DATES TO REMEMBER March 2 June 4 June 5 June 8 July 3 July 6 August 2 1 August 2 4 Summer Term Registration Starts Last Day of 14-15 School Term Closed for training First Day of Summer Term Clubs Closed 15-16 School Term Registration Starts Last Day of Summer Term First Day of School Term TABLE OF CONTENTS Pg. 2 Pg. 3 Pg. 4 Pg. 5-7 Pg. 8-9 Pg. 10-12 Pg. 13 Pg. 14 Pg. 15 Pg. 16 Registration Hours, Food Service, Snack Bar Rules, Dress Code, Discipline Classes Field Trips Class Calendars FCA Day of Champions Open Door Policy Permission Slip, Brochure Receipt, Photo Release Release of Liability 1 BOYS CLUB REGISTRATION The Club provides two Game Rooms with bumper pool, foosball, pool, table hockey and ping pong. The kitchen is the location for our Snack Bar and is equipped for cooking classes. The Library provides an atmosphere for coloring, board games, and bingo. The Arts & Crafts Room is available for various classes and creative projects. The Gym is available for various types of sports & games. The members can relax while watching a movie in the Movie Room.. The Matt Moore Video Arcade has Playstation, XBOX, Wii and more. Summer and Class registration will be held in the Administration Office. New members must be 5 years old and no older than 14. A birth certificate is required to register a new member. The membership fee is due at registration. If you choose to sign up for classes, the fee is due at the time you sign up. Class fees are listed on the class description pages. NO REFUND OR TRANSFER OF FEES. Summer Membership-$335 per member GIRLS CLUB Drop-Offs AFTER 7:00 a.m. are included in the membership. The Club consists of two Game Rooms with bumper pool, foosball, pool, table hockey and ping pong. The kitchen is the location for our Snack Bar and is equipped for cooking classes. The Library provides an atmosphere for coloring, board games, and bingo. The Arts & Crafts Room is available for various classes and creative projects. The Gym is available for various types of sports & games. The girls can also use the big screen T.V. to play video games or sing karaoke. OUTDOOR AREAS Used for various activities such as four square and jump rope. Group sports & activities are scheduled on the fields. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are eaten at the pavilion. It also serves as the waiting area for summer pickup. 2 SUMMER HOURS FOOD SERVICE Club Hours 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Office Hours 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. June 8th through August 12th, Temple ISD will provide breakfast and lunch to RWYC members at no cost. August 13th thru 21st parents must provide a sack lunch for their children or you can purchase something from the snack bar. Food must not require refrigeration or use of microwave. Please make sure member’s name is on their lunch. Members must NOT arrive before 7:00 a.m. In order to drop off a child you may either drop them off at the side entrance or park and walk them in. If members are not picked up by 5:30 p.m. a late fee will be charged as follows: $1.00 per minute for each minute the member is picked up AFTER 5:30 p.m.-based on the Youth Clubs’ clock. LATE FEE MUST BE PAID IN CASH BEFORE THE MEMBER CAN RETURN. SNACK BAR TELEPHONE POLICY Vending Machines: Due to the number of incoming calls and necessity to carry on Club business, members will not be allowed to use the telephone. Canned/bottled drinks .75 - 1.00 Chips .60 - .75 Cookies .60 Pastries .75 Candy .75 - 1.00 Parents will be contacted if the member becomes ill or injured. Please do not call and have your child sent out to be picked up. If it is before 4:30 you must come in to pick up your child, after 4:30 they will be waiting under the pavilion. Snack Bar: MEMBERS ARE DISCOURAGED FROM BRINGING CELL PHONES OR ELECTRONICS TO THE CLUB!! RWYC WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST, STOLEN OR DAMAGEDS ITEMS!!! 3 Hot dog Nachos Corn dog Frito pie Pickle Popcorn Assorted Candy 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 .50 .50 .05 - 1.00 RULES FOR MEMBERS Alcohol or tobacco is not allowed on RWYC premises. Cursing, profanity, abusive language, or fighting is not allowed. DRESS CODE Clothes that promote or encourage the use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs by pictures, words, or slogans are not allowed. Clothes with large holes or tears or sagging pants revealing underwear will not be allowed. Food & Drinks not allowed in the buildings except as specified. Food & Drinks under pavilion as scheduled. NO GUM!!! Revealing short shorts will NOT BE ALLOWED!! Members cannot leave the premises on their own. Parents are responsible for telling their children not to leave with unauthorized persons. NO WHEELED SHOES or SKATEBOARDS ALLOWED!!!! We strongly discourage bringing personal items. Members are not allowed to trade or swap personal items. No Nintendo DS or games with “mature” rating allowed. Video games must be approved through Club Director. All personal items must be labeled with member’s name. We will not be responsible for lost or stolen items. DISCIPLINE RWYC uses the “Time-Out” policy. If this does not help or correct the problem, other disciplinary action may be initiated. Any fighting, pushing, shoving, or stealing could result in a minimum 3-day suspension. Members going on a field trip must leave and return with the club. Members will need to wear athletic shoes and socks on field trips. No flip flops, sandals, or wheeled shoes allowed on trips. Immediate suspension can be determined by the Club Director for serious offenses. Prescription drugs or any kind of medicine must be administered by a parent. Staff are not allowed to give medication. Field trip privileges can be suspended immediately for any misbehavior on a field trip or at the Club. Members need their membership tag to check in at the Clubs. Lost or broken tags can be replaced for 50 cents. Snack bar privileges can be suspended if the pavilion area is not cared for properly. If a member is suspended and misses a class/clinic, they will not be made up nor will the class fee be refunded. 4 CLASSES Please have members at the club 30 minutes prior to start time listed for each class. COOKING AMTRAK TRAIN Have an exciting time riding the Amtrak Train from Taylor to the Temple Santa Fe Depot and play at the Whistlestop Playground. Members will be bussed to Taylor to board the train for Temple. Bring a sack lunch & drink. Maximum of 48 per trip. AGES All All All DAY Thur Tue Thur DATES June 18 July 14 Aug 6 TIMES 9a - 2p 9a - 2p 9a - 2p FEE $10 $10 $10 ART LAB Come Create with color, design, texture and more. Different projects for each class. Maximum of 12 in each class. AGES DAY All Fri All Fri DATES June 12 July 10 TIMES __FEE 12:45-1:45 $13 12:45-1:45 $13 BASKETBALL CLINIC Temple College men’s basketball coach Kirby Johnson will teach basic dribbling, shooting, and passing skills. Clinic runs Tuesday-Thursday. Maximum of 25 boys and 25 girls. Fun food to make and eat!! Basic cooking skills explored with easy to follow recipes. Maximum of 12 in each class. June Classes: AGES DAY DATES All Tue 6/9-6/30 All Wed 6/10-7/1 All Thur 6/11-7/2 TIMES 9:45a-11a 9:45a-11a 9:45a-11a July Classes: AGES DAY DATES All Tue 7/7-7/28 All Wed 7/8-7/29 All Thur 7/9-7/30 TIMES FEE 9:45a-11a $20 9:45a-11a $20 9:45a-11a $20 FEE $20 $20 $20 *Class meets once a week for 4 weeks. FOOTBALL CLINIC Members will learn basic skills including passing, kicking, punting, route running, catching, and defensive moves. Taught by Coach Derrick Williams from UMHB. Maximum of 50. AGES _ DAY ___ DATES __TIMES __ All Tue-Thur July 7 - 9 815a - 945a FEE $15 JEWELRY MAKING Attend this fun introduction to jewelry making and create a pendant, earrings or hair accessory! All Materials provided! Maximum of 12 in each class. AGES DAY DATES TIMES All Tue June 23 1p - 2p All Wed July 1 1p - 2p AGES_ DAY ___ DATES _ TIMES _FEE All Mon-Wed Aug. 3 - 5 815a-930a $15 5 FEE $12 $12 CLASSES Please have members at the club 30 minutes prior to start time listed for each class. UNBIRTHDAY PARTY EXTRAVAGANZA One day out of the year you get to celebrate your birthday. The other 364 days? Well, those are your “unbirthdays”. This year your child is invited to a very special “unbirthday” party extravaganza. For an unforgettable time of fun, join the clowns for cake, punch, and games. AGES DAY DATES TIMES All Fri June 26 2p - 3p FEE $6 Vacation Bible School Temple Bible Church will offer a summer vacation bible school here at RWYC. Water day Wednesday for all participants. AGES __DAY __ DATES All M-Th June15-18 GRANTS ANIMALS TIME 1:30-3pm A lively assortment of creatures presented by Grant Thompson at FISHBOWL. Kids get to touch the animals, lizards , snakes, etc. Kids will have the SWIMMING LESSONS opportunity to take a picture with the snakes after All levels of swim lessons including water safety will be the presentation. Maximum of 30 per class. taught by Coach Buzzy Gover. Members will learn basic American crawl kick & stroke instruction, 3 AGES DAY DATES TIMES _ FEE methods of floating, and treading water. Additional skills Girls Wed June 10 1:00p-1:45p $5 such as beginning diving and advanced techniques will Boys Wed June 10 1:45p-2:30p $5 be taught to ready swimmers. Coach Gover has taught Girls Wed July 8 1:00p-1:45p $5 swimming lessons for many years and received WSI Boys Wed July 8 1:45p-2:30p $5 training from Texas A&M University and maintains Girls Wed Aug 5 1:00p-1:45p $5 current CPR and first aid certifications. Boys Wed Aug 5 1:45p-2:30p $5 Maximum of 13 in each class. AGES _DAY All Mon-Fri All Mon-Fri All Mon-Fri SCIENCE CONCOCTIONS Useful and exciting science projects to make and take home. Different projects for each class. Maximum of 12 in each class. AGES DAY All Fri All Fri DATES June 12 July 10 DATES 7/20-7/24 7/20-7/24 7/20-7/24 _TIMES _____ FEE 845a –930a $50 930a –1015a $50 1015a--11a $50 *Class meets 5 times. More classes will be added once these are full. TIMES FEE 2p - 3:30p $13 2p - 3:30p $13 6 CLASSES Please have members at the club 30 minutes prior to start time listed for each class. 7 FIELD TRIPS Members pay for field trips the morning of in their Club with CASH (no checks will be accepted). Field trip money will not be refunded unless the trip is cancelled. Time listed is when we leave and return. Allow plenty of time to get checked in and board the bus. Members must ride the bus to and from the trip. Members must wear athletic shoes. LION’S JUNCTION WATER PARK Mondays (starting June 15th) Cost: $5.00 Time: 12:30pm - 4:00pm Limit 45 boys & 45 girls MUST KNOW HOW TO SWIM! FERGUSON PARK/SPLASH PAD Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays (starting Monday, June 8th) Time: 9am-10:45am Make sure your child has a bathing suit and towel if he/she wants to get in the water at the splash pad!!! GRAND AVENUE THEATERS Wednesdays (Starting June 10th) Cost: $7.00 Time: 8:15am - 12:00pm Limit 60 boys & 60 girls Includes kid-pack INNERSPACE CAVERNS (Roundrock) Tuesday, June 16th Tuesday, July 28th Tuesday, August 11th Cost: $10.00 Time: 8:15am-12:30pm Limit 28 boys & 28 girls SUMMER FUN WHISTLESTOP PLAYGROUND Fridays (starting June 12th) Cost: $1.00 Time: 9am - 10 am Limit 60 boys & 60 girls Thursday, June 25th Thursday, July 16th Thursday, August 13th Cost: $10.00 Time: 10:30am - 4pm Limit 60 boys & 60 girls Must bring a sack lunch. MUST KNOW HOW TO SWIM! *Be watching for additional field trips!! :) 8 FIELD TRIPS Members pay for field trips the morning of in their Club with CASH (no checks will be accepted). Field trip money will not be refunded unless the trip is cancelled. Time listed is when we leave and return. Allow plenty of time to get checked in and board the bus. Members must ride the bus to and from the trip. Members must wear athletic shoes. WHEELS FAMILY SKATING Friday, June 26th Friday, July 10th Friday, August 14th Cost: $4.00 Time: 9 am - 11 am Limit 60 boys & 60 Girls SPARETIME BOWLING CENTER Thursday, July 30th Thursday, August 20th Cost: $10.00 Time: 1:15pm-3:30pm Limit 30 boys & 30 Girls DR. PEPPER MUSEUM (Waco) MAYBORN MUSEUM Wednesday, June 24th Tuesday, August 4th Cost: $6.00 Time: 12:15pm - 3:30pm Limit 30 boys & 30 girls Tuesday, June 23rd Friday, July 31st Cost: $5.00 Time: 8:30 am - 1pm 60 boys & 60 girls MUST BRING A SACK LUNCH! CAMERON PARK ZOO CHUCK E CHEESE (Killeen) Thursday, June 11th Tuesday, July 21st Tuesday, August 18th Cost: $10.00 Time: 11am-2:30pm Limit 30 boys & 30 girls *Includes pizza, drink, & 16 tokens. Monday, June 22 Friday, July 24th Cost : $10 Time: 8:30am– 2pm Limit 60 per trip BRING A SACK LUNCH!! We will eat lunch at Cameron Park. *Be watching for additional field trips!! :) 9 JUNE 2015-Classes & Field Trips Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Fri 5 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL 8 9 FIRST DAY OF SUMMER 15 Lions Junction Water Park Park/Splash Pad Tue. Cooking 1 Cheerleading 1 Power Tumbling 1 Park/Splash Pad 16 Tue. Cooking 1 Cheerleading 1 Power Tumbling 1 Innerspace Caverns Park/Splash Pad CLUBS CLOSED 10 Wed. Cooking 1 Grand Avenue Theater Grants Animals 11 Thur. Cooking 1 Chuck E Cheese Park/Splash Pad 12 17 Wed. Cooking 1 Grand Avenue Theater 18 Thur. Cooking 1 Amtrak Park/Splash Pad 19 Whistlestop Art Lab Science Concoctions FCA DAY OF CHAMPIONS (ALL DAY) TBC Vacation Bible School ———————————————————] 22 23 24 25 Lions Junction Tue. Cooking 1 Wed. Cooking 1 Thur. Cooking 1 Water Park Cheerleading 1 Grand Avenue Summer Fun Cameron Park Zoo Power Tumbling 1 Theater Park/Splash Pad Park/Splash Pad Mayborn Museum Dr. Pepper Museum Jewelry Making Park/Splash Pad 29 Lions Junction Water Park Park/Splash Pad 30 Tue. Cooking 1 Cheerleading 1 Power Tumbling 1 Park/Splash Pad 10 26 Whistlestop Wheels Family Skating Unbirthday Party July 2015– classes & Field Trips Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 Wed. Cooking 1 Grand Avenue Theater Jewelry Making 6 7 Lions Junction Water Park Park/Splash Pad 8 Tue. Cooking 2 Cheerleading 2 Power Tumbling 2 Park/Splash Pad 3 Thur. Cooking 1 Park/Splash Pad 9 Wed. Cooking 2 Grand Avenue Theater Grants Animals Fri CLUBS CLOSED 10 Thur. Cooking 2 Modeling Kickboxing Park/Splash Pad Whistlestop Wheels Family Skating Art Lab Science Concoctions Football Clinic —————————————] 13 Lions Junction Water Park Park/Splash Pad 20 Lions Junction Water Park Park/Splash Pad Swim Lessons 27 Lions Junction Water Park Park/Splash Pad 14 Tue. Cooking 2 Cheerleading 2 Power Tumbling 2 Amtrak Park/Splash Pad 21 Tue. Cooking 2 Cheerleading 2 Power Tumbling 2 Chuck E Cheese Park/Splash Pad Swim Lessons 28 Tue. Cooking 2 Cheerleading 2 Power Tumbling 2 Innerspace Caverns Park/Splash Pad 15 16 Wed. Cooking 2 Thur. Cooking 2 Grand Avenue TheSummer Fun ater Park/Splash Pad 17 22 23 Wed. Cooking 2 Thur. Cooking 2 Grand Avenue ThePark/Splash Pad ater 24 Swim Lessons Swim Lessons Whistlestop Whistlestop Cameron Park Zoo Swim Lessons 29 30 31 Wed. Cooking 2 Thur. Cooking 2 Whistlestop Grand Avenue The- Spare Time Bowling Mayborn Museum ater Park/Splash Pad 11 August 2015 Classes & Field Trips Mon 3 Lions Junction Water Park Park/Splash Pad Tue Wed 4 5 Dr. Pepper Museum Grand Avenue Park/Splash Pad Theater Grants Animals Thu 6 Fri 7 Amtrak Park/Splash Pad Whistlestop Basketball Clinic —–————————————————] 10 Lions Junction Water Park Park/Splash Pad 11 12 Innerspace Caverns Grand Avenue Park/Splash Pad Theater 13 17 18 Chuck E Cheese Park/Splash Pad 19 20 21 Spare Time Bowling Park/Splash Pad 25 26 Lions Junction Water Park Park/Splash Pad 24 Grand Avenue Theater Summer Fun Park/Splash Pad 27 31 12 14 Whistlestop Wheels Family Skating END OF SUMMER PARTY 28 The Heart of Texas Fellowship of Christian Athletes Day of Champions 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. --- June 19, 2015 Ralph Wilson Youth Club in Temple Sign Up Sheet - - - Please complete and sign the form below. Name ___________________________________ Address________________________________________ City/State/Zip______________ Home Phone________________Cell Phone___________________ Age (must be 8-14 yrs. of age)_________ School Name/Grade____________________________ E-mail address:_________________________________ T-Shirt Size (Circle one) YM YL AS AM AL AXL AXXL AXXXL ***T-shirt will only be available on the day of camp to the first 200 sign-ups Cost: $ 10 (Includes breakfast, lunch, Bible, & t-shirt…make check payable to HOT FCA) Sport Camp Options ……. (Circle 2 choices) ______________Basketball _____________Baseball__________Softball Each child will participate in 2 mini sports camps. Please note your skill level for the choices made…i.e. experienced, not experienced… Also, remember to wear proper shoes &bring your own equipment for baseball and softball. Health issues/concerns that we need to be aware of :_____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Do hereby release any and all claims against the Ralph Wilson Youth Clubs(RWYC), Fellowship of Christian Athletes(FCA), Temple College, current Staff members, and Representatives, Volunteers, for injuries or damages my child may incur while attending the FCA Day of Champions June 19, 2015, or as a passenger on a RWYC bus. I agree to defend and indemnify the above named parties against any loss due to injuries sustained by my child while boarding, riding, or departing from aforesaid bus. I hereby authorize Staff to seek emergency medical treatment for my child in the event of my unavailability. Signed at Temple, Bell County, Texas, this ________day of __________, 2015. Parent/Guardian ____________________________________ Emergency Contact Information Home phone # __________Cell phone # ____________E-mail_______________________ ********************************************************************************* 13 OPEN DOOR POLICY The Ralph Wilson Youth Clubs of Temple, Inc. is committed to providing an organized and supervised environment for boys and girls of our community. The boys and girls who attend the facility are our members and they enjoy the opportunity to share social, educational, and recreational experiences regardless of race, color, or creed, as they develop their capacity to be self sufficient and responsible members of the community. It is important to remember that children are not allowed on the Clubs grounds during operating hours unless they are signed in AND participating in Club activities. We have an OPEN DOOR POLICY that allows our members to come and go at any time during the Clubs operating hours. Members are NOT required to sign out and staff members generally are not allowed to prohibit a member from leaving the facility. It is important for you, the parent/guardian, to let your child know your expectations and requirements of them when they arrive at AND when they are to leave our facility. Working together we can provide the care and safety that your child deserves. Please do not drop your child/children off prior to the opening of our facilities, because there is no one to supervise them. We appreciate the opportunity to have your child/children with us. We strongly believe in safety first and ask for your help in this effort. I have read and understand the Ralph Wilson Youth Clubs OPEN DOOR POLICY. Names of child/children enrolled: _________________________________ ________________________________, _________________________________, ________________________________, _________________________________ Signed by parent/guardian______________________________________ 14 2015 FIELD TRIP PERMISSION FORM My child/children as listed: _________________________________ ________________________________, _________________________________, ________________________________, _________________________________ has/have my permission to attend the RWYC field trips. I have the option of deciding which trips they will attend. By sending the money on the day/time specified on the field trip list, I give my permission. I understand the field trips are on a first come, first pay basis and when the limited number of slots are filled, the field trip sign up will end. SWIMMING FIELD TRIPS ARE FOR MEMBERS WHO KNOW HOW TO SWIM. RWYC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR PUTTING ON FLOATIES, LIFE VESTS, ETC. PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR APPLYING SUNSCREEN PRIOR TO DROPPING OFF THEIR CHILDREN AT THE CLUB. RECEIPT OF SUMMER TERM BROCHURE This form must be signed at the time of registration to indicate receipt of a Ralph Wilson Youth Clubs summer term brochure. I understand I am expected to read the brochure and follow policy and rules as stated in it. I understand I must read and explain the policy and rules to my child/children for their safety and welfare while attending the youth club. FAILURE TO FOLLOW POLICY AND RULES CAN RESULT IN MY CHILD’S SUSPENSION. MEMBERSHIP FEE IS REVOKED IF MEMBER IS SUSPENDED. Signed by parent/guardian______________________________________ PHOTO RELEASE I understand that during the course of the summer, pictures will be taken of some of the members for display posters and the RWYC scrap book. Also, the Temple Daily Telegram and other such organizations may take pictures for a newspaper article or television program. I give permission for my child’s/children’s picture to be taken for the items listed. Signed by parent/guardian______________________________________ 15 RALPH WILSON YOUTH CLUBS OF TEMPLE, INC. PARTICIPANT RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT READ BEFORE SIGNING Member Name: ___________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________________________ In consideration of my child being allowed to participate in the programs and activities offered by the Ralph Wilson Youth Clubs of Temple, Inc. (RWYC), I acknowledge and agree that: 1. Many of the activities offered by RWYC in which my child will participate while under the care of RWYC involve physical activity or transportation, and therefore, there is a risk of injury or even death. 2. Because I still desire that my child be allowed to participate in RWYC’s programs, I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME SUCH RISKS FOR MYSELF AND ON BEHALF OF MY CHILD, INCLUDING RISKS ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF RWYC OR ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS. 3. I, for myself and on behalf of my child, and my and their heirs, assigns or personal representatives, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD RWYC, INCLUDING ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS, HARMLESS FROM INJURY OR DEATH ARISING FROM THE PARTICIPATION OF MY CHILD IN RWYC PROGRAMS. Executed this ________ day of _______________, 20______. ______________________________________ Parent/Guardian of _______________________ 16
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