/ Sacred Heart Church May 31, 2015 GOD’S FAMILY IN MANOA served by: Rev. Henry J. McKee, Pastor Rev. George J. Boyle, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Michael G. Speziale, In Residence Deacon John J. Suplee Deacon Bill Williams Deacon Thomas J. Woods Mrs. Celie Magee, School Principal Sister Kathleen McCafferty, S.S.J., Director of Religious Education Sister Bridget McCullough, I.H.M., Parish Service Ministries Miss Mary Ann Allton, Music Director Mr. Zachary Moren, Youth Minister MASS SCHEDULE 105 Wilson Ave. Havertown, PA Phone: 610-449-3000 SUNDAYS Fax: 610-449-2364 Vigil: 5:00 PM Saturday Parish Office Hours: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 & 12:00noon 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday to AM Friday: WEEKDAYS (Closed 12-1 PM For Lunch) Appointment Evenings & Saturday: Tuesday through Saturday atby 8:30 AM 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Holy Days Sunday: of Obligation As listed in bulletin and on Parish Website Sacred Heart School: 610-446-9198 CONFESSIONS 109 N. Manoa Road Saturday afternoon: 3:30-4:30 PM Religious Office: or anytimeEducation by appointment 610-449-3000 *for CCD nights : Resource Room 610-446-7597 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION C.C.D. Classes are Mondays & Wednesdays Monday – Friday: 8:00am - 9:00pm (Sept. thru May) 6:45 PM - 8:05 PM Saturday: 8:00am - 4:30pm *Adoration Chapel is located at the driveway Convent: 610-446-3694 exit of the Church parking Wilson Ave.* Heart Sisters, Servants of lot thetoImmaculate 108 Shelbourne Road www.sacredheartmanoa.org of Mary MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAYS Vigil: 5:00 PM Saturday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM & 12:00noon WEEKDAYS Tuesday through Saturday at 8:30 AM Holy Days of Obligation As listed in bulletin and on Parish Website CONFESSIONS Saturday afternoon: 3:30-4:30 PM or anytime by appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday – Friday: 8:00am - 9:00pm Saturday: 8:00am - 4:30pm *Adoration Chapel is located at the driveway exit of the Church parking lot to Wilson Ave.* www.sacredheartmanoa.org 1 Mass Intentions for the Week Parish Registration We welcome new members to our Parish Family! Please stop at the Parish Center to register or download form at www.sacredheartmanoa.org Baptism ~ Pre Jordan *The next date for PreJordan is: JUNE 8 Tuesday, June 2 8:30am Veronica C. Green Wednesday, June 3 8:30am Frank & Joan Wisniewski Thursday, June 4 8:30am Liv & Dec members of Sottile & Huber Family Friday, June 5 First Friday 8:30am Frank Hand, Jr. Saturday, June 6 8:30am Robert J. Glass, Sr. (52nd anniv.) Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays at 1:15 PM with the exception of the 4th Sunday of each month, when Baptisms are celebrated at the 12:00 Noon Mass. Parents are required to attend a Pre-Jordan Class before setting up a date for Baptism. Pre-Jordan Class is held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center, with some exceptions. *Please consult Parish Bulletin or Website to verify* Marriage Couples intending to marry should contact one of the priests for an appointment to set a date. By Archdiocesan policy, this must be done at least six months prior to the date. Anointing of the Sick Sunday at Mass or Upon request - contact one of the priests at the rectory in case of serious illness. Reconciliation (Confession) DEVOTIONS Miraculous Medal Novena: Anytime by appointment. 610-449-3000 Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM Saturday mornings after the 8:30 AM Mass. Rosary: Tuesday through Saturday mornings at 8:10 AM before Mass. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Visit our Adoration Chapel Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 9:00pm Saturday: 8:00am - 4:30pm All are welcome! The Chapel is located at the exit driveway of the church parking lot leading to Wilson Ave. Visitation of the Sick If you or someone in your family is HOMEBOUND due to illness, disability, or advanced age, please call Sr. Bridget at the Parish Center (610-449-3000) so arrangements can be made to bring Holy Communion. Also, please let us know when someone is in the hospital. Legion of Mary Meets each Monday from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM in the Rectory. Senior Citizens Sacred Heart Social Club, an Archdiocesan Organization, meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 1:00 PM in the cafeteria. Parish Mission Statement We, the Sacred Heart Parish Community, knowing we are sustained by the Eucharist, dedicate ourselves to: Forming a prayerful and worshiping community Educating all in Christ’s wisdom formed in and through the Gospel + Living our faith in today’s society We strive to: Invite, welcome and serve all through our stewardship Unite our community through acceptance of one another + Comfort through word and deed 2 Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord, Welcome to Sacred Heart Church! I rejoice in your presence with our worshiping community as we celebrate our Eucharistic Liturgy for Holy Trinity Sunday. We are blessed through your prayerful participation! May the Word of God enlighten your mind and the Bread of Life nourish your faith. Thanks for joining us! Alert! Alert! Next Sunday, June 7, we will begin our Summer Mass Schedule. On the Sundays from June 7 to September 27, Mass will be celebrated at 7:30am, 9:30am and 11:30am. I am grateful to all of you who adjust your schedule in order to worship here at Sacred Heart. Reminder! Reminder! Next Sunday at the 11:30am Liturgy, we will say “Thank You” to Sr. Kate and Jerry for their service to Sacred Heart Parish. There will be a reception in Everett Hall after Mass. All are welcome! On Friday evening, June 5, the CYO will hold their annual Awards Night at 6:00pm in Church. The presentation of awards highlights the achievements of individuals and teams involved in our CYO program. At this time, I want to thank the CYO Board and the many coaches who enable our Parish to provide opportunities for our youth to participate in athletics. These men and women give many hours and lots of energy in service to our Parish and the children of our Parish. I cannot thank them enough!! This week begins “Graduation Season” for our local high schools. I congratulate all our young parishioners graduating from high school and moving onto a new stage in the “growing up” process. I pray that our graduates will be guided by their Catholic faith and values in the decisions and choices the future presents to them. Congratulations! Best Wishes!! Peace be with you! Enjoy your week! God bless, Collection Update May 24, 2015 May 25, 2014 Goal: Year to Date: Difference: $ 11,737.00 $ 12,046.00 $822,000.00 $807,740.00 $ - 14,260.00 Thank you for your continued generous support! IMPORTANT UPCOMING MEETINGS Social Club - Monday, June 1 at 1:00pm EH Handbells - Monday, June 1 at 7:00pm CYO Football Parents - Tuesday, June 2 7:30pm SOCIAL CLUB JUNE Meetings: Monday, June at 1 :00pm in Everett Hall MONDAY, JUNE 15 - 1:00PM “SUMMER KICK-OFF” LUNCHEON Cost: $15 Call Elaine at 610-853-1785 or Rita at 610-446-6019 Upcoming Trip: Friday, June 19 - Bus trip to Resorts Casino Cost is $25 - Rebate is $25. Call Rita at 610 -446-6019 to reserve. KNIGHTS OF COLUMUBS INFORMATION NIGHT Tuesday June 9 7:00pm in MKD Room All Men - age 18+ - are invited to attend this meeting to find out more about joining the Knights of Columbus . .No obligation!! If you cannot attend or have any questions, please contact Tom Donovan [email protected] Next Sunday, June 7, at the 11:30am Liturgy, you are invited to join the Parish community in saying, to Sister Kate and Jerry DeFruscio A reception will follow in Everett Hall. ALL ARE WELCOME! Fr. McKee 3 PRE-JORDAN CLASS The Next PreJordan Session is: Monday, June 8 at 7:00pm in the MKD Room in the Parish Center! *Attendance at the Pre-Jordan Class is mandatory, prior to the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism. Please call the Parish Center at (610) 449-3000 for further information. **Upcoming PreJordan: July 13 & August 10 REST IN PEACE Please pray for John McDonald, Dorothy O’Connor and for all members of our Sacred Heart Faith Community who have been welcomed to the happiness of eternal life. SICK Please pray for Baby Sean Cutilllo, Baby Olivia Kirmayer, Baby Andrew Sholl, Mary Brennan, Patrick Walker, Michael J. Walker, Eveline Walker, Sally Corr, Peg Pearson, Joe Muschamp, Michelle Meehan, Jeffrey Hunter, John D’Amico, Helen Lawville, Genevieve Hosbach, Thomas Mayo, Christine Ferrante, Sharon Muschamp, Nancy Cunningham, Kyle Boas, Christina Boyd, Jim Sweeney, Rick Kearney, Bud Devlin, Mike Wilson, Brigid Sullivan, Jackie Mitchell, John Conway, Jill Carey, Gina D’Orazio, Dana Kleinschmidt, Cheryl Duca, Will Lawler, Terri Michels, Matt Shaw, Susan Gallagher, Martha Primavera, Mickey McGoldrick, Michael Feerick, Richard Wagner, Marie Debow, Mark Welsh, Rose Mary Haley, Laura Bailey, Rita Hershey, Joanne McManus, Sam Stocker, Maryanne Keller, Joanna Small, James Bamber, Christopher Chipman, Amy McBride, Harold Deitz, Joseph News, Joanne Shain, Anna McPhee, Helen Rebardo, Joseph Mulholland, Nicholas Galassi, Cathy Aquaro, Rick Reid, and Gregory Benoit. Please remember to pray for all men and women serving in the Armed Forces. May the sacrifices they are making bring peace. May God bring them all home safely and soon. POOR BOX DONATIONS FOR JUNE ARE DESIGNATED FOR ST. FRANCIS INN IN KENSINGTON H.O.P.E. H.O.P.E. provides assistance for doctor appointments, shopping, etc. If you are in need of H.O.P.E services, please call Joan Ehly at 610-4492570 or Isabelle Duca at 610-449-3638. SUPERMARKET SCRIP & FUN MONEY is sold on Sunday Mornings after 9:00am & 10:30am Masses in the Parish Center Benefits Sacred Heart Parish! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL JULY 6-10 9:15-12:00 NOON PRE-K - 3rd GRADE COST: $50 per child / $75 per Family Return ASAP to Sr. Kate (almost full!) NAME OF CHILD_____________________ ________________________________ Grade_______ Health Concern__________ Parent’s Name__________________ Address: ____________________________ Phone:__________________ Emergency Phone:___________________ High School/College Youth Volunteers are needed to help with Vacation Bible School! July 6 - 10 9:15am - 12:00noon. If you are available and willing to teach - or to be an aide, Blood Pressure Screenings next Sunday, June 7 after the 7:30am & 11:30am Masses in the Cry Room (sponsored by Parish Health Ministry) SACRED HEART NOVENA The Visitation Nuns at 5820 City Line Avenue cordially invite you to their annual Sacred Heart Novena of Masses beginning Thurs, June 4 through Friday, June 12th, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. at 7:30 PM Rev. Stephen P. De Lacy will conduct the Novena. SCRIPTURE READINGS SUNDAY, JUNE 7 Reading I: Ex 24:3-8 Resp: Ps 116:12-13,15-16, 17-18 Reading II: Heb 9:11-15 Gospel: Mark 14:12-16,22-26 Sunday & Daily Readings at www.usccb.org. Inspiring Thoughts The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian life. God alone can make it known to us by revealing himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 234 Catechism of Catholic Church 4 Summer Mass Schedule Begins * Next Week * SUNDAY, JUNE 7 7:30am - 9:30am –11:30am Saturday Vigil Mass - 5:00pm ~~~~~~~~~ Daily Mass continues: Tuesday – Saturday: 8:30am HEART-TO-HEART SERVICE MINISTRY 3 VOLUNTEERS are needed for NEXT SUNDAY, JUNE 7 to serve lunch to poor/homeless at St. Francis Inn, Kensington 10:15am - 2:00pm (carpool) to sign up: Please contact Jean Murray at 610-449-3000 or [email protected] It’s time to REGISTER for 2015 - 2016 Registrations forms for next year have been mailed! Please call Sister Kate (610-449-3000) if you did not receive one! MEN’s MALVERN RETREAT WEEKEND of JUNE 5-6-7 In two weeks we will be enjoying a peaceful and inspiring weekend retreat at St. Joseph’s - in - the - Hills, Malvern, Pa. Please join us on June 5-6-7. For more information, SACRAMENT NEWS!! ATTENTION: PARENTS OF please visit our web site at www.malvernretreat.com or call Parishioners Arnold Klein 610-449-0651 or Michael Hughes 610-853-5415 An event for everyone! Learn more at WorldMeeting2015.org. Corner The solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity celebrates the flow of the relationships between Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and ourselves. The Lectionary readings for today are about relationships of love. In the reading from Deuteronomy, God speaks as a loving parent to His children, reminding them of all the ways He has shown His love for them. In the second reading, St. Paul says we should cry to God as “Abba,” as Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane. Under Jewish law, servants could not call the Master “Abba,” the term reserved for the children only. And in the final chapter of Matthew, Jesus promises to be with the disciples until the end of the age. **First-time registration for Religious Education (ESPECIALLY FOR GRADE 1) should call Sr. Kate at the Parish Center at 610-449-3000. Register by June 30 for EARLY BIRD SPECIAL! CHILDREN CURRENTLY IN GRADES 1 & 5: Conferences for Sacraments to be received in 2016 have been completed! If you have not had a conference, please call Sr. Kate at 610-449-3000!! Attention parents of incoming 5th - 8th grade football players: There will be an informational meeting about next year's football program and merger with St. Bernadette on Tuesday, June 2 at 7:30pm in Everett Hall. Please contact Jerry Rullo at 215-5297661 with any questions. CYO Awards Banquet All players and parents are invited to join us Friday, June 5 at 6:00pm to recognize the accomplishments of our teams and athletes from the past year. The ceremony will be held in Church followed by pizza at Everett Hall. Casseroles for St. John’s Hospice are due Friday, June 19 Pans w/lids are available at the doors of church! Each casserole feeds several people! Please deliver frozen casserole before 9:30am Friday, June 19 to Mary Durkin, 300 N. Manoa Rd. or Palma Ricci, 11 Woodbine Rd! For more info, call Mary 610-853-9455. EASY recipe is included OR you can make variety of casseroles using RECIPES found on www.saintjohnshospice.org/ **IMPORTANT!!! Please mark each casserole with date prepared and type (i.e. 5/7/14 Tuna) 5 6 Corpus Christi 8 1:00pm 2:30pm 7:00pm 8:30pm 1 Social Club Legion of Mary Handbells A.A. - EH Monday 9:30am A.A. - EH 9 9:30am A.A. - EH 730pm - CYO Football Parents - EH 2 Tuesday 10 7:30pm A.A. - EH 9:15am PreK Graduation 3 Wednesday 1:00pm Social Club 2:30pm Legion of Mary 8:30pm A.A. - EH 2:30pm Legion of Mary 8:30pm A.A. - EH 2:30pm Legion of Mary 8:30pm A.A. - EH Sacred Heart Sharing Project 11:30am Baptisms at Mass th 28 13 Sun Ordinary Time 29 th 21 12 Sun Ordinary Time 22 refreshments after Masses (hosted by KOC) SOCIAL SUNDAY th 14 11 Sun Ordinary Time 15 30 9:30am A.A. - EH 19 FEAST DAY MASS Reception following in EH Feast of Sacred Heart 8:30am Closing of School Liturgy 12 FIRST FRIDAY 8:30am School Liturgy 10:00am Kindergarten Graduation 6:00pm CYO Sports Banquet Church/EH 5 Friday 25 26 7:30pm Knight of CASSEROLES DUE FOR Columbus - MKD ST. JOHN’S HOSPICE 18 11 4 Thursday Sacred Heart Sharing Project Confessions 3:30 — 4:30pm 27 Confessions 3:30 — 4:30pm 20 Confessions 3:30 — 4:30pm 13 Confessions 3:30 — 4:30pm 6 Saturday The words of Our Lord Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque “Announce it, and let it be announced to the whole world, that I set neither limit nor measure to My Gifts of Grace for those who seek them in MY HEART!” 7:30pm A.A. - MKD 7:00pm Knight of Columbus - MKD 23 9:30am A.A. - EH 24 7:30pm A.A. - MKD 16 9:30am A.A. - EH 17 7:00pm Information Night 7:00pm 8th Grade Sr. Kate & Jerry! 2:30pm Legion of Mary Graduation Liturgy 7:00pm PREJORDAN MKD Knight of Columbus At 11:30am Liturgy Reception in EH following 8:30pm A.A. - EH 7:30pm A.A. - MKD All are invited! 7 Sunday SATURDAY VIGIL 5:00PM DAILY MASS: TUES – SAT 8:30AM SUMMER MASS SCHEDULE 7:30-9:30-11:30AM
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