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Control, 28, 585-601 (1983). 357 Index Aircraft Altitude/velocity change, 113 Boeing 747, 346 Coordinated turn. ll3. 209 Glide-slope hold, 243, 328 Landing, 100, 115 Landing in gusty wind, 139, 140 Landing in worst wind, 263 Lateral Motions, 344, 346, 347 Longitudinal Motions, 343, 345 Navion,344 STOL, 115,347 Ashkenas, Irving, 176 Balas, Gary 1, 309 Bayes' Rule, 9 Bernard, Douglas, 132 Bias error, 67, 68 Best Case Controller, 286 Bicycle, robot, 100, 336 Brownian motion, 39,43 Bucy,Richard, 43 Car, lateral motions of, 110, 333 Carrier, Alain, 288 Cart with pendulum, 39, 73, 106,338 Cart with a double pendulum, 107,338 Cart with inverted pendulum, 108, 134,339 Cart w. db!. inverted pendulum, 109, 339 Certainty-equivalence principle, 125 Characteristic Equation Reciprocal Root, 168, 181 Symmetric Root, 176, 182 Chu, Peter Y., 288 . Colored measurement noise, 308 Conjugate point, 261, 277 Compensator, 226, 256 Notch. 296 Controllability (see Disturbability) Control Prediction, 125 Current, 125 Controllers Best Case (LOB), 286 Discrete LO w. SFB (TI), 184 Discrete LO w. SFB (TV), 98 Discrete LOG (TI). 224 Discrete LOG (TV), 123 Discrete LOG w. CMN (TI), 324 Discrete LOG w. CMN (TV), 316 Discrete LOW w. SFB (TI), 284 Discrete LOW w. SFB (TV), 259 Discrete LOW w. ESFB (TI), 285 Discrete LOW w. ESFB (TV), 268 Continuous LO w. SFB (TI), 201 Continuous LO w. SFB (TV), 118 Continuous LOG (TI), 240 Continuous LOG (TV), 143 Continuous LOG w. CMN (TI), 325 Continuous LOG w. CMN (TV), 319 Continuous LOW w. SFB (TI), 284 Continuous LOW w. SFB (TV), 271 Continuous LOW w. ESFB (TI), 285 Continuous LOW w. ESFB (TV), 279 Robust (continuous TI), 291 Worst Case (LOW), 258 Correlation, 23, 33 Coupling numerator (see also Transmission Zero), 176,210 Crane, overhead (see Cart with Pendulum) 359 Index 360 Density Function, 1, 2 Boltzmann, 7 Chi-Squared, 7 Conditional, 4 Gaussian, 1, 2, 3, 7 Joint, 20 Marginal,4 Rayleigh,7 Transition, 20 Uniform, 1, 2, 3, 28 Deyst, John, 258 Diaz, Sun Hur, Preface Differential Games Continuous, 258, 271 Discrete, 259 Disturb. -Attenuation (see Model-Following) Disturbability . Continuous, 61 Discrete, 48 Problem w. undisturbable mode, 72 Doyle, John C, 259, 290 Eigenvalues, generalized, 186, 209 Eigenvector decomposition Discrete, 172, 186 Continuous, 177, 181,203 Einstein, Albert, 43 EI Ghaoui, Laurent, 288, 290, 292, 309 Englar, T., 178 Estimator (see also Filters) A ttitude for SIC, 72 Divergence, 63, 180, 182 Dynamic, 43 Dynamic smoothing, 83 Static linear, 8 Static nonlinear, 13 VVo~tcase,264,276 Euler-Lagrange equations, 167,174,186, 190,202 Filters Backward discrete covariance, 74 Backward discrete information, 76 Backward continuous covariance, 77 Backward continuous information, 79 Fwd. discrete covariance (Kalman). 44 Fwd. contin. cov. (Kalman-Bucy), 57 Forward continuous information, 63 Measurement differencing, 310, 322 Measurement differenciation, 312 TIme-invariant, discrete, 167 TIme-invariant, cominuous, 175 VVith discrete CMN, 308--310,321 VVith continuous CMN, 312. 325 Worst case, discrete, 264 Worst case, continuous, 276 Fisher, M., 292, 306 Followers Continuous, 118 Discrete. 98 Francis. 1. G. E, 178 Franklin, Gene E, 125 Fraser, Donald C, 95, 258 Frazier, Malcolm. 93 Gauss. Carl Friedrich. 43 Gaussian vectors. 3 Gauss-Markov Processes (GMPs) Discrete, 22 Continuous, 30 Converting continuous to discrete, 33 Simulation of Discrete GMp, 25 Simulation of Continuous GMP. 35 Grace, Andrew, 292, 306 Graham, Dunstan, 176 Gunckel, T. E, 125 Gupta. Narendra. 178 Gyrocompassing, orbital, 72, 349 Hall, vv. Earl, Jr., 178 Helicopter Hughes OH6A, 347 Landing, 116, 141 Position change. 139.219,221. 237, 239, 252, 254,261,269,274 Position hold, 283-286 Takc-of~,215,217. 236,250,251 Testrun,56,165,179 Transport (CH47), 192 Hermelin, Solo, 288 H-Infinity (see Worst Case Control & Estimation) Ho, Yu-Chi, Preface, 258 Holley, VVilliam E., 179 Identification, 158 Innovations process. 145 . Integral error feedback, 199,220 Intercept, lateral Continuous, 147, 156. 320, 332 Discrete. 102, 129, 153,262,317,332 Inverse Control, 98 Isaacs. Rufus. 258 Jacobson, David H .. 258 Juge, Matthew K., 288 Kalman. Rudolph E .. 43, 178 Lyapunov equation, 22, 25,.31 Ly, Uy-Loi, 290, 292 361 Index Markov, A. 8., 25R Markov random sequences, 20 Matrix Correlation, 20 Covariance. 2 Information, 63 Inversion Lemma, 10 Lower-Triangular, 6 Upper-Triangular, 6 McReynolds, Stephen R., 260 McRuer, Duane, 176 Mills, Raymond A., 288, 290 Minimax (see Worst Case) Model-Following Continuous LQG, 249 . Continuous SFB. 218 Discrete LQG, 236 Discrete SFB, I'll Montgomery, Paul M., Preface Navigation problems Coastal,15 Inertial, 40, ss, 69, 73, 343 Interplanetary, 16 Noise (see also Random) Colored, 308 Process Noise in Measurernents, 67 White, 31 Wiener, 68 Nyquist Plot, 304 Observability Continuous, 61 Discrete, 48 Orbital Gyrocompassing, 72 Parameter Identification, 158 Parameter Margin, 290 Performance, mean-square, 125, 146,225,240 Performance Index Continuous Quadratic. 118 Conversion Contino to Disc., 188 Discrete Quadratic, 98 With Cross-product Terms, 190,212 Petersen, I. R., 259 Planetary gear rolling on sun gear, 117,341 Potter, James E., 117,258 Psiaki, Mark L., 292,306 Random Processes, 20, 29 Scalars, 1 Sequences, 20, 21 Vectors, 1 Walk, 23, 26, 27, 29 Reid, Lloyd D., 258 Regulator, [21, 183 Rendezvous, lateral, 102, 122, 132, 332 Reservoir Volume vs. Time, 28 Rhee,I.,259 Riccati equation Continuous. 58, 178, 202 Discrete, 45, 173, 187 Robot Bicycle, 109,336 Flexible arm, 110, 135,207,340 Stick-person, 109,342 Unicycle, 110, 337 Root Locus Reciprocal, 168, 184 Symmetric, 176, 204 Root Mean Square (RMS), 1 Saddle Point (see Conjugate point) Schoonwinkel, Arnold, 337 Sensitivity functions, 160 Setpoint Fdfwd. (see Step Commands) Smoothers Batch, 84. 152 Continuous. '12-'15.155 Discrete, 84-92, 155 Spacecraft Pitch Stabilization, 111,349,350 RolllYaw Stabilization, 111, 349, 351, 352 Stn. Keeping/Acquisition, 112,352,353 With Flexible Appendages, 112, 353 With Solar Sail. 112, 353 Speyer, Jason L., 258, 259 Standard Deviation, 1 Step Commands/Disturbances Continuous LQG, 251 Continuous SFB, 218 Discrete LQG, 237 Discrete SFB, 196 Sweep Method (see Riccati Equation) Survey Loop, closing of a, 17 Routes, 29 Taylor, Geoffrey I., 43 Terminal Control (TC), 104-110, 121, 122, 131-142, 150 Three-spring, two-mass plant, 165 Transmission zero, 207 Triple integrator plant, 105 Triple inverted pendulum, 109, 342 Truck Lateral motions of, 110,333 With a trailer, 111,334 With two trailers, 111,335 Two-mass/spring plant, 40,134,.165,194,198,199, 216,220,222,263,293,342 362 Index Two-Point Boundary-Value Problem Continuous, 92 Discrete, 85 Unicycle, robot, 110,337 Vaughan, D. R., 186 Van Loan, C. E, 188 Vibration suppression, 194, 198, 199,216,220,222, 236,238,239,250,253,254 Walker, Robert A., 178 Whittle, P., 258 Wiener, Norbert, 43, 67, 68 Wilkinson,1. H., 178 Worst Case Controller, 258 Filter, 264, 276 Zames, George, 258 Zeros Matching, 195, 216 Right Half Plane, 206 Transmission, 207 Zero Order Hold (ZOH),98123
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