SUSTAINABLE SLUDGE HANDLING Erik Levlin Dep. of Land and Water Resources Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden I. PRINCIPLES OF SUSTAINABLE SLUDGE HANDLING When the Brundtland Commission’s "Our Common Future" was published in 1987, the concept of sustainable development rapidly became generally accepted. The definition of sustainability in the Brundtland report is: "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". Harremoës (1996) gives the following interpretation of sustainability with a resource component and a pollution component: o Society should use its resources such that the society can continue its mode of operation without exhausting its resources o Society should protect the environment against irreversible damage, including protection of unique species and habitats Sludge may be regarded both as a resource which should be recycled in a proper way and a threat to the environment. Different resources in the sludge include: o Nutrients as phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. Special consideration should be devoted to phosphorus due to a possible scarcity in the future. o Organic material for soil conditioning, energy production, adsorption materials or production of organic compounds as organic acids. o Inorganic material for reuse as precipitation chemicals, use in building materials and possible recovery of some valuable metals. Harmful substances in the sludge may be divided into pathogens, organics (including oil and organic micropollutants) and toxic inorganics (heavy metals, asbestos, radioactive materials etc). Sustainable sludge handling may therefore be defined as a method that meets requirements of efficient recycling of resources without supply of harmful substances to humans or the environment. The sludge handling should be performed in an energy and resource efficient way. The different options that are available for handling chemicals (including sludge compounds) with respect to ultimate fate are few, namely no use, reuse, convert, contain and disperse (Harremoës, 1996). These options are illustrated for sludge handling (see Table 1). 1 Table 1. Illustration of different principal options for sludge handling Option Purpose Application in sludge handling No use Stop use of an unwanted substance due to detrimental and irreversible effects to the environment Effective control of industrial discharges, use of environmentally friendly consumer products etc to facilitate sludge use in agriculture and use of sludge products Reuse Decrease of the amount reaching the environment and of extraction of mineral resources by reusing the compound Internal reuse of materials (as reuse of precipitation chemicals) and external reuse (as reuse of phosphorus as fertiliser) Convert Conversion of a substance from an obnoxious form to a form, acceptable for further transport by air, or water or in solid form Conversion of organics to methane gas (for further use as energy source), solubilisation of sludge components for product recovery, conversion of sludge into compost etc Contain To contain the residues with as low leaching ability as possible Separate containment of toxic substances in the sludge, inclusion or stabilisation of ashes from sludge incineration etc Disperse Dispersion into environment without negative impact Effective dispersion of sludge in agricultural use, effective dispersion of treated flue gases in sludge incineration The different options in sludge handling should be combined in an optimal way. Generally, an effective control of industrial discharges and use of environmentally friendly consumer products are prerequisites for an efficient sludge handling. Containment of pollutants should be restricted to a minor part of the products used in society due to increasing shortage of land. About 6.5 millions tonnes dry solid were disposed of or recycled in the 12 Member States of the European Union in 1994 (European Commission, 1997). Trends in sludge production and final sludge handling is illustrated in Figure 1. It is expected to 2005 a significant increase in sludge production, a decrease in disposal and an increase in recycling and incineration. Sludge production in Sweden is about 240,000 tonnes dry solids per year. Final sludge handling was in 1988 in Sweden: Agriculture 35%, deposition on landfill 40%, land restauration 15%, and green belts 10% (VAV, 1991). Ten years later (1998) the agricultural use had declined to 25% and disposal on landfill had increased to 46 % (SEPA and SCB, 2000). At present, agricultural use is low due to the recent recommendation (Autumn 1999) by LRF that agricultural spreading should be suspended because of the presence of brominated flame retardants in sludges and their possible negative effects on soils and organisms. Deposition on landfill of organic sludges will be forbidden in 2005, and there is little experience on sludge incineration in Sweden. The recommendation not to spread sludge on agricultural land, prohibition to dispose organic sludges on landfills in the near future and the little experience on incineration have given a large pressure on municipalities to change final disposal routes and different actors have very different opinions on suitable routes. It is therefore natural that there exists at present an intensive sludge debate in Sweden. 2 Figure 1. Sludge production and final sludge handling in the 12 EU Member States 1984-2005 (European Commission, 1997). II. PRACTICE IN SLUDGE HANDLING II.1 Main methods Sludge handling in a large centralised wastewater treatment plant consists of several possible steps: o o o o o o o o o o Preliminary treatment (screening, comminution) Primary thickening (gravity, flotation, drainage belt, centrifuges) Liquid sludge stabilisation (anaerobic digestion, aerobic digestion, lime addition) Secondary thickening (gravity, flotation, drainage belt, centrifuges) Conditioning (elutriation, chemical, thermal) Dewatering (plate press, belt press, centrifuge, drying bed) Final treatment (composting, drying, lime addition, incineration, wet oxidation, pyrolysis) Storage (liquid sludge, dry sludge, compost, ash) Transportation (road, pipeline, sea) Final destination (landfill, agriculture/horticulture, forest, reclaimed land, land building, sea, sale) The main sludge handling technology in Sweden is for larger treatment plants: Primary thickening (mainly by gravity), liquid sludge stabilisation (mainly by anaerobic digestion), conditioning (mainly by use of polyelectrolytes), dewatering (mainly by centrifuges and belt presses), transportation (mainly by road), and final destination (mainly agriculture, landfill, land building, and land reclamation). The different methods for sludge volume reduction, sludge stabilisation and final destination for sludges may be combined in different ways. Different options are illustrated in Figure 2. 3 Sludge from mechanical, biological and chemical Thickening (gravity, flotation) Stabilization (anaerobic or aerobic Dewatering (centrifugation, filter and belt presses) Stabilization (composting, lime addition, heat drying, incineration) Sludge disposal (agriculture, landfill, land building) Figure 2. Different options for sludge handling. II.2 Restrictions of sludge handling Sludge handling has two main purposes: (1) Stabilisation of the sludge by use of different methods as biological (anaerobic and aerobic digestion and composting, chemical (mainly use of lime), and thermal (heat drying, incineration and melting) (2) Volume reduction by use of thickening (gravity thickening, flotation and centrifugation), dewatering (use of centrifugation, filters and presses), drying (natural and heat drying), and incineration and melting Stabilisation is used to obtain a sludge that does not change in time, i.e. a stable sludge, and that does not cause odour problems. In addition stabilisation may reduce the number of pathogens in the sludge, especially by use of chemical and thermal methods. Biological stabilisation removes the biodegradable part of the sludge. Heat drying and lime addition inhibits further bacterial growth. Lime containing sludge in contact with carbon dioxide in the air is neutralised and after a certain time bacterial growth may start again. In incineration both biodegradable and nonbiodegradable organic materials are removed. Main sludge handling in Sweden is for larger treatment plants: thickening (mainly by gravity thickening), stabilisation (mainly by anaerobic digestion), conditioning of the sludge before dewatering by polyelectrolytes, dewatering of the sludge (mainly by centrifuges or belt presses), and transportation for final destination (mainly agriculture, landfill, land building and land reclamation). Sludge handling methods are restricted by several reasons such as regulations from authorities, acceptance from different groups, technical problems, and costs. Some restrictions for the final sludge destination are described in Table 2. 4 Table 2. Examples of restrictions for final sludge destination. Final sludge destination Restrictions Agricultural use o Limiting values of metal concentrations in sludge use. These are in Sweden as mg/kg DS: Pb 100, Cd 2, Cu 600, Cr 100, Hg 2.5, Ni 50, and Zn 800 o Guidance values for indicator organic compounds. These are in Sweden as mg/kg DS: Nonyl phenol 50, toluen 5, total PAH 3, and total PCB 0.4. o Maximum yearly amount of nutrients allowed to agricultural land from sewage sludge (for Swedish conditions see SEPA, 1995) o Limiting values of the yearly amount of metals that may be supplied to agricultural land as g/ha and year (for Swedish conditions see SEPA, 1995) o Acceptance from food industry (food industry may not buy agricultural products grown on land fertilised with sewage sludge) o Public acceptance Land disposal o Availability of land disposal areas o Limitation of maximum percentage of organic materials in the sludge before disposal (which may necessitate the use of incineration) o Fees of 250 SEK/metric ton for disposal of sludge on landfill o Deposition of organic material will be prohibited by 2005 Land building and reclamation o Availability of land areas o Environmental impact of application of sewage sludge Incineration o Permit to build an incineration plant o Difficulties to find a suitable plant for co-incineration of sewage sludge (with municipal solid wastes, biofuels, coal, cement, brick etc) including permits o Restrictions related to treatment of flue gases o Restrictions related to further handling of produced ashes Agricultural use of sludge is often regarded as the best alternative if the pollutants in the sludge is below limiting and guidance values. However, lack of acceptans from food industry and the public may make it difficult to use sludge for agriculture. Many attempts have been done to find agreements for agricultural use of sludge. Thus, a national consultation group has been formed in Sweden to stimulate the use of sludge in agriculture and to agree upon different actions and voluntary precautionary measures to prevent the supply of unwanted chemicals and substances into the sewer net. The group consists of representatives from the National Organization of Agricultural Workers (LRF), the Swedish Water and Waste Works Association (VAV), and the Swedish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). Although this group has reached agreements, the future of agricultural use of sludge is uncertain and under debate. A discussion is going on concerning the availability of phosphate to plants of precipitated iron or aluminium phosphates. Landfill of sludges will probably be restricted considerably in the future. In several countries (as Germany) only sludges with a low percentage content of organics will be allowed for land deposit. Land deposit of sludges can contribute to diffusive spread of materials as phosphorus 5 and metals due to leakage and emission of materials such as methane gas (a green house gas), methylated metal compounds (such as methylated mercury) and odours. In order to reduce landfill deposit of sludges a fee must be paid in Sweden of 250 SEK/metric ton of sludge. The use of sludge for land building, restoration of land and use for covering of landfills may be limited in the future due to lack of land and possible negative environmental effects. Sludge incineration has gained much interest as a method for final handling of sewage sludges (Jungvik, 1998). This technology is not yet practiced to a significant extent in Sweden. The investment and operational costs are rather high and there may also be a problem to obtain a permit to build an incineration plant. Therefore, attention has been directed towards coincineration in already existing incineration plants. Co-incineration may be applied in an incineration plant for municipal solid wastes, for biofuels (wood, peat etc), coal or plants producing building materials at high temperatures (cement, brick etc). Some experiments have been done with co-incineration of sewage sludge together mainly with municipal solid wastes. The experiments have in general been positive although some problems have been obtained related to sintering of ashes and increased concentration of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and volatile metals (mercury and cadmium) in the flue gases. The need for complementary investments, if co-incineration is practised, in flue gas treatment or handling of ashes need to be further studied. Possibilities to recover phosphorus from ashes have not yet been evaluated. Studies have, however, started in this area. II.3 Discussion of sludge handling practices Main practises of sludge handling have been discussed above. In addition a lot of other methods have been studied, although the methods have not been used significantly in practice. The sludge handling methods in Table 2 may be modified in many ways to comply with requirements. Different examples are given below: o Agricultural use: - Hygienisation of the sludge - Removal of metals by treatment of sludge for instance by acids - Improvement of sludge handling properties (composting, drying etc) - Addition of alkaline materials (lime, cement dust etc) - "Dilution" of sludge by addition of different materials (cocomposting with other materials, addition of weighting materials, addition of special conditioning materials or rest products etc) o Land filling - Improvement of sludge handling properties - Decrease of leaching from sludges and ashes o Land building and reclamation - Improvement of sludge handling properties - Decrease of leaching from sludges and ashes o Incineration - Pre-treatment of sludges before incineration - Improvement in incineration technology - Improvement of flue gas treatment - Improvement of handling of ashes (including resources recovery and leaching from ashes) 6 o Product recovery - Improvement of product quality - Decrease in use of chemicals and energy in product recovery - Acceptance of products from industry and public - Removal of toxic substanses as a sidestream A wastewater treatment plant should have a flexibility in sludge handling and different options should be considered. Sludge use for agriculture is often considered as the best alternative but may have difficulties to be accomplished due to many restrictions. Landfills, use of sludge in land building and land reclamation and incineration have limits related to resources recovery and environmental impact. Product recovery from sludges is still in a development phase but has the potential of both recover resources and destruct pollutants or remove them into a small concentrated stream. The potential of products recovery from sludges will therefore be discussed in more detail in the following. III. SLUDGE VOLUME REDUCTION III.1 Sludge volume reduction methods Sludge from sedimentation and flotation units from water and wastewater treatment has a low solids concentration and must be concentrated by different methods before disposal or use for different purposes. Water in flocs exists as drainable water, capillary water and adsorbed and internal water for instance in cells. Water may also be bound as crystallisation water in chemical precipitates. Thickening methods as gravity thickening, flotation and disc centrifuges can mainly remove drainable water. Part of the water in capillaries can be removed by dewatering methods such as belt and filter presses and bowl centrifuges. The applied pressure during dewatering limits how much of the capillary water that can be removed. Water in fine capillaries and adsorbed water can be removed by different drying methods. Most efficient is the use of heat drying. Finally, internal water and crystallisation water are removed by methods as incineration and sludge melting. In order to facilitate dewatering of sludges the sludge is normally treated by conditioning methods. Such methods include the addition of chemicals as polyelectrolytes and metal salts or the use of heat or freezing. Conditioning is a method to reduce the number of small particles and to build up larger flocs. Metal salts and polyelectrolytes act as coagulation and/or flocculation agents. In heat treatment the structure of the organic material such as proteins changes and a sludge with very good dewatering properties may be obtained. During the heating process much materials in the sludge goes in solution and a supernatant with a high concentration of organic materials and nutrients is obtained. Freezing bursts cells and improves thereby the dewatering properties of the sludge. In Sweden the dominant conditioning agent is polyelectrolytes. Freezing is used at a few places with cold climate. During recent years a renewed interest has arisen on the use of heat conditioning of sludges. This depends on the possibilities to diminish the sludge production, improve the dewaterability compared with the use of polyelectrolytes and to recover different 7 substances released during the heat conditioning. Commersial processes with this technology are KREPRO and Cambi. The solids concentration of sludge is nearly doubled in thickening, which increases the solids content by partial removal of the liquid. The concentration increase depends on the type of sludge, with activated sludge increasing to about 3% solids and primary sludge to about 9% solids. The most usual methods for thickening are gravity settling and flotation. Conventional gravity thickening is simple and inexpensive. It is essentially a sedimentation process similar to that which occurs in all settling tanks. Gravity settling thickening is carried out in tanks which are usually equipped with a slow stirrer to provide gentle agitation which enhances settling. Gravity thickening usually exhibits hindered settling phenomenon. The degree to which waste sludge can be thickened depends on many factors as the type of sludge being thickened and its volatile solids concentration. The initial solids concentration has an effect on the degree of the concentration achieved. Hydraulic and surface loading rates are also of importance. The supernatant from the thickener is returned to the wastewater treatment process. Flotation thickening is achieved by creating gas bubbles in the sludge. The bubbles attach to the sludge particles, give them buoyancy and carry them up to the liquid surface. The accumulated sludge is removed from the surface by scrapers and the clarified liquid is returned to the wastewater treatment process. A dissolved air flotation unit is shown in Figure 3. Surface sludge collector Sludge water Influent sludge Thickened sludge air Bottem sludge collector Water to Pressure tank pressure tank Figure 3. Bottem sludge Flotation thickening of sludge. Many methods of sludge disposal involve dewatering of the sludge. The objective of sludge dewatering is to facilitate utilization, disposal or further processing of the sludge. The sludge dewatering is a process of the removal of sufficient water from sludge to give it quasi-solid characteristics and the reduction of volume and moisture content of sludge. Sludges may be dewatered by use of belt press (see Figure 4), drying beds, lagoons, centrifuges, filter presses, and horizontal belt filters. 8 Sludge inlet Dewatered sludge Figure 4. Belt press for sludge dewatering. Dried sludge can be used as a fertilizer or a soil conditioner, but the costs of drying are high. Incineration can be used as the ultimate sludge disposal method when the sludge has been dewatered to give a solids content greater than about 30%. The heat of combustion of the sludge solids is sufficient to evaporate the residual water content. The residual ash has to be disposed or used in building material manufacturing. Sludge incineration, particularly for large cities, has the advantage of removal organic solids and thereby reducing the weight and volume of solids. 9 III.2. Moisture distribution in sludge Water in sludge can be classified as free water, interstitial water, surface water and bound water (see Figure 5). Free water include void water that is not affected by capillary forces. This water may partly be removed by thickening processes. Free water Interstitial water Surface water Bound water Figure 5. A visualisation of moisture distribution in sludge (Tsang and Vesilind 1990). Interstitial water is inside the flocs when sludge is in suspension and is present in the capillaries when the cake is formed. This water may be partly removed by dewatering. Remaining capillary bound water and surface water may be removed by drying. Bound water is chemically bound to the solid particles and is not removed by drying but by the use of incineration. III.3. Volume reduction in dewatering and thickening During dewatering or thickening when the water is pressed out of the sludge, the volume reduction will mainly follow the formula for volume reduction of suspensions with voids filled with water. The specific gravity of sludge is a function of its volatile fraction and its fixed fraction. The volatile fraction has a specific gravity near the value of water. The specific gravity of the fixed fraction is often assumed to be 2.5. The concentration and density of the excess sludge at Nowy Targ WWTP, Poland before and after thickening and after dewatering are shown in table 3 as mean values for the years 1996, 1997 and 1998 (Hultman et al., 1999). Figure 6 shows sludge volume in l/kg dry solids versus per cent of dry solids before thickening, after thickening and after dewatering. Table 3. Concentration and density of the excess sludge at Nowy Targ before and after thickening and after dewatering. Parameter Year Before thickening After thickening After dewatering Concentration, % 1996 1997 1998 0.58 0.75 0.63 3.89 2.67 2.47 15.77 14.00 14.00 10 1996 1002 1013 951 Density, kg/ m3 1997 1998 1003 1002 1010 1007 959 952 300 250 l/kg DS 200 Before thickening 150 100 After thickening 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DS, % 10 9 l/kg DS 8 After dewatering 7 6 5 4 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 DS, % Figure 6. Volume in l/kg Dry Solids versus per cent of dry solids for sludge from Nowy Targ before thickening, after thickening and after dewatering. The volume reduction at a sludge density of 1 kg/ liter (100/% DS) is inserted as a dotted line (Hultman et al., 1999). The present sludge production of about 3000 kg SS/day and a sludge concentration of about 13 % and a specific gravity of 0.95 requires a volume need of about 24.3 m3/day. A very efficient dewatering with formation of a sludge cake or a combination of dewatering and natural drying could reduce this volume need down to about 6 m3/day. With the voids filled with air the sludge specific gravity is about 0.5. Experiments at Nowy Targ have shown that a change from centrifugation to a filter press increased the sludge solids concentration from about 15 % to 19 % if polyelectrolytes were used as conditioning agents. The use of 0.17 kg FeCl3 and 0.83 kg Ca(OH)2 gave a after dewatering in the filter press a value of 30 % dry solids. 11 With the assumption that added FeCl3 is precipitated as Fe(OH)3 and added Ca(OH)2 as CaCO3 the added amount of sludge dry solids is about 1.2 kg per kg supplied sludge before conditioning. The volatile fraction of the sludge without addition of inorganic conditioning agents was about 80 %. After conditioning with inorganic agents the volatile fraction may be calculated to 34 %. The VSS concentration after dewatering in the filter press may then be calculated to 15.2 % and 10.2 % with conditioning with polyelectrolytes and inorganic agents, respectively. The addition of inorganic conditioning agents will therefore not cause a volume reduction compared with the addition of polyelectrolytes. Sludge from biological nutrient removal and other activated sludge process contain a high proportion of intercellular water, which can not be removed with ordinary dewatering methods. Processes which rupture intercellular water are required to remove intercellular water. Waste activated sludge from biological nutrient removal can be dewatered to 12 to 15 % dry solids with ordinary dewatering methods. Undigested primary sludge can be dewatered to 30 % and digested primary and waste activated sludge can be dewatered to between 16 and 22 %. III.4. Volume reduction in heat drying The evaporation rate of different types of water is shown in Figure 7. After drying dry solids and bound water remain. Dependent on the degree of heat drying some surface water may also remain. Rate of surface evapowater ration dry so- B interstitial lids water (B is bound water) free water Weight of sample Figure 7. Drying curve for identifying different types of water in sludge. During drying the sludge changes characteristics. The sludge passes three zones: o The wet zone, where the sludge is free-flowing and can be spread easily onto the heated tube o The sticky zone, where the sludge is pastry o The granular zone, where the sludge is crumbly in nature and mixes much more freely During drying a certain amount of volatile substances are removed. If this amount is neglected the total solids in the sludge is equal to the total sludge dry mass + the remaining water content. 12 III.5. Volume reduction in incineration Ashes produced during incineration may either be handled wet or dry. Ash density is about 560 kg/m3 dry and 880 kg/m3 wet. Solmaz (1998) uses in a calculation example ash density of dry and wet ash 800 kg/m3 and 1200 kg/m3, respectively. The water content in wet ash was about 6 % in the calculation example for polymer conditioned sludge. Stabilization with lime will increase the inorganic content and thus decrease the volume reduction achieved through incineration. A higher daily volume of ashes is produced if the sludge is stabilized with lime. A typical dose of lime in stabilization is 0.45 kg CaO/kg dry solids. For a sludge production of 3000 kg/day a lime dosage of 1350 kg is necessary and the total sludge production will be 4350 kg/day of which 1950 kg is inorganic sludge. With a density of ashes of 600 kg/m3 the volume produced of ashes is 2.25 m3/day. Often sludge is burned at a temperature of about 800 to 850 ºC a temperature there the inorganic material is in a solid phase as a porous ash with a density of about 600 to 800 kg/m3. Solmaz (1998) has exemplified volume reduction of dewatered sludge conditioned either by polyelectrolytes or lime and given approximate data for the volume needs per kg dry solids. Table 4. Weight, volume and density for dewatered, dried and incinerated of two sludges, one conditioned with polyelectrolytes and the other conditioned with lime (Solmaz, 1998). Process ConditioDry ning agent Solids, % Dewater. PE 25 Dried PE 90 Incin. PE 100 Dewater. lime 35 Dried lime 95 Incin. lime 100 Weight Volume 1000 280 75 1000 370 175 1000 400 125 1000 525 290 Density kg/l 1.0 0.7 0.6 1.0 0.7 0.6 Dry Solids Volyme, l/kg DS 250 4.00 250 1.60 75 1.67 350 2.86 350 1.50 175 1.66 From table 4 it is seen that incineration is very advantageous as a method of sludge volume reduction especially when organic materials are used for sludge conditioning. Additions of inorganic chemicals, either for conditioning or for chemical precipitation, increases significantly the sludge volume produced per day in incineration. The sludge volume reduction depends on the reduction in volume in liter per kg dry solids reached by dewatering and drying and and the reduction of dry solids solids reached through incineration or digestion. 13 IV BIOLOGICAL SLUDGE STABILISATION Anaerobic digestion is a process in which organic material in the sludge is degraded without contact with air (see Figure 8). The retention time in the digester is about 15 to 20 days. During the process energy rich biogas is formed consisting of about 2/3 methane gas and 1/3 carbon dioxide. The biogas may be used for energy production for heating purposes or production of electricity. If the carbon dioxide is removed the remaining methane gas may be used as a fuel for cars and busses. In aerobic digestion the sludge is aerated for 15 to 20 days in order to remove biodegradable organic material in the sludge. Problems related to aerobic digestion are the energy need for aeration and cooling of the sludge during the winter period. Aerobic digestion has therefore mainly come into use at small treatment plants. Composting is also an aerobic stabilisation process. In this case a high sludge concentration must be used, about 40 - 45 %. This may be obtained by addition of materials as wood chips or solid wastes. Due to the high sludge concentration the heat produced during degradation of organic material increases the temperature of the sludge up to 60 - 80 ºC, and thereby is the hygienisation of the sludge improved. CH4 + H2O Fixed cover Gas storage Sludge inlets Sludge outlets Mixer Sludge heater Figure 8. V Anaerobic digestion of sludge. FINAL DESTINATION OF SLUDGE Agricultural use of sludge is often regarded as the best alternative if the pollutants in sludge is below limiting and guidance values. However, lack of acceptance from food industry and the public may make it difficult to use sludge for agriculture. Many attempts have been done to find agreements for agricultural use of sludge. Thus, a national consultation group has been formed in Sweden to stimulate the use of sludge in agriculture and to agree upon different actions and voluntary precautionary measures to prevent the supply of unwanted chemicals and substances into the sewer net. Although this group has reached agreements, the future of agricultural use of 14 sludge is uncertain and under debate. A discussion is going on concerning the availability of phosphate to plants of precipitated iron or aluminium phosphates. Landfill of sludges will be restricted considerably in the future. In Sweden a tax of 250 SEK/ton on all deposited solid waste was introduced year 2000 (SFS 1999:673). Deposition of incinerable waste has been prohibited and in year 2005 there will be a ban on deposition of all organic material on landfill (SFS 2001:512). Land deposit of sludges can contribute to diffusive spread of materials as phosphorus and metals due to leakage and emission of materials such as methane gas (a green house gas), methylated metal compounds (such as methylated mercury) and odours. In order to reduce landfill deposit of sludges a fee must be paid in Sweden. The use of sludge for land building, restoration of land and use for covering of landfills may be limited in the future due to lack of land and possible negative environmental effects. Sludge incineration has gained much interest as a method for final handling of sewage sludges. Table 5 shows a comparison of sludge treatment methods.Incineration (ATV, 1997) and SCWO, Super Critical Water Oxidation (Stendahl and Jäfverström, 2003, see figure 9), are methods that eliminates all organic content. With SCWO can the potential energy of the organic material be utilised. SCWO occurs in water of a supercritical phase at a temperature above 374 °C and a pressure higher than 22 Mpa. Sludge incineration requires that the sludge has to be dried to 40 % dry substance. The energy produced from the incineration is consumed by the drying and there is therefore no net energy recovery from sludge incineration. With use of SCWO, energy can be recovered also from sewage sludge and organic waste with too low dry substance for incineration. Anaerobic digestion eliminates half of the organic content and half of the energy can be utilised as methane gas. Co-incineration may be applied in an incineration plant for municipal solid wastes, for biofuels (wood, peat etc), coal or plants producing building materials at high temperatures (cement, brick etc). Some experiments have been done with co-incineration of sewage sludge together mainly with municipal solid wastes. The experiments have in general been positive although some problems have been obtained related to sintering of ashes and increased concentration of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and volatile metals (mercury and cadmium) in the flue gases. The need for complementary investments, if co-incineration is practised, in flue gas treatment or handling of ashes need to be further studied. Recovery of phosphorus from ashes involves many technical problems. Table 5. Comparison of sludge treatment methods. Energy gain Composting No Rest product Half of the organic content is oxidized Anaerobic digestion Half: 2.5 kWh biogas/kg DS Half of the organic content is oxidized Incineration No, the energy is used for sludge drying All organic content is oxidized Super Critical Water Oxidation Almost all 5 kWh heat/kg DS All organic content is oxidized 15 Steam Steam Boiler Gas/Liquid Separator Effluent Cooler Boiler Water Pure Water, Inorganics Economiser Boiler Water Pump Waste Water Heater Gas 400 °C Reactor 250 Bar CO 2, O2, N 2 Pressure Release °° °°°° °° °°°°°° °° °°°° °°° ° °°°° ° ° ° °° ° °° Oxygen Vaporiser Oxygen 600 °C Tank Grinder High Pressure Pump Oxygen Pump Figure 9. SCWO, Super Critical Water Oxidation (Stendahl and Jäfverström, 2003). VI RECOVERY AND REUSE OF SLUDGE PRODUCTS Another strategy for sludge handling that is to use the sludge as a source for different products. At present development works are directed towards the use the digester gas as fuel for vehicles, while the sludge should be used in agriculture. By use of improved sludge handling a better product recovery and use may be obtained. Internal products may include solubilised organic materials for improvements of biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal, production of nitrification bacteria for seeding purposes from a separate nitrification step of supernatant from dewatering of digested sludge, recovery of precipitation chemicals etc. These products have the purpose to improve and to make the wastewater treatment more effective. External products may include phosphorus compounds as magnesium ammonium phosphate and calcium phosphate and improved use of sludge for energy production. VI.1 Phosphorus Recovery The nutrient in the sludge can be recovered and used as fertiliser in the agriculture. Of these nutrients potassium, calcium, phosphate and nitrogen,phosphate is most important to recover. Phosphate fertiliser is produced by mining of phosphate ores. More than 300 different phosphate minerals are available, but only apatite (calciumphosphate, Ca3(PO4)2) is used for production of fertiliser (Corbridge 1995). In 1995 the world phosphate rock production was 160 000 ton per year (as P2O5), having tripled over the last 40 years. About 90% of this is used as fertiliser. At this rate of consumption the known apatite reserves have been estimated to last for a period up to 1000 years. However, if the present increase in world population and the increasing need for fertiliser for food production is taken into account, the supply of phosphate may well be crucial within a century. Since nitrogen is the main part of the atmosphere the supply for nitrate is unlimited. Recovery of nitrogen shall be done if the energy required for recovery is less than the energy consumed by producing from nitrogen gas. In the wastewater treatment process phosphorus is precipitated and transferred to the sludge phase. This process can be both chemical with addition of iron or aluminium salts and biological. In the chemical process is phosphorus precipitated as ferrous or aluminium phosphate. In the biological process is phosphorus at 16 aerobic conditions taken up by the micro-organisms. Also without salt addition some chemical precipitation will occur with metal ions in the wastewater. The phosphate in the sludge will therefore be present as both metal phosphate precipitations and incorporated in the biomass. During anaerobic digestion the biomass will be converted to methane gas and the phosphate will be released to the supernatant. The degree of phosphate release during digestion will thus depend on the degree of biological phosphorus removal in the treatment process. The phosphate released during digestion can be recovered from the supernatant by precipitation. Possible phosphate precipitations are listed in table 6. The optimal precipitation struvite is achieved between pH 9.2 and 12. The experiments showed that the precipitation increased with increasing pH-level. However, at the pH-levels for optimum precipitation, the concentrations in the solutions was 10 to 100 times higher than given by the equilibrium with the pK-values. Only at a low pH-level the precipitation was in equilibrium with the pK-values with the difference increasing with increasing pH-value. Table 6 Possible phosphate precipitations (Mamais et al., 1994, *Stumm and Morgan, 1981). Precipitation MgNH4PO4 Name MAP or struvite, magnesium ammonium phosphate pKs 12.6* Precipitation rate Optimum at pH Medium 7-8 Ca5(PO4)3OH HAP or hydroxide apatite 57* Very low Mg3(PO4)2.8H2O Bobierite CaHPO4 Ca3(PO4)2 Calcium hydrogen phosphate Tricalcium phosphate 9.5-11 Very low 6,6 24 The possibility of dissolving precipitated metal phosphate is also being studied. The phosphate can be leached from the digested sludge or leached from the ash after incinerating the sludge. Figure 11 shows the solubility of some metal phosphates (Stumm and Morgan, 1981). The solubility increases with decreasing pH-value which indicate that phosphate can be recovered by leaching with acid. Phosphate fertiliser is produced by leaching apatite with sulphuric acid (McKetta and Cunningham 1990): Ca3(PO4)2 (s) + 3 H2SO4 + 3x H2O → 2 H3PO4 + 3 CaSO4·xH2O (s) 17 mol/liter 1 0,1 0,01 0,001 0,0001 1E-05 1E-06 1E-07 1E-08 1E-09 1E-10 1E-11 FePO4 CaHPO4 Ca4H(PO4)3 AlPO4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 Ca10(PO4)6(F)2 10 11 12 pH Figure 11. The solubility of metal phosphates (Stumm and Morgan, 1981). The precipitation of calcium sulphate makes the reaction to continue until all sulphuric acid is consumed. For leaching aluminium or ferrous phosphate the pH-value must be lower. However, aluminium or ferrous phosphate can also be dissolved at high pH-values. At a high pH-value aluminium and iron are converted to metal hydroxide thus dissolving the phosphate (Stumm and Morgan, 1981): FePO4 (s) + 3 OH- → Fe(OH)3 (s) + PO43Another possibility to recover phosphate from ferrous phosphate is to use hydrogen sulphide. VI.2 Sludge utilisation as building material One other resource in sludge is the inorganic materials that can be used for production of building materials. Any environmental hazardous contaminants are bound as mineral to the material and utilisation of sludge reduces mining of raw material for production of building material. Sludge from waste water treatment has been used for production of: • Bricks (Alleman and Berman, 1984, Tay and Show, 1997). • Lightweight aggregates in concrete (Tay and Show, 1997). • Cementious material (Tay and Show, 1997). Ash from sludge incineration can be used for production of building materials in three ways;. the ash can be mixed with cement or concrete, a brick or some other object can be made of ash and the ash can be melted and solidified as a ceramic material. The inorganic content in wastewater sludge is more diversified. In incinerated and melted slag the main oxides are; SiO2 26-42%, P2O5 12-27%, Fe2O3 5-25%, Al2O3 11-21% and CaO 8-14% (Ozaki et al., 1997). The inorganic 18 content is about half of the sludge weight. When sludge is used for brick manufacturing, the organic content in the sludge is incinerated. The evaporation of the volatile part of the sludge makes bricks produced of sludge and clay porous and of lower compression strength. This can be avoided by incinerating the sludge and use of the inorganic ash for brick manufacture. Bricks can be made from ash (Daido, 1998) by charging ash into a metallic mold with the shape of the wanted brick and pressed into semi-manufactured bricks. The pressed bricks are than sintered in a kiln type furnace at 1000 ºC during 10 - 12 hour. One problem with the bricks is the higher water adsorption caused by capillary action of many fine pores. To decrease the water adsorption the bricks were soaked into a silocone solution. Another problem is the variation of the used ash. Since the components of ash are changeable mainly by the influence of rain, the receiving of ash was stopped on rainy days. Further, the ash components were analyzed with fluorescence X-ray method and an equation was introduced for calculating the suitable sintering temperature. A ceramic material can be produced by melting the ash and which thereafter is solidified (Nomura, 1998, Endo et al., 1997). A high content of SiO2 and Al2O3 and a low CaO content makes the melted ash to crystallise as mullite. However, crystallisation as anorthite will give the glass ceramic better material properties, which can be achieved by using CaO as sludge conditioning agent instead of polymers. References Alleman, J. E. and Berman, N. A. (1984) Constructive sludge management: biobrick, J. Env. Eng., 110, 2, 301-311. ATV (1997) Klärschlammverbrennung Beseitigung oder Verwertung. Korrespondenz Abwasser, 44, 10, 1880-1884. Corbridge, D.E.C. 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