Sponsorship Opportunities 0D[LPL]H\RXUH[SRVXUHDQGPDNHVXUH\RXUVDOHVHRUWVDGG up by making ACTE sponsorship opportunities a part of your marketing equation. Companies who take advantage of ACTE’s value-added marketing services have the most successful shows in the career and technical education market. A full range of sponsorship possibilities are available and are designed to suit every company’s show budget. Ernest N. Morial Convention Center New Orleans, Louisiana Exhibit Dates: November 20 and 21, 2015 All sponsorships include recognition in the VISION 2015 Program *XLGHDVDQRɝFLDOVSRQVRUUHFRJQLWLRQLQWKH7UDGH6KRZ Directory, complimentary pre-show and post-show mailing labels and added recognition on the VISION 2015 website. If you have any questions or have sponsorship ideas of your own, please contact Jim Waterhouse, ACTE exhibits manager, at 800-8269972 ext. 332 or by e-mail at [email protected]. STEP 1: SPONSOR INFORMATION STEP 3: PAYMENT OPTIONS CREDIT CARD CONTACT NAME Visa MasterCard Discover AMEX COMPANY CARD # ADDRESS CITY EXP. DATE STATE ZIP SECURITY CODE ZIP CODE COUNTRY NAME ON CARD PHONE FAX SIGNATURE E-MAIL CHECK STEP 2: SPONSORSHIP CHOICES Tote Bag Insert (each) Exhibitor Workshop (each) VISION Game App Passport Station Vendor E-blast (limit two) VISION Game App SOLD Tote Bags SOLD Lanyards SOLD First-time Attendee Recognition SOLD Attendee SmartCards SOLD Hotel Key Cards Friday General Session SOLD Saturday General Session Sunday General Session PACKAGE: VISION/Techniques Full Page Ad PACKAGE: VISION/Techniques Half Page Ad PACKAGE: ACTE’s CareerTech VISION 2015 Sponsor PACKAGE: ACTE’s CareerTech Expo Sponsor TOTAL* Ʉ6SRQVRUVKLSWRWDOVZLOOEHLQFOXGHGRQ\RXUH[KLELWERRWKVSDFHLQYRLFH 6 (Copy of contract must accompany the check payment. Copies of checks will NOT be accepted. Do NOT fax.) Payable to ACTE (in U.S. dollars and withdrawn in a U.S. bank) Remit to: P.O. Box 758621, Baltimore, MD 21275-8621 PURCHASE ORDER (Copy of the PO must accompany the completed contract.) Fax to 703-683-7424 1. Your PO must have your organization’s contact information and may include the company logo. Include complete bill-to and ship-to addresses, phone numbers and e-mails. 2. Include the PO number and PO date. 3. Include a complete product description with correct price. E-MAIL this form to [email protected] or FAX to 703-683-7424; or MAIL to ACTE, Attn: Jim Waterhouse, 1410 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 www.careertechvision.com SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION CareerTech VISION Sponsor $10,000 This sponsorship provides a unique branding opportunity and a distinctive outlet for getting your message in front of thousands of education professionals. • • • • • • • • • • • One 10’ x 10’ booth at VISION 2015 CareerTech Expo A logo on the VISION 2015 website and included in all VISION mailings Announcement promoting your sponsorship within ACTE e-newsletter sent by ACTE to all ACTE members Two VISION 2015 registrations One full-page ad in the VISION 2015 program guide One full-page ad in the Nov./Dec. VISION issue of Techniques PDJD]LQH One e-blast to VISION 2015 attendee list One e-blast to ACTE member list Opportunity to present one VISION 2015 program session, depending on available space Billing in the VISION 2015 Program Guide and signs at the convention center 2SSRUWXQLW\WRVXEPLWDFRPSDQ\EURFKXUHȵ\HURURWKHU item in the VISION 2015 tote bags CareerTech Expo Sponsor $7,500 All the basics* are included. This is a turnkey solution for setting up and promoting your exhibit. You just need to show up and have your sales pitch ready. • • • • • • • • One 10’ x 10’ booth at VISION 2015 CareerTech Expo Carpet, one 8’ table and two chairs included with booth A complimentary half-page ad in the VISION 2015 Program Guide A complimentary half-page ad in the Nov./Dec. VISION issue of TechniquesPDJD]LQH One e-blast to VISION 2015 attendee list One e-blast to ACTE member list Billing in the VISION 2015 Program Guide and signs at the convention center 2SSRUWXQLW\WRVXEPLWDFRPSDQ\EURFKXUHȵ\HURURWKHU item in the VISION 2015 tote bags ACTE Corporate Sponsorship Program ACTE’s year-round sponsorships provide a valuable opportunity to partner with the premier career and technical education membership association and PDLQWDLQDVWUDWHJLFFRQVLVWHQWKLJKSURȴOHSUHVHQFH with ACTE members and customers. Each sponsorship SDFNDJHLVWDLORUHGWRPD[LPL]H\RXUDELOLW\WRUHDFK your audience and meet your company’s bottom-line objectives. ACTE corporate sponsorships provide: Flexibility:&XVWRPL]HHOHPHQWVRIWKHVSRQVRUVKLS packages to meet corporate objectives. Access: Market directly to and engage with ACTE members and customers all year through a variety of channels, including e-mail and social media. Visibility: • • • *DLQVLJQLȴFDQWH[SRVXUHDW$&7(ȇV CareerTech VISION, including speaking opportunities and opportunities to sponsor events or activities for targeted interaction or broad awareness. Take advantage of opportunities to VSRQVRURUFRVSRQVRUKLJKSURȴOH popular ACTE initiatives and events that occur during the year, such as awards programs, web-based initiatives, issue briefs and fact sheets. Receive advertising and other exposure on ACTE’s website, in ACTE publications and on ACTE’s social media channels when appropriate. Please contact us for more information and pricing. *Internet, electric and other services are not included with this package. www.careertechvision.com Ʉ7
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