newsletter. We suggest aWeber. DO NOT
let another company collect the emails for
you and send out an email on your behalf.
Your email list is your asset. Imagine sending
out an email about a new package you’re
offering and 15 people replying they want it!
This is the power of having your own email
list. It’s as close to push button profits as
you can get. It takes time, and providing
something valuable such as a free report,
audio or video in trade for their name and
email address. If you’ve done your work and
understanding your niches biggest fears,
frustrations, wants and desires you’ll be clear
on your audience would find valuable in
trade for their name and email.
2. A website platform: You can use a
completely free service such as http://
“Muscle Pain Impeding Your Performance? which is a nice free platform
10 Surefire Tips To Relieve Muscle Pain and
but keep this in mind. You risk your site
Improve Flexibility In As Little as 15
going down at any time the service goes
Minutes a Week.”
down. Your account can get deleted for any
kind of reason and in many cases these site
You can imagine if you’re a sports massage
don’t integrate with eCommerce sites or
therapist this would be valuable to an up
e M a i l c a p t u r e s e r v i c e s we h i g h l y
and coming athlete.
recommend. We recommend purchasing
your own hosting account with Hostgator 4. eCommerce: This is something like Paypal or
and setting up Wordpress on it (which
Google Checkout. We’ll cover this in
comes included with your hosting) This way
Chapter 7.
Keyword research is
what one does to
understand what people
are looking for online.
Your domain name,
website content,
Facebook Fanpage title
and linkedin Profile
content all utilize
keywords in order to be
found in the Google
Search Results.
properties, you’re doing more than
the average person to get your
content found online in Google’s
search results so you can begin a
relationship with those leads.
Lead generation is about collecting
names and emails and moving them
through your marketing process as
well as spending more with you.
SEO: What is? SEO stands for Search
Engine Optimization. You want your
websites name, it’s content, and your
web 2.0 proper ties, such as as
Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and
Youtube to be optimized for your
specific keyword phrase that’s
searched the most in Google.
The old way of marketing online is
dead. The days of talking at your
prospects are behind us. Today you
have to be listening to their needs in
order to earn their trust. Let them
know you understand their biggest
fears and frustrations and can help
them get their most wanted desires.
You can use what is known as the
Google Keyword Tool to type in
words or phrases relevant to your
niche mobile massage business and
see how many people are searching
for information pertaining to those
phrases online. If you want to know if
they are looking in your city, add your
city at the end of the phrase.
In your communications both within
your website, on your Facebook
Fanpage or in your emails that you
send out to your prospects, you can’t
be pitching them constantly. People
don’t want your services, they want
the benefits your services provide. If
you really want to give them
context, tell them what they are
You want keyword phrases searched
in your city that are found in your
Domain Name, within your website,
in the title of your Facebook
Fanpage, in your Linkedin Page and
even in your Twitter profile and your
Youtube channels profile.
Social Media: Social Media is a way
for you to generate awareness in
your market, provide value and
generate leads. We don’t have
enough space here to go into specific
tactics but the bottom line is by
making sure your targeted keyword
phrase is found in your domain name
as well as in the title of your web 2.0
“Are you missing out on quality time
with your family due to muscle
fatigue or muscle soreness? Invest in
One hour with me a week and give
your family the gift of your smiling
f a c e w h i l e fe e l i n g f r e s h a n d
Do you think this would move
someone to seek you out more so
than a plain boring headline?
You bet it would.
For the Order
What is Sales:
doing business with you. What is
that “thing” and make it your focus.
Since you’re the logical answer to
solve your prospects fear, frustration,
want or desire simply ask:
1. What package do you feel fits
your needs best right now?
Package A or B?
2. What day of each month do you
feel would be best for you?
3. Which would you like to use to
secure your package, credit card
or check?
You have to be willing to ask in order
to provide your solution and serve
your client.
Chances are you didn’t get started in “Sales is nothing more than a transference of believe. If
your mobile massage business you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you
because you were good in sales,
however it’s still an important skill to can’t.”
understand so you don’t do it wrong.
Sure your marketing and branding
are in place to making sales
superfluous, however there will still
be times you will find yourself in a
position where you have to ask for
the order.
Many people will argue that they
aren’t good at sales, however it’s in
that moment they are selling you on
the fact they aren’t good at sales.
They are selling you on their belief.
Do you believe you have value to
offer to your clients? Do you believe
you can deliver them from their
pains, anxieties, stresses and worries?
You have the solution and you have
to believe that. It’s costing your soon
to be clients something by not
Photo: insideview
Chapter 7: eCommerce and Financial Requirements
So you’re branding is in place, your marketing is working, you’re bringing in leads both
offline as well as online through your website and you’re asking for
money. So far so good right? Well first you have to
have a way to take the money both offline and online.
Make sure you’ve set up your business checking
account with your local bank. They will tell you you’re
requirement to open it as well as maintaining it.
someone checks out on your site
they remain on your site rather than
being redirecting away from your site
to Paypal. Again, the type of
experience you create is a reflection
of your brand. Generic Paypal
buttons project a lower quality brand
than the more professional checkout
To take money you have to have a
payment system in place. In many
cases you can use something a simple
as Paypal. They have the very basic
Paypal Business Account you can use
and you can even create payment
buttons to place on your site for
your different packages. They have
more professional options though
such as Paypal Pay Flow Pro which
integrates with your eCommerce
platform and website so when
Either way you have to have a way to
take money online or offline. Paypal
Pay Flow Pro provides you with a
“virtual terminal” where you can take
your new clients credit card info right
over the phone and enter the
transaction manually. This can be
extremely convenient for both you
and your new client. This isn’t
possible with a basic Paypal Account.
You can also get set up with a
traditional merchant account such as however you will need
to go through a credit check and will
still require a payment gate.
If you go the suggested route of self
hosting, with Hostgator and setting
up a Wordpress site, you can use a
free plugin software called Cart66
which acts as your eCommerce
payment gate and integrates with
either Paypal standard, Pay Flow Pro
or The free version
works with Paypal standard & Pay
Flow Pro however you’ll need the
paid version for merchant accounts
Either way it easily integrates with
Wordpress on your hosting account
and is free for Paypal.
Invoicing &
You can invoice your
customers using Paypal Pay
Flow Pro. When you *upgrade
to it your Paypal dashboard
completely changes.
However a company called
Freshbooks makes
accounting and invoicing a
snap. It’s a super fast way to
track time, organize expenses
and auto invoice your clients.
You can also use Quicken
Home & Business however
Freshbooks seems to have
the cleaner and easier to use
Photo: 401k
Tips To
Keep The
If you set up a payment plan for
yo u r p a c k a g e s F r e s h b o o k s
software makes it easy for you to
auto invoice your customers
every month and even send them
reminders before or after the
billing date.
Be sure to you have clients
commit in wr iting to your
payment plan. You should have a
contract put together as we
pointed out in chapter 4. You can
use Prepaid legal or Legal Zoom
to retrieve generic contracts or
have a local attorney do one up
for you.
Cash In
Getting a firm commitment in
writing for three to six months of
service in advance can help you
project your businesses revenue
and create a dependable revenue
If someone asks you if you do
discounts for paying one, three or
6 months in advance, tell them
you offer bonuses. Never reduce
the price of your services. Always
offer bonuses such as access to
paid for seminar s, bonus
consultations via phone or access
to a private part of your website
with bonus content.
Many new business owner s
believe the way to getting more
customers is to discount their
prices but this makes it extremely
difficult to keep a business
profitable while using so much of
your personal energy. Burnout can
happen quick. Especially when you
don’t feel you’re profiting from all
of your efforts.
Also be sure to a refund policy in
place at the time you register a
new client so they are clear about
that process, should it ever come
up you can always point back to
your policy. Refunding them could
save you a lot of hassle and
What Next?
What do you
do first?
Let’s recap. We’ve covered a lot of
ground in this guide and there are
a few things you’ve got do first.
The first thing you need to do if
you haven’t already is to research
the school you’re going to attend.
Also be sure to ask about licensing
requirements in regards to your
Next is your business plan. Be sure
to purchase the software we
pointed out so you are clear on
how your business will operate.
And finally narrow down your
niche audience and create a name
that will appeal to that audience.
Don’t shoot for the Hands4u type
name or LovelyTouchingHands
The last thing you want to do be
ambiguous to your audience or
worse yet, be confused with an
escort service. Believe it or not
this does happen.
Check List:
• Research Message School • License Requirements
• Buy Business Plan Software
• Narrow Down Niche
• Niche Specific Name
• Keyword Research of name
• Register Business Name
• Incorporate
• Contact Insurances Agent
• 99Designs Logo
• Promotional Materials
• Design marketing Funnel • Generate Leads:
• I.D. Local Networking + Groups
• Business Cards
• Flyers and Brochures
• Build or Hire for Website
• Buy domain
• Buy Hosting
• Purchase aWeber eMail Client
• Register Facebook Fanpage,
Linkedin, Twitter, Youtube
• Install eCommerce software
• Sign up for Paypal
• Add packages for sale to
• Register for accounting software
• Purchase supplies: Portable
Massage table, Sheets, Pillows,
scented oils, Warm Stones, etc
• Create a Contract for new
clients to sign
• Create A Refund Policy
• Find a Mentor or Group
Follow the
This checklist is pretty
close to the full scope
of steps you need to
grasp in order to get
your business up and
running. So why do so
many new mobile
massage therapists
burn out or fail all
together? Find out...
In Conclusion
By The Way...There IS a better way...
The reason so many new mobile massage business owners Fail is burn out. There’s so
much more to do besides just give massages. They get overwhelmed, burned
out and ultimately quit because they are generally too
busy working in their business rather than on their
business. You need to be able to get up and running
quickly. You need to spend your time generating leads
and creating a client base that will pay you over and over.
COULD do this all on your own.
However there IS an easier way.
The future of business ownership is is
that you can’t go it alone. As you can
see in this report, there is a LOT of
steps you need to do in order to get
your business up and running as well
as maintain it. It can take you months
before you’re able to get up and
running and can be exhausting in
We’ve provided you with enough
insight and resources that you
What if we told you there is a
National Brand who is already
established and who already have the
infrastructure in place to do ALL
heavy lifting for you such as providing
you a website, eCommerce, Business
registration, invoicing and even
scheduling your clients along for you
along with most everything else that
would bog you down fro starting
IMMEDIATELY on your business?
What if they weren’t a franchise and
they didn’t want 5% of your monthly
profits every month?
What if they simply allowed you to
focus on the most important aspects
of your business...Serving Clients and
Creating Profits. Well there IS such a
company and they do all the heavy
lifting a new mobile massage business
owner traditionally would have to do
and immediately provides them with
the edge they need to succeed in
their market place.
Do you want to bypass the huge
checklist and get on the mobile
massage business fast track?
Okay, so hopefully we’ve helped you
learn about a new alternative way to
get your massage business started
that will save you a lot of time and a
lot of money. Now, to find out more
information about Natural Hands
and our solution visit:
Natural Hands