Facing The Future 23 Employment: The Possible Dream Manufacturing Person Centered Technology Transition Creative Supports Financial Services Life Sciences Healthcare Transportation Hospitality & Retail A conference for professionals highlighting best practices in supporting people with disabilities in career planning, customized employment, and transition from school to work March 20, 2015 • Hyatt Regency, New Brunswick, NJ Conference at a Glance 8:00 a.m. Registration, Continental Breakfast, and Exhibits 8:30 a.m. Welcome from The Boggs Center and NJ APSE State Employment Initiatives Leadership Panel 8:45 a.m. 10:15 a.m. to The NJ Department of Human Services, Divisions of Developmental Disabilities, Disability Services, and Mental Health and Addictions Services and the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired; the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services; and the NJ Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs STATE SERVICES OVERCOMING OBSTACLES EDUCATION/ TRANSITION MODEL TRANSITION PROGRAMS BEHAVIOR SUPPORTS MENTAL HEALTH JOB ACCOMMODATIONS CREATIVE EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES JOB COACHING Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Workshop 4 Workshop 5 Workshop 6 Workshop 7 Workshop 8 Workshop 9 Support Coordinator Technical Assistance Training Maximizing Employment Outcomes of Employees Who Receive SSI and SSDI Overview of Universal Design for Learning The Schoolto-Work Transition: Workplace Training Program Applying Positive Behavior Supports to Working with People with Co-occurring Mental Illness and Developmental Disability in Jobs The Role of Hope in Supported Employment Success Using the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) Mobile and Everyday Technologies to Get Things Done Teaching Job Skills to Workers with Significant Learning Challenges 11:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Awards Luncheon to 1:00 p.m. 1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. STATE SERVICES OVERCOMING OBSTACLES EDUCATION/ TRANSITION MODEL TRANSITION PROGRAMS BEHAVIOR SUPPORTS MENTAL HEALTH JOB ACCOMMODATIONS CREATIVE EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES JOB COACHING Workshop 10 Workshop 11 Workshop 12 Workshop 13 Workshop 14 Workshop 15 Workshop 16 Workshop 17 Workshop 18 DDD’s System Reformation: How Does It Impact Employment? Organizational Culture and the Complexity of Real Change How the CILs are Collaborating with DVRS to Provide New and Essential Pre-Vocational Services Seamless Transition from School to Work Through Successful Structured Learning Experiences Proactive Approaches to Preventing Problem Behaviors on the Job Assisting Transitioning Youth with Mental Health Needs to Secure Employment that is Career Focused Steps to Successful Employment: The Interactive Process for Service Providers Trial Work Experience in New Jersey Identifying Barriers to Employment: The Online Application and Assessment Keynote Presentation No Labels, No Limits Kathy Buckley, Motivational Speaker/Comedienne/Actress/Writer and Producer 3:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Certificate Distribution Featured Presentations State Employment Initiatives Leadership Panel We’ve invited representatives from The NJ Department of Human Services, Divisions of Developmental Disabilities, Disability Services, and Mental Health and Addictions Services and the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired; the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services; and the NJ Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs to discuss their current initiatives that will enhance employment for people with disabilities. They will explain the initiatives and describe how they will directly impact employment opportunities in NJ. Additionally, they will discuss how their agencies plan to facilitate partnerships with providers and educators to make employment a reality. Keynote Kathy Buckley Motivational Speaker/ Comedienne/ Actress/Writer and Producer No Labels, No Limits Kathy talks about the labels that society puts on us, and the labels we also put on ourselves. She addresses the fact that we subscribe to the labels that society places on us, and they can even modify our own self-awareness. Kathy inspires her audience to remove the labels that society has placed on them, as well as those they have placed on themselves; empowering them to make a change, become self-confident, self-aware, and empowering self-growth. Kathy’s message will free you from the limiting labels that society places on you, as well as those labels you put on yourself; awakening the unlimited potential inside each of us. Thomas Golden Melanie Whetzel Two national presenters will speak at the Facing the Future Conference, Thomas Golden, MS, CRC, Faculty, Associate Director, Cornell University Employment and Disability Institute, and Melanie Whetzel, MA, Lead Consultant, Cognitive/ Neurological Team, Job Accommodation Network. They will each present two workshops – this is a great opportunity to learn from national experts. Kathy Buckley is a five-time American Comedy Award Nominee as Best Stand-Up Female Comedienne and the winner of countless other awards for her work. She is also an actress, writer and producer, author, humanitarian, and one of the country’s leading motivational speakers. Her television appearances include The Tonight Show, Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, The Today Show, Entertainment Tonight, Extra, Inside Edition, CNN, HBO, VH1’s Stand-Up Spotlight, Comic Strip Live, Evening at the Improv, and Caroline’s Comedy Hour. E! Entertainment named her one of the “World’s Most Intriguing Women” in their original special. In addition to comedy, Kathy is an actress who is also known for her co-starring roles in TV series such as “Touched by an Angel,” and starred in her own original award winning PBS special, “No Labels, No Limits.” Her extraordinary story is truly amazing to all who experience it. An active volunteer for causes close to her heart, Kathy spends time helping numerous children’s charities such as No Limits, a non-profit organization for children who are hard of hearing or deaf. A sought after speaker, she has inspired people around the nation, speaking at corporate events, conferences, and universities. She is the author of the heartfelt and hilarious book “If You Could Hear What I See.” She has also been recognized by the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army for outstanding efforts toward disability employment awareness, and is a key speaker for Anthony Robbins’ Life Mastery Classes. Whether performing in a comedy club, appearing on television, speaking publicly, teaching at camps for children, or appearing in any number of other settings, Kathy Buckley bears her message that anything can be achieved when the heart and the mind work together. Morning Workshops 1-9: 10:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. 1) Support Coordinator Technical Assistance Training Teresa Owens, MS, Chief, Field Services, and Karen Carroll, MSW, Chief, Community Rehabilitation Programs, New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services This workshop will provide information regarding the process to refer, apply, and engage in services through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services and the collaboration with the Division of Developmental Disabilities. Forms and agency contacts will be provided. Topic: State Services Target Audience: Administrators, Supervisors, Employment Specialists, Job Developers, DDD Support Coordinators 2) Maximizing Employment Outcomes of Employees Who Receive SSI and SSDI Thomas Golden, MS, CRC, Faculty, Associate Director, Cornell University Employment and Disability Institute Individuals who receive SSI and SSDI continue to experience disparate employment, educational, and economic outlook when compared to their peers with disabilities who do not receive public entitlements. This activity-based workshop will provide practitioners with basic information, skills and strategies they need to start SSI/DI beneficiaries down the road to full employment. Topic: Overcoming Obstacles Target Audience: Supervisors, Employment Specialists, Job Developers, Educators 3) Overview of Universal Design for Learning Bill Freeman, MEd, CSPD Coordinator, NJ Department of Education, Office of Special Education For every class of students, teachers need to plan for the expected variability of learners by providing curriculum that has corresponding flexibility. Failure to design education for classes of diverse students perpetuates the myth of “the average learner.” This interactive session will provide an overview of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for educators who are new to this practice. Topic: Education/Transition Target Audience: School Administrators, Educators, College Professors 4) The School-to-Work Transition: Workplace Training Program Helen Ihde, MA, Teacher/Coordinator, Workplace Training Program, Freehold Regional High School District Develop a program that encompasses both school-based classroom instruction and community based Structured Learning Experiences (SLEs) which provide students with career awareness and exploration. Students attain skills needed to work toward post-secondary employment and/or educational goals through full immersion in community-based work experiences while striving for independence. Topic: Model Transition Programs Target Audience: Administrators, Supervisors, Employment Specialists, Job Developers, Educators, Employers 5) Applying Positive Behavior Supports to Working with People with Co-occurring Mental Illness and Developmental Disability (MI/DD) in Jobs Samantha J. Herrick, PhD, CRC, NCC, Assistant Professor, Rutgers School of Health Related Professions, and Bret Vaks, MBA, Training and Consultation Specialist, The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Many people we serve have co-occurring mental illness (MI) and developmental disability (DD); with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) the most commonly reported DD among this population. The needs of this population are unique, complicating community inclusion. This session will describe the characteristics of people with MI/DD and the application of Positive Behavior Supports. Topic: Behavior Supports Target Audience: Administrators, Supervisors, Employment Specialists, Job Developers, Educators 6) The Role of Hope in Supported Employment Success William Waynor, PhD, Assistant Professor, Integrated Employment Institute, Rutgers School of Health Related Professions Hope is universally acknowledged as key to recovery from psychiatric illness. However, what impact does how hopeful an SE participant feels have on SE success? This interactive workshop will discuss the role of hope and other related concepts, and how they may or may not be relevant to SE success. Several tools will be provided to workshop participants that utilize hope and related concepts. Topic: Mental Health Target Audience: Administrators, Supervisors, Employment Specialists, Job Developers, Educators 7) Using the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) Melanie Whetzel, MA, Lead Consultant, Cognitive/Neurological Team, Job Accommodation Network Offering practical solutions that benefit both employer and employee, this session will provide an overview of JAN’s services with real-life accommodation situations and solutions interspersed throughout and a live tour of the extensive resources available on the JAN website. Topic: Job Accommodations Target Audience: Administrators, Supervisors, Employment Specialists, Job Developers, Educators, Employers 8) Mobile and Everyday Technologies to Get Things Done Kristen Russell, OTR, ATP, Assistive Technology Specialist, Advancing Opportunities This workshop will explore assistive technology tools available on smart phones and tablets that can help improve the independence of people with disabilities in the workplace. We will cover tools and strategies for memory, organization, time management, multi-step tasks, reading, and writing, and will include practical tips for implementing these tools in the workplace. Topic: Creative Employment Strategies Target Audience: Administrators, Supervisors, Employment Specialists, Job Developers, Educators 9) Teaching Job Skills to Workers with Significant Learning Challenges Dan Baker, PhD, Associate Professor, The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Getting and keeping a job requires the development of a vast array of different skills, from completing specific work tasks to making polite conversation with coworkers. For workers who have difficulty in learning, this can be a real challenge. This workshop will give a quick introduction to evidence teaching strategies, with hands on practice. Topic: Job Coaching Target Audience: Supervisors, Employment Specialists Afternoon Workshops 10-18: 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. 10) DDD’s System Reformation: How Does It Impact Employment? Jennifer Joyce, Director of Employment, Transition, and Day Services, NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities This session provides an overview of DDD’s system reformation, an update on implementation of the Employment First initiative, and information on the roles and responsibilities of Supported Employment providers within a Medicaid based, fee for service system embarking on making the Employment First philosophy a reality. Topic: State Services Target Audience: Administrators, Supervisors, Employment Specialists, Job Developers, Educators, Individuals with Disabilities and Families 11) Organizational Culture and the Complexity of Real Change Thomas Golden, MS, CRC, Faculty, Associate Director, Cornell University Employment and Disability Institute Organizations seeking to adapt evidence-based services leading toward integrated employment continue to struggle with the choice of adaptation versus adoption. This workshop will introduce participants to the intersection of organizational culture, institutional and change theory – and the implications they hold for real transformation of our current service delivery system. A tool to guide organizational transformation will be presented. Topic: Overcoming Obstacles Target Audience: Administrators, Supervisors, Educators 12) How the CILs are Collaborating with DVRS to Provide New and Essential Pre-Vocational Services Scott Elliott, Executive Director, and Renee Pfaff, Supervisor of Transition & Independent Living Skills, Progressive Center for Independent Living In this workshop you will discover how the Centers for Independent Living (CILs) are collaborating with DVRS. Through a new “A La Carte Menu of Services,” CILs now offer pre-employment services to better prepare students and adults with job readiness skills for successful competitive employment outcomes. Topic: Education/Transition Target Audience: Administrators, Supervisors, Employment Specialists, Job Developers, Educators, Families 13) Seamless Transition from School to Work Through Successful Structured Learning Experiences Mary Beth Berry, MEd, Career Coordinator, North Hunterdon High School Workshop participants will learn about a replicable Career Program with over 250 Structured Learning Experience (SLE) opportunities. Participants will learn how students are matched with an SLE placement. Tips and techniques will be shared to ensure a student is competitively employed, seeking additional education, or entering the adult service provider world with identified interests and transferable job skills. Topic: Model Transition Programs Target Audience: Administrators, Supervisors, Employment Specialists, Job Developers, Educators 14) Proactive Approaches to Preventing Problem Behaviors on the Job Jessica Short, Training and Consultation Specialist, and Joyce Jelley, Training and Consultation Specialist, The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Problem behaviors are a major barrier to employment. This workshop will focus on the prevention strategies built off of an understanding of the job seeker and their unique preferences and needs. Topic: Behavior Supports Target Audience: Employment Specialists; Job Developers, Educators 15) Assisting Transitioning Youth with Mental Health Needs to Secure Employment that is Career Focused Faith McCalla, MS, Consultant/Trainer, Mental Health Association in NJ Even in the most supportive environment, many youth find it difficult to transition into employment that is career focused. This workshop will identify some of the ‘new challenges’ youth face pertaining to employment and share how they can utilize the advancement in technology to assist them in their quest to securing a career. Topic: Mental Health Target Audience: Administrators, Supervisors, Employment Specialists, Job Developers, Educators, Families, & Persons in Recovery 16) Steps to Successful Employment: The Interactive Process for Service Providers Melanie Whetzel, MA, Lead Consultant, Cognitive/Neurological Team, Job Accommodation Network This session will provide participants, particularly service providers, with six steps to streamline the accommodation process and insure that effective accommodations are provided. Real life situations and solutions will be interspersed, with an activity included to help participants brainstorm effective accommodation ideas. Topic: Job Accommodations Target Audience: Administrators, Supervisors, Employment Specialists, Job Developers, Educators 17) Trial Work Experience in New Jersey Cheryl Vail, MS, CRC, Program Planning and Development Specialist, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services, and Julie Walz, Employment First Coordinator, The Arc of Camden County NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) and The Arc of Camden County have worked collaboratively to make Trial Work Experiences (TWEs) operational. TWEs occur in multiple and varied community work settings to provide information for DVRS eligibility determination. TWE is a tool to allow those with most significant disabilities to access VR services. Topic: Creative Employment Strategies Target Audience: Administrators, Supervisors, Employment Specialists, Job Developers 18) Identifying Barriers to Employment: The Online Application and Assessment Katelynne Collick, Director, Training and Consultation Services, The Arc of New Jersey, and Joe Young, JD, Executive Director, Disability Rights New Jersey In this workshop, participants will identify and discuss how online applications and assessments are one of the largest barriers to employment for individuals with disabilities. Important information on online application items that violate New Jersey Law Against Discrimination will be explained and complete online assessments will be presented. Topic: Job Coaching Target Audience: Employment Specialists, Job Developers Registration Information •Registration is required and space is limited. See the registration form for fees and deadlines. •Complete the registration form on the next page. •Please remember to mark your workshop choices for the Morning and Afternoon sessions. •Please let us know if you require any special accommodations to participate in the conference. •Event parking at the Hyatt, continental breakfast, lunch buffet, dessert buffet, all day beverage service, and Continuing Education fees are included with your registration. •There are no refunds. •Write check, money order, or purchase order to: The Boggs Center/Rutgers •Please complete the registration form and mail with the appropriate fee to: Gail DiPane The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Liberty Plaza, 335 George Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Phone: 732-235-9314 • Fax: 732-235-9330 Email: [email protected] Continuing Education Facing the Future 23 has been submitted to the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) for continuing education approval. The Boggs Center is a registered NJ Department of Education Professional Development Provider. As part of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, The Boggs Center offers this program for Social Work continuing education per NJAC 13:44G6.4.c(5). Certificates of Attendance from The Boggs Center will be provided to all participants at the end of the day. The conference is eligible for 5 hours of continuing education recognition. Please see The Boggs Center website at: http://rwjms.rutgers.edu/boggscenter for additional details about Continuing Education Credit. Directions to Hyatt Regency New Brunswick Two Albany Street, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 08901 Tel: 732-873-1234 GPS Address: 200 Neilson Street New Brunswick NJ 08901 From the New Jersey Turnpike Take the New Jersey Turnpike to Exit 9. Proceed on Route 18 North 3 miles to Route 27 South. Travel 2 blocks to Nielson Street. Turn left. Hotel is on left. From Route 1, South or North Take Route 18 North 3 miles to Route 27 South. Travel 2 blocks to Nielson Street. Turn left. Our hotel is on left. The Hyatt Regency is walking distance from the New Brunswick train station. Walking directions from New Brunswick train station to Hyatt Regency Head northeast on Albany Street toward Spring Street. Turn right on to Neilson Street and the hotel will be on your left. Parking Information The event parking fee of $6 is pre-paid for conference attendees at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick parking deck. Parking vouchers will be provided at the end of the conference. Space is limited, so car pooling is encouraged. Parking is also available at the Church Street Deck for an additional fee. Overnight Accommodations at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick Call Hyatt reservations at 732-873-1234 or reserve rooms online at: www.newbrunswick.hyatt.com For additional information about room reservations for the conference, please go to: http://rwjms.rutgers.edu/boggscenter/conferences/Facing_the_Future.html Facing the Future 23 March 20, 2015 REGISTER BY FEBRUARY 20th & SAVE! Contact Information Final Registration deadline: March 6, 2015. Complete one registration form per person. Mail form with appropriate fee payable to: The Boggs Center/Rutgers • Attention: Gail DiPane • The Boggs Center, 335 George Street • New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Phone: 732-235-9314 Email: [email protected] Fax: 732-235-9330 First Name __________________________ Middle Initial ________ Last Name _______________________________________ Title (if applicable) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization (if applicable) _________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________________ State __________________ Zip _____________________ Phone ______________________________ Fax _________________ Email ____________________________________________ Special Accommodations Needed: Please let us know at least two weeks in advance if there are special accommodations (sign language interpretation, Braille handouts) needed to allow you to participate: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Continental breakfast, buffet lunch (beef, chicken, fish, and vegetarian selections), and dessert buffet are included in your registration. Please let us know if you have special dietary needs. q Special Dietary Needs __________________ q Assistance with Lunch __________________ Workshop Choices: Please write in the workshop numbers for the sessions you would like to attend. Please select a second choice in case your first choice is not available. 10:15 a.m. 1 Choice: 2 st nd 1:15 p.m. Choice: 1 Choice: 2nd Choice: st Continuing Education: Please check below if you are interested in continuing education credit. q Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification q New Jersey Department of Education q New Jersey Board of Social Work Registration Fees: Full registration fee must accompany this registration form. All registrants will receive a confirmation letter. Please contact Gail DiPane at 732-235-9314 if you have any questions or do not receive a confirmation by March 13, 2015. There are no refunds. To receive the APSE Member rate, you must fill in your membership number below. Friday, March 20 Total Payment APSE Member Rates Non-Member Rates Full Time College or Graduate Student Rates Early Bird until February 20 Registration beginning February 21 Early Bird until February 20 Registration beginning February 21 Registration by March 8 Copy of student ID is required q $140.00 q $175.00 q $175.00 q $195.00 q $95.00 $ $ $ NJ APSE Membership # ______________________________ $ $ (Required to receive Membership Rate. Membership will be verified.) To join APSE, go to: http://www.apse.org/membership/join/ Registration fees include event parking at the Hyatt, continental breakfast, lunch buffet, dessert buffet, all day beverage service, and Continuing Education Fees. The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities Department of Pediatrics Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Liberty Plaza, 335 George Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 PRESORTED FIRST CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ PERMIT NO. 1826 Facing The Future 23 Employment: The Possible Dream Manufacturing Person Centered Transition Creative Supports Financial Services Life Sciences Technology Transportation Healthcare Hospitality & Retail A conference for professionals highlighting best practices in supporting people with disabilities in career planning, customized employment, and transition from school to work March 20, 2015 • Hyatt Regency, New Brunswick, NJ Facing The Future 23 Employment: The Possible Dream Manufacturing Transition Person Centered Financial Services Transportation Schedule Creative Supports Life Sciences Technology Healthcare Hospitality & Retail Friday, March 20, 2015 8:00 a.m. Registration, Continental Breakfast, Exhibits A conference for professionals highlighting best practices in supporting people with disabilities in career planning, customized employment, and transition from school to work 8:30 a.m. Welcome March 20, 2015 • Hyatt Regency, New Brunswick, NJ 8:45 a.m. State Employment Initiatives Leadership Panel 10:15 a.m. Morning Workshops 12:00 noon Awards Luncheon 1:15 p.m. Afternoon Workshops 3:00 p.m. Keynote - Kathy Buckley 3:45 p.m. Certificates Distributed Keynote Presentation by Kathy Buckley and 18 Dynamic Workshops Save with Early Bird Registration by February 20, 2015! Please go to http://rwjms.rutgers.edu/boggscenter or http://www.njapse.com for Awards Nomination Information and Exhibitor and Advertisement Opportunities Rehabilitation Counseling, Social Work, and Education Continuing Education Credits will be available. Do not delay! Register today!
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