Patient Adoption Program

Support a Patient
Save a Life!
Patient Adoption Program
“Dare to Share, for to Give is to truly Live.” ~RVM
Make a Difference!
Millions of people around us
are suffering from pain, and
unfortunately, they are
unable to afford basic
medical and health
care facilities. Many of
them need immediate care
and treatment to start living a
normal life just like us.
Are you looking forward to Make a
Difference in the life of the less
Choose to change a life this year, and support a
person who is suffering.
Who are we?
RVM Foundation is a nonprofit
organization started by RVM in
1998. Under RVM’s
perseverance, the
foundation’s humanitarian
initiative works towards its
vision of Reducing Pain And
Suffering (RPAS), aiming to Make
A Difference in many more lives. RVM
Fo u n d a t i o n H o s p i t a l , l o c a t e d i n
Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore, is a No-CashCounter, 205-bed hospital that provides FREE
services, including food, bed, medicines, and
surgeries to the poorest of the poor and destitute.
What is Patient Adoption Program?
Patient Adoption Program is an initiative by RVM
Foundation Hospital that encourages the helping
hands in our society to support a patient by aiding
their basic and medical needs.
Sponsorship Options
Amount per Month
Sponsorship for a Physically Challenged patient
Sponsorship for a Mentally Challenged patient
Sponsor the complete care for one patient (food & medicines)
Special Meals for all the patients on a donor-designated day
Sponsorship for a HIV/TB patient
Sponsorship for a Cancer patient/survivor
Sponsorship for the Dialysis of a patient
Sponsorship for a Burns patient
Sponsorship for the Surgery Expenses of a patient
General Donations
Any Amount
How to Adopt/ Support a Patient?
Login to our website and click on a patient's
photograph to read their history and treatment
updates at RVM Foundation Hospital:
If you are interested to support any patient, call
us at our 24/7 Medical Helpline Number
97395 44444 or e-mail at [email protected].
You can contribute any amount to the cause.
Choose any one of the following payment
Cheque/DD in favor of “FOSA Humanitarian
Hospital*” and mail it to:
RVM Foundation, #97, Old Airport Road, Kemp
Fort Mall Terrace, Bangalore - 560 017,
Karnataka, India.
*RVM Foundation Hospital is a unit of Friends of Sick Association (FOSA)
You can also make a monetary donation through
net banking.
Bank Details:
A/c No: 331102010007764
Union Bank Of India, Cantonment Branch
IFSC Code: UBIN0533114
Cash donations can be deposited in bank account
directly. You can also visit our hospital to donate or
we can send our representative to collect it. Every
contribution, however small it may be, will go
towards the treatment of the patient you have
chosen to support.
All contributions are exempted from u/s 80G of
the Income Tax.
What do you get in return?
Regular updates of the patients sponsored by you.
The satisfaction of doing a good deed and Making
A Difference in lives of those who need it the most!
“Service to Poor is Service to God”.
Come walk with us on this Path of Touching Lives.
Contact Details
RVM Foundation Hospital
#20, Milestone, Bannerghatta Main Road,
Bengaluru, Karnataka – 560083
Head Office: RVM Foundation
#97, Old Airport Road, KEMP FORT MALL Terrace,
Bengaluru - 560 017, Karnataka, India.
Phone: +91-9739544444
E-mail: [email protected]