Times Tables - WordPress.com

Year 4 Homework – Summer 2 Week 2 – Due in
Wednesday 17th June 2015
Times Tables
By the end of Year 4 you are expected to know all of your multiplication facts up to 12.
For your homework this week you need to choose a set of times tables that you find
difficult and learn them.
Once you have done this, find a creative way of presenting it so that you can help other
people learn them as well.
Present it as you wish: a video blog, a letter or a poster, a poem or a rap!
Remember, creativity will be rewarded!
Comments on the homework (was it easy/hard/fun/interesting? etc)
Year 4 Homework – Summer 2 Week 2 – Due in
Wednesday 17th June 2015
Times Tables
One spider on a plate. One times eight equals eight
Two spiders on a trampoline. Two times eight is sixteen.
Three spiders on the door. Three times eight is twenty-four.
Four spiders in my shoe. Four times eight is thirty-two.
Five spiders being naughty. Five times eight equals forty.
Six spiders on the gate. Six times eight is forty-eight.
Seven spiders collecting sticks. Seven times eight is fifty-six.
Eight spiders running across the floor. Eight times eight is sixty-four.
Nine spiders standing in a queue. Nine times eight is seventy-two.
Ten spiders scaring Katie. Ten times eight equals eighty.