ACORN Wallpaper and screensaver

The Australian Cybercrime
Online Reporting Network
(the ACORN) is a new national
policing initiative of the
Commonwealth, State and
Territory governments.
The ACORN allows people
to easily report instances
of cybercrime and provides
advice on how to recognise
and avoid common types
of cybercrime.
Make the ACORN the first point
of call for reporting cybercrime
( This will help
build a national picture of the
cybercrimes affecting Australians,
so agencies can respond more
effectively and make Australia a
harder target in the future.
Every year thousands of
Australians fall victim to
online crimes such as
scams, hacking and credit
card fraud. Now there’s
a website where you can
securely report online
crime and learn how to
better protect yourself. It’s
called the ACORN, a new
national policing initiative
to fight online crime.
Reporting is simple
and quick. Go to