Miller Center for Small Business

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Business and Small Business
Miller Center
for Small Business
Courses for all stages of business.
Find the course or courses that suit your schedule, take
one or all in any order, and build success for your business.
Learn business basics or how to
get started:
MSB 101
MSB 107
MSB 109
MSB 111
MSB 121
MSB 125
MSB 131
MSB 141
MSB 151
Launching Your New Business
Franchising: Is It For You?
Copyrights & Trademarks
Business Planning and Basics of
Understanding Accounting and Financial
How to Set Up Your Books:
Home-Based and Small Business
Hiring and Firing
Marketing Plan and Brand/Logo
for Your Business
Legal & Insurance Issues for Start Ups
Develop your business skills for a
better venture:
MSB 201
MSB 301
MSB 311
MSB 321
MSB 331
MSB 341
MSB 351
MSB 352
MSB 353
MSB 354
MSB 355
MSB 361
MSB 371
Business Communications
Business News
Public Speaking
Elevator Speeches
Building Bridges:
Networking For Profit
Hands On Linked In
Hands On Facebook
Advanced Facebook for Business
Hands On Twitter
Using Video and You Tube
for Your Business
Building the Buzz
Advertising Strategies for Your Business
Move your business forward:
MSB 501
MSB 511
MSB 512
MSB 514
MSB 515
MSB 521
Business Plan: Start to Finish
Getting Started with Government
Bonding Basics
Mobile Apps for Business
Google Applications for Business
Key Performance Indicators
Entrepreneurship in the Arts:
SBA 443
SBA 582
SBA 591
SBA 581
SBA 614
SBA 633
SBA 638
SBA 639
SBA 641
SBA 644
SBA 645
SBA 646
XXZ 960
Gallery Sales
Online Presence and Portfolio
The Business of Art
Marketing & Self-Promotion of Artists
Photography as a Business
Marketing for Artists on a Shoestring
Pricing Strategies for Artists
Professional Edge for Artists
Selling Your Craft
The Basics of Etsy
Time Management for Artists
Valuing Local Art
Legal Issues for Artists
Entrepreneurship in Child Care:
When Your Business is
Caring for Children:
MSB 601
MSB 602
MSB 603
MSB 604
Understanding ManagementOperations of a Child Care Business
Marketing Your Child Care Business
Creating an Effective Website for Your
Child Care Business
Finances & Planning for Your Child Care
247-A13-0113 BTG
MSB 203
MSB 211
MSB 221
Risk Management for Small Business
Money Smart for Small Business
Managing Priorities
Small Office Organization
Grow your business with
effective communication
and strategic marketing:
For course details and to register see the following pages, visit or call 410-386-8100.
Carroll Community College | Continuing Education & Training | Register by Phone, Fax, Mail, or on the Web | 410-386-8100 |
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Business and Small Business
Earn an
Award of Recognition
• Entrepreneurship Series
• Entrepreneurship in the Arts Series
• Entrepreneurship in Child Care:
When Your Business is Caring for Children
Business Planning and Basics of Funding
Map out the future of your business venture.
Identify websites to research your new business
idea, and the tools for creating your business
plan. Learn the 5 Cs of Credit and be prepared
to approach a bank or lender for a new business loan. Instructor: Jim Hall
Cost: $29 (MD Senior Adults: $29)
Course #: MSB-111-A4
Wed., May 29 & Jun. 5, 6:00 - 9:15 PM (2 sessions)
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T323
Franchising: Is It For You?
The Miller Center for Small Business
Carroll Community College’s Miller Center
for Small Business, a member of the Carroll
Business Path (,
offers educational resources and training for
entrepreneurs, those starting a new business
and existing business owners.
For information, assistance in choosing the right
combination of courses to suit your needs, a
referral or to register, go to www.carrolltraining.
com or call 410-386-8100.
Start-Ups and
Business Basics
Most of these courses will run with as few
as one student, and are made possible with
the Miller Endowment Fund of the Carroll
Community College Foundation.
Learn the various types of franchises available,
financing options, the relationship between
franchisor and franchisee, typical franchise
documentation, and how to realize your
plans to be an independent business owner.
Instructor: David Buck
Cost: $29 (MD Senior Adults: $29)
Course #: MSB-107-A4
Mon., May 13, 6:30 - 9:15 PM
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T323
Learn how to hire and promote the right
people and slash turnover costs. Improve
customer service, productivity and sales while
also improving your employees attitudes and
focusing on cooperation in the workplace.
Instructor: Anthony George
Cost: $29 (MD Senior Adults: $29)
Course #: MSB-131-B4
Wed., Jun. 12, 6:00 - 9:15 PM
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T323
Legal & Insurance Issues for Start Ups
Launch your new business with confidence
and on the right foot! Topics include: options
for business entities; resources available to
start-ups; costs of services needed; licensing
and tax considerations; loans and financial
resources; marketing on a budget; getting your
business off the ground and finding customers.
Instructor: Beth Woodring
Running a small business requires knowledge
of a myriad of legal and insurance issues. This
course covers basic legal decisions a business
owner must make from inception to succession
planning. Learn about the types of insurance a
business should have and could use from time
to time. Instructors: Kathleen Rus, Esquire, and
Ann Bollinger
Course #: MSB-101-A4
Thu., Apr. 25, 6:00 - 9:15 PM
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T317
Course #: MSB-101-B4
Mon., May 13, 6:00 - 9:15 PM
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T317
Course #: MSB-101-C4
Wed., Jun. 12, 6:00 - 9:15 PM
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T317
Understanding Accounting and
Financial Statements
You have a good product or service, but are
your accounting and business skills up to par?
Learn the basics of business accounting and
small business principles, and how to understand financial statements and other business
documentation. Instructor: Sam Miller, CPA
Cost: $29 (MD Senior Adults: $29)
Course #: MSB-121-A4
Tue. & Thu., Jun. 4 - 6, 6:00 - 8:30 PM (2 sessions)
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T315
 Online Courses
Creating a Successful Business Plan
Learn to Buy and Sell on eBay
Publish It Yourself: How to Start &
Operate Your Own Publishing Business
Start & Operate Your Own
Home-Based Business
Starting Your Own Consulting Business
For more info go to
Hiring and Firing
Launching Your New Business
No Cost
Career &
Cost: $29 (MD Senior Adults: $29)
Course #: MSB-151-A4
Tue., Jun. 11, 6:00 - 9:15 PM
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T325
Insert Point, click Go 292-A12 and Online Career
Training 293-A12 where space available in
Career & Professional training secrtion
Business Communications
Writing clearly and communicating your
message is vital in today’s economy. Learn to
write effective business newsletters and other
marketing materials, business correspondence
(emails, letters and contractual writings), public
speaking and presentations. Brush up on
essential grammar and writing techniques to
create a framework for getting your message
out to the public. Instructor: Donna Chaney
Cost: $79 (MD Senior Adults: $30)
Course #: MSB-301-B4
Thu., May 30 & Jun. 6, 6:00 - 9:15 PM (2 sessions)
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T323
Marketing Plan and Brand/Logo
for your Business
See Business & Small Business/Marketing &
Sales section for course details.
The Business of Art
See The Arts section for course details.
Carroll Community College | Continuing Education & Training | Register by Phone, Fax, Mail, or on the Web | 410-386-8100 |
Career &
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Business and Small Business
Elevator Speeches
“Elevator speeches” are an important part of
networking, so having a few good ones of your
own is vital to your business success. Learn the
basic elements of an elevator speech, what you
say and how you deliver it to make a memorable impression on a future client or customer.
Instructor: Michael Platte
S e r i e s
Cost: $49 (MD Senior Adults: $49)
Complete this Entrepreneurship series
and earn an Award of Recognition!
This series recognizes achievement
in business creation, development
and marketing, how to run a business,
managing the finances, legalities and
online presence of doing business in
the world today.
Course #: MSB-331-A4
Thu., May 23, 6:00 - 9:15 PM
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T323
Public Speaking
Public speaking can be unnerving for even
seasoned business owners and professionals.
Learn how to organize your thoughts, choose
words that people will remember, make your
conversations more “colorful,” avoid pitfalls and
slang, and catch and keep people’s interest!
Instructor: Michael Platte
Courses can be taken in any order.
Complete any four
core courses:
• Business Planning & Understanding
the Basics of Funding
Cost: $69 (MD Senior Adults: $30)
Course #: MSB-321-A4
Wed., May 15 & 22, 6:00 - 8:30 PM (2 sessions)
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T325
• How to Set Up Your Books:
Home-Based and
Small Business Owners or
Understanding Accounting &
Financial Statements
Spanish for the Workplace
This program is for non-Spanish-speaking
people who work with Spanish speaking
employees to enhance their ability to
interact. Learn how to greet and compliment
co-workers, discuss employment issues, assist
with work schedules, promote safety and work
regulations and issue common commands for
the worksite. No prior knowledge of Spanish
necessary. Instructor: Shannin Sheasby
• Launching Your New Business
• Legal, Insurance & Retirement Issues
for Start Ups or Legal & Insurance
Issues for Start Ups
• Marketing Plan & Brand/Logo
for Your Business
Complete any three
of the following electives:
Cost: $185 (MD Senior Adults: $185) includes text
Course # FLC-261-A4
Wed., Apr. 10 - May 29, 6:00-9:15 PM (8 sessions)
Washington Road Campus, Rm. C074
• Business Communications
• Foundations of Management or
Spanish for The Workplace
Managing Priorities
• Hiring and Firing
• Risk Management for
Small Business Owners
• Small Office Organization
• Winning at Sales: Getting and
Keeping Loyal Customers or
Building the Buzz
Go to
to apply for your Award of Recognition!
For more information call 410-386-8100
or visit
298-A12-0612 BTG
See Index for course listings. All courses
may not be offered in each schedule.
This self-paced, highly interactive, online
occupational Spanish course bridges the
communication gap between English and
Spanish-speaking co-workers and clients. The
course is for beginning Spanish learners who
want to communicate in basic Spanish. Learn
approximately 700 commonly-used Spanish
words and phrases in the workplace. You
will hear native speakers, use visual imagery,
complete intuitive reading exercises, have
access to language tips and cultural information,
and be able to assess your learning. This course
is 16 hours in length; however students have
access for 6 months from the enrollment date.
Spanish for Banking
 Course #: XXZ-088-A4
Spanish for Construction
 Course #: XXZ-089-A4
Spanish for EMTs and Paramedics
 Course #: XXZ-090-A4
Spanish for Manufacturing
 Course #: XXZ-092-A4
 Online Courses
Business Marketing Writing
For more info go to
Business Planning
& Specialty Courses
Bonding Basics
Contractors: Being bonded can open new
project markets for your firm. Identify the
different types, roles and benefits of bonds.
Learn about reporting requirements and the
process of how a surety company evaluates a
bond application. Understand the fundamentals to decide whether or not to pursue bonded
work and how to prepare your company to
apply for bonding. Instructor: Beth Woodring
Cost: $29 (MD Senior Adults: $29)
Course #: MSB-512-A4
Thu., May 2, 6:00 - 8:30 PM
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T323
Copyrights & Trademarks
Copyrights and trademarks have become
increasingly important to businesses, especially
those in creative fields. Identify the differences
between a copyright and a trademark, learn
how to get those protections and how to avoid
infringement. Understand the issues relating to
work-for-hire, license and assignment agreements, royalties, protecting your business logo
and brand, and special concerns regarding
works posted on the Internet. Instructor:
Kathleen Rus, Esquire
Cost: $49 (MD Senior Adults: $49)
Course #: MSB-109-A4
Tue., Apr. 23, 6:00 - 9:15 PM
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T323
Course #: MSB-109-B4
Tue., May 14, 6:00 - 9:15 PM
Washington Road Campus, Rm. M055
Cost: $165 (MD Senior Adults: $165)
 Course #: XXZ-093-A4
For information go to
Carroll Community College | Continuing Education & Training | Register by Phone, Fax, Mail, or on the Web | 410-386-8100 |
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Business and Small Business
Is government contracting a good option for
your company? Learn the basics including the
technical steps to register your firm, how to
develop a capability statement and how to
begin to market to the government. Even if you
have tried contracting in the past with limited
success, this course will give you a fresh insight
into government contracting. Instructor: Beth
Cost: $79 (MD Senior Adults: $30)
Course #: MSB-511-A4
Mon. & Wed., May 6 - 8, 6:00 - 9:15 PM (2 sessions)
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T323
Risk Management for Small Business Owners
Protect your loved ones and your business from
the potentially devastating consequences of
unexpected events and risks that can derail
even the best of business plans. Identify risks
and learn how to protect yourself and your
business through a well-crafted insurance
program, preventative legal measures and
planning ahead with buy-sell agreements and
other strategies. Instructor: Charles R. Wolpoff,
CFP¬, JD*, LLM (*licensed, not practicing).
Cost: $69 (MD Senior Adults: $30)
Course #: MSB-201-A4
Tue. & Thu., Jun. 25 & 27, 6:30 - 9:00 PM (2 sessions)
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T315
Small Office Organization
Save time, money, space and energy by
creating a productive work environment in your
small business office. Make your business more
efficient by evaluating and finding the most
suitable organizing system, effectively filing
your most important documents and information and making the best use of limited spaces
and storage. Instructor: Barbara Boone
Cost: $69 (MD Senior Adults: $30)
Course #: MSB-221-A4
Tue. & Thu., May 7 & 9, 6:00 - 8:30 PM (2 sessions)
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T323
Finances & Planning for Your
Child Care Business
See Child Care & Educational Professionals/
Professionalism section for course details.
 Online Courses
Introduction to Business Analysis
Laws of the Business Jungle
Mastery of Business Applications
Mastery of Business Fundamentals
For more info go to
Leadership & Management
NEW! Communication Skills for Managers X
Managers must be effective communicators at
all levels of the organization. Whether communicating to your team members, peers or your
own manager, this course will help you hone
both your communication and influencing
skills, and help you deliver the right message for
winning outcomes. Instructor: Karen Boyd
One Path
Cost: $89 (MD Senior Adults: $39)
Course #: MGT-413-A1
Sat., Aug. 10, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Washington Road Campus, Rm. K122
NEW! Introduction to Project Management
Congratulations, you’re in charge of an
exciting new project….now what? Learn the
principles of project management and how
to successfully and effectively implement
them in your workplace by putting theory
into practical application. Learn about the
project management cycle: initiating, planning,
executing, monitoring, controlling and closing,
and apply processes learned to a real world
project. Students will be required to complete
assignments outside of the classroom each
week. Instructor: Alfred Cardona, MS, PMP
Cost: $279 (MD Senior Adults: $30); plus text
Course #: MGT-417-A1B
Thu., Aug. 15 - Oct. 3, 6:00 - 9:15 PM (8 sessions)
Washington Road Campus
NEW! Management Basics:
Foundations for Success X
Get the core skills you need to ensure success
as a manager or front line supervisor. Learn
about the role of a manager and contemporary
management theories. Topics include team
building, relationship building, communications, delegation, professionalism and ethics.
Instructor: Robert Dunn
Cost: $169 (MD Senior Adults: $66); includes text
Course #: MGT-410-A4
Tue. & Thu., Jun. 11 - 18, 6:00 - 9:15 PM (3 sessions)
Washington Road Campus, Rm. K128
Managing On Purpose
Based on James P. Hall’s book of the same title,
this course is for all supervisors and managers,
either as an owner or manager of a business.
Focus on approaching each dimension of the
job with purpose, providing both underlying
theory and hands-on guidance for managing
people, compliance, finance, planning, risk, and
many other aspects of a manager/supervisor’s
responsibility. Instructor: Jim Hall
Cost: $214 (MD Senior Adults: $55); includes text
Course #: MSB-517-A4
Tue., May 14 - Jun. 11, 6:00 - 9:15 PM (5 sessions)
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T323
Your Personal Navigator
along the Road to
Entrepreneurial Success
in Carroll County
Creating a successful business
takes more than a great idea and
entrepreneurial spirit— it requires
specific actions and expertise.
Without them, the road can be
time-consuming and costly, and
may not yield the results you’re
working so hard to achieve.
Your solution:
the Carroll Business Path.
• Miller Center for Small Business
• Carroll County Economic
• Carroll County Chamber of
• Maryland Small Business and
Technology Development Center
• Carroll Technology Council
Carroll Community College | Continuing Education & Training | Register by Phone, Fax, Mail, or on the Web | 410-386-8100 |
248-A13-0213 BTG
Getting Started With Government
Career &
Career &
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Business and Small Business
Continuing Education Certificate
Build the strong foundation you need to excel as a manager.
Whether you are aspiring to be a manager, are a new manager or supervisor,
or simply want to develop your management skills, the management development
certificate program provides the training you need.
Complete the following courses to earn the certificate:
Management Basics: Foundations for Success*
Building a Winning Team: Interviewing, Selecting & Hiring Employees
Effective Performance Appraisals
Coaching Employees to Peak Performance
HR Legal Issues for Managers
Conflict Management
Fostering Diversity in the Workplace
Communications Skills for Managers
Leading Change in the Workplace
Leading High Performance Teams
*The first course in the series, and required to be taken first when pursuing the Continuing Education certificate.
Courses can also be taken individually
to enhance specific competencies.
See the Course Index for course locations.
All courses may not be offered in each schedule.
For information, visit
244-A13-0113 BTG
Carroll Community College | Continuing Education & Training | Register by Phone, Fax, Mail, or on the Web | 410-386-8100 |
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Business and Small Business
Managing Priorities
Building Bridges: Networking for Profit
The increasing pace, competition and
globalization of the workplace means solid
choices are critical when prioritizing daily tasks
and responsibilities. Employees and supervisors
need to clarify goals, improve productivity,
reduce stress and think creatively. Learn to
develop meaningful goals and objectives for
a productive workplace. Instructor: Anthony
Networking is a popular way to promote a business, but do you know how to do it well? Learn
the “when, where and who” of networking,
where to look for networking sources and the
best times and places for networking. Create
effective plans for attending events. Learn to
follow up with the people you meet to create
a successful flow of new or continued business
for your company. Instructor: Michael Platte
Cost: $69 (MD Senior Adults: $30)
Cost: $69 (MD Senior Adults: $30)
Course #: MSB-211-A4
Course #: MSB-341-A4
Career &
Marketing Plan and Brand/Logo for your
Gauge your market potential and your target
market! Create a basic marketing plan for your
business and discover the best tactics for your
type of business. Determine your business’s
identity and brand/logo, learn how to develop
a promotional budget and decide how, when
and where to promote your small business.
Instructor: Missie Wilcox
Cost: $29 (MD Senior Adults: $29)
Course #: MSB-141-A4
Mon. & Wed., May 20 & 22, 6:00 - 8:30 PM (2 sessions)
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T323
Tue. & Thu., Jun. 18 & 20, 6:00 - 8:30 PM (2 sessions)
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T315
Tue. & Thu., May 16 & 21, 6:00 - 9:15 PM (2 sessions)
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T315
NEW! Managing Using Emotional
Intelligence X
Building The Buzz
Marketing for Artists on a Shoestring
Marketing & Self-Promotion of Artists
Learn about the power of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and its effect on employee engagement, motivation, productivity and retention
of top talent in your organization. Explore
Emotional Intelligence theories and assess and
learn your own EI style. Identify your areas of
strength as well as opportunities for improvement. Instructor: Libby Trostle
Cost: $105 (MD Senior Adults: $46)
Course #: MGT-399-A4
Sat., May 4, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Washington Road Campus, Rm. K127
Hiring and Firing
See Business & Small Business/Start-Ups &
Business Basics section for course details.
HRCI/PHR Certification Program
Human Resources Certificate
See Occupational Preparation/Human
Resources section for course details.
Understanding Management-Operations
of a Child Care Business
See Child Care & Educational Professionals/
Professionalism section for course details.
Marketing & Sales
Advertising Strategies For Your Business
Advertising is a form of marketing for your
business. Identify the different forms of
advertising and how they differ depending on
the type of business. Create an advertising plan
with tangible goals, keep within your budget,
generate sales and learn which avenues of
advertising are best for your business. Instructor:
Jen Runkles
Get your business’s name out there and create a
“buzz” of customers and sales on a low budget.
Learn about cost-effective or no-cost marketing
options, including free email newsletters, blogs,
hyper-local media, online social groups and
more. Instructor: Cynthia Piazza
Cost: $49 (MD Senior Adults: $49)
Course #: MSB-361-B4
Mon., Jun. 10, 6:00 - 9:15 PM
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T323
Hands On Facebook
Use Facebook for business and engage
potential and current customers with appropriate postings and a fan page. Learn how to
post videos and photos, and acquire applications and more fans. Prerequisite: Must have a
Facebook account set up prior to the start of
class. Instructor: Cynthia Piazza
Cost: $99 (MD Senior Adults: $99)
Course #: MSB-352-A4MP
Fri., Jun. 14, 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Washington Road Campus, Rm. K203
NEW! Key Performance Indicators
Take your business and marketing plans to
the next level. Develop and use winning “key
performance indicators.” Create a measurement
system to help you determine when, where and
how your business venture can become more
successful. Bring your written business and
marketing plans to the first session. Instructor:
Karen Boyd
Cost: $99 (MD Senior Adults: $30)
Course #: MSB-521-A4
Tue. & Thu., Jun. 18 - 25, 6:00 - 8:30 PM (3 sessions)
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T323
See The Arts/Drawing, Painting & Media
section for course details.
 Online Courses
Business Marketing Writing
For more info go to
Small Business
Finances & Technology
Designing Effective Websites
See Information Technology/Computer Graphics &
Web Design section for course details.
How to Set Up Your Books: Home-Based and
Small Business
Are you in charge of keeping your spouse’s
small business books or have a small homebased business and are doing your own
accounting? Make this daunting task more
manageable with this popular course. Learn to
plan and grow your venture through proper
bookkeeping. Prerequisite: Prior to enrollment
in this course, students in the Entrepreneurship
in the Arts Series are required to take either
Art Economics or Pricing Strategies for Artists.
Instructor: Sharon Mariaca
Cost: $99 (MD Senior Adults: $30)
Course #: MSB-125-A4P
Mon. & Wed., Apr. 10 – 17, 6:30 - 9:00 PM (3 sessions)
Washington Road Campus, Rm. M060
Microsoft Office Suite
See Information Technology: Office & Workplace/
Microsoft Office Suite section for course details
Cost: $49 (MD Senior Adults: $49)
Course #: MSB-371-A4
Mon., Apr. 22, 6:00 - 9:15 PM
Washington Road Campus, Rm. T323
Carroll Community College | Continuing Education & Training | Register by Phone, Fax, Mail, or on the Web | 410-386-8100 |
Career &
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Business and Small Business | Child Care & Educational Professionals
Quickbooks Pro Level 1
QuickBooks Payroll
Start Your
See Information Technology: Office & Workplace/
Business Technology section for course details.
Understanding Accounting and Financial
See Business & Small Business/Start-Ups and
Business Basics section for course details.
 Online Courses
Introduction to Business Analysis
Mastery of Business Applications
For more info go to
Adult Education Programs
at Carroll Community College
Business of the Arts
The Basics of Etsy
The Business of Art
Gallery Sales
Legal Issues for Artists
Marketing & Self-Promotion of Artists
Marketing for Artists on a Shoestring
Online Presence & Portfolio
Selling Your Craft
Time Management for Artists
Valuing Local Art
GED® Preparation >
Prepare for the GED® tests
to earn your high school
diploma, while learning
about future career and
educational opportunities.
National External
Diploma Program >
See The Arts/Drawing, Painting & Media section
for course details.
Carroll Community College offers an Associate
of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education. For
further information call Marlene Welch at 410-3868525. For information on the Child Care Career
& Professional Development Fund call Kiersten
Meyers at 410-386-8383.
Earn a Continuing
Education Certificate
• Child Care Professional—
Early Childhood Teacher
• Child Care Professional—
Infant/Toddler Teacher
• Child Care Professional—
School-Age Teacher
X This symbol indicates that a course is a
Continuing Education certificate program, or is
part of a certificate program. Many courses can be
taken individually or be applied to a certificate.
For details go to
Earn an Award
of Recognition
• Entrepreneurship in Child Care:
When Your Business is Caring for Children
For details go to
The Business of Child Care
Apply skills you have learned
at work, at home, and in the
community to earn your
high school diploma.
You’ll also work with an
advisor to plan for future
career and educational
Creating An Effective Website for
Your Child Care Business
Finances & Planning for Your Child Care
Understanding Management-Operations
of a Child Care Business
Continuing Education and Training
Programs and Employability
Important Information: Passing a course or
program may be the first step toward certification;
however, there may be additional requirements
for licensure and/or employment. It is the student’s
responsibility to be aware of those requirements.
For details go to
106-A13-0912 AEP
See Child Care & Educational Professionals/
Continuing Education section for course details.
For registration dates & locations:
Carroll Community College | Continuing Education & Training | Register by Phone, Fax, Mail, or on the Web | 410-386-8100 |