May 20, 2015 On Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 9:00 a.m., the Police Jury of Sabine Parish, State of Louisiana met in open and regular session. The following members were present: William E. Ruffin, President; Kenneth M. Ebarb, Vice President; Kenneth J. Funderburk, Willes Funderburk, Kenny R. Carter, “Ronny” Bison, Eric Garcie, Ricky “KWall” Sepulvado and “Randy” Byrd. The Agenda was as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Roll Call Prayer Pledge of Allegiance Adopt the Minutes from Previous Meeting Amend the Agenda Planning Commission LCDBG Application Planning Process for FY 2016, Adopt Resolution-Citizen Participation Plan Sabine Parish Tourist Commission Re-Appointment, Bonny Fox Miles, Three Year Term, Expiring 6/30/18 9. Reappoint Official Journal-Sabine Index, Beginning 7/1/15 Ending 6/30/16 10. Personnel Committee Recommendation on Hiring Assistant to Secretary Treasurer 11. Plainview Road Construction FP&C Project No. 50-J43-10-01, Update 12. Finance Committee 13. Appropriate Sales Tax for May Operations ($220,000) 14. Committee Reports 15. Operations 2. Prayer Prayer was led by Mr. Kenny R. Carter. 3. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Kenneth M. Ebarb. 4. Adopt the Minutes from Previous Meeting Police Jury President William E. Ruffin commended the Courthouse Committee on the recent renovations to the Police Jury meeting room (new tile floor for meeting room and foyer to office, refurbished the horseshoe meeting table, new maroon color chairs for the public, removed filing cabinet and map cabinets to basement). Mr. Ruffin advised that the Committee is working on getting new chairs at the table for the Police Jurors and hopefully those will be in place for the next meeting. At this time Police Jury President Ruffin allowed a period of public comment on any items on the agenda. Mr. Ruffin advised everyone that they would be allowed to comment later during the meeting on particular agenda items if they desire. There were no public comments at this time. Resolution No. 7485 Motion by K. Funderburk and seconded by Carter to adopt the minutes of the April 15, 2015 Police Jury meeting. Yeas: 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 5. Amend the Agenda-None 6. Planning Commission-No Report 7. LCDBG Application Planning Process for FY 2016, Adopt Resolution-Citizen Participation Plan Police Jurors were provided with an April 16, 2015 email from Karen Cox of The Coordinating and Development Corporation and a FY 2016-17 LCDBG Citizen Participation Plan Resolution that needs to be adopted. Once this is done they will assist in advertising and scheduling the necessary Public Hearing. Once the Public Hearing is conducted the Police Jury can focus on what type project to apply for. Once a project has been decided upon, then we can proceed with the next steps in the process. Ms. Cox can guide the Jury through that process. Busby explained that the next steps would involve three resolutions for Procurement Policy, Request Administrative Consultants Proposal for Services and Request Engineers Qualification Statements. R E S O L U T I O N No. 7486 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN FOR THE CDBG PROGRAM WHEREAS, Sabine Parish Police Jury desires to obtain Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to benefit Low and Moderate Income persons; and WHEREAS, the Louisiana Division of Administration requires that certain citizen participation requirements be met; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following Citizen Participation Plan is adopted for use by the Sabine Parish Police Jury with respect to planning, implementation, and assessment of its CDBG program: This plan describes how the Sabine Parish Police Jury intends to involve citizens in the planning, implementation, and assessment of the local Community Development Block Grant Program. Federal and State regulations give ultimate responsibility for the design and implementation of the program to local elected officials and also require that citizens be given an opportunity to serve in a key advisory role to the elected officials. All aspects of citizen participation will be conducted in an open manner with freedom of access to information for all interested persons. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN The Sabine Parish Police Jury has adopted the following Citizen Participation Plan to meet the citizen participation requirements of Section 508 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. The Sabine Parish Police Jury is committed through adoption of this plan to full and total involvement of all residents of the community in the composition, implementation and assessment of its Louisiana Community Development Block Grant (LCDBG) Program. Attempts will be made to reach all citizens, with particular emphasis on participation by persons of low and moderate income, residents of slum and blighted areas and of areas in which funds are proposed to be used. A copy of this plan will be made available to the public upon request. As part of the citizen participation requirements and to maximize citizen interaction, the Sabine Parish Police Jury shall: 1) Provide citizens with reasonable and timely access to local meetings, information and records relating to the state's proposed method of distribution, as required by the Secretary, and relating to the actual use of funds under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended; 2) Provide for public hearings to obtain views and respond to proposals and questions at all stages of the community development program. These hearings will consist of the development of needs and proposed activities and review of program performance. These hearings will be held after adequate notice, a minimum of five calendar days, at times and locations convenient to potential or actual beneficiaries with accommodations for persons with disabilities; 3) Provide for and encourage citizen participation with particular emphasis on participation by persons of low and moderate income who are residents of slum and blighted areas and of areas in which funds are proposed to be used; 4) Provide for technical assistance to groups representative of persons of low and moderate income that request such assistance in developing proposals; 5) Where applicable, identify how the needs of non-English speaking residents will be met in the case of public hearings; and 6) Provide for a formal written procedure which will accommodate a timely written response, within fifteen days where practicable, to written complaints and grievances. Written minutes of the hearings and an attendance roster will be maintained by the Sabine Parish Police Jury. PUBLIC HEARINGS Notices informing citizens of any public hearings will appear in the official journal of the Sabine Parish Police Jury a minimum of five calendar days prior to the hearing. In addition, notices will also be posted at the police jury office and the hearing will be publicized through local community organizations, i.e., churches, clubs, etc., and/or dissemination of leaflets in the target area. Hearings will be held at times and locations convenient to potential or actual beneficiaries with accommodations for individuals with disabilities and non-English speaking persons. Whenever possible these hearings will be held within or near the target areas, at times affording participation by the most affected residents. I. APPLICATION First Notice/Public Hearing The public hearing to address LCDBG application submittal will be held well in advance of the deadline for submission of the application for the current funding cycle. The Citizen Participation Plan will be available at the hearing. The public notice for this hearing will state that the following will be discussed: a) The amount of funds available for proposed community development; b) The range of activities that may be undertaken, including the estimated amount proposed to be used for activities that will benefit persons of low and moderate income; c) The plans of the Sabine Parish Police Jury for minimizing displacement of persons as a result of activities assisted with such funds and the benefits to be provided by the Sabine Parish Police Jury to persons actually displaced as a result of such activities; and d) The Sabine Parish Police Jury’s prior performance of LCDBG programs funded by the State of Louisiana. In addition, the notice shall state that all citizens, particularly low and moderate income residents of slum and blighted areas, are encouraged to submit their views and proposals regarding community development and housing needs. Those citizens unable to attend this hearing may submit their views and proposals to: Sabine Parish Police Jury 400 S. Capitol Street Many, LA 71449 The notice will also state that accommodations will be made for disabled and nonEnglish speaking individuals provided a 3 day notice is received by the Sabine Parish Police Jury. Second Notice Seven calendar days, at a minimum, prior to the deadline for submittal of the application, a second notice shall appear in the official journal informing the citizens of the following: a) Proposed submittal date of the application; b) Proposed objectives; c) Proposed activities; d) Location of proposed activities; e) Dollar amount of proposed activities; and f) Location and hours available for application review. In addition, the notice shall state "all citizens, particularly those affected by the proposed project, are encouraged to review the proposed application and submit any written comments on the application to: Sabine Parish Police Jury 400 S. Capitol Street Many, LA 71449 Negative comments received will be forwarded to the state’s Office of Community Development, Division of Administration or the application will be withdrawn if necessary. II. AMENDMENTS Program amendments, which substantially alter the LCDBG project from that approved in the original application, shall not be submitted to the state without holding one public hearing in accordance with the procedures outlined within this Citizen Participation Plan. Minutes of the hearing will be submitted with the request for the amendment. All interested citizens, particularly the low and moderate income, elderly, handicapped, and residents of the project area, shall be made aware and have the opportunity to comment on proposed amendments and/or submit alternative measures. III. GRANTEE PERFORMANCE The Sabine Parish Police Jury will hold one performance hearing to solicit the public's opinion of the effectiveness of the LCDBG Program. The manner of notification will be the same as previously described for all public hearings. Notification will be made in the official journal approximately five to fifteen calendar days prior to the anticipated submittal of close-out documents to the state, and will indicate the date, time, and place of the performance hearing, and invite comments and opinions on the LCDBG activities implemented under the Sabine Parish Police Jury LCDBG Program being closed out. The notice will also state that accommodations will be made for disabled and nonEnglish speaking persons provided a three day notice is received by the Sabine Parish Police Jury. This notice shall invite all interested parties, particularly those low to moderate income residents in the target area to attend. The hearing will be held no sooner than five calendar days from the publication date of said notice. CONSIDERATION OF OBJECTION TO APPLICATION Persons wishing to object to approval of an application by the state may make such objection known to: Office of Community Development Division of Administration Post Office Box 94095 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-90958 The state will consider objections made only on the following grounds: i. ii. iii. The application description of needs and objectives is plainly inconsistent with available facts and data; The activities to be undertaken are plainly inappropriate to meeting the needs and objectives identified by the applicant; and The application does not comply with the requirements set forth in the state’s Annual Action Plan or other applicable laws. Such objections should include both an identification of the requirements not met and, in the case of objections relative to (1) above, the complainant must supply the data upon which he/she relied upon to support his/her objection. BILINGUAL Whenever a significant number of persons and/or residents of blighted neighborhoods communicate with a primary language other than English attend public hearings, the Sabine Parish Police Jury will provide an interpreter for dissemination of information to them providing the Sabine Parish Police Jury is given sufficient notification of three day(s). TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Technical assistance may be provided directly by the Sabine Parish Police Jury to any citizen, particularly to low and moderate income persons, residents of blighted neighborhoods and minorities, who request assistance in the development of proposals and statement of views concerning the LCDBG Program. The local officials, administrator and engineer will conduct informational meetings with the residents of the low to moderate income areas if a written request is received by the Sabine Parish Police Jury with at least a one week notification. The person who conducts the technical assistance meetings will disseminate information on the program and answer all pertinent questions. TIMELY ACCESS AND ADEQUATE INFORMATION The Sabine Parish Police Jury shall provide timely disclosure of records, information and documents related to the LCDBG program activities. Documents will be made available for copying upon request at Sabine Parish Police Jury, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Such documents may include the following: 1) All meetings and promotional materials. 2) Records of hearings and meetings. 3) All key documents, including prior applications, letters, grant agreements, citizen participation plans, and proposed applications. 4) Copies of the regulations (final statements) concerning the program. 5) Documents regarding other important requirements, such as Procurement Procedures, Fair Housing, Equal Employment Opportunity, Uniform Act, Labor Provisions and Environmental Procedures. CITIZEN COMPLAINT PROCEDURE SECTION 1 It is the policy of Sabine Parish to review all complaints received by the Parish. SECTION 2 The following procedures will be followed on all complaints received by the Sabine Parish Police Jury: 1) The complainant shall notify the Parish Secretary-Treasurer of the complaint. The initial complaint may be expressed orally or by written correspondence. 2) The Parish Secretary-Treasurer will notify the President or designated representative of the complaint within two working days. 3) The President or designated representative will investigate the complaint and will report the findings to the Parish Secretary-Treasurer within five working days. 4) The Parish Secretary-Treasurer will notify the complainant of the findings of the President or designated representative in writing or by telephone within two working days. 5) If the complainant is aggrieved by the decision, he must forward the complaint in writing (if previously submitted orally) to the Parish Secretary-Treasurer who will forward the complaint and all actions taken by the President or designated representative to the appropriate Sabine Parish Police Jury committee for their review. This will be accomplished within two working days of receipt of the written complaint. 6) The reviewing Police Jury committee will have five working days to review the complaint and forward their decision to the complainant in writing. 7) If the complainant is aggrieved with the decision of the Police Jury Committee, he must notify the Parish Secretary-Treasurer in writing that he/she desires to be afforded a hearing by the Police Jury. The complainant will be placed on the next regularly scheduled police jury meeting agenda. The Parish Secretary-Treasurer will notify the complainant in writing of the date of the hearing. 8) The complainant must bring all relevant data, witnesses, etc., to the hearing. The Sabine Parish Police Jury, at the hearing, will review the complaint and forward within five days a certified copy of the minutes of the meeting at which the hearing was conducted and a decision was rendered to the complainant. If a decision is not reached at the hearing, the Sabine Parish Police Jury will inform complainant of an appropriate date to expect a response. Within two working days of reaching a decision, the complainant will be notified in writing of the decision. Complaints concerning the general administration of the LCDBG Program may be submitted in writing directly to the: Division of Administration Office of Community Development Post Office Box 94095 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-9095 SECTION 3 All citizen complaints relative to Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity violations alleging discrimination shall be forwarded for disposition to the: Louisiana Department of Justice Public Protection Division Post Office Box 94005 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804 The complainant will be notified in writing within 10 days that, due to the nature of the complaint, it has been forwarded to the Louisiana Department of Justice. or Complainant may contact the Louisiana Department of Justice Public Protection Division directly at the Toll Free Telephone number 1-800-273-5718 or 225-342-5521. SECTION 4 The Secretary-Treasurer will maintain a file for the purpose of keeping reports of complaints. SECTION 5 This policy does not invalidate nor supersede the personnel or other policies of the Sabine Parish Police Jury which are currently adopted, but is intended to serve as a guide for complaints. SECTION 6 This policy may be amended by a majority vote at any of the Sabine Parish Police Jury’s regularly scheduled meetings. CERTIFICATE I, Ronald L. Busby, Secretary-Treasurer for the Sabine Parish Police Jury, hereby certify that the above constitutes a true and accurate copy of a Resolution, which UPON MOTION of K. Funderburk, seconded by Ebarb, was adopted by the following Yea and Nay vote: YEA: 9 NAY: 0 ABSENT: 0 and the same was declared adopted by the President this 20th day of May, 2015. /s/Ronald L. Busby Ronald L. Busby, Secretary-Treasurer Sabine Parish Police Jury 8. Sabine Parish Tourist Commission Re-Appointment, Bonny Fox Miles, Three Year Term, Expiring 6/30/18 Bonnie Fox Miles has called Police Jury President Willam E. Ruffin and reminded him that her appointment to the Sabine Parish Tourist and Recreation Commission Board expires June 30, 2015 and she desires to be reappointed. Resolution No. 7487 Motion by K. Funderburk and seconded by Carter: BE IT RESOLVED to reappoint Mrs. Bonnie Fox Miles to the Sabine Parish Tourist and Recreation Commission Board for a three year term expiring June 30, 2015, as she is doing an excellent job and desires reappointment. Yeas: 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 9. Reappoint Official Journal-Sabine Index, Beginning 7/1/15 Ending 6/30/16 Jurors were presented with a copy of a May 12, 2015 letter from Shawn Kitts, Publications Division, Secretary of State’s Office, reminding the Jury that the appointment of the Sabine Index as the Official Journal for Sabine Parish will expire on June 30, 2015. An appointment should be made for the period beginning on July 1, 2015 and ending on June 30, 2016. Resolution No. 7488 Motion by K. Funderburk and seconded by Carter to reappoint the Sabine Index as the Official Journal of the Sabine Parish Police Jury for the period beginning July 1, 2015 and expiring June 30, 2016. Yeas: 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 10. Personnel Committee Recommendation on Hiring Assistant to Secretary Treasurer Personnel Committee Chairman Ronnie Bison reported that the Personnel Committee had met on several occasions. They had about 42 applicants for the position of an Assistant to the Secretary Treasurer to train until January when the Secretary Treasurer retires. They first narrowed the applications down to ten then further narrowed them down before doing some interviews. The Personnel Committed recommended that William Earl “Bill” Weatherford, who is a CPA from Natchitoches, be hired as the Assistant to the Secretary Treasurer at an annual starting Salary rate of $52,008 ($2,167 per half month pay period). If Mr. Weatherford performs satisfactorily, he would be appointed as Secretary Treasurer in January, at the beginning of the next Police Jury term. Also, the Police Jury would absorb the Weatherford’s Group Health Insurance family coverage. Mr. Weatherford would start work on June 1, 2015 or shortly thereafter depending on if he needs to give a two week notice due to present commitments. Chairman Bison, Police Jury President William E. Ruffin and Vice President Kenneth M. Ebarb and some Police Jurors gave brief comments explaining that Mr. Weatherford was very forthcoming and professional. They felt that he was the best choice for the Police Jury. Resolution No. 7489 Motion by K. Funderburk and seconded by Sepulvado: WHEREAS, the Sabine Parish Police Jury Personnel Committee advertised for hiring an Assistant to the Secretary Treasurer to train under the present Secretary Treasurer until January, when the present Secretary Treasurer retires, and WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee narrowed the forty-two applications down to several of the best applicants, then narrowed them down again to select those to contact to be interviewed, then conducted some interviews, and WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee now recommends that Mr. William Earl “Bill” Weatherford, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) from Natchitoches, Louisiana be hired as the Assistant to the Secretary Treasurer, BE IT RESOLVED, to accept the Personnel Committee’s recommendation and hire Mr. William Earl “Bill” Weatherford, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) from Natchitoches, as the Assistant to the Secretary Treasurer to train under the present Secretary Treasurer until January 2016, when the present Secretary Treasurer retires: Mr. Weatherford’s hire date to be on June 1, 2015 or shortly thereafter depending on if he needs to give a two week notice due to present commitments, with Mr. Weatherford’s annual starting Salary rate to be $52,008 ($2,167 per half month pay period) with the Sabine Parish Police Jury to absorb the Weatherford’s Group Health Insurance family coverage premium, and If Mr. Weatherford has performed satisfactorily, he would be appointed as Secretary Treasurer in January, at the beginning of the next Police Jury term (on 1/11/2016, second Monday in January after Police Juror Fall 2015 elections); said appointment to coincide with expiration of retiring Secretary Treasurer’s appointment, also Recognizing that present Secretary Treasurer Ronald L. Busby has verbally advised Police Jurors that he would not accept any Salary for his necessary services in early January 2016, until his appointment expires-sign checks, etc. (other than he would be paid the Salary due for Pay Period Ending December 31, 2015 and he would be paid for Accrued Vacation due, all to be paid when 1/5/2016 payroll checks are processed-no amounts being due to Parochial Employees Retirement System based any work time donated in early January 2016 until his appointment expires), and If Mr. Weatherford has performed satisfactorily and receives the January 11, 2016 appointment as Secretary Treasurer, his annual Salary rate would increase, effective as of January 1, 2016, to the beginning Base Step Plan Salary rate for Secretary Treasurer $57,472.32 ($2,394.68 per half month pay period), subject to future authorized Step Plan Salary rate increases as spelled out in the Payroll Step Plan. Yeas: 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 11. Plainview Road Construction FP&C Project No. 50-J43-10-01, Update Secretary Treasurer Ronald L. Busby reported that he had talked with Byron Racca P.E., Meyer and Associates, Inc. this morning for an update on Plainview Road. Mr. Racca could not be here today because he had to be at the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury meeting. Mr. Racca had advised that he had talked to Joey Williams of Apeck Construction and their plans are to be back on Plainview Road in Sabine Parish in about two weeks, weather permitting. They are supposed to get the latest invoice information to Mr. Racca and he will send that when it is ready. Apeck has been working on a culvert span over a creek in Vernon Parish, on Plainview Road, and were supposed to install that yesterday but it was under water. Police Juror Willes Funderburk advised that he had called twice but they have not called him back. He also explained that one place in Plainview Road has crumbled and complete come apart for about 200 feet since the last Police Jury meeting. This will have to be completely dug out and redone. 12. Finance Committee Resolution No. 7490 Motion by Ebarb and seconded by Bison to pay the approved bills. Yeas: 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 13. Appropriate Sales Tax For May Operations ($220,000) Resolution No. 7491 Motion by K. Funderburk and seconded by Ebarb to appropriate and transfer $220,000.00 from the Sales Tax Fund to the Parishwide Transportation Fund for May 2015 operations. Yeas: 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 14. Committee Reports-None 15. Operations Road Superintendent Tommy Patton reported that the Police Jury had adopted a resolution (Res. 7483, 4/15/15) to allow him to fill an Operator/Truck Driver vacancy in the road department on the Road District 04 & 20 (Ward 7 & 9) crew. One of the stipulations was that the employee would be required to have a CDL license before being hired. There is a former employee, Adam Lightfoot, who quit in June 2014 that would like the position. He is a good equipment operator and has recently passed the written test but needs to take and pass the driving test to get his CDL license. If the Police Jury is agreeable, Mr. Lightfoot could be hired and could take the driving test in a Police Jury Truck. The Police Jury has done this before in order to get drivers. Resolution No. 7492 Motion by Byrd and seconded by K. Funderburk; WHEREAS, the Sabine Parish Police Jury adopted Resolution No. 7483, April 15, 2015 authorizing Road Superintendent Tommy Patton to fill a vacancy for an Operator/Truck Driver in Road Districts 04 & 20 (Wards 7 & 9) crew and stipulated that the employee be required to have a CDL license before being hired, and WHEREAS, Adam Lightfoot who previously worked for the Police Jury and was an excellent equipment operator has recently passed the written portion of the CDL license test and needs to take the driving portion of the test and would like the position, BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution No. 7483 stipulations are revised with Road Superintendent Tommy Patton being authorized to fill the vacancy as follows: To hire Adam Lightfoot in the Road Department to fill the Operator/Truck Driver vacancy on the Road District 04 & 20 (Ward 7 & 9) crew Mr. Lightfoot to be hired to be at the beginning hourly pay rate of $11.27 per hour (subject to any normal Payroll Step Plan increases) Mr. Lightfoot to be hired subject to him passing the required physical, hire date to be as soon as possible after his passing the required physical Mr. Lightfoot being subject to the normal six months probationary period, and Yeas: Mr. Lightfoot having already passed the written portion of the CDL license test and the Police Jury agreeing to allow him to take the driving portion of the test in a Police Jury truck. 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Police Juror Ricky “K-Wall” Sepulvado advised that he would like for the Police Jury to hire one part time/temporary worker to rotate working under the two Road Foreman for Road Districts 1 and 11 (Wards 6 & 10) and Road Foreman for Road District 4 and 20 (Wards 7 & 9). This is summer/seasonal work to run the bush hogs as the Jury has done in previous years. They are just classified as part time/temporary workers. Police Juror Kenneth Funderburk asked the Police Jury to also extend Tyler Hankins’ authorized work time for the same time period otherwise he would be scheduled for release May 29, 2015. Police Jurors representing Road District 17 (Ward 4) and Road District 18 (Ward 1) indicated their desire to also have a worker. Road Superintendent Tommy Patton indicated that presently worker Mr. Hankins is working upon a rotational basis. Police Juror Kenneth Funderburk asked that Mr. Hankins now be assigned to just Wards 2 & 3. Police Jury Vice President Kenneth Ebarb briefly discussed the chemical spraying that some districts have done. He explained that his area is doing some at this time. He explained that he is in a wait and see mode at this time and once more information is known he may be in favor of the spraying next year rather than hiring the temporary workers. Resolution No. 7493 Motion by Sepulvado and seconded by Byrd: WHEREAS, Tyler Hankins was hired as a part time/temporary worker to work through November 28, 2014 under authority of Resolution No. 7347, adopted May 21, 2014, and was subsequently authorized to work through February 27, 2015 by Resolution No. 7416 adopted November 19, 2014, then was then authorized to work through May 29, 2015 by Resolution 7460 adopted February 18, 2015, BE IT RESOLVED, to extend Tyler Hankins’ authorized part time/temporary work status through November 30, 2015 at his present hourly pay rate of $11.27 per hour, and to hire three additional part time/temporary workers to also work through November 30, 2015 as follows: Yeas: Said four workers are classified as part time/temporary operators to run equipment as assigned (work assignment including but not necessarily limited to tractors/bushhog work); With Tyler Hankins now assigned to work under the supervision of Road Foreman for Road Districts 16 & 9 (Wards 2 & 3) With one worker to be assigned to work on a rotational basis under the supervision of two Road Foreman for Road Districts 1 and 11 (Wards 6 & 10) and Road Foreman for Road District 4 and 20 (Wards 7 & 9) With one worker assigned to work under the supervision of Road Foreman for Road District 17 (Wards 4) With one worker assigned to work under the supervision of Road Foreman for Road District 18 (Ward 1) Pay rate to be $11.27 per hour for all four workers (including Mr. Hankins already at this rate) The three new part time/temporary employees subject to passing the required physical before being hired (Mr. Hankins not required to take physical since he is already working) The Road Superintendent has the authority and latitude to release any of those four workers if deemed necessary. 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Negreet Bay Loop Ms. Annette Arabie accompanied by another lady addressed the Police Jury concerning the potholes in Negreet Bay Loop which is off Turtle Beach. She passed around some pictures of the potholes in the road. Ms. Arabie asked if the road could be blacktopped rather than just putting rock or crushed asphalt in the potholes. Police Juror Kenneth Funderburk explained that his district had spent about $30,000 on Turtle Beach road last year. If he spent the entire road district’s budget for the next ten years on that one road he would not have enough to properly do the road and would not have any funds for the other roads in the district. Ms. Arabie mentioned all the log trucks that damage the roads. Police Juror Randy Byrd pointed out that the north end of the Parish has to deal with all the salt water trucks on their roads going to and from the drilling sites. Johnny Corley who was in attendance pointed out that the loggers pay taxes also. After additional comments were made, Police Juror Ronnie Bison and others explained that everyone is dealing with the same situation due to all the rain. They cannot do much until the weather dries up. He indicated the Jury would attempt to do some patching of the potholes when the rain stops. Resolution No. 7494 Motion by K. Funderburk and seconded by Carter to adjourn. Yeas: 9 Nays: /s/Ronald L. Busby Ronald L. Busby Secretary Treasurer 0 Absent: 0 /s/William E. Ruffin William E. Ruffin President
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