7:30 PM SUNCOR MS. JOCELYN KELLN MS. MARNIE DAWSON PROPOSED NAUVOO WIND PROJECT Monday, June 15, 2015 SUNCOR) June 3, 2015 Attn:Township of Adelaide Metcalfe, Fran Urbshott, Administrator/Clerk CC: Kurtis Smith, Mayor Fr: Suncor Energy Products Inc. Re: Community Engagement Plan — Proposed Nauvoo Wind Power Project Dear Fran, Please find hard copies enclosed of an updated Proposed Nauvoo Wind Power Project Community Engagement Plan and Site Considerations Maps with a corresponding information table explaining the site considerations details as referenced in the Independent Electricity System Operator Large Renewable Procurement Request for Proposals. The following has been included in this information package: Proposed Nauvoo Community Engagement Plan • • IESO's Site Considerations Information Description and Suncor's Corresponding Map • Map 1: Site Considerations - Detailed Map Overview • Map 1A: Site Considerations - Detailed Map • Map 1B: Site Considerations - Detailed Map • Map 1C: Site Considerations - Detailed Map • Map 1D: Site Considerations - Detailed Map • • Map 2: Site Considerations - General Location Map • Map 4: Site Considerations - Designated Areas Map Map 3: Site Considerations - Natural Heritage Information Centre Grid Squares If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, kL Jocelyn Kelln, Sr. Advisor, Stakeholder & Aboriginal Relations Phone: (403) 296-8381 Email: [email protected] JUN - Notice of Meeting -rn1vms .14)*r!c lit,} Proposed Nauvoo Wind Power Project Suncor is planning to bid the Nauvoo We will be holding a public open house in each of these communities as an opportunity to build relationships, Wind Power Project into the Ontario Large ask for feedback from stakeholders and introduce the Renewable Procurement (LRP) process. project concepts Proposed turbine locations have not been determined, and will not be determined until we This will be a proposed project with a preliminary location have received feedback from stakeholders and have within the Township of Warwick and the Municipality been awarded a contract. of Brooke-Alvinston including a possible connection point Please join us to learn more about Suncor and Nauvoo to the Independent Electricity System Operator's (IESO) at our public open house in your community controlled grid in the Municipality of Brooke-Alvinston or Township of Adelaide Metcalfe. '_At.IBTON :-~ORES MUNietPALIT, " OF NORT-I k140 Lagend MEETING DETAILS Brooke-Alvinston-Inwood (B.A.I) Community Centre 3310 Walnut Street Alvinston Monday June 22, 2015 6pm-9pm ICITY OF MIDDLESEX 15G coo Warwick Community Centre 7074 Egremont Road Warwick Tuesday June 23, 2015 6pm-9pm Adelaide Metcalf Township Hall 2340 Egremont Drive Strathroy ,oeloce • OF ADELAIDE-METCALFE I 5029J2C ,': None 83 UTM ti COUNTY OF LAMBTON .V.1- SI,. • arnar.ke TOWNSHIP OF STP.6,71-R0Y cARADOC MUNICIPALITY OF BROOKE-AU/INS TON Wednesday June 24, 2015 6pm-9pm TOWNSHIP OF ENNISKILLEN Visit wvvw.suncor.cominauvoowind for more information. If you have any questions or concerns, please call 1-866-344-0178 or email .nauvoo@suncorcom SUNCOR Nauvoo Wind Power Project Project description Suncor Energy Products Inc. (Suncor) has qualified with the Independent Electrical System Operator (IESO) as a proponent to bid into the Ontario Large Renewable Procurement (LRP) Suncor is planning to bid the Nauvoo Wind Power Project, a proposed project with a preliminary location within the Township of Warwick and the Municipality of Brooke-Alvinston including a possible connection point to the IESO's controlled grid in the Municipality of Brook Alvinston or Adelaide Metcalfe. The proposed project will be approximately 60 MW and the preliminary boundary is roughly East-West by Donnelley Road and Forest Road, and North-South by Hickory Creek Line and Petrolia Line. The project will include wind turbines, underground collector lines, access road transmission line and substation infrastructure. The exact locations of these project components have not yet been determined. We are interested in learning about community values, needs and concerns as we move forward in the engagement process. Bid submissions to the IESO are due September 1, 2015 with an anticipated decision for contact award by the end of 2015. Below is a preliminary boundary of the proposed project. Legend MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH MID MUNICIPALITY OF LAMBTON SHORES Nauvoo .roject Bainclar i Transmission Line 41,114,-ay 402 Read Valmool,ly County COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX U 2 1'7fi 70 1 150 000 I 5/14/2015 TOWN OF PLYMPTON-WYOMING NAD 83 UTM 17 TOWNSHP OF ADELAIDE-METCALFE COUNTY OF LAMBTON TOWNSHIP OF STRATHROY-CARADOC MUNICIPALITY OF BROOKE-ALVINSTON TOWNSHIP OF ENNISKILLEN Contact us Phone Email Web 1-866-344-1078 nauvoo@suncor corn www suncor com SUNCOR) Large Renewable Procurement Background The Independent Electrical System Operator (IESO) has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the procurement of up to 565 megawatts (MW) of new large renewable energy projects (LRP I RFP) in Ontario; specifically, proposals for up to 300 MW of wind, 140 MW of solar, 50 MW of bioenergy and 75 MW of waterpower. Through a Request for Qualification eligible companies, called proponents, were approved by the IESO to compete in the LRP I RFP. These companies demonstrated their appropriate development, construction and operation experience in addition to their financial capability to successfully develop, build and operate a renewable energy project. The LRP I RPP is a competitive process and only a select number of projects will be awarded a contract to continue project planning and stakeholder engagement, called the Renewable Energy Approval (REA) process. Proposed projects that demonstrate community support and/or participation with Aboriginal communities during the LRP process will be highly competitive. To be awarded a contract in the LRP I RFP, proponents must at least meet mandatory requirements as set out by the IESO. Some of these activities include: • • • • • Demonstrating site and resource due diligence Community meetings in areas of the proposed project Published notices Project website Community engagement plan Key dates The submission deadline for bidding a proposed renewable energy project into the LRP I RFP is September 1, 2015. The IESO is expected to announce the successful proponents of the LRP I RFP by the end of 2015. Resources For more information or to view the full LRP I RFP requirements as set out by the IESO, please visit www.ieso.ca Contact us Phone Email Web 1-866-344-1078 [email protected] www.suncor.com SUNCOR) Nauvoo Wind Power Project Frequently Asked Questions Q: Where will turbines be located? A: The proposed Nauvoo Wind Power Project is in early stages of development We see this as an opportunity to build relationships, ask for feedback from stakeholders and introduce the project concepts. Proposed turbine locations and connections lines have not been determined and won't be determined until we have received feedback from stakeholders and have been awarded a contract. A turbine manufacturer has also not yet been selected for the project. Q: When will we know more details? What is the timeline? A: In November 2014, the Ontario Power Authority developed a new competitive process for the procurement of renewable energy projects generally larger than 500kW. This new process allows for eligible proponents to submit a bid by September 1, 2015. The LRP process encourages stakeholder engagement, Aboriginal participation and sharing early site work information with the community. Should Suncor be successful in its bid for the LRP, as determined by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), we will then enter into the Renewable Energy Approval (REA) process. We anticipate the decision for LRP contract award near the end of 2015. During the REA process, Suncor plans to hold additional public meetings once we are able to share our draft turbine layout showing all possible turbine locations and will then be seeking input from the community on the layout. This will also be the time we conduct sound modelling, archeological studies, and a natural heritage assessment and environmental impact study among other necessary documents as part of the REA, which will be made available on our website. Q: Why have an open house now? A: Although it is a requirement of the LRP we are holding a community meeting, we would like to meet you and introduce ourselves by sharing our approach to stakeholder and Aboriginal relations, engagement and communication. We're interested to learn about the values, beliefs, concerns and perspectives of your community. At the open house, we'll share the project map that outlines the proposed preliminary project boundary. You will also have a chance to ask project representatives specific questions on a one-to-one basis. Q: How will you address health and safety concerns? A: Our number one priority at Suncor is safety — this includes the safety of employees, contractors and the community. When developing a project, we attempt to minimize the impact on all stakeholders. We will continue to adhere to strict regulations as set out by the Ministry of the Environment and stay abreast of ongoing credible research and reports. Q: Given recent oppositional comments from some community members, can you clarify why Suncor continues to build wind projects in this area? A: Wind energy is generating clean electricity, new jobs and economic development opportunities in communities across the country As an integrated energy company, Suncor is committed to developing and supplying energy options that meet the needs of both today and tomorrow. We recognize that support for our projects, and for wind energy development in general is not unanimous. We appreciate all input and want to understand all points of view to build the best project possible. Q: Who should I contact if I have any questions or concerns? or [email protected] you have A: Please call our toll-free number 1-866-344-0178 at any questions or concerns, or would like more information about Suncor. Contact us Phone 1-866-3441078 Email nauvoo©suncor corn Web www suncor corn SUNCOR) 120 Adelaide Street West, Suite 1600 Toronto, Ontario M5H 1T1 ieso T 416-967-7474 F 416-967-1947 www. ieso.ca Independent Electricity System Operator Page 1 of 0 I Mar 2015IESORP/f-LRPIRFP-010r2 Prescribed Template — Notice of Public Community Meeting Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed to them in the LRP I RFP. Notice of Public Community Meeting For a Project Proposal Under the Large Renewable Procurem The proponent identified below is proposing to submit a proposal to the Independent Electricity System Operat build, and operate a Large Renewable Project for the generation of electricity under the IESO's Large Renewable The LRP is a competitive process for procuring large renewable energy projects generally larger than 500 kilowa of the LRP, the IESO may award contracts for successful projects up to the specified procurement targets for e 300 megawatts (MW) for wind, 140 MW for solar, 75 MW for waterpower, and 50 MW for bioenergy. This notice is being distributed to notify members of the public of a public community meeting that has been the Large Renewable Project proposal. Information regarding the proponent, the Large Renewable Project pr meeting details are described below. This public community meeting is being held as part of the early community engagement requirements of the L community meeting will present details about the Large Renewable Project and its proposed connection line proponent will be available to discuss the Large Renewable Project and the overall LRP process. Should this Larg be awarded a contract, the Large Renewable Project would need to obtain all required permits and approval further required community engagement activities. Further details regarding the LRP are available at www.ieso.ca/Irp. Proponent and the Large Renewable Project proposal Proponent: Suncor Energy Products Inc. Suncor Energy Products Inc. Qualified Applicant from the LRP Request for Qualifications stage associated with the proponent: Name of the Large Renewable Project proposal: Nauvoo Wind Power Project Renewable fuel of the Large Renewable Project: Wind Up to 75 MW Proposed capacity of the Large Renewable Project (MW): (Adelaide-Metcalfe) or N21W/N22W (Brooke-Alvinston Proposed connection point of the Large Renewable S2N Project: Nauvoo Wind Power Project Community Support Plan Proposal _ Objectives • Learn more about our values and commitment to mutual benefit for communities • Introduce the concept of a Community Support Plan • Provide an overview of the proposed Nauvoo Wind Power Project and what that means for a Community Support Program including example calculations • View the Independent Electrical System Operator Large Renewable Procurement prescribed forms: — Municipal Meeting — Municipal Agreement — Municipal Council Support Resolution • Address any questions and concerns you may have • Schedule a follow up meeting to discuss the opportunity for a Community Support Program 2 SUNCOR) Community Support Plan Goal: Encourage municipalities to allocate funds towards... — Community development and local initiatives — Opportunities that create long term benefit for the community — Addressing local concerns — Alignment with Suncor's community investment strategies, funding priorities and principles Proposed Community Support Plan for the Nauvoo Wind Power Project: — Per Turbine: Suncor will contribute annually per turbine per year Transmission Line Road Allowance:Suncor will lease the Township's road allowance for a one time contribution per acre used — Poles in ROW: Suncor will contribute annually per pole per year — Underground Collector:Suncor will lease the Township's road allowance for a one time contribution — Substation Location:Suncor will contribute annually per substation to Townships where the substation is located 3 SUNCOR) Adjacent landowner support • Pool payments will be made to Landowners who are adjacent to the Project and have executed the IESO prescribed form: Adjacent Landowner Support Agreement — Includes all assessed parcels with title, including Municipal Right-of-Way — Annual paymentbased on Acreage with a minimum payment — Should 75% of all Adjacent Landowners support the Project, payment doubles 4 SUNCORy Proposed connection options Three connection options are currently being evaluated: Option 1: • 115kV Overhead Transmission from routing along Power/Short Road, or Arkona Road • Consists of two substations, one located in Warwick, and one in Brooke-Alvinston He-AarY C& L t 5 rr. NTY-OF MIDDLE OF ADELAIDE-METCALFE Option 2: • Underground Collector to Churchill Line routing west of Watford in Municipal ROW Consists of one substation located in Brooke-Alvinston Option 3: • 115 kV Overhead Transmission from Quaker Road to existing interconnection at the Adelaide Wind Farm • Consists of one substation located in Warwick 1Y , 'r 5. . Pciteeauo Dive TOWN "7, -;ti • ., MUNICIPALITY OF BROOKE-ALVINSTON SUNCO-R) Municipal agreement and support resolution • Request for municipalities to sign a binding agreement with Suncor, contingent upon successful award of a contract, with the following terms: — Community Support Plan as described — Agreement to work with Suncor to develop a framework for distribution of the funds in a way that respects Suncor's funding priorities — Intent to execute a road use agreement with Suncor allowing for use of Municipal Roads and Right-of-Ways for equipment delivery and infrastructure placement • Request for municipalities to sign the Large Renewable Procurement Prescribed Forms: — Municipal Meeting — Municipal Agreement — Municipal Council Support Resolution — Execute Adjacent Landowner Support Agreements 6 SUNCOR Proposed next steps and timeline • May 21- June 5: Review the proposal and all relevant documents with council • June 8-12: Meet again to discuss terms of plan • By June 30: Suncor is aiming for Adjacent Landowner support documents signed • By June 30: Agreement signed with municipalities 7 SUNCOR) RECEIVED TOWNSHIP CI" SUNCOR) Community Engagement Plan Proposed Nauvoo Wind Power Project This document has been designed to outline the Community Engagement Plan for the Suncor Energy Products Inc. (SEPI) Nauvoo Wind Power Project. SUNCOR) Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Project information and timelines 2 Stakeholder relations and community engagement 3 Aboriginal relations 3 Stakeholders and Aboriginal communities 4 Suncor's Community Engagement Goals, Objectives and Approach 4 Our goal 4 Our objectives 4 Our approach 4 Our action plan 5 Table 1: Action Plan for LRP (pre-contract award) process 2015 - April to August timeframe Nauvoo Wind Power Project Community Engagement Plan 6 SUNCOR) I ntrod uctior We believe wind power is a safe and reliable energy source, and advancing different forms of energy makes good business sense. Not only does developing renewable energy support a long-term climate change action plan, it is one of the fastest growing major sources of new electricity around the world. Suncor Energy Products Inc. (Suncor) has qualified with the Independent Electrical System Operator (IESO) as a proponent to bid into the 2015 Large Renewable Procurement (LRP) process. Suncor is planning to bid the Nauvoo Wind Power Project, a proposed project with a preliminary location within the Township of Warwick and the Municipality of Brooke-Alvinston including a possible connection point to the IESO's controlled grid in the Municipality of Brooke-Alvinston or Adelaide Metcalfe. The proposed project will be up to 75 MW and the preliminary boundary is roughly East-West by Donnelley Road and Forest Road, and North-South by Townsend Line and Petrolia Line. The project will include wind turbines, underground collector lines, access roads, transmission line and substation infrastructure. The exact locations of these project components have not yet been determined. Project information and timelines Projects going through the LRP process generally do not have a high degree of detail at this stage, as a contractto build the project has yet to be awarded to the project proponent. The IESO's decision on contract award is expected by the end of 2015. The LRP process is a highly competitive process and although there may be numerous proposed projects, only a few projects will be selected and awarded contracts based on competitive criteria. Suncor is one of the proponents bidding a proposed project into the LRP. At this time, community engagement is done at a high level, prior to confirming specific project details (turbine locations, environmental studies, timelines, approvals, construction dates). The purpose of engagement is to learn about the community, and introduce the company and the proposed project concept. If Suncor is successful in the LRP bid, we will continue to engage with local stakeholders and Aboriginal communities as part of the Renewable Energy Approval (REA) process. Under the REA, project details will be defined and shared in increasing detail as more information is available about the Project through the various studies that will be completed, including but not limited to: • Natural Heritage studies • Archeological studies • Noise modeling and verification, and • Wetland and watercourse assessments • Wildlife studies We believe that early engagement is an opportunity for both Suncor and the communities to learn about each other. It will allow Suncor to gain insights to community's values, priorities, needs and concerns at early stages of project planning, to understand potential impacts, and to seek opportunities for mutual benefit. Nauvoo Wind Power Project Community Engagement Plan SUNCOR) Below is a preliminary boundary of the proposed project: Legend MUNICIPALITY OF LAMBTON SHOES MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH MICK • I=1 tow.. ■ ••cr,.+4, Fonts1 • wr •,•. ■ t.A.1NTY OF MIDDLESEX •Can•ac1•4 ' rnn .1.4%.11. ■ 1 4 N I II 5i29/20 I 50 aGO TOWN OF PLYMPTON-WYOMING Adelaoe NAD 83 UTM 17 • TOWN OF ADELAIDE-METCALFE COUNTY OF LAMBTON Warntead • . Kenyond MaAhavrIle Mount13neckges TOWNSHIP OFSTRATHROY-CARADOC • , MUNICIPALITYOF BROOKE-ALVINSTON TOWNSHIP OF ENNISKILLEN .011 Gay . Stakeholder relations and community engagement Suncor believes that those affected by our business have a right to be informed about our activities, participate in a transparent engagement process and be involved in the issues and opportunities affecting them as stated in Suncor's Stakeholder Relations Policy. Recognizing the importance of meaningful and transparent stakeholder engagement, this Community Engagement Plan, guided by our values, aims to understand the interests and concerns of the communities where we operate, to identify impacts and opportunities and to respond proactively. Aboriginal relations Suncor recognizes that our operations are located in the traditional territory of many Aboriginal communities. We believe that responsible development takes into account Aboriginal interests, including traditional and current uses of lands and resources. Suncor works to develop strong, mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal communities near our operations throughout Canada. Our Aboriginal Relations Policy guides us in building relationships that are based on transparency, mutual respect and trust. Nauvoo Wind Power Project Community Engagement Plan 3 I 4. • SUNCOR Suncor's Stakeholder Relations and Canadian Aboriginal Relations Policy can be found at .iww.suncor.corn. Stakeholders and Aboriginal communities Suncor's stakeholders are the individuals and groups who could be affected by our operations or who could, through their actions, affect our business. Examples of project stakeholders include: • • • • • • • • • Local communities and residents (Project communities) Landowners Local Aboriginal communities Governments (local, provincial and Federal) Regulatory agencies Local businesses Industry partners Investors Non-governmental organizations Suncor's Community Engagement Goals, Objectives and Approach Our goal To be a trusted member of the communities where we operate by demonstrating our commitment to building and maintaining positive, meaningful relationships through understanding the interests, issues and needs of our stakeholders. Our objectives 1. To engage early with local stakeholders and Aboriginal communities to understand their concerns, interests and values, minimize impacts and identify opportunities for mutual benefit 2. To develop long-term positive relationships and presence in the communities 3. To be responsive to community concerns in a way that fosters constructive dialogue, trust and mutual respect Our approach • Proactively engage with key stakeholders to share project information • Solicit feedback through meetings, open houses, surveys or other forums to learn about the Project communities' priorities and concerns • Build our knowledge of communities through ongoing engagement • Collaboratively work with stakeholders to identify opportunities for shared benefit through meetings and open houses • Develop appropriate mitigation where possible to minimize impacts and maximize opportunities • Engage with community leaders on regular basis to understand development plans, visions and/or needs of community • Respond in a timely manner to inquiries or concerns that are sent through email or phone calls or other available channels Nauvoo Wind Power Project Community Engagement Plan SUNCOR ) • Meet all mandatory community engagement requirements set out in the LRP process Our action plan Our stakeholders have a right to be informed about our activities, participate in a transparent engagement process and be involved in the issues and opportunities affecting them. The table below identifies our action plan for engagement activities during the LRP process for the proposed Project. This is not an exhaustive list nor is it meant to be static. Should Suncor be successful in the LRP process, the Community Engagement Plan will be updated to reflect new activities and ongoing engagement over the project lifecycle. Nauvoo Wind Power Project Community Engagement Plan 5 Table 1: Action Plan for LRP (pre-contract award) process 2015 - April to August timeframe Activity Frequency To discuss land access, to introduce the project, to explain impacts, to respond to questions or concerns, to learn about the community priorities and interests from landowner perspective Landowner Meetings Meetings with Municipalities Purpose Once with each Municipality Engage with Aboriginal communities As required to share project information To provide project information, to respond to concerns, to learn about community priorities, to seek project support, build relationships. To introduce Suncor and provide project information to Aboriginal communities. To respond to concerns, learn about community priorities, and understand potential impacts. This may include meetings or information sessions with Aboriginal communities. Establish a publicly accessible website; website will be updated as required Establish project website Once Public notification of community meetings Provide and publish public notification of upcoming community meetings at least 15 days As outlined in LRP prior to the meetings in newspapers on 2 separate days; on project website and to every requirements or as required to share projectassessed landowner located within project boundaries (sites and connection lines). This will include a notice of community meetings sent to Aboriginal communities. information As required in LRP Public notification to clerk of each Municipality and government officials requirements To provide public notification to Municipalities and government officials on upcoming community meetings Community meeting in Warwick Township (open to the public) Once To introduce Suncor and the project, to share information and respond to inquiries, to learn about the community Community meeting in Adelaide Metcalfe (open to the pubic) Once To introduce Suncor and the project, to share information and respond to inquiries, to learn about the community Community Meeting in Brooke AlvinstonOnce (open to the public) To introduce Suncor and the project, to share information and respond to inquiries, to learn about the community Email As required Receive and respond to inquiries regarding the proposed project Project phone number As required Receive and respond to inquiries regarding the proposed project Contact us Phone Email Web 1-866-344-1078 [email protected] www.suncor.com/nauvoowind SUNCOR) IESO's Site Considerations Information Description and Corresponding Map IESO Site Consideration Suncor Corresponding Map Map 1 map 1) the Site, and if the Site is constituted by more than one (1) non-contiguous Properties, a scale Map 1A showing the outer boundary of the entire Site must be included; Map1B Map 1C Map 1D Map 2 2) the proposed Connection Line and Connection Point, showing the length of the proposed Connection Line, the GPS coordinates for the Site and the Connection Point, and any other TS (or associated feeder) or the Circuit connected to the IESO-Controlled Grid that is closer in geographic Map 2 proximity to the Site than the proposed Connection Point; Not Available Project such 3) to the extent available, the proposed location of key features of the Large Renewable as access roads, internal driveways, Generating Equipment, structures, transformers, inverters and communications towers; 4) Map 2 the boundaries of any Municipality and Unorganized Territory in which the Site or the proposed Connection Line is to be located, in whole or in part, including the identity of each such Municipality and, if applicable, Unorganized Territory; NotLine Applicable is to be 5) the boundaries of any First Nation Lands on which the Site or the proposed Connection located, in whole or in part, including the identity of the First Nation Lands and the Corresponding First Nation Community; Map 2 Territorialto Division the Act, 6) the boundaries of any geographic township (identified pursuant 2002, SO 2002, c 17, Sched. E) in which the Large Renewable Project or the proposed Connection 7) Line is to be located, in whole or in part, including the identity of each such geographic township; Map 1 Highway Traffic Act,RSO 1990, c H.8) crossing or located within any "highway" (as defined in the Map five (5) kilometres of the Site or the proposed Connection Line, including the location, name1A and Map1B number of each such highway; Map 1C Map 1D Map 2 Proposed Nauvoo Wind Power Project 1 IESO's Site Considerations Information Description and Corresponding Map 8) any "railway" (as defined in the Transportation Act,SC 1996, c 10) crossing or located I Canada Map 1 within five (5) kilometres of the Site or the proposed Connection Line, including the location and Map 1A name of each such railway; Map 1B Map 1C Map 10 Map 2 National Parks Act,SC 2000, c 32), 9) any national park (identified in ScheduleCanada 1 of the Map 1 Map 1A Provincial provincial park or conservation reserve (identified pursuant toParks the and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006,SO 2006, c 12) located within one hundred and twenty (120)Map 1B 1C metres of the Site or the proposed Connection Line, including the location and name ofMap each such Map 10 park or conservation reserve; Mapor 2 the 10) any airports, aerodromes and weather radars located within five (5) kilometres of the Site proposed Connection Line, including the location and name of each such airport, aerodrome and weather radar; MapAbuts 1 11) the Property boundaries for each Property on which the Site is located, each Property that Map 1Abe Property on which the Site is located, each Property where the proposed Connection Line will situated, and each Property that Abuts a Property where the proposed Connection LineMap will1B be Map 1C situated; Map 1D Map 1 Site 12) any Permanent Known Water Body located within one hundred and twenty (120) metres of the 1A or the proposed Connection Line, including the location and, if applicable, the commonMap name Map 1B associated with each such Permanent Known Water Body; Map 1C Map 1D 13) if the Large Renewable Project is to utilize On-Shore Wind as its Renewable Fuel: Map 2 i. the location of any other Renewable Generating Facilities that utilize On-Shore Wind as a Renewable Fuel that have been constructed and are located within five (5) kilometres of the Site clearly identifying the location of each turbine; and ii. the location of the project site boundary for any proposed but unconstructed Renewable Generating Facilities that utilize On-Shore Wind as a Renewable Fuel that are located within five (5) kilometres of the Site and which have received a Renewable Energy Approval as indicated at www.ontario.ca/environrnent-and-energy/renewable-energy-projects-listing; Proposed Nauvoo Wind Power Project 2 IESO's Site Considerations Information Description and Corresponding Map 14) if the Large Renewable Project is to be located on provincial Crown lands (in whole or in Applicable part): Not i. the boundaries of each Property on which the Site is located, and that Abuts the Property on which the Site is located; and ii. every Provincial Crown Land Lease located on a Property on which the Site is located, and that Abuts the Property on which the Site is located; 15) if the Large Renewable Project or the proposed Connection Line is to be located: Map 1 Map 3 i. within a Natural Heritage Information Centre one (1) kilometre grid square which contains Mapan 4 "Endangered" or "Threatened" species observation record (protected pursuant to the Endangered Species Act, 2007, SO 2007, c 6); ii. within one hundred and twenty (120) metres of a provincially significant area of natural and scientific interest; 38 iii. within one hundred and twenty (120) metres of a known provincially significant wetland; iv. within or Abutting an area designated in the plan approved Niagara under Escarpment the Oak. Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, Planning and Development Act,the plan approved under the Act, 2005,and the Lake Simcoe 2011 and 0. Reg. 142/02, the plan approved Greenbelt under the watershed (as defined in Lake the Simcoe Protection Act, 2008);and v. within or Abutting a recognized heritage resource (including Properties protected under the Ontario Heritage Act,RSO 1990, c 0.18, Properties included on a list or register of heritage resources maintained by the Municipality, Properties that are the subject of a local or provincial plaque, or Properties that are set aside as a national historic site of Canada under Section 42 of the Canada National Parks Act,SC 2000, c 32). Proposed Nauvoo Wind Power Project 3 420000 017000 432500 440000 trigr- . I A Lagx, n. .A. •. A L._. MAP - --- TOW - -, Or IPTCIP Vra' ■:) VIINL, A A liciceik-r cREE CiRi ,,,,... . •./ ,Akosail 8 A• - ii 1" "V 16 ., . ,_ • 0: IL- 41 ""11 AA -... L,.—.•••■•,..' •pic,(;:,i --41*tl. , , .I . ) --r--, -.....1.11 .,_ -MIDDLESEX( 0-13N7 .,•, " .:, , , .; • SLE Rt Vf E A '''—'77 11-701T.W7 .... . t .. -, . . „E. -: flil_ICIPALITte OVA' Nh Cr "•Iri-i MI DLit ..ESt.X.0. . . •P - 411+4' TOWNSHIP OF wAFtINICK --. 7--- . LANGAN OR ._,. -,- ,1, . . :A. 6 • ..i. . ‘• uaillor: --r -,, ._. cx rst-iaR LINE - , , ' 3 cuDay o - • N P I l'•4 ?- • ,,..1::r. . . ..: . , ,4 . ..14&.. . l'61 rwg t. Pt quo Joseph- !tie rwiels Ai r 4 _ -- • ry -- AU. •4,, , - :'--MAP ,- • , ) '1"--,-vz__, -, '`)(%. Rubteltallt 7 , ,, • '....,; 4,1 Ir4r _r _. ■ ..) . -- 1 - C . .. ' , MAP D et.— — +44—.---4.-- '4 Ii" E , . "4". 14,C) --,- — --c- • A, ` -g ,t.lULLiFARS'Y OR - 110' ti .:"..a 4/1 'd t ■.= 1 .13 cr.( 4 * l (*.utity CA C'- LP_Mft I • iN COUNT :I CAN I 440000 1 432500 425000 417500 Legend Project Components di Site Boundary 111 Interconnection Point Options Interconnection Line Options Available Land Available Land for Wind Turbines Available Land for Other infrasiniciures Other Components Municipal Boundary (Upper) Expressway / Hignway Cedar Point II Wind Power Project (Suncor) Menai/Collector Jericho Wind Energy Center Intermittent Watercourse (NextEra) Local Road Street t. (Lower) Broolte-Alvinston Wind Farm Turbine Provincially Significant Wetland Con sultation Zone Wetland Watercourse Waterbody (120 nal Pa or Quarry Provincial ANSI Life Science Significant Wetland 20 ni) Provincially Significant Regional ANSI Life Science ANSI (120 m) Substation Wooded Area Railroad Built Up Area Transmission Line SUNCOR) Nauvoo Wind Power Project Water body Heritage Features it Parcel Fabric (Property Boundaries) Permanent Watercourse Adelaide Wind Project Turbine (Suncor) Adelaide Wind Energy Center Turbine (NeinEra) Municipal Boundary SITE CONSIDERATION MAP #1: DETAILED MAP -OVERVIEW4.1. 2 1.2016 ONV-GL 0 2 I 3 4 .1111.7:1■01111iillilli:1—:=_7NIMINSIMINII Idlun le Iles 05 1.111.1 Luis 1/ IJADt15 bo,,u. Low 11,1.1.11,11t1nli111.1 422000 419000 425000 0 A 428000 MUNICIPALITY OF LAW:110N sHuHt. -:_t LINE PET I IC OAT lF a 7_ A A I COUNTY OF LAMHTON DOUGLAS LINE 3 TOWN OF PLYMP WYOMIN( BIRNAM LINE INT CHALK LINE cc UM* =ISHER LIN TOWNSHIP Cm; iv,412Wii -.e, 4 War SOREMONT RD . PlRgt r Joaepil Lam. cc s' 428000 425000 422000 419000 Legend Project Components ro Site Boundary • Interconnection Point Options Municipal Boundary (Lower) Local Road / Street Jericho Wind Energy Center A (NextEra) iniermittent Watercourse Parcel Fabric (Property Boundaries) Permanent Watercourse Adelaide Wind Project A1 ui bine (Suncor) Available Land Available Land for Wind Turbines Brooke-Alvinston Wind Farm A Turbine Available Land for Other Infrastructures Adelaide Wnd Energy A. Center Turbine (NextEra) A Heritage Features (7, Substation - Waterbody Provincially Significant Wetland Pit or Quarry Provincial ANSI Life Science SITE CONSIDERATION MAP #1: DETAILED MAP -MAP A- Watercourse / VVaterbody (120 m) Significant Wetland (120 m) Provincially Significant ANSI (120 m) Wooded Area Built Up Area Transmission Line Nauvoo lrlri nar PO werProjec t Consultation Zone Wetland 311. Regional ANSI Life Science Railroad SUNCOR) Ea (Upper) Arterial / Collector Cedar Point II Wind Power A Project (Suncor) Interconnection Line Options Municipal Boundary Expressway / Highway Other Components Aine 1,2015 IDNV.GL 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 2.000 Meters Pmection UT1,1Zo. 17 NAD83 SA.-a. LER. 431000 434000 437000 440000 --------__ A A MUNICIPALITY OF LAWTON SHORES A at - ERIVFN LIFE At454 • 'A -7na I-7 —rxwAveircAre ti 11011r COUNTY Of AMID MIDDLESEX C09115(1 LaNGAIr. OR .1, lift BRICK YARD LINE WIL SON RD A ARWICK TOWNSHIP OF TOWNSHIP OF ADELAIDE-METCALFE Lako AresiShown Spam 14ULLWARRY OR fL‘ 11 Peltufea • 440000 437000 434000 431000 Legend Project Components • rn Site Boundary • Interconnection Point Options Other Components Intermittent Watercourse Parcel Fabric (Property Boundaries) Permanent Watercourse Aaelaide Wind Project Turbine (Suncor) Available Land Available Land for Wind Turbines Available Land lor Other Infrastructures A Brooke-Alvinston Wald Farm Turbine A Adelaide Wind Energy Center Turbine (NextEra) A Heritage Features SUNCOR) __a., Municipal Boundary Li (Lower) Local Road f Street Jericho Wind Energy Center (NextEra) Interconnection Line Options Municipal Boundary (Upper) Expressway / Highway Arterial / Collector Cedar Point II Wind Power Project (Suncor) Consultation Zone Wetland 3, Provincially Significant Wetland Pit or Quarry 4. Provincial ANSI Lite Science Regional ANSI Life Science Substation SITE CONSIDERATION MAP #1: DETAILED MAP -MAP 11- Watercourse / VVaterbody (120 m) Significant Wetland (120 m) Provincially Significant ANSI (120 m) June 1,2010 Wooded Area DNV-GL Railroad Built Up Area Transmission Line o et Nau1/00, 114 17 C Waterbody 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Meters P1'010.1011 eTWZnne 17 NAD83 Amt. Lad 4gat11.111011 0141117 422000 419000 428000 425000 —, P ./WINSHIP 01 WARWICK ti [OWN OF. ) LYMPrLIN- ,y r OMINt..f • tI , L'NtL3. LINE 0-affli., ...— ■ 1 ir .,fr Seerli— Ler Lab \ L-- L. L...., •_• rt A. Lea L.. sc_o,.11L4-•- TOWNSHIP OF ENNISILLEJ 141 LASALLE Luli l tli r .i.- 1 ...•-.. Lil M NICIPALITY OF BROOK ALVIN5 TON C. - Lwie ran COUNT OF LAMBTON cc cc I ri 12bINatigiiik Peltolla c.n Area Shown _J_ 428000 425000 422000 419000 Legend Project Com ponents Other Components - Municipal Boundary Ira (Upper) Expressway l Highway Cedar Point II Wind Power Project (Suncor) Arterial / Collector •■ • Interconnection Line Options Jericho Wind Energy Center (NextEra) Intermittent Watercourse Available Land • Adelaide Wind Project Turbine (Suncor) • • Brooke-Alvinston Wind Farm Turbine JI Provincially Significant Wetland co Site Boundary • Interconnection Point Options Available Land for Wind Turbines Available Land for Other Infrastructures Adelaide Wnd Energy A. Center Turbine (NextEra) A Heritage Features Parcel Fabric (Property Boundaries) Permanent Watercourse u VVaterbody Substation Pd or Quarry 1. Provincial ANSI Life Science Provincially Significant ANSI (120 m) June 1. 2015 ONV-GL ma Wooded Area Built Up Area e Project' SITE CONSIDERATION MAP #1: DETAILED MAP -MAP C- Watercourse / Waterbody (120 m) Significant Wetland (120 m) Railroad Transmission Line o Consultation Zone Wetland •• Regional ANSI LifeScience • SU NCOR) Municipal Boundary f..4 (Lower) Local Road / Street 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Maakro Props:we UTh1 Zone 11 14AD03 Sources Land ilgUrI111.7110.10 ▪ 428000 431000 434000 437000 MIDDLESEX COON'I ZION LINE muLuFARRY OR IL,WNM ill' ■ .)i WA1(V).11(. ti, • COWEDERATiOt4 L Nc TOWNSHIP OF AOLLASUE VS CHURCHILL LINE Kfti:ESV1LL E OR I +=Pe- far— r—e- I. I 2 5 A MUNICIPALI ^ - A.I.,VIntS ION BROOni 9 raJRPHY OR LASALLE LINE • 6* 1 PE IRO U31.2 .1 tE fake COUITH Of LAMB ION 437000 428000 Legend Project Components Other Components [3 Site Boundary • Interconnection Point Options Arterial / Collector Jericho Wind Energy Center (NextEra) Intermittent Watercourse ••■ Interconnection Line Options • Available Land Adelaide Wind Project A Turbine (Suncor) Available Land for Wind Turbines Available Land for Other infrastructures Brooke-ANinston Wnd Farm Turbine A Adelaide Wind Energy Center Turbine (NextEra) A Heritage Features A Substation Municipal Boundary (Upper) Expressway / Highway Cedar Point II Wind POWel Project (Suncor) SUNCOR) Municipal Boundary (Lower) Local Road / Street Parcel Fabric (Property Boundaries) Permanent Watercourse Nati vo Waterbody Pit or Quarry Provincial ANSI Lire Science SITE CONSIDERATION MAP #1 DETAILED MAP -MAP D- Watercourse / VVaterbody (120 m) Significant Wetland (120 m) mm)211 Provincially Significant ANSI (120 ml Wooded Ai ea Jam 1,2015 DNV-GL Railroad Built Up Area PrOJeCt Consultation Zone Wetland Provincially Significant Wetland Regional ANSI Life Science Transmission Line 1r11110 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Maters Proem. 0111 Zone 17 NADEI3 Suurca, Lend Informal. 0111:1113 417500 425000 A. ‘4. Kettle 44 432500 A A A A A. AA LaKo Huron A A iitictinTro A A ABLE RIVER VALLI r LIFE A. A A FARI,IEFt §LINE 0 MUNICIPALITY Le4MES TON SHORES! OF A ' A AA A A A - A A Al Al MIDDLESEX COUNTY Al A A A A iJit A A A L, A rl A.— MUNICIPAL1F1 ...z. OH NOR:1171D61-ESEk A A A 440000 A t AA A AAA AA LAS LINE A A 1 Easting: 418562 m Northing :4750015 m UTM 17 I Dia 111 CIF Easting:1 4 .840arti Northing 470118 1MM UTM17 CREE KLINE fkirla htig-vr dests Hungry Hailows _ . . \ .r.1:1 ,..abr, Riv...•: Neal S.A.C.It./ • MP TON WYOMINC: A !A i IA A. .1 LANGAN OR BIRNAM1.1.. 11 --` Esai mg: 440027 m Swathing .4705032m Unit? 6 cc C ail, .1., HER LINE rc A A A cr: 1 A Ea 'n0'-423639 Nort.hing 476375 UWNSHIP OF YVANWiCA AAA sting! 4311704 1474.1122 UTMA' Warwick. . Eai Ws. 440077,m 1-1•14uJg c=0$7 , 1.17 Raiser 1.1rdr A Northing .420027 t..nt 1.0rM1 ADELAO..-. A.AA A A. AA A A 1 ktULLIFAItly DR A 1 A I. • I i AA J TOWNSHIP OF )r ADELAIDE METCALF 10.5 kin 4F- 4'31 r.1 1 e EastIn•: 421321 m Northing :47,62sgsm D{11 th 2,i I ■ : • '74. ; I Zr Eashow Oa M No ing 475 m UTM17 F' a 0 74 141 SKILLEN Eon ling 417956 m Northing -47478.44 in uThl 17 sr m Emoting: Northing 7030 et in 1 to— 11 7 AA A F.Ooting 410040 rnErsting:• 431004 m A onnint!4755423 m N rthing .4153008 m I a Kerwood Woods 1170017. -UTM 17 ADE t.ASALLE ur4E '2 OOKE TOWNSHIP OF ENNiSKILL EN r C' i.10:3 2 Eaothig: 431500 m Northing :4747044 m 0714 17 MUNICIPALITY OF BROOKE•ALVINSTON fr C E rn Eit FRIO 5 ,0 . litOwd .L t ONTARIO SHILOH LINE wo?niseli L. wallop JO - 111W OI z COUNTY OF LAMBTON Rh MOSA 0 CJ MUNICIPALITY OF SOUTHWEST MIDDLESEX rhe l-two --up 440000 432500 425000 417500 ..L. , Area Shown Legend Project Components ▪ Site Boundary • Center of Site • Interconnection Point Options Interconnection Line Options Area of Investigation tj (5 km buffer) Other Components Cedar Point II Wind Power Project (Suncor) A Jericho Wind Energy Centel (NextEra) Adelaide Wind Project ATurbine (Suncor) • Brooke-Alvinston Wind Farm Turbine Adelaide Wind Energy A Center Turbine (NextEra) + Weather Radar l Airport tA Substation Heritage Features • Transmission Line Railroad Municipal Boundary O (Upper) Municipal Boundary O (Lower) Expressway / Highway Township Boundary Arterial / Collector Provincial ANSI Life Science Local Road / Street Intermittent Watercourse gEl Airport ▪ Provincial Park ▪ National Park - Conservation Reserve Contour (Interval: 5 m) Waterbody Indian Reserve ("v3 ,./(:)0:: d Power Pr,:)(e.ct Regional ANSI Life Science Permanent Watercourse Built Up Area SUNCOR SITE CONSIDERATIONS MAP # GENERAL LOCATION (5 km) June 1,2015 0 05 1 2 3 4 kilometres EM.-111=MIMI DNV-GL P101.1011 070 00,10 17 NAM Lancl Sou.. 650000 600000 550000 500000 450000 400000 Legend Project Component J Site Boundary tnctit O 0 O 0 0 rn 0 0 0 Fri Lake Simcoe Watershed ‘1' or ‘t A Niagara Escarpment Planning Area tOn Oak Ridges Moraine Planning Area Shelg • Greenbelt Natural oil Heritage System ) •• Wingham „. aughan Beach • 0 0 0 0 O O — 0 14, et, u) 00 Godench Ferou-; Toronto • Mississauga • Oakville • waterloo. Kitchener • LAKE ONTARIO Stratford 0 0 0 O O 0 O o r CO c0 r • ;well 41"4"111111111111111111es111111 Brantford • Woodstotk • i:Jurold • .N1 araf al Is Ingersoll 0 10 20 40 Kilometers North To cl • Stiathrov 0 O London • N I A F6 A R A N petrolia N Li L A •-• 0 0 0 0 Port Colborne lillsonburg Le) 'Tr I SUNCOR) .5aint Clair SaintThomar, Nauvoo Wind Power Project Aylmer .1 A 01 CI PA ari n e City SITE CONSIDERATIONS MAP #4: DESIGNATED AREAS MAP Vr MICHItA N Long Point Bay c‘Hs Algonac Held Ft *cis • ach Into \ m 000837-150801-001-AD Detroit. 14F •41 VOS.V. USA ri June 1, 2015 Cl eveland IO O 0 • Pr rt:bvtgh~ T — 0 0 -.0 ti 400000 450000 500000 550000 600000 O 0 650000 0 O DNV•GL Projection: U TM Zone 17, NADU Source: Land Information Ontario, ArcGIS Online 0 0 0 Na 0, Lo I 7 .r -0 Jr, -IL -.7 7 .1 - , CO CO CO ,71 .71; -r ,1 I C'l 2 .7. } 0 _.: Fa. o CO A 73) CO 00 I I (CO •-• -r tr) 000SSL4 L) r. 7 it H365,; H3 75-4H3854 ,41 co n :CO 1 ...L' -,.:, -C) TI ,,-, I CO Li -L co LL, '3.7 of 7: n .77 CO -D -r r1 I CC) I CJ CO -0 CO :r: O to 01 CO -r _ ,T '0 fil 5. Z 111 z Z — LL r. 2 -• Z Cn ..,. — "L - - CL -J 0 a:: LL 0 LU z to i ..- ‹) Z 00SLPLI; r i :=1 , 7 --1, ,n 0 ,o. . I I -r L 2 L -'r , t __ 1 „ '2 'D I 2 IC7 0 0 ••7 0 O CO csi tin 0 CO 0 7;1 -5 C m r c O L., d" • a - 0 Other Components • C PermanentWa tercourse Q -1J O O CO a> a) W IC -a CO m m 0 (C June 1, 2015 .9.4 ) = CO 5 2 --' In cs, --- 2 --1 (7.) a) '3 E 2-E o __, 4-444 o 0 ,i -Zii CL CL --":' D. 1) >, 5 44o, .11.. -0 g -e 1101,00. wcm au 005Z9L-0 I 'I 04 CO C 0) •-•) CO CO cr- CD t. .0 .0 co ,- _ V < ID N I ..C. .0 N 2 :c O 01 CO nl CO ,-. :.. H3656 H3756 H3856H3956 CO CO CO -1- I I co I ..T -. ps I, _L fiD ("2 CO CO cn I 1# CO -t CO '0 s‘i T. .0 IN I rl -r 2 cs, (0 CO .PI- 2D. I I 3) ,-,-, CO Nt CO I I 0, m J.) ..n :0 ` :0 CO rn ^-, I v. • :0 0 I _— .0 0 -r CV T = ;?, 7 2 0 0 cn CA. 0 CO el n co C1' • "4 , (9 Cp,.. r...1 CO J._ 0 „O CCC (-11 0 I I H3657 H375 1 H3857 H3957 H 1857 H 1 - cn CO (0 •N , I ND CO L Z 2 H3658hM5I-1 H2658H3956 000OLL# :0 C) CD 10 I H ,s,.3: . c) , . ; 2 0139,LtPL17 ONTARIO 1H835/55 H38.35H3955 000SSLV rIEMMETVIIMUSIVMMIDEFfi Intermittent Wate rcourse 0 a_ tir 2 •. r•44.----4c.4----40.4.,...,,,_„„.,_ CO z I 0009L, Site Bounda ry CI Lake Huron Project Components 0 ..:_' 4.1111"111" 000OLLY H1648HI 13659H3759 ,13859 1-; 3959 H1659 H1759 NORTHMIDDLESEX TOWNSHIPOF A DELA IDE-METCALFE
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