ISSCO Conference 2015 Session Program (Provisional) 2015 May 28th (Thursday) 2015 May 29th (Friday) 10:00~12:00 Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception Session 1 Chinese Immigrants' Journey to the Western World: Contemporary Issues of their Adaptation An Old Chinese Community in a New Immigration Country -- Ireland(‘Legally Irish, but Cultural Chinese’ VS ‘Neither Fully Chinese Nor Fully Irish’ --- The Ying Yun Wang Trinity College, Dublin Diasporic Identities among First- and Second Generation Hong Kong Chinese in Ireland ) xue Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences WANG Chinese Institute for Overseas Chinese History Studies He Ohio University The communion and immigration between China Fujian and Korean during Tang and YingHu Song Dynasties Huang China FuJian Academy of Social Sciences 移民与信仰圈的互动:以安溪清水祖师信仰为例 the Interaction of Emigration and Cult Circle: a case study on the cult of the Patriarch of the Clear Stream YANG LUO Chinese Institute for Overseas Chinese History Studies The Chinese and Korean kidnapees as slaves in Northeast Asia in the 14 th –16 th century Guang MA Ghent University, Belgium WANG Nanyang Technological University Chinese migrants in Norway xia Psychological demands and tendencies of transnational immigrant groups ——a case study on Chinese immigrant groups in Russia YI The World Society and the Chinese in France, 1906-1949 - Business, Culture and State 2015 May 29th (Friday) 13:30~15:30 Yan Session 6 Early History of Chinese migration “Eastern, Western and Southern Ocean” in the Literary Works by Ministers to Foreign BING Countries in the Late Qing Dynasty 2015 May 29th (Friday) 16:00~18:00 Session 11 Border-Crossing and Transnational Migration in East Asian: Regional Order, Inter-State Relations and Migration Network wang 日本华人文化变迁的轨迹――以长崎地域为中心 wei (維) National Nagasaki University (王) The Social and Cultural Changes Seen in the Chinese Community since 1980`s: Focusing on the Succession and Utiliaztion of the Traditonal Blood-releted Network Yuling Zhang Development and Diversity of Overseas Tibetans 海外藏胞的发展状况与多元分化 Minghuan LI An Unexpected Non-Han Chinese Exodus from China: The 1962 Mass Emigration from Xinjiang Reexamined [1962年新疆“伊塔事件”與少數民族的大規模跨境移 民] 中日关系与后新移民时代的日华社会 Yamaguchi Prefectural University Centre for European Chinese Studies, Ji Nan University, China 中 国暨南大学欧华研究中心 James CHIN Jinan University, China Liao (廖) chi-yang (赤陽) Musashino Art University (Japan) 2015 May 28th (Thursday) Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception 2015 May 29th (Friday) Session 2 10:00~12:00 Chinese Overseas in Western Countries: Changing Politics and Interactive Economy Urban Regeneration by Overseas Chinese in the City of Budapest Linda Szabó Central European University Identification and Ethnocultural Representatives: Chinese Immigrant Politicians in Australia Linling Gao-Miles Washington University in St. Louis, U.S.A. Provincial Networks and Political Trust: Survey Data of Chinese Migrants in Europe Amy Liu University of Texas at Austin East Asian and European Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Canada Karl Froschauer Simon Fraser University 2015 May 29th (Friday) Session 7 13:30~15:30 East Asia's Modern History (1): Nationalism, Patriotism and Transnational Chinese Sentiments Chinese Overseas Students in Japan during the Republican Era Yunzhu Mengzhu Ren An The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ; Renmin University of China Tongpao (同胞) Patriotism and Active Citizenship G. Kentak Son King's College London The Indies Warfront: Anti-Japanese Campaign in the Chinese Press in midNobuto 1930s Yamamoto Keio University A Question of Allegiance: The “China Factor” in Decolonization in Southeast Asia Lu Indiana University of Pennsylvania Soo Chun 2015 May 29th Session 12 (Friday) The Rise of China and Its Impact on the Overseas Chinese Communities 16:00~18:00 The Rise of China and Its Impact on the Chinese in the San Francisco Bay bernard wong San Francisco State University Area The Rise of China and Its Impact on Malaysia and the Malaysian Chinese Community Chee-Beng Tan Sun Yat-sen University (China) Divided Chinatowns As Sites Of Rupture Cindy ; Gary Wong ; McDonogh: City University of New York ; BRYN MAWR College The Rise of China and Its Impact on Hong Kong's Chinese Community Alex Leung CSPP at the Alliant International University Cuba, China and the Normalization of US-Cuba Relations Evelyn Hu-DeHart Brown University The “Rise of China” and Its Meaning to Chinese Americans China's New Public and Cultural Diplomats: Changing Policies towards Chinese Overseas by the 21st Century Rise of China and its Impact on Malaysia and the Malaysian Chinese Community Huping Ling Truman State University Mette Thunoe Aarhus University, Denmark Chow Bing NGEOW Univesity of Malaya 2015 May 28th (Thursday) Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception 2015 May 29th (Friday) Session 3 Tracing Back the History: Formation of Oversease Chinese Community and Lineage Connections in Southeast Asia 10:00~12:00 从新山潮州人与中国原乡潮州人的往来 看潮州文化传承、输出、再回流 Yan Ping Seng Southern University College The Interactions between the Teochew community in Johor Bahru, Malaysia and Teochews in PRC: Inheritance, Export and Reflux of 马来西亚东海岸潮州社群的形成研究(Study on the Formation of Teochew Community in East Coast Malaysia) KEE CHYE The Road of Gambir-- An Alternate Route Taken by Early Chaozhou Immigrants to Southeast Asia 甘密之路:早期潮人移民东南亚的另一路 King Siang 径 Red Emigrant Community: Lineage, Migration and Revolution in hui Chaozhou, Since 1920s HO Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies Su 舒庆祥 Southern University College wang The Chinese University of Hongkong 2015 May 29th (Friday) Session 8 13:30~15:30 East Asia's Modern History (2): Stories of Overseas Chinese in the Turbulent History of East Asia Institute of Chinese Studies, Vietnamese Contributions of Chinese Overseas in Vietnam with Hsinhai Revolution (越 Academy of Social Sciences (VASS); Dinh Phuc Chu Department of Southeast Asian Studies, 南華僑對辛亥革命的貢獻) National Chi Nan University, Taiwan 南洋与妻书:一个革命华侨的家庭观(Letters from Huang Kaiwu in the Huifen Nanyang to his wife in China: A discussion on the family concepts of a revolutionary Chinese overseas ) 六十年代沈慕羽的政治、教育与社会活动 --《沈慕羽日记1961-1969》 Khai Leong 概论 Sim Mo Yu’s political, education and social activities in the 1960s: Some preliminary remarks on Sim Mo Yu’s Diaries 1961-1969 Changing and Adjusting:Chinese Schools in Japan during cold war period Shi-yeoung Shen Research for Southeast Asian Studies & Faculty of International Relations, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China Ho Southern University College Tang Academia Sinica 2015 May 29th Session 13 (Friday) Education and Identity: Re-makings of Chinese Identity by the Young Chinese Overseas 16:00~18:00 The Chinese Cultural Identity Study for Malaysia Chinese Independent Zi Hui Lim Jinan University High School Students Chinese Education and the Propagation of Chinese Culture in Chinese Overseas Community: Case Study of Malaysia's Independent Chinese Secondary Schools (Chinese Overseas’ Ethnic Identity Maintenance: A Pei Yao Case Study of Malaysia’s Independent Chinese Secondary School Students in Kuala Lumpur) Ho University of Malaya 馬來西亞「留台人」的生命經驗與多「緣」認同:跨國主義的分析 Life stories and Multiple Identities of Taiwan Graduates in Malaysia: A Transnationalism Perspective CHEN HUAQIAO UNIVERSITY TSUNGYUAN 2015 May 28th (Thursday) Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception 2015 May 29th (Friday) Session 4 10:00~12:00 Cultural and Social Interaction through Chinese Immigration: Role of Religious and Ethnic communities 海外華人與基督教會—談加拿大臺灣移民之生活適應, Overseas Chinese and Christian Church -- A Study of Taiwanese Immigrants Adaptation in Canada Jung-Chung HSU The Society of Overseas Chinese Studies, R. O. C. A Briefly Analyze on New Religion Organizations of Taiwan Spreaded in and Impacted on Overseas Chinese Society Shi Cangjin Jinan University, China 海外华人促进中外文化交流的作用分析 An Analysis of Roles of Overseas Chinese in Cultural Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries xiaojian liao International Relationship College/ Academy of Overseas Chinese Studies ,Jinan University 日本新华侨华人群体跨国关系研究 Study on the Transnational Roles of New Chinese Immigrants in Japan Qianjin WU Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences 2015 May 29th (Friday) Session 9 13:30~15:30 Topics in History of Trade and Economy 边境贸易、跨国流动与灵活公民身份——边境地区缅甸华人的个案研 Ying 究 DUAN Sun Yat-sen University The Discussion on the Decline of Sino-Philippine Trade from 1571 to Ning 1940: A Perspective of Overseas Chinese Economic Activity in Philippines Gong Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College The Partnership Investment in Siyi Qiaoxiang Area during the Republican Period (1911-1949): Kaiping Guan Dinglin Family as a Case jung-Chung TAN Wuyi University The Political Economy of Overseas Chinese State Farms Glen Peterson University of British Columbia 2015 May 29th Session 14 (Friday) Poltical Economy: Resources and Investment of Overseas Chinese in the Course of Economic Development 16:00~18:00 A Study on the Overseas Chinese of North Korea after Reform and wuqiang Song GuangDong University of Foreign Studies Opening-up Policy of China Public Policy and Overseas Chinese Business in Southeast Asia: Pattern, Structure and Growth Beoy Kui Ng Southern University College Studies of the status quo of overseas Chinese-owned enterprises in Guangxi Bingxian Chen Guangxi University for Nationalities Recalling Ethnic Resources: A Case Study of the Indonesian Chinese in the Kim Indonesian Ethnic Economy in Hong Kong Kwok Caritas Institute of Higher Education 2015 May 28th (Thursday) Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception 2015 May 29th (Friday) Session 5 10:00~12:00 What to Teach?: Cultural Identity of Chinese Overseas and Question of "Being Chinese" Chinese Language Education Development and Dilemma in the Philippines Jinglin since 1990’s Yang Guangxi Univerisity of Nationality Are They Polite? Chinese Children’s Creativity and Criticality Yan Guo University of Calgary How to Teach Culture in the Mandarin Class: The Example of Po-Si Art Fan Yun ; Chien Chiu Chiu ;Sun National Quemoy University ; National Taipei University of Education 2015 May 29th (Friday) Session 10 13:30~15:30 Transnational "Chineseness": Diverse Re-generation of "Chinese" Culture and Art Overseas Chinese and Chinese Culture of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Malaysia YUNJIN KIM SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 從 "客家真實性"到 "客家性" - 從馬來西亞沙巴的麒麟談起 On "Authenticity of Hakka" and "Hakkaness": A Case Study on Hakka Unicorn Dance is Sabah, Malaysia JUI-CHAO LIU National Taiwan University 陈瑞献佛教艺术巧构 Pek Yee Pang Southern University College 馬來西亞華人佛教的多元性 (The Diversity of Malaysian Chinese Buddhism) CHEW PENG TANG Southern University College 2015 May 29th Session 15 (Friday) Chinatowns in the world: Spatial Re-creation and Social Re-construction of Localities 16:00~18:00 Struggle for Spatial Justice: San Francisco's Chinatown and the 1906 University at Buffalo, State University of Anh Le Earthquake and Fire New York Social production and social construction of Kobe Chinatown in Japan Qingyin BIAN The Graduate University of Advanced Studies What's behind the arches? (A spatial understanding of the presence of Mainland China in the Chinatowns, Philippines, India). Catherine Guéguen UMR 8586/PRODIG General Tso's Chicken, Panda Express and the Politics of Chinese Food Tony Liu National Chung Hsing University
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