7th June, 2015 THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST - Year B - Worship Schedule Masses this Weekend: Vigil Mass: Saturday 6pm Sunday: 9am Sunday: 6pm Weekday Mass: St Anthony’s Parish 54 Agincourt Road. (PO Box 3670) Marsfield, 2122 Phone: 9888 5222 Fax: 9878 2741 Email: [email protected] Website: saintanthonys.org.au Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri.9.30am—1pm Parish Staff & Contacts Pastor: Joseva Tuimavule N cm Monday: 9am (Liturgy of the Word) Email: [email protected] Tuesday: 9am Pastoral Associate: Madeleine Pizzuti Wednesday: 9am Email: [email protected] Thursday: 9am Parish Secretary: Rose Goh Friday: 9am Email: [email protected] Reconciliation Saturday 5.30pm Anytime by appointment The Word of God… Parish Secretary: Rita Salameh Email: [email protected] School Principal: Julianne Rook Email: [email protected] 1st Reading: Exodus 24:3-8 Responsorial Psalm: 115:12-13,15-18 I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord. 2nd Reading: Hebrews 9:11-15 Gospel: Mark 14:12-16,22-26 PARISH DIARY: Sunday, 7 June—14 June, 2015 SACRAMENT OF FIRST EUCHARIST QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY ST ANTHONY’S LADIES GROUP ST ANTHONY’S FEAST DAY MASS AND LUNCH YOUTH MASS Sun 7 June Mon 8 June Thur 11 June 10am Sun 14 June 6pm Sun 14 June You are asked to keep in your prayers all parishioners, friends & relatives who are suffering through illness, especially - P R A Y E R M I N I S T R Y Pauline Cheong, Ambrose Hee Chong Lim, Rhonda Brown, Merle Ranasinghe, Pam Taig, Eddie Yap, Poh Lian Yap, Konrad Wrzesinski, Magdalena Wrzesinska, Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Kidir Sitthampalam, =============== Due to privacy laws, if you would like the name of a family member or friend to be printed in the Good Oil, please contact the Parish Office. Also, please keep in your prayers those who have died, recently - Mary Bietola (Sister & sister-in-law of Joe & Mary Mesiti) Katie Muskovits (daughter of Anne Muskovits) Patricia Gaha Kevin Johnson Giorgio Gioiello Sr Anne Nolan DC Luciano Calvi Philip Brown Agnes Orland And those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Mui Hiang Chua (6/6) ICON OF MARY MOTHER OF PRIESTS (MMP) The icon was painted by Sr Christina Mary OCD and is making a parish to parish visit in the Archdiocese of Sydney. We are asked to pray for good vocations in the church, for good religious apostolic life, for good Christian catholic marriages and for all our young people– that they too be sustained in their faith and callings in life. We intend to have the Icon of MMP by Corpus Christi Sunday and then move it onto family homes after the Wednesday adorations 10 June 2015. The Icon of MMP is accompanied by a booklet of prayers. Please contact the parish office if you should want the icon of MMP to come to your home for a visit and family prayers. Blessed congratulations to all our First Eucharist Children. Thank you to our parents/guardians who have journeyed with our children during this special time and Madeleine who facilitated the sacramental program. Blessed journeys everyone! The Australian Catholics winter issue is now out. Please take a copy of the magazine which is located at the back of the church. St. Vincent de Paul Society The annual St. Vincent de Paul winter appeal is set down for the weekend of the 20th and 21st June. There has been an increase of 24% in assistance requested of the society over the past two winter periods and this trend looks certain to continue this year. The high cost of housing and rising energy bills are a major concern for many families and this puts a further strain on basic items such as food and clothing. Your support of the appeal would be appreciated. OLMC Parramatta Open Morning Tour Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta invites you to attend our Open Morning Tour on June 15, 2015. The College is now enrolling for 2016 and 2017. Visit www.olmc.nsw.edu.au or phone 8838 1222 to reserve your place or obtain further information. PLEASE NOTE: MASS ON SUNDAY 14 JUNE IS AT 10AM FOLLOWED BY OUR FEAST DAY LUNCH. AT 6PM WE WILL CELEBRATE OUR YOUTH MASS. Celebrating St Anthony of Padua with an International Food Luncheon To celebrate our Parish Feast Day, we are having a special Mass, on Sunday, June 14th at 10am, followed by an International Food Lunch. We invite people to bring food to share with all our Parish Community! Please register what you intend to bring at the Parish Office on 9888 5222. The following children of our parish will receive their First Holy Communion this weekend:Marcus Shidiak Jayden O’Donovan Lillian Taswin William Cook Sophia Pek Zoe Chan Grayson Ng Emily Lysowycz Rionah Gonsalves Please continue to pray for these children as they take the next step in their faith journey in growing closer to our loving Lord. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a Marriage Enrichment experience – set in peaceful, picturesque surroundings, away from the distractions of everyday life. During the weekend, couples have a unique opportunity to reconnect, rekindle and refresh their relationship. Give the greatest gift, that of your time alone invest in your most precious asset . . . your Marriage! 2015 Weekend Dates 19-21 June, 11-13 September, 13-15 November Venue for Weekends: Mount Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville, NSW To apply contact: Ardell & Bill Sharpe Tel. 02 4283 3435 or [email protected] www.wwme.org.au www.facebook.com/WWMEasternUnit ST ANTHONY’S LADIES GROUP will be meeting for a morning tea/luncheon in the Parish Centre on Thursday, 11th June at 11.00am. Any ladies within our parish are more than welcome to join us. A plate of food would be appreciated to assist with catering. PLANNED GIVING 2015 As the financial year is quickly drawing to a close, parishioners are reminded to finalise their contributions as soon as possible. As 30th June falls on a Tuesday, all contributions must be received, by the very latest, during Mass on Sunday 28th June, so that all cash and cheques can be banked on Monday 29th June. For one-off annual donations via credit card, please contact the Parish as soon as possible. Parishioners are able to claim a tax deduction rate of 100% of their contributions for 2015, as well as for the financial year 2016. If your tax situation has changed and you wish to claim a tax deduction, please contact the Parish Office. NEW CONTRIBUTORS MOST WELCOME! Contributions can be made weekly by envelope or monthly by Credit Card. Forms to join the Planned Giving Program are available at the Parish Office. WALK WITH CHRIST! TODAY! WALK WITH CHRIST! Demonstrate your faith in the Eucharist with thousands of others from the Archdiocese. On the 10th anniversary of the modern Eucharistic Procession in Sydney, Bishop Terry Brady will lead the Procession from St Patrick's Church Hill, Wynyard at 2:30pm and finish at St Mary's Cathedral with prayer and Benediction at 4:30pm. For more information, please visit sydneycatholic.org/walkwithchrist or facebook.com/ WalkWithChristSydney. THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY— 7th June, 2015 ‘Struggle for the very soul of marriage’ – Bishops’ pastoral letter Cardinal Pell: a much maligned media obsession Vatican distances itself from cardinal’s critic Profile of a witch-hunt Catholic retreats – free annual guide Catholic presence at festival leads many to ‘pray on spot’ Out of Africa: a non-Catholic Melbourne academic discovers a vibrant, growing Church Available at the front entrance to the Church. Please put your $2.00 in the Poor Box. CAPTAINS, PLEASE ENSURE TO REMIND YOUR TEAM COUNTERS ROSTER FOR JUNE: 7/6-Team 9; 14/6-Team 10; 21/6-Team 1; 28/6-Team 2; Please take home a copy of the Good Oil. However, if you prefer not to, please return it to the trays found at each entrance to the Church. COMMUNION UNDER BOTH KINDS Please consider the following: 1. If you have a cold or flu symptoms (or any other communicable disease, cold sores, etc.) you MUST NOT receive communion from the Chalice. 2. In accordance with the General Instruction, we DO NOT DIP the Host in the Chalice. DON’T FORGET TO TURN OFF YOUR MOBILE PHONE. THANK YOU
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