Teachers’ Instruction Guide A B C PAOPAO ART SCHOOL LI S TO BEAUTIFUL M TEN USIC, STOR IES, OR RHYMES AND Programme Charateristics 3&4 : 5 1 Programme Charateristics 2 Combined Art Education 3 Creative Art Theme Based Activities 4 3, 4 & 5 : Combined Art Education musical ac vity that allows kids to express their emo ons by hands ac vity that let children express musical nursery rhyme with their feeling Classical music sets op mal environment for kids' IQ and EQ. Since children's emo on is very sensi ve and can absorb things at higher level that adults cannot recognize, classical music at this age can refine their sensi vity and provides balance between intellect and emo on. Intellectual parts of children can be s mulated by music and at this stage of children is called [decisive stage] which musical educa on can determine their characteris cs such as crea vity, logic, ethics and sensi vity. <Pao Pao Art School> consists of interest-provoking video clip and classical music, which allows children to get familiar to this genre of music. Also we provide related crea on ac vity. With their music, nursery rhyme makes children happy. They feel linguis c joy through its repe ve phrase, rhyme, and rhythm. It also gives them emo onal stability, for it sa sfies their need for develop-ment. The language in nursery rhyme provokes their emo on, intui on and insight. Its rhetoric and compressed phrase and rhythm nourish their emo on. By linking between the world and their personal experiences, they broaden their view toward world and naturally help them to express their feeling In classical music class children can listen the music by video clip and express the music they heard with their hand. Through this ac vity they can understand classical music and express their emo on toward music through art ac vity. i.e. Age 3 Week 1: Build their own Merry-go-round a er listening to Bizet' s <Merry-go-Round> We have chosen a number of nursery rhymes with various format and topics along their level. We see nursery rhyme as ar s c expression through compressed language. So in order to absorb it with their feeling, we provide video clip which does not limit their thinking. broaden their imagina on by imagining and expressing stories enjoy the pain ng and understand famous pain ng, and develop their thinking Stories teach kids their discre on for each decision they make and guide the direc on toward right way of living. Also it bases their imagina on and crea vity and enrich them. During early childhood, their linguis c ability grows extraordinarily. Rather than make them read books, develop their speaking ability through talking their friends, teacher or parents. At this stage it is more appropriate to boost their linguis c senses regarding vocabulary and expression by telling stories. Teacher tells children stories along with video clip made for that story. These days may anima on or cartoons limit children's expression. Pao Pao Art School only shows parts of story on the screen, so children gets to imagine other parts of story using their imagina on. Also in order to maximize the effect of reading educa on, we make children to express their feelings through pain ng ac vity. The aim of this ac vity is not to check if the child understood the story correctly. The aim is to teach “thinking” by providing ques on which provokes thinking. i.e. Age 3 Week 3: a er watching <the fox and the crane>, re-organize the story from the viewpoint of the crane The best way to grow their ar s c view such as balance, rhythm, and color of things is to appreciate famous pain ng since their childhood. Children recognize object as a whole image, not as separated symbol or parts. Nothing is more effec ve than pain ngs in image recogni on. By repe ve study of art, kids' brain receives various types of s mulus and this develops their right brain. We don't try to provide right answer or force the understanding of the pain ng to children. We teach them the joy of apprecia ng famous art object. They will gather knowledge as to pain ng gradually. Before teaching the tle of pain ng or the ar st who drew the object, we provide various video which allows kid to appreciate artwork from various points of view. This widens the range of thinking, enriches their expression and thinking. Through this ac vity they can express themselves more directly. Crea ve Art Theme Based Ac vi es Integrated Theme : 1st Month ME, MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS Friends Age 3: Week 3 Reason to choose this theme is because it’s me for beginning of session, mee ng and gree ng of new friends. The ini al awkwardness can be eliminated through various playful games and art ac vi es. Through gree ngs and ac vi es such as drawing each other's faces, kids can overcome the lack of linguis c ability they have as children and express their delight and joy to one another. Our ac vi es provide fellowship amongst friends and happy memories for kids to keep forever. The Fox and the Crane Music: Summer by Vivaldi from Italy Video: Stories of Panchtantra - The Fox And the Crane A er watching a movie of the tale 'The fox and the crane', think about being more careful about others' feelings. Now how about making the fox in the story on our own? Let's tell the story of you mee ng your new friend fox to your friends and family. Educa onal Effects : Improves story telling skills by experiencing the tale firsthand and helps learn considera on and empathy towards others. By observing simple different shapes forming certain other shapes, kids can have a be er understanding on geometry Age 4: Week 1 Say hello like an elephant Age 5: Week 15 Music: Baby Elephant walk - Henry Mancini from USA Video: Animal Rhyme - Elephant Ma sse – The Sorrows of the King Music: Ave Maria (Violin) by Bach from Germany The Sorrows of the King is a collage using cut out paper shapes by Henri Ma sse from 1952. It was made from paper he had coloured with gouache paint. It is his final self-portrait. The Sorrows of the King is a fine example of this style, with its use of stunning colors and shapes to create a scene. A er listening to the music 'Baby Elephant', we will become baby elephants. We will decorate our large ears, become a pack of baby elephants showing off our different ears, and greet each other with our trunks made with our arms. Let's dance along the music and have a great me with our friends! 15 Educa onal Effects : Kids can learn to greet which is the base of building an upright character. Gree ng each other in a fun way as baby elephants allow children to become closer together, games and musical ac vi es increases the amount of physical ac vity and expressiveness. Educa onal Effect: Kids will learn the meaning of complementary colour through complementary contrast and by imita ng tearing the paper they will develop a new sight in apprecia ng crea ve sight. Thinking outside the box when apprecia ng a famous piece will greatly increase their ability to appreciate art. ’ Week Activity 1 Hello My Friend Theme Friends Level A Material Crayon Integrated Activity Music: Bizet - Children's Games' Merry-go-around Video: Story - Let's Make Friends Play the song and make the children go around holding their hands in a circle pretending to be on a Merrygo-around. This will take away the initial awkwardness in the group. Children will greet each other and learn to interact in a controlled and safe environment. Group activity will give them a feeling of togetherness and will also help them understand the importance of teamwork. 2 T Shirt Colouring Me and my feelings Sign Pen and water colour Music: Summer by Vivaldi from Italy from Italy Video: Story - The Blue Jackal Ask the parent to send one discarded, parent size T-shirt for children to spill their creativity through colour on it. Use the T-shirt throughout the year to safeguard the school uniform from splashes and stains. Teacher can also personalise the T-Shirt by writing each pupil name in on T-Shirt. Make the children enjoy their creations by making them wear it and dance around. Reduce, reuse and recycle discarded T Shirt as well as safety of uniform Freedom of expression and creativity. 3 The Fox and the Crane Friends Crayon Music: Summer by Vivaldi from Italy Show the story on DVD, carry out the colouring activity after showing the story and if time permits, initiate a play in the class. Understanding the feelings of others. How friend's forgive. Understanding each other's limitation and diverse way of doing things. Show the story on DVD followed by the colouring activity and hold a discussion on friendship. You may begin with asking question like - 1. Who is your friend? and Why? 2. Can animals be your friends? 3. Can a friend also be a part of ones family? ...... and many more. Not all friends are alike. Friends help their friends in need. Friends care and keep their friends safe. Video: Story - The Fox And the Crane 4 Bubbles Friends Sign Pen Music: Beethoven's 5th symphony by Beethoven of Russia Video: Story -The Lion and the Mouse 5 Woke Up in the Morning Me and my feelings Crayon Music: Summer by Vivaldi Freedom of expression and from Italy creativity. Ask the student "How do Video: Rhyme - Smile Angel you feel today?" Activity Photo Learning Objective Teachers Instruction Children express their feelings and thoughts through this simple art activity. 5 6 Vegetable Faces 7 8 Repositionable stickers Music: Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky Video: Story - Accept People As They Are Time to go home Me and my feelings Crayon Music: Summer by Vivaldi from Italy Summer Holidays Friends and Emotions Crayon Music: Brandenburg Concert Video: Rhyme - Clap Your Hands Me and my feelings Talk about non discriminative differences like habits, likes and dislikes, please avoid discrimination based on religion or race. Student can do this activity as many number of times they wish with the help of repositionable stickers. Play 'Where is my shoe?' game. Ask the children to take off their shoes and mix them in the basket and later asked the children to identify their own shoes and then do the activity. Ask the students to create their friends' faces and colour the bus. Appreciating diversity and being comfortable with something different or special. Enhance ne motor skills Recognition and Identication of personal belongings. Learn about the concept of summer and holiday in general. 5 5 ’ Week 9 Activity Back to My School Theme Me and my feelings Level A Material Crayon Integrated Activity Learning Objective Teachers Instruction Music: Summer by Vivaldi from Italy Video: Story - Love Your School let the children share about their favourite activities during summer holidays. Expressing their feelings Recollecting and narrating events and activities Sharing the experiences among peer group. 10 Juices Colours of fruit and vegetables Sticker and Crayon Music: Summer by Vivaldi from Italy Video: Grapes Ask children to name their favourite summer drink. Can be followed up by a mocktail making activity if time and resources permit. Recoginition of colour and knowing healthy drinks. Enhancing eye-hand coordination. 11 Monkey and banana Food Crayon Music: Summer by Vivaldi Talk about staple food and about the from Italy favourite food of students. Video: Story - You can solve your problem Enhancing problem solving skills. Enhancing eye-hand coordination. 12 Sun Flower Food Cotton Bud and Colour paints Music: Summer by Vivaldi Ask students to colour using the from Italy cotton swab. Video: Sunower time lapse Tell them about the Sunower and on DVD the oil we use for cooking food. Enhancing eye-hand coordination. Understanding the different parts of owers. How we use ower to extract oil from them. 13 Peacock India our country Straw and Colour paints Music: Vande Mataram Instrumental Video: Rhyme - Rain Rain Go Away Start activity by the rhyme "Rain rain go away" followed by a talk about our national bird = Peacock and how peacock opens its tail and dance to express its hapiness. Understanding the reason for peacock dance. Learning to appreciate rain and nature. The national bird of India. 14 Indian Flag India our country Sign Pen and Straw Music: Vande Mataram Instrumental Video: Story - Tiranga Hindi Tell the students about Indian Flag and its colors. Learn about the signicance of our National Flag. 15 Ostrich Nature- Animals Tissue Paper and Adhesive Music: The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Video: Rhyme - Fly with birds - Birds Talk about the special characteristics of an ostrich. Learn about bio-diversity and appreciate nature and trivia. 16 Fish Bowl Nature- Animals Colour paints Music: The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Video: Rhyme - Swim Little Fishie Talk about the characteristics of sh. Understanding the marine creatures and there habitats. Activity Photo ’ Week Activity Theme Level A Material Integrated Activity Learning Objective Teachers Instruction 17 Lady Bird Nature- Animals Coloured Paper and Adhesive Music: The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Video: Rhyme - Ladybird Show students how small the pieces should be torn. Help them in sticking the pieces on the sheet. Pattern and collages construction. Fine motor skill development. 18 Parrot Nature- Animals Colour paints Music: The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Video: Rhyme - Two Birds Trivia about parrot, most popular pet bird is parrot. Show the video "Einstien the parrot" on youtube. Appreciating pets and understanding the importance of imitation. 19 Willows Nature-Trees Colour paints Music: Autumn by Vivaldi from Italy Video: Story- Everything is Beautiful Show the children pictures of various kinds of Willow trees to the students followed by the colouring activity. Understanding different kind of trees and leaves. 20 The Fish Nature - Animals Sticker and Crayon Music: Autumn by Vivaldi from Italy Video: Story Mermaid Talk to the children about the mermaids and show them pictures. Also show them videos on mermaids on youtube if time permits. Tell them about mythology of centaur. Enhancing Imagination. Improving eye-hand coordination 21 Caterpillar Nature - Animals Colour paints Music: Swan lake by Tchaikovsky of Russia Video: Rhyme -Buttery Talk about the life cycle of a buttery and show the video from activity 22. Understanding life cycle of a buttery Improving eye-hand coordination 22 Now Buttery Nature - Animals Colour paints Music: Autumn by Vivaldi from Italy Video 1: Time lapse of caterpillar to buttery Video 2: Rhyme- Tine Buttery Buttery Talk about the life cycle of a buttery and how beautiful pattern are formed on their wings. Also talk about how butteries help in pollination. Reinforcing life cycle of a buttery 23 Lizard Nature - Animals Colour paints Music: Autumn by Vivaldi from Italy Video: Animal Fair Discuss about the lizard's tail. Learning about strange life facts. Improving eye-hand coordination 24 Dragon Nature Creature Music: African mass Talk about dragons and their signicance in Chinese mythology. Enhancing Imagination. Improving eye-hand coordination Sticker and Crayon Activity Photo ’ Week Activity Theme Level A Material Integrated Activity Learning Objective Teachers Instruction 25 Give me leaves Autumn Season Colour paints Music: Autumn by Vivaldi from Italy Video: Fairy tales - Jack & The Beanstalk Ask student to nger print the leaves shed in the season autumn. Change of season Appreciating nature undertsanding Autumn Season 26 Autumn Tree Autumn Season Colour paints Music: Autumn by Vivaldi from Italy Show students how small the pieces should be torn. How the tree changes its colour after the change in the different seasons. Fine motor skill development. 27 Clay Candy Shapes Clay Music: Autumn by Vivaldi from Italy Ask children to make candies out of clay. Creativity, patterns and shapes recognition. Fine motor skill development. 28 Hoola Hoop Girl Shapes Crayon Music: Autumn by Vivaldi from Italy Ask the kids to use ear buds to create pattern by stamping and if possible give them the hoola hoop to cheer for each other. Drawing from imagination and building the aesthetic sense. 29 Sheep Winter Season Cotton and Colour paints Music: Winter by Vivaldi from Italy Video: Rhyme - Baba Baba Black Sheep Talk about winter season and woollen clothes. Learn about how wollen clothes keep us warm. 30 Blanket Winter Season Cellophene paper and Adhesive Music: Winter by Vivaldi from Italy Video: Rhyme - Red White And Blue Teach them how two colours are mixed to create a new colour. Understanding warmth provided by the blanket and how two colour makes a third colour. 31 Shooting Star Winter Season Colour paints Music: Winter by Vivaldi from Italy Video: Rhyme - Star Talk to the children about star and Sun. Colour appreciation and nger painting. 32 Scarecrow Food Paper and Adhesive Music: Winter by Vivaldi from Italy Video: Rhyme - Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall Talk to the children about what scarecrow is needed for? Fear & over coming fears. Improving eye-hand coordination Activity Photo ’ Week Activity Theme Level A Material Integrated Activity Learning Objective Teachers Instruction 33 Christmas Tree Winter Season Sticker and Crayon Music: Christmas Carol Video: Rhyme - Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Tell them about the Santa Claus and the signicance of Christmas. Improving eye-hand coordination 34 Fireworks Winter Season Brush and colour paints Music: Winter by Vivaldi from Italy Tell them why recrackers are burnt and help them to do spray painting. Enhancing the creativity and Imagination. Safety measures to be taken into consideration in times of excitement and celebrations. 35 Water Battle Spring Season Straw and Colour paints Music: Spring by Vivaldi from Italy Talk about primary and secondary colours. Strengthing of oromotor muscles and enhancing sense of colour. 36 Flower Garden Spring Season Colour paints Music: Spring by Vivaldi from Italy Video: Flowers Tell the students about the spring season and how owers add colour to our world and its various parts. Learn about different part of plants. 37 Friends in the Garden Friends Clay, Sign Pen and Crayon Music: Spring by Vivaldi from Italy Remind the students about the faces, help them in arranging shapes. Enhancing Imagination Improving eye-hand coordination 38 Train Transport Colours Music: Classical Music Steam Train Video: Rhyme - I Am A Choo Choo Train Talk to the students about the types of train in ancient times discuss the reasons for discontinuing them. Talk about major reasons being cost, speed, performance and pollution. Enhancing ne motor skills. Developing the sense of colour contrast. 39 Car Transport Corrugated from Box Music: Classical Music Steam Train Video: Transport Talk about different modes of transportation. Tell them about the two- wheelers and four-wheelers. Understanding and conversion of the 2D shapes into 3D real life objects. 40 Airplane Transport Corrugated from Box Music: Classical Music Steam Train Let them know about the various modes of tranportation, the fastest one of which is air transport. Understanding and conversion of the 2D shapes into 3D real life objects. Activity Photo ’ Week Activity Theme Level B Material Integrated Activity Teachers Instruction Learning Objective 1 Elephant mask Friends, Me and My Family Elastic and Crayon Music: Henry Mancini Baby Elephant walk Video 1: Henry Mancini Baby Elephant walk Video 2: Rhyme - Elephant Conduct team building activities and As the children dance together, listen to animal rhymes-elephant. pretending their hands as elephant's trunk the awkwardness will y away and they will open up faster. 2 T shirt coloring Friends, Me and Any of the material My Family provided. Ask the parent to send one discarded, parent size T-shirt for children to spill their creativity through colour on it. Use the T-shirt throughout the year to safeguard the school uniform from splashes and stains. Teacher can also personalise the T-Shirt by writing each pupil name in on T-Shirt. Make the children enjoy their creations by making them wear it and dance around. Music:Summer by Vivaldi from Italy Video: Panchtantra story - The blue Jackal Help children in making colorful and Learning while having fun. Create attractive T- Shirt and show them the something from their own using their story of The Blue Jackal imagination and learn the bold use of colors. 3 My pet my friend Friends, Me and Repositionable stickers My Family Music:Summer by Vivaldi from Italy Video: Story-Puss in Boots Tell the children about the importance and value of friendship and show them the story of puss in boots. Not all friends are alike, friends help friends in need, friends keep you safe. 4 Musical Instrument Friends, Me and Paper Cut out and My Family Adhesive Music: Offenbach Underworld Help them recognise different musical instruments and show the story of The Pied Piper of Hamelin Learn about different musical instruments. Activity Photo Video: Story- The Pied Piper of Hamelin 4 5 Surng Summer Clay and Crayon Music: Drum Music Show the video on the Youtube Knowing about different water sports. Water Sports. Must talk about the favourite summer sport on the beach. 6 Whale Summer Board, Roller and Colour Music: Bamboo ute music Talk about global warming and how whales are becoming endangered. Learn about environmental issues and how water is essential for life. 7 Dress them up! Summer Pattern Paper and Adhesive Music: The Firebird SuiteInternal Dance Of King Video: Story- Emperor’s new clothes Talk to the children about different ways in which clothes are given various patterns and designs. Narrate the story to them. Learn about different kinds of patterns and imprints on fabrics. Giraffe Pattern Honeycomb Pattern 8 Yellow image Pattern Summer Paper Strip and Roller Music: The Firebird SuiteInternal Dance Of King Help the children to do paper folding and making patterns. Learn to make patterns with paper. Wood Pattern Leaves Pattern Leopard Pattern Zebra Pattern ’ Week Activity Theme Level B Material Integrated Activity 9 Lotus India Our Country Adhesive and Colour Music: Tchaikovsky swan lake Talk to them about the underwater ora and fauna. Students will learn about our national ower Lotus. 10 Happy Birthday India India Our Country Music: Vande Mataram instrumental Video: Rhyme and song Happy Birthday Tell students why we celebrate the Independence Day on 15th August. Learn the history of our Independence day. Crayon Activity Photo Learning Objective Teachers Instruction 10 11 Peacock India Our Country 12 Tiger India Our Country 13 Jungle 14 Colour paints Music: Vande Mataram instrumental Talk about the National Bird of India. Our National Bird through Decolamia. Colour and Crayon Music: Vande Mataram instrumental Talk about the National Animal of India. Our National animal through batik effect and undertanding wax don’t mix with water colours. Monsoon Colour, Corrugated Strip and paper tree Music:The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Video: The four Ox and the Lion Talk to them about the environment of the jungle. Use the back of any previous activity sheet to create the scene of jungle. Learn about the jungle, trees found there and the animals who live in the jungle. Frog Monsoon Sticker and Crayon Music: Raag Gaud Malhaar by Abhik Mukherjee Video: Animal Rhyme Frog Tell the children about Amphibians - Understanding of the colour of clouds the animals that live both on land and during monsoon. water. 15 The monkey and crocodile Monsoon Crayon, roller and colour Music:The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Video: Panctantra story The Monkey and the Crocodile Help children in the coloring activity and play the story monkey and the crocodile. Learn about basic coloring. 16 The green leaves of the tree after the rain Monsoon Colour Music: Raag Gaud Malhaar Let the children discuss and understand how the trees will blossom and have green leaves during the rain. Video: Rhyme- It's raining Appreciation of colors. Use of unconventional as stimulus to bring out their creativity . ’ Week Activity Theme Level B Material Integrated Activity Teachers Instruction Activity Photo Learning Objective 17 Sliding away! Transport Paper Vehicles and Crayon Music: Drum music Video: Rhymes - Dip dip blue ship Talk about various modes of transportations. Learn about different modes of transportation. Create and play from there own creations. 18 Car Transport Crayon Music: African mass Talk about various modes of transport and importance of recognizing the sounds. Learn about different modes of transportation. 19 Rocket Transport Crayon Music: African mass Talk about various modes of transport and importance of recognizing the sounds Learn about different modes of transportation. 20 Road Transport Colours, Paper cut out and adhesive. Music: African mass Talk about various modes of transport and importance of recognizing the sounds Learn about different modes of transportation. 21 The desert night Desert Crayon, roller and colours Music: The Firebird SuiteInternal Dance Of King Video: Rhyme - Twinkle Twinkle little stars Talk to the children about the environment of the desert. Discuss about the unique ora and fauna in the desert regions. Learn about desert and the creatures that are found there. Learn wax don’t mix with water colours. 22 Sunny day Summer Roller and Colours Music:Summer by Vivaldi from Italy Video: Rhyme - You are my sunshine Tell children that sun is the biggest star and why we have seasons like summer and winter. Know about the sun and why summer is hot. 23 Autumn tree Autumn Roller, clay and colours Music: Autumn by Vivaldi Video: Rhyme- Green is my colour Talk to the children about the autumn Learn about the autumn season and how it effect the trees. season. 24 Hand house Our surroundings Roller and Colours Music: The Firebird SuiteInternal Dance Of King Video: Rhymes - Two little hands Talk to children about the habitat of different living beings. Learn about the habitat of different species. 18 21 ’ Week Activity Theme Level B Material Integrated Activity Teachers Instruction Talk to children about the fruits that are grown in different seasons. Learning Objective 25 Summer and winter fruits and vegetables Fruits and vegetables Paper objects and Adhesive Music: Scherzando Allegretto - Bubbles bee Video: Fruits, Vegetables Learn and identify various fruits. 26 Patterns Fruits and vegetables Sign pen Music: Winter by Vivaldi Help children in making the patterns Video: Rhyme - Lady nger of the fruits and vegetables Learn about different shapes and patterns found on the fruits and vegetables. 27 Snowy Day Winter Roller, Sticker and Colour paints Music: Winter wonderland Talk to children something magical about snow. Learn about snowfall and the beautiful scenic beauty created due to the snow. 28 SKI Winter Sports Crayon Music: Winter wonderland Talk to children about different winter Learn about sports that are played in sports. wiinters. 29 APPLE TREE Winter Fruits Colour paints, crayon and brush Music: Winter wonderland Video: Rhyme - An apple a day Talk to children about different types of apples, their colors and the season they grow in. Tell the kids about the importance of apple in keeping us healthy. 30 Kite ying Environment and Tissue Paper and Crayon living beings Music: Scherzando Allegretto - Bubbles bee Talk to children about kite ying and understand how the object can y in the sky. Understanding the concept of aerodynamics and importance of wind direction and shape. 31 Hedgehog Environment and Board strip and colour living beings Music:The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Talk to children about the strange creatures around us. Learn about the different kinds of sh. 32 Making the India our country Paper strip and Sign garland of paper Pen on Republic day and decorate the class Music: Vande Mataram instrumental Talk about the colour of Indian Flag Decoration and knowing about the and importance of spokes and the tri- salient features of the Indian ag colour Activity Photo ’ Week Activity Theme Level B Material Integrated Activity Teachers Instruction Talk to children about the beautiful world that exists under the sea. Learning Objective 33 Tropical sh Under the Sea Crayon Music: Swan lake by Tchaikovsky of Russia Video: Story-The Little Mermaid Learn about the different kinds of sh. 34 Chameleon Living beings around us Sticker and Crayon Music: Drum Music Let the children understand about the Learn how different species protect Video: Chameleon changing chameleons and why they change themselves from their predator. colors. their colors. 35 Dinosaur Pre Historic times Stencil and Roller 36 The Dog and Owl Living beings around us 37 Penguin 38 Music: Offenbach Underworld Video: Story- Why be scared? Tell the children how the lion can become extinct in the near future. To make the students realise that so many species have died out because of the change in nature. Roller, Colours and Sign pen Music:The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Video: Rhyme - Dog Tell the children why dogs are the Different characteristics of animals most popular pet animals and how around us. faithful he is. Tell them about owl and how he can see in the dark as well. Under the Sea Paper strip, crayon and colours Music: Sur Sangam Jal tarang Let the children know about penguins, the place they are found in, their colors and unique qualities. Learn about the underwater animals, how they breathe and what they eat. Fish net Under the Sea Crayon Music: Sur Sangam Jal tarang Video: Rhyme - Machli Jal ki rani hai Discuss about aquatic animals. Learn about the underwater animals, how they breathe and what they eat. 39 Octopus Under the Sea Corrugated Board Music: Sur Sangam Jal tarang Discuss about aquatic animals. Learn about the underwater animals, how they breathe and what they eat. 40 Whale Under the Sea Corrugated Board Music: Sur Sangam Jal tarang Discuss about aquatic animals. Learn about the underwater animals, how they breathe and what they eat. Activity Photo ’ Week Activity Theme Level C Material Integrated Activity 1 Rock Wall Friends, Me and Mufn Cup, Paper Strip, Music: Beethoven's 5th My Family Sign Pen, Adhesive and symphony by Beethoven of Sponge Russia Video: Panchtantra- About the four friends and the bear 2 T Shirt Coloring Friends, Me and Any of the material My Family provided 3 Faces Friends, Me and Pattern Paper, Adhesive Music: Beethoven's 5th My Family and Crayons symphony by Beethoven of Russia Play: Emote various moods through facial expressions 4 Portraits mirror Friends, Me and Mirror paper , Crayons My Family and Adhesive Music: Beethoven's 5th symphony by Beethoven of Russia Video: Panchtantra - The blue Jackal Music: O Fortuna Video: Story- Snow White Teachers Instruction Tell the children what friend's are for. Activity Photo Learning Objective Learn about friendship. Ask the parent to send one Learning while having fun. Create discarded, parent size T-shirt for something from their own imagination children to spill their creativity and learn the bold use of colors. through colour on it. Use the T-shirt throughout the year to safeguard the school uniform from splashes and Teachers can play the team building Learn and feel about various emotions games or can hold some role plays and expressions. involving various emotions and facial expressions Tell the students about the concept of reection, shadow and inner beauty. Understanding the concept of reection. 8 5 Peacock corrugated Living beings around us Corrugated Sheet Music: Bamboo ute music Ask the children to carefully punch To gain knowledge about national bird out the peacock from the box without of India. damaging the beak. 6 The tree with pattern Patterns Tooth Pick and Crayon Music: Beethoven's 8th symphony by Beethoven from Russia Teach them the concept of layers To create different patterns and layers and how they can make the patterns. in painting which help them understand the steps and methodology to do the art. 7 Tree and Bird Environment and Sponge and Water living beings Colour Music: Bamboo ute music Video: Story- The Ugly Duckling Talk to children about the technique called Decalcomania in which engraving and prints may be transferred to pottery or other materials. 8 Learn about Decalcomania as an art technique. 7 7 10 8 Cactus Desert Engraved Board and Sponge Music: Bamboo ute music Talk to children about cactus,its variety, habitat and adaptations Learn about desert and the plants that grow there. 7 10 10 ’ Week Activity Theme Level C Material Integrated Activity Teachers Instruction 9 Rainy day Nature Sticker, Sponge and Colour Music: Raag Gaud Malhaar Talk to children about "water cycle" - Get to know about the rainy season how rain happens? And let the kids and the changes it brings. share about how they enjoy in rain. 10 Umbrella and rain Nature Stencil and Sponge Music: Raag Gaud Malhaar Tell children why we use umbrella The use of stencil will enhance the during rain and what is special about childrens' bilateral coordination. the cloth it is made up of. 11 Bubbles My Family and Summer Sponge, Water colour and sign pen Music: Beethoven's 8th symphony by Beethoven from Russia Video:Vocabulary- Park Ask the children to smear colors on the backdrop and then use the stamping tool to bring out the bubbles. Learn about layering in painting and have fun working with water color. 12 Cotton candy My Family and Summer Sign Pen and water colour Music: Beethoven's 8th symphony by Beethoven from Russia Video: VocabularyAmusement Park Help children in painting. Learn coloring through imagination. 13 Kandisky art and Appreciating classical art picture frame Cotton Ear Bud, Crayon and Water colour Music: Beethoven's 8th symphony by Beethoven from Russia The four step approach to teach pre primary student art appreciation 1. Observation 2. Imitation 3. Narration and 4. Replication. Observing what other artists have created will give your child the tools they need to one day create masterpieces of their own! Learn the concept of abstract art. 14 George seurat Appreciating classical art Cotton Ear Bud and colour Music: Ave Maria (Violin) by The four step approach to teach pre primary student art appreciation 1. Bach from Germany Learn to appreciate classical art. Appreciating classical art Tissue paper and Adhesive Music: Ave Maria (Violin) by The four step approach to teach pre primary student art appreciation 1. Bach from Germany Learn to appreciate classical art. 15 Matisse Activity Photo Learning Objective Observation 2. Imitation 3. Narration and 4. Replication. Observing what other artists have created will give your child the tools they need to one day create masterpieces of their own! Observation 2. Imitation 3. Narration and 4. Replication. Observing what other artists have created will give your child the tools they need to one day create masterpieces of their own! 715 10 16 Van Gogh Starry nights Appreciating classical art Cotton Ear Bud and colour Music: Ave Maria (Violin) by The four step approach to teach pre primary student art appreciation 1. Bach from Germany Observation 2. Imitation 3. Narration and 4. Replication. Observing what other artists have created will give your child the tools they need to one day create masterpieces of their own! 7 10 Learn to appreciate classical art. 16 10 ’ Week Activity Theme Level C Material Integrated Activity Teachers Instruction 17 Primitive man Pre historic times Sponge and Water Colour Music: African mass Tribes video : Let children know that Learning how living beings has many people live the tribal way of changed over the ages. life. Tell them how they lead their lives and how their lives are different from ours. 18 Volcano Pre historic times Colour and Crayon Music: African mass Book: Volcano Volcanoes Appreciate the fury of nature. 19 Big bird Birds and animals Music: The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Video: Story- The Golden Goose Talk to children about the birds which are large in size. Learn coloring and using stencil. 20 Fossils Pre historic times Crayon Music: African mass Tell the kids what fossils are. To make them realise that so many species are now extinct because of change in nature. 21 Hippopotamus and Crocodile Environment and Crayon living beings Music: The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Video: Vocabulary - Zoo Tell the kids about the animals who live in jungle. Learn about the wild animals. 22 Alien Fantasy and adventure Music: The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Video: Fairy TalesThumbelina Tell the kids about aliens and help them imagine how they look like. Enhance the imagination of students. 23 Elephant pattern Environment and Crayon living beings Music: The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Tell children about the interesting facts about the elephant Learn about the largest mammal on the earth. Stencil Paper Activity Photo Learning Objective 7 10 24 Half-Moon Chicken Farm Sign Pen Music:The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Video: Story- The Cock and the Pearl Learn drawing through pen. Learn hand control and improve ne motor skills. 7 10 10 ’ Week Activity Theme Level C Material Integrated Activity Teachers Instruction Activity Photo Learning Objective 25 Lined farm painting Farm Crayon and sign pen Music:The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Video:Story- Love your pet Help children in tracing along the line without removing the pen from the paper. Learn hand control and improve ne motor skills. 26 Trace the dog Farm Sign Pen Music: The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Video: Story- A dog and his shadow Help children in tracing the dog. Learn hand control and improve ne motor skills. 27 Save the pig Farm Crayon Music: The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Video: Story- Three Little Pigs Tell children about the various kinds of farm animals and what purpose they serve in the farm. Learn about farm animals 28 Chick and chicken Farm Chalk and Sign Pen Music: The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Tell children about the various kinds of farm animals and what purpose they serve in the farm. Learn about farm animals 29 Summer and winter owers Flowers Sticker Cutout Music: The ower duet Tell children about different owers that grow in winters and summers Understand the difference between summer and winter owers. 30 Flower Rose Flowers Paper Strips Music: The ower duet Help the kids in giving the instruction Learn about the parts of the ower about how to fold the paper. rose. 31 Tissue Flower Flowers Paper Towel, Sponge, Adhesive and Colour Music: The ower duet Help children in folding the tissue paper. Using everyday household material to create art pieces. 7 10 32 Flower Roses Flowers Tissue paper and Adhesive Music: The ower duet Help children in pasting the tissue paper at right places. Using everyday household material to create art pieces. 10 10 ’ Week 33 Activity Ant larva Theme Jungle Level C Material Clay Integrated Activity Music: Santoor Video: Story- The Ant and the Dove Teachers Instruction In the image provided we have one larva. Ask students to create 5 more larva out of clay and place it on the image so that there are 6 larvas in front of the ant. Activity Photo Learning Objective Learn how different species protect themselves from their predator. 33 34 The Ant's Nest Jungle Colour and Crayon Music: Santoor Tell children about the habitat of different animals 35 The Insects Jungle Crayon Music: Santoor Video: Story- The Ant and the Grasshopper Show different insects in the video to Identify different types of insects. the children and help them recognize them 36 Snail Clay Jungle Clay and Crayon Music: Bamboo ute music Guide children in making clay objects. 37 Buttery Jungle Sponge Music: Bamboo ute music Help children in painting with the Video: The Time lapse video sponge. Talk about the life cycle of a of catterpillar to buttery buttery. Know about the beautiful and colorful creatures around us. 38 Animal ABC Jungle Coloured Animal Paper and Adhesive Music: The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France To gain knowledge about the animals and their beginning letters of the alphabet. Help the children to carefully punch out the animals from the sheet without damaging the rest of the sheet. Learn about the living places of animals. Learn making various shaped objects with clay. Jungle Corrugated Sheet on the Box Music: The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France COW KANGAROO PANTHER NEWT LION HIPPOPOTAMUS PANTHER RHINOCEROS RHINOCEROS OWL QUAIL SNAIL TIGER VICUNA ZEBRA YAK QUAIL MONKEY WOLF XIPHIAS JAGUAR GIRAFFE ELEPHANT HIPPOPOTAMUS OWL MONKEY FOX BEAR KANGAROO JAGUAR GIRAFFE NEWT LION UNICORN Giraffe ALLIGATOR COW ELEPHANT IGUANA DOG FOX BEAR VICUNA 39 IGUANA DOG ALLIGATOR SNAIL TIGER WOLF UNICORN XIPHIAS ZEBRA YAK Help the children to carefully punch Learn about the animals who live in the out the cut-out of the Giraffe from the jungle. box and join it to make a 3-D giraffe. 7 10 40 Crocodile Jungle Corrugated Sheet on the Box Music: The Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens from France Help the children to carefully punch out the cut-out of the crocodile from the box and join it to make a 3-D crocodile. Learn about the animals who live both on water and land. 10 Saar Books Publications Pvt. Ltd. www.saarbooks.com Saar Books Publications Pvt. Ltd. 4940/1B, Dhobiwadi Dr. Jaykar Marg, Opp. Datta Mandir, Thakurdwar, Mumbai - 400 002, INDIA Telephone: +91-22-2207 6960 / 63 Fax: +91-22-6639 0461 / 62 Email: [email protected]
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