Lidar Measurements of Bora Wind Effects on Aerosol Loading Maruˇska Mole University of Nova Gorica, Vipavska 13, SI-5000 Nova Gorica Abstract In the paper the analysis of wind measurements using two ultrasonic anemometers and a Mie-scattering lidar system is presented. Wind measurements with ultrasonic anemometers enabled a detailed analysis of wind direction and wind gusts in Vipava valley in winter 2015. During the same period the aerosol loading in the lower atmosphere was observed using a lidar system with wavelength of 1064 nm. Both data sets were analyzed in order to determine the correlation between wind speed and periodic structures appearing in some of the lidar measurements. The observed periodic structures are believed to be the orographic / gravity waves induced by the steep local orography. The influence of the wind on the height of planetary boundary layer was studied as well, focusing on the development of planetary boundary layer during the episodes of Bora wind. The height of well mixed lower level of atmosphere was used to obtain the depth of atmosphere with the strong wind during those episodes. Keywords: writting, LaTex, paper Email address: [email protected] (Maruˇska Mole) Preprint submitted to UNG Communication in Science April 14, 2015 1. Introduction 1.1. Bora as a Downslope Wind 1.2. Planetary Boundary Layer 1.3. Gravity Waves 2. Instrumentation and Experimental Set-up 2.1. Mie-scattering Scanning Lidar 2.2. Bora Wind Measurements with Ultrasonic Anemometers 3. Lidar Observations During Bora Wind Outbreak 3.1. Variations of PBL Height During the Outbreak 3.2. Orographically Induced Waves Above PBL 4. Analysis of Wind and Aerosol Loading Properties 4.1. Periodicity of the Bora Wind 4.2. Correlation Between Wind Speed and Aerosol Loading at Different Heights 4.3. Periodicity of Induced Gravity Waves 5. Conclusions and Future Work 2 Characterization of silicon photomultipliers for use in the Cherenkov Telescope Array Gaˇsper Kukec Mezek Laboratory for astroparticle physics, University of Nova Gorica, Vipavska 13, SI-5000 Nova Gorica Abstract In many physics applications, a measurement of an observable is performed through detection of light with photodetectors. The most widely used photodetector in high energy physics is the photomultiplier tube (PMT), that uses a photosensitive cathode to transform incident light into a measurable signal through an electron avalanche. Due to their multiple electron acceleration stages they amplify the signal with a high gain and low signal noise, which enables detection on the single photon level. However, due to their large vacuum tube and photosensitive cathode, they are very sensitive to mechanical shocks, can not be used in ambient light and are sensitive to magnetic fields. Additionally, the voltage requirements to enable electron avalanches inside the tube are very high (in the range of 1 kV 2 kV). In recent years, a novel type of photodetectors is being developed that exploits less demanding semiconductors, called silicon photomultipliers (SiPM). In contrast to PMTs, they work through the production of electron– hole pairs in the active area of a PN junction diode and as such require voltages of under 100 V. One SiPM is constructed from many such diodes (between 100 and 1000 per mm2 ) that collect the produced charge and then sum it to output a signal. They can be used at ambient light, are mechanically robust, are insensitive to magnetic fields and produce a signal gain and light sensitivity similar to that of PMTs. The most noticeable drawback to SiPMs is a fairly high signal noise, resulting from thermally produced electron–hole pairs, which can hide the true low level light signal. In this paper, silicon photomultipliers are considered for high energy physics use, most notably the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), with description and results of characterization measurements performed as part of the LabEmail address: [email protected] (Gaˇsper Kukec Mezek) Preprint submitted to UNG Communication in Science April 14, 2015 oratory for astroparticle physics in University of Nova Gorica contribution to the CTA collaboration. Keywords: References 2 Exposure of the Surface Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory to Gamma-Ray Bursts UHE neutrino flux Marta Trini April 2015 Abstract Atmospheric showers induced by ultra high energy neutrinos (UHE⌫s) can be detected by the surface detector (SD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory. Neutrino induced showers selection, among the nucleonic induced showers background, is based on young and inclined criteria. Gammaray bursts (GRBs) are supposed to produce large high energy neutrino emission. In order to estimate the individual GRB neutrino flux limit the calculation of the exposure of the SD array in function of neutrino energy is necessary. In this paper we calculate exposure for single GRB, with zenith angle between 75 and 90 deg, selected from GRBox catalog. 1 Reseach on Polarization Lidar System Longlong Wang April 2015 Abstract The aerosols are closely related to the global climate changing and environmental issues play an important role in the atmoshere and also in many areas of scientific researching and application. Polarization lidar as a Mie lidar, can distinguish the spatial distribution of shperical particales and non-spherical particles in the atmosphere,which not only can obtain the optical properties of atmosphere aerosol, but also makes up for the lack of the observation of Mie lidar.the detection principle of polarization lidar and the inversion method of depolarization ratio are briefly described in the paper. 1 Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 State of the art in the field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Purpose of the performed research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 3 3 2 The detection theory of polarization lidar 2.1 The basic detection principles of polarization lidar . . . . . . . . 3 3 3 Lidar systems 3.1 Lidar equation and inversion method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 4 Analysis on designing of depolarization lidar system 4.1 Designing of depolarization lidar system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Characteristics of the depolarization lidar data traces . . . . . . . 6 6 6 5 Performance of the depolarization lidar 5.1 Calculation of signal to noise ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 6 6 Observations of atmosphere 6 7 Conclusion 6 2 1 1.1 Introduction Motivation Atmoshere aerosols means liquid or solid particles the diameter between 0.001100 µm suspended in the atmoshere. The main ingredients are mineral dust, sea salt, fossil fuel residue, hydrocarbons, sulfate and nitrate particles. Aerosol particles of di↵erent shapes are generally divided into spherical and non-spherical particles, reflecting di↵erent properties, which can be applied into e↵ectively distinguishing the di↵erent type of aerosol particles. The continuous observation on aerosol depolarization ratio will contribute to the analysis of the climate evolution and meanwhile, it is also significantly important in forecasting the source of polluting aerosols. Understanding of the atmospheric aerosol radiation, climate, environment and other e↵ects, the study or aerosol physical and optical properties of the atmoshere will be necessary, to bring great significance of the detection of vertical resoluntion of atmospheric, to bring great significance of the detection of the vertical resoluntion of atmospheric aerosols. Polarization lidar is a post-e↵ective detection tool to detect the particle morphology of nonspherical particles using depolarization properties of sacttered Light. Because Slovenia is located in the area of land-sea, often su↵ered from the African desert and Bora wind which cause local weather problems. Therefore, the use of lidar detect the characteristics of shape of particales during these weathers has great significance for evolution of the climate reseach and prediction. 1.2 State of the art in the field 1.3 Purpose of the performed research 2 2.1 The detection theory of polarization lidar The basic detection principles of polarization lidar In the atmosphere, except for a few liquid particles presents a spherical, most of the aerosol particles are non-spherical particles. Di↵erent shapes of particles generated echo signals of backscatter having a di↵erent polarization properties, while the polarization lidar takes advantage of depolarization ratio of nonspherical particle is detected to study their optical and physical properties of the atmosphere. When polarization lidar is being applied to probe atmospheric, the schematic diagram of depolarization principle of aerosol particles contained by atmosphere shown in Figure1: Can be seen from Figure1, as sacttering particles are spherical and isotropic, the backscatter is linearly polarization light based the on light sacttering theory of particles, and the vibration direction of electric vector is identical of incident light. However, in the case of non-spherical scattering particales, even if the incidet light is linearly polarized light, the light of backscatter generated also trens to be partially polarized light, which is called the phenomenon of depolarization. Thus, on the condition of sacttering, as the emitting linearly polarization laser, deduced from the intensity of light and characteristics of Polarization of signal detected changing for morphological characteristics of the scattering par- 3 (a) The schematic diagram of spherical particales depolarization. (b) The schematic diagram of nonspherical particales depolarization. Figure 1: The schematic diagram of spherical and non-spherical particales depolarization. ticales, and the spatial distribution of the optical properties of the atmoshere spherical and relative properties of non-sperical particles, such as the presence of characteristics parameters. First, assume that the horizontal line for emitting a polarized light to the intensity of the atmosphere, the atmosphere after the particle scattering, after the obtained forward scattered light will no longer maintain the original linear polarization state, but only in the horizontal direction of polarization comprising light, its intensity, but also contains polarized light in the vertical direction, its strength, wherein the component is the depolarization e↵ects from non-spherical particles. Thus, there is the vertical component of the backward scattering intensity and the horizontal component of the echo signal intensity. The ratio is defined as the linear depolarization ratio, that is: I1 = (1) I2 3 Lidar systems we can see a funny distribution and in Figure 2 we see something else. The lidar uses a frequency-tripled high power compact Q-Switched Nd:YAG pulsed laser. Pulse energy at the wavelength of 355 nm and pulse width of 4 ns is 100 mJ. Pulse repetition frequency is 20 Hz. The receiver was constructed using a parabolic mirror with a diameter of 800 mm and focal length of 410 mm. The mirror is made of aluminum coated Pyrex and the coating is protected with a thin layer of SiO2 . In order to make the lidar system steerable, both the transmitter and the receiver are mounted on a common frame which can slid horizontally in or out of the observatory build-ing. The zenith angle of the entire frame is adjustable using a step motor with 0.1. angular resolution. In the non-coaxial configuration of lidar system, the estimated complete overlap is from 1000 m, which should be considered in the application of vertical measurements. 3.1 Lidar equation and inversion method we can see a funny distribution and in Figure ee something else. The lidar uses a frequency-tripled high power compact Q-Switched Nd:YAG pulsed laser. Pulse energy at the wavelength of 355 nm and pulse width of 4 ns is 100 mJ. Pulse 4 Figure 2: The configuration of the polarization lidar system repetition frequency is 20 Hz. The receiver was constructed using a parabolic mirror with a diameter of 800 mm and focal length of 410 mm. The mirror is made of aluminum coated Pyrex and the coating is protected with a thin layer of SiO2 . In order to make the lidar system steerable, both the transmitter and the receiver are mounted on a common frame which can slid horizontally in or out of the observatory build-ing. The zenith angle of the entire frame is adjustable using a step motor with 0.1 angular resolution. In the non-coaxial configuration of lidar system, the estimated complete overlap is from 1000 m, which should be considered in the application of vertical measurements. Z r p Pt Pp = 2 p (r) exp[ 2 ↵p (z)dz] (2) r 0 Z r s Pt Ps = 2 s (r) exp[ (↵p (z) + ↵s (z))dz] (3) r 0 5 Figure 3: The structure of the PBS. 4 Analysis on designing of depolarization lidar system 4.1 Designing of depolarization lidar system 4.2 Characteristics of the depolarization lidar data traces 5 Performance of the depolarization lidar 5.1 Calculation of signal to noise ratio 5.2 Conclusion 6 Observations of atmosphere 7 Conclusion References [1], 12. 2. 2014. ˇ [2] Zagar, M., Rakovec, J., 2007: Characteristics of the Bora wind under di↵erent conditions of the lee background flow. 29th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology ICAM 2007, Extended Abstracts, vol. 2, 309-312. [3] Holton, J. R., 2004: An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology, Fourth Edition. Oxford: Elsevier Academic Press. 6 Simulation of micro-nozzle flows with the blob based method of fundamental solutions Rizwan Zahoor University of Nova Gorica, Vipavska 13, SI-5000 Nova Gorica 1. Description Understanding the fundamentals of liquid streams issued from micronozzles is vital for various applications in industry, technology and medicine (e.g., combustion, agriculture, surface finish, drug delivery, atomic spectrometry etc.). The production of thin, long and stable fluid jets is necessary in every aerosol production process. They are steadily produced in the laminar regime by injecting sufcient energy into the system to overcome the resistance offered by the surface tension and viscosity. However, presently little is known about how the nozzle geometry determines the jet stability. The most commonly used numerical techniques to explore the solution of the applied problem require considerable amount of human effort in terms of mesh generation and calculation time. Goals of the simulation are to predict the liquid jet shape (diameter, length) and stability as a function of geometry, material properties and operating conditions, and to find a stable, long and thin jet with lowest possible flow rate. In this Paper, A novel meshless technique for the solution of Stokes flow using blob based Method of Fundamental Solution (MFS) will be explored. Email address: [email protected] (Rizwan Zahoor) Preprint submitted to UNG Communication in Science April 14, 2015 Simulation of Fluid Flow in Micro-Nozzles with the Phase-Field Method Nazia Talat University of Nova Gorica, Vipavska 13, SI-5000 Nova Gorica 1. description Two phase flow in micro channels has gained much attention because of its wide applicability in modern science and technologies, such as MicroElectro-Mechanical Systems, micro heat exchangers and lab-on-a-chip in medical and genetic engineering. For optimal design of such devices it is important to understand the related flow. The behavior of fluid at the micro-scale level is different from macro-scale level because the factors such as surface tension, energy dissipation, and fluidic resistance start to play an important role in the system. At macro-scale level most of the systems are studied as a sharp- interface model where interface has zero thickness. Each phase has its own physical properties (density, viscosity, and concentration etc.) which are uniform with the occupied domain. As phases are mixed, physical properties may change in a discontinuous way across the interface. The behavior of such fluidic system can be described by a set of mass, momentum, energy conservative equations, written for each component. The solution of such models needs a set of boundary conditions at the interface which are complicated and can give oscillatory behavior during solution procedure. In literature, the methods to predict the interface between two phase can be classified into two groups: interface capturing method ( volume of fluid method, level set method) interface tracking method ( marker and cell , front tracking). At micro-scale level interface tracking problem can be described by using diffuse interface. In phase field method interface has a non-zero thickness with various physical properties like surface tension etc. In phase field method there is no need of boundary conditions explicitly on the interface and one single equation Email address: [email protected] (Nazia Talat) Preprint submitted to UNG Communication in Science Scope of the paper April 14, 2015 can be described for the entire system. 2 Implementation of a Quasi-Upwind Scheme in the Simulation of a Rectangular Cavity Vanja Hatiˇc Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana Abstract A low frequency electromagnetic casting simulator (LFEMC) was developed on the Institute of Metals and Technology. The LFEMC simulator allows the user to simulate the direct chill casting of aluminium alloys under the influence of electromagnetic filed. Due to the instability of the results a new diffraction method of the convection term is sought. A simplified case of upwind scheme is proposed in the paper. The method is further tested on a benchmark case of a rectangular cavity. Keywords: Upwind Scheme, casting simulation, Cavity, electromagnetic casting 1. Introduction 2. Main text References [1] C. Hirsch, Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows: The Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Second Edition, 2nd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford; Burlington, MA, 2007. [2] S. Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, 1st Edition, CRC Press, New York, 1980. [3] T. Sophy, H. Sadat, On the Numerical Solution of Unsteady Fluid Flow Problems by a Meshless Method, Revue Europenne des lments 11 (7-8) (2002) 989–1004. doi:10.3166/reef.11.989-1004. URL Email address: [email protected] (Vanja Hatiˇc) Preprint submitted to UNG Communication in Science April 14, 2015 ˇ [4] R. Vertnik, B. Sarler, Solution of a continuous casting of steel benchmark test by a meshless method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 45. doi:10.1016/j.enganabound.2014.01.017. [5] H. Lin, S. Atluri, The Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) method for solving incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 2 (2) (2001) 117–142. 2 Modeling coupled thermoelasticity: a comparison of two meshless approaches. Boˇstjan Mavriˇc Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana Abstract Something abstract. Keywords: local radial basis function collocation method, local Petrov-Galerkin method, meshless methods, kriging, collocation, thermomechanics 1. Introduction • Literature review • Our prev. work • Any other comparisons of meshless methods? (For mechanics or in general.) • Describe which method the results are compared with [1] 2. Governing equations • Write down the governing equation • Introduce dimensionless quantities • Describe problem geometry & boundary conditions Email address: [email protected] (Boˇstjan Mavriˇc) Preprint submitted to UNG Communication in Science April 9, 2015 3. Method formulation 3.1. Domain discretization & sub-domain generation 3.2. Construction of local interpolants 3.3. Application to differential operators 4. Results Provide plots for temperature, axial displacement and stress for the following cases: 4.1. Thermal shock 4.2. Pressure shock 4.3. Thermal and pressure shock in combination. 5. Conclusions • Our method is the best. Acknowledgments Thanks to mr. Hui from Siegen and authors of [1] for their data used in comparisons. Thanks for funding from ARRS, YR program. [1] B.-J. Zheng, X.-W. Gao, K. Yang, Chuan-Zeng, A novel meshless local Petrov-Galerkin method for dynamic coupled thermoelasticity analysis under thermal and mechanical shock loading, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2 SUSTAINABILITY EVALUATION OF DIFFRENT DOMESTIC WASTE COLLECTING APPROACHES I would like to write about waste management and one of its stages - waste collecon. Waste has a large impact on the environment. Using the words of Dražen Šimleša, the author of "Ecological footprint - how development crushed sustainability", we have created a civilizaon of waste. It is important that we learn to create as less as possible waste or if that is inevitably, to learn how to reduce it and dispose it in a proper way - recycling and waste separaon. I am going to propose a new, e&cient model which is going to bring lower consumpon of energy and lower costs in waste management. It is known, that waste management has a some kind of a life cycle - one can't go without the other, and in other words said, one has an impact to another. We live in a world, where informaon travels fast - it is very clear that people can be educated, not just through schools, but in other ways, how to build and live a sustainable life. SLAVICA SCHUSTER
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