March 29, 2015 Saint Agnes Cathedral 533 S. Jefferson, Springfield, MO 65806 417-831-3565 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 AM (Vietnamese), 11:30 AM, 5:00 PM 2:30 PM (Extraordinary Form in Latin) WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE 8:30 AM Monday through Saturday 12:15 PM Tuesday through Friday (Extraordinary Form in Latin) 5:30 PM Monday through Friday (Chapel on west side of Cathedral) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RECONCILIATION SCHEDULE in Chapel 5:00-5:20 PM Wednesday and Friday 3:30-4:30 PM, 7:00-7:30 PM Saturday (or ask priest for an appointment) Confessions before Latin Mass, Tue-Fri 11:30 AM-12:00 PM and Sunday, 1:30-2:15 PM Palm Sunday St. Agnes Cathedral 533 S. Jefferson, Springfield, MO 65806 St. Agnes Cathedral Parish, a sacramental community, is sent forth with compassion to witness to God’s word and loving presence. We recognize our responsibilities to Catholic education. We embrace our diversity and place in the Springfield community to provide service, especially to poor and vulnerable persons. WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:00 - 8:30 - 10:00 AM (Vietnamese) 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM (Latin) - 5:00 PM WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE 8:30 AM Monday through Friday 8:30 AM Saturday 12:15 PM (Latin) Tuesday through Friday 5:30 PM Monday through Friday RECONCILIATION SCHEDULE 5:00-5:20 PM Wednesday and Friday 3:30-4:30 PM, 7:00-7:30 PM Saturday In Chapel Reconciliation Room (or ask Father for an appointment) Fr. Fasching hears confessions before Latin Mass Tue-Fri 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM and Sunday, 1:30-2:15 PM Most Reverend James V. Johnston, Jr. Bishop of Springfield-Cape Girardeau Reverend Lewis E. Hejna, Rector Reverend Gregory M. Vi Tran, CMC Associate Pastor Chaplain to Vietnamese Parishioners Reverend Jeffery Fasching In Residence Deacons Bill Keller and Mark Wand Permanent Deacons Sister Elizabeth Ann Weiler, ASC Coordinator of Care Ministry Ken Pesek, Director of Children’s Liturgy Sabrina Schmidt, Director of Faith Formation Cary Lewis, Youth Minister Judy Rippee, Development Connie McNabb, Finance Office Lindsay Paulsell, School Principal: 866-5038 Parish Office: 831-3565 FAX: 865-0367 Well of Life (Pantry): 869-2865 418 S. Kimbrough ADORATION: The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed in the Chapel on Mondays from 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM (Rosary at 5:00 PM, followed by Daily Mass at 5:30) and 6:00 - 8:30 PM with Rosary and Benediction to close. WELCOME! We extend our hands and our hearts in Christian fellowship to you here, whether longtime residents or newly arrived in the parish. If you are not registered, please fill out the form INFANT BAPTISM PREPARATION: When you plan to have your child baptized, please call the parish office to make preparations. below and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the You may contact us before the birth of your child if you wish. There is Parish Office. NAME___________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________ ________________________________________________ CITY_________________________ZIP_________________ PHONE__________________________________________ New Parishioner New Address New Phone Moving, please remove from parish census a pre-baptismal class monthly for infant Baptisms. MARRIAGE PREPARATION: In our diocese the regulations for marriage require that the parish be notified usually six months in advance of the date planned for the wedding. The importance of this sacrament requires sufficient preparation in a pre-marriage program. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: When facing serious illness, please call the parish office for anointing. FUNERALS: For funeral arrangements, including condolence meals, please call the Parish Office, 831-3565. Catholic Cemeteries of Springfield: For information, please call Paul Wunderlich at 866-6720. Visit us on the web at Springfield Catholic Schools at 3 March 29, 2015 From the Pastor’s Desk, This week is the holiest week of the Church year. Today, Palm Sunday begins Holy Week. This day recalls the scene in Jerusalem when our Lord entered the city riding on a donkey. The people spread their garments and palm branches before him so that even the hoofs of the donkey didn’t touch the ground. However, the exultant crowd becomes the crowd that will curse him a few days later calling for His crucifixion. As the mood of the liturgy changes, we are challenged to ask ourselves, “What do I expect of Jesus? This year the Chrism Mass will be on Holy Tuesday here at St. Agnes. Remember that it is at this liturgy when the oils which are used in the different sacraments are blessed by the Bishop. It is also at this liturgy in which the priests renew their commitment to serve another year as your pastors and associate pastors. Come and celebrate with all the area priests. The Triduum begins with the evening Liturgy on Holy Thursday with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. The first reading gives the background for the Passover Meal. The second reading contains some of the earliest written accounts of the Lord’s Supper. The Gospel presents Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. We then see and experience the pastor of the community taking water and towels and washing the feet of twelve members of the parish community. The pastor is to serve the community and to direct and lead the liturgies. The washing of the feet of the disciples by Christ, is an example of the humbleness each Christian should possess. The service ends with the Blessed Sacrament being removed from the Church to a prepared place and the altar is stripped. All are invited to spend some time in prayer this night (8:30-12:00) before the Lord in our day chapel. Good Friday is the most sober day of the entire Church year. There are no decorations and no Mass this day. It is a day of fasting. We simply prostrate in humble submission before the Word and the glorious cross of Christ. The first reading tells of the glory of the cross, the second reading speaks of the great high priest who has passed through the heavens; the Christian mystery. The climax of the readings is the proclamation of the Passion of Christ according to John’s Gospel. John’s Gospel allows the majesty of Jesus to shine forth as He carries his cross alone. He is victorious on the cross; Jesus reigns from the tree. Following the Passion we pray the solemn form of the General Intercessions. The second part of the Good Friday liturgy is unique to this day. A large wooden cross is brought into the sanctuary for us to reverence with a touch or a kiss. This is a remembrance of the days when the early Christians reverenced a replica of the true cross. We reverence a reminder of that instrument of torture, cruelty and death; because through it Christ has given us our Salvation. The Good Friday service concludes with a simple Communion Service with the Eucharist from Holy Thursday’s Liturgy. We have two services one at 12:00pm and the second service in the evening at 7:00pm. Holy Saturday with all of its readings, candles, profession of faith and blessings, is the vigil of the Lord’s Resurrection. And will begin at 8:00pm. It is arranged in four parts beginning with the service of light. This is followed by the liturgy of the word, when the Church meditates on all the wonderful things God has done for his people from the beginning. The third part is the liturgy of baptism, when new members of the Church are reborn in the waters of baptism. The fourth part is the liturgy of the Eucharist, when the Church is called to the table which the Lord has prepared for His people through His death and resurrection. I invite and urge everyone to come and be a part of the celebrations of the Triduum. The liturgies of the Triduum are the story of our redemption. This year walk in the footsteps of Christ from the Last Supper, to Calvary, to the Resurrection. Fr. Lewis Hejna CHRISM MASS Chrism Mass will be celebrated at the St. Agnes Cathedral on Tuesday, March 31 at 7:00pm with a reception following. In this beautiful Mass, Bishop Johnston will concelebrate with the priests of the area, who come together to commemorate the Sacred Priesthood of Jesus and their own gift of priesthood. The holy oils which will be used throughout the year for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick and Holy Orders will be blessed. Everyone is welcome. Are you searching for a pathway to peace with another person or for a situation close to your heart? Bring this need for Reconciliation on Wednesday: 5-5:20pm & 6:307:30pm. This will be the last confession time during Holy Week. Palm Sunday NEXT WEEK IN THE PARISH SUN Mar 29 Palm Sunday 8:30am CLOW, No Dismissal 10:15am PSR, Adult Class - UPR 11:00am-7:30 pm Vietnamese Community Retreat- Cafeteria MON Mar 30 6:15pm Fr Barron video series-UPR 7:00pm RCIA - DR & C TUE Mar 31 1:00pm Lenten Longings - DR 7:00pm Chrism Mass - Cathedral WED Apr 1 9:15am St Martha’s PCCW group - DR 6:00pm Bell Choir - Cathedral 6:30-7:30pm Confession - Chapel THU Apr 2 Holy Thursday 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper FRI Apr 3 Good Friday Good Friday services -12:00pm & 7:00pm Parish office closed No Confession SAT Apr 4 Holy Saturday No Confession 9:00am RCIA Retreat - Chapel 11:00am RCIA Rehearsal - Cathedral 8:00pm Easter Vigil Mass Lord, you are good and forgiving, most merciful to all who call on you. LORD, hear my prayer; listen to my cry for help. On the day of my distress I call to you, for you will answer me. ~ Psalm 86: 5-7 (NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.) ONE PENANCE SERVICE LEFT! St Joseph (Spfld) Sunday, March 29 7:00pm Tuesday, 7:00pm Chrism Mass Thursday, 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Friday, Passion of Our Lord Services at 12:00pm and 7:00pm Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Mass at 8:00pm SUN Apr 5 Easter Sunday Masses at 7:00, 8:30 & 11:30am and 5:00pm 10:00am Vietnamese Community 2:30pm Latin Mass Easter Egg Hunt - playground MON Apr 6 Parish Office closed No school 6:00pm Fr Barron video series-UPR KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS UPR: Upstairs Conference Room C: Cafeteria CLOW: Children’s Liturgy of the Word DR: Dining Room PSR: Parish School of Religion BR: Band Room KCB: Knights of Columbus Bingo Emporium LH: Loretto House Please turn off cell phones when you come into the Church for Mass. Thank you. Deadline for Bulletin announcements: Noon Tuesday Please include contact name and phone number. Please send to: [email protected] EASTER FLOWERS It is the tradition of St. Agnes to remember our loved ones, living and deceased, with flowers for the church at Easter. Put your donation in an envelope marked “Flowers.” Include your name and the names of those you wish to honor. Place in the collection basket or bring to parish office. A list will be published in a later bulletin. Easter Sunday, Masses at: 7:00, 8:30, 11:30am & 5:00pm 10:00am Vietnamese Community 2:30pm Extraordinary Form in Latin EASTER EGG HUNT Don’t forget about the Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday, after the 8:30 Mass! QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Theme: Jesus dies for us. Reading I: Isaiah 50:4-7 Reading II: Philippians 2:6-11 Gospel: Mark 14:1-15:47 Question for Children: Name one thing that you will do each day this week to remind you that Jesus died and rose to new life for you. Question for Youth: We hear the story of Jesus’ death each year. What did you hear differently this year? How has your faith changed in the past year? Question for Adults: Identify and share one way that you personally "die in Christ." Easter Sunday Reading I : Acts 10:34, 37-43 Reading II : Colossians 3:1-4 Gospel : John 20:1-9 5 March 29, 2015 WAY OF THE CROSS ON GOOD FRIDAY PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK The 9th Annual observance of the Stations of the Cross at the Public Square will be held on Good Friday, April 3 at Noon. This event invites all Christian Churches to participate as the Social Service that serve the poor in our city and community. Bishop Leibrecht will offer the closing reflection as the various agencies proceed in the commemoration of the Way of the Cross in this half-hour event. The public is invited to participate in the prayer and song along the way. Linda Dunigan, Nancy Bechard, Shelly Harper, Hortensia Salas, Stacey Brown, Rex Mueting, Raymond Nobles, John Ruzicka, Mary Roberts, Nanette Anderson TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Is today "Palm Sunday" or "Passion Sunday"? Though now known officially as Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, confusion is understandable, since before the 1969 reform of the calendar two separate Sundays bore these titles. Passion Sunday was a week before Palm Sunday. To add to the confusion, the Gospel accounts of the Passion of the Lord were not read on Passion Sunday, but on Palm Sunday! On Passion Sunday, the cross and statues were veiled in full purple drapes. The organ had fallen silent at the beginning of Lent, and now the sanctuary bells were replaced by wooden clappers. The introit (opening chant) for the old Mass of Passion Sunday hints at a reason for reform: "Do me justice, O God, and fight my fight against a faithless people" (Psalm 42). This liturgy was laden with references to the "infidelity" of the Jews, a theme that gave rise to inflammatory preaching and, in some places, attacks against the persons and property of the Jewish people. This does not stand as a "treasure" of any sort in our tradition. Our authentic tradition, rather, is the ability to reflect and repent and to seek reconciliation with the Jews, our brothers and sisters in the love and service of God. --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS SAT Mar 28 SUN Mar 29 MON Mar 30 TUE Mar 31 WED Apr 1 THU Apr 2 FRI Apr 3 SAT Apr 4 SAT Apr 4 SUN Apr 5 SUNDAY LITURGIES 5:00pm Open Intention † 7:00am Open Intention † 8:30am Open Intention † 11:30am Open Intention † 2:30pm (Latin) 5:00pm Parish 11am-7:30pm Vietnamese 8:30am Jackie Weiss † 5:30pm Joseph Hoang Am † 8:30am Ruby McNabb † 12:15pm (Latin) 7:00pm Chrism Mass 8:30am Dorsey Roe, Jr † 12:15pm (Latin) 5:30pm John the Baptist † 8:30am No Mass 12:15pm (Latin) No Mass 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper 12:00pm Good Friday Service 7:00pm Good Friday Service 8:30am No Mass SUNDAY LITURGIES 8:00pm Easter Vigil Mass 7:00am Open Intention † 8:30am Parish 10:00am Vietnamese Mass 11:30am Open Intention † 2:30pm (Latin) 5:00pm Clifford Klinger † PARISH PICNIC – SAVE THE DATE! The Parish Picnic will be Saturday, June 6 after the 5:00pm Mass St. Agnes School Earth Day Project: FIRST WEDNESDAY MASSES AT CARMELITE CHAPEL You are warmly invited to join Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri for Mass on the first Wednesday of each month at noon at the Carmelite Chapel, 424 E. Monastery St. Presiding at upcoming Masses are: April 1st -Father Bob Landewe; May 6th - Father Paul McLoughlin. CAMP Re-NEW-All Application forms are available in the parish office or on the diocesan website at (go to the Youth Ministry page and follow the link to Camp Re-NEW-All). On April 20, the entire school will be participating in an Upcycle Project. Students will be taking items and repurposing them into something new. We are currently looking for donations of the following items: old dressers, old/broken picture frames, cardboard from toilet paper/paper towel rolls, string/twine, old board games, used/old fabric (can be any size or pattern), old window coverings/drapes and old/torn t-shirts. Donations will be accepted at the parish or school front desk. Please contact St. Agnes School, 8665038, with questions. Thank you for supporting this great learning opportunity! Palm Sunday With Friends Like These. . . This year, we hear the Passion from the gospel of Mark. One thing unique about this reading is the emphasis on Jesus being abandoned by his disciples. First, the leaders of the disciples cannot even support Jesus in his agony in the garden: They fall asleep, three times. Then there is Judas, who seeks out the chief priests to make a deal with them, Peter, who denies Jesus three times, and the crowds who cried, "Hosanna!" a few days before, now call for him to be crucified. What does this tell us? With friends like these, who needs enemies? No, the point is that Jesus died specifically for these people, not because they were once friends, but because they were sinners, who needed Jesus. When we find ourselves in sin, when we think that everything we do is wrong, or when we think we can't possibly deserve to be loved by God--that is when God can help us, if we just stop hating ourselves and start loving and trusting the Lord. It is not the time to pretend we have avoided the big sins, or to brag about some of the good we may have done. Instead, simply agree that you need his help. God loves sinners who know they need his forgiveness and don't deserve it. But maybe you have already been forgiven and wonder what's next. Remember the ones you would not expect to support Jesus: the centurion proclaiming him Son of God, Joseph giving him a burial place, the women who followed Jesus. These were people who did not claim to be worthy, just did what they could to show their love. Ask Jesus each morning when you wake up, "What can I do for you today?" and do what you can. Tom Schmidt, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. Beverly Tarnowieckyi - parishioner, wife of Oktawian Please sign up for Holy Week and Easter ministry roles. Book is in the vestibule of the Cathedral. Lectors Saturday, Apr 4 5:00pm TBA Sunday, Apr 5 7:00am TBA 8:30am TBA 11:30am TBA 5:00pm TBA Servers Saturday, Apr 4 5:00pm TBA Sunday, Apr 5 7:00am TBA 8:30am TBA 11:30am TBA 5:00pm TBA Ushers Saturday, Apr 4 5:00pm TBA Sunday, Apr 5 7:00am TBA 8:30am TBA 11:30am TBA 5:00pm TBA Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Saturday, Apr 4 5:00pm TBA Sunday, Apr 5 7:00am TBA 8:30am TBA 11:30am TBA 5:00pm TBA ENTERING THE HOSPITAL OR…..? We want to know about any planned hospitalizations, nursing home placements or homebound persons who wish contact from our Ministry of Care. Cards are available at the entrance of the church and chapel. You can place the cards in the collection basket or mail them to parish office. SILENT SATURDAY April 11, 2015 At Holy Trinity Now that winter appears to have left us and the signs of spring are appearing, how about joining us for a time of peaceful prayer and reflection. If you have questions please contact Barb or Mike at democatsx2@gmail/881-1381 BUS TRIP TO PAPAL MASS IN PHILADELPHIA All people of the diocese, particularly families, are invited to join the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau for 5day, 4-night pilgrimage bus trip to Philadelphia, PA, Sept. 25-29, 2015 to attend Mass with the Holy Father as he visits the US for the World Meeting of Families. Registration starts at $410 per person, based on quadhotel occupancy. Registration and 50% deposits are due April 15th. Visit the Family Ministries page of the diocesan Website at for details. For more information, call Katie Newton at (417) 866-0841 or Email [email protected] for more information. 7 March 29, 2015 STEWARDSHIP of TREASURE ADDITIONAL MARCH DONATIONS March Income Report March Income Weeks 1-3 March Budget Still Needed 22,759.10 48,500.00 25,740.90 Plate 2,013.84 4,000.00 1,986.16 Maintenance 8,972.25 10,500.00 1,527.75 Utilities 2,801.00 3,000.00 199.00 Weekly Envelopes Due to early bulletin deadlines, the Financial reports will not be updated until after Easter. TUITION ASSISTANCE We will adhere strictly to the rules and guidelines for Tuition Assistance for the 2015-2016 school year. If you think you might need tuition assistance again next school year, please review and follow the rules below: Before applying to St. Agnes Cathedral for Tuition Assistance you must: 1. Be registered in St Agnes Cathedral Parish for at least 6 months 2. Be an active member of St Agnes Cathedral (attend Mass each weekend) 3. Enroll your child for the 2015-16 school year in one of the Catholic Schools in Springfield 4. Sign up for FACS in the Springfield Catholic School System before April 3, 2015 5. Apply for Springfield Catholic School System Scholarship before April 3, 2015 When the above rules have been completed, please call Judy Rippee at the parish, 417-831-3565 ext 107, to schedule your appointment with me. Tuition Assistance Donations…......…....................1,319.00 St. Vincent de Paul/Pantry…….…………........…...1,717.51 Central & Eastern Europe..……………...…….….…..594.50 Catholic Relief Services 719.25 Total $4,350.26 THE MIRROR St. Agnes receives a yearly bill for their parishioners to receive THE MIRROR. Our 2015 invoice is $11,670.00. St. Agnes parishioners have contributed $3,248.50. A SPECIAL THANKS to those parishioners who have contributed more than $14 to help offset the cost for our parishioners who may not be able to afford their subscription. Please remember to turn in your $14 and help us to pay off the remaining$8,421.50. OFFICE of VOCATIONS announces DISCERNMENT WEEKENDS in APRIL Several opportunities for vocation discernment will be held in various seminaries during the month of April. These days serve as occasions for young men (age 16 and older) to attend Mass, pray, interact with seminarians, and take part in discussions and presentations with other men in order to better understand God's movement in their lives. For more information about these dates, including transportation, please contact your local pastor, or Fr. Patrick Nwokoye, Director of Vocation Promotion,(573) 200-1814/ Email:[email protected], or Fr. J. Friedel, Director of Vocations/Seminarians, [email protected] . April 10-11, 2015 "Quo Vadis" Kenrick Glennon Seminary St. Louis, MO April 17-19, 2015 "Exploring Priesthood Weekend" Mundelein Seminary Mundelein, IL April 18-20, 2015 "Encounter With God's Call" Conception Seminary College Conception, MO April 24-26, 2015 "Discernment Retreat" St. Meinrad Seminary Meinrad, IN SPRINGFIELD CATHOLIC SCHOOLS RE-ENROLLMENT for current families registered in Springfield Catholic Schools for the 2015-2016 school year will be available online beginning Monday, March 23 and running through Monday, April 6. Notification of this will be sent to all current families via SIS. For additional information please contact the Central Office at (417) 865-5567. Join us every Wednesday at the K of C Bingo Emporium 2340 W. Grand, 2nd parking lot “Horse Races” and Bingo Sales begin at 4:30 PM Bingo begins at 6:30 PM
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