BUTTERFLY A MAN FOUND A COCOON OF A BUTTERFLY. ONE DAY A SMALL OPENING APPEARED. HE SAT AND WATCHED THE BUTTERFLY FOR SEVERAL HOURS AS IT STRUGGLED TO FORCE ITS BODY THROUGH THAT LITTLE HOLE. THEN IT SEEMED TO STOP MAKING ANY PROGRESS. IT APPEARED AS IF IT HAD GOTTEN AS FAR AS IT COULD , AND IT COULD GO NO FURTHER. SO TO HELP THE BUTTERFLY, HE TOOK A PAIR OF SCISSORS AND SNIPPED OFF THE REMAINING BIT OF THE COCOON. THE BUTTERFLY THEN EMERGED EASILY. BUT IT HAD A SWOLLEN BODY AND SMALL SHRIVELED WINGS. THE MAN CONTINUED TO WATCH THE BUTTERFLY BECAUSE HE EXPECTED THAT, AT ANY MOMENT, THE WINGS WOULD ENLARGE AND EXPAND TO BE ABLE TO SUPPORT THE BODY, WHICH WOULD CONTRACT IN TIME. NEITHER HAPPENED! IN FACT, THE BUTTERFLY SPENT THE REST OF IT’S LIFE CRAWLING AROUND WITH A SWOLLEN BODY AND SHRIVELED WINGS. IT NEVER WAS ABLE TO FLY. WHAT THE MAN, IN HIS KINDNESS AND HASTE, DID NOT UNDERSTAND WAS THAT THE RESTRICTING COCOON AND THE STRUGGLE REQUIRED FOR THE BUTTERFLY TO GET THROUGH THE TINY OPENING WERE GOD’S WAY OF FORCING FLUID FROM THE BODY OF THE BUTTERFLY INTO ITS WINGS SO THAT IT WOULD BE READY FOR FLIGHT ONCE IT ACHIEVED ITS FREEDOM FROM THE COCOON. SOMETIMES STRUGGLES ARE EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED IN OUR LIVES. IF GOD ALLOWED US TO GO THROUGH OUR LIVES WITHOUT ANY OBSTACLES, IT WOULD CRIPPLE US. WE WOULD NOT BE AS STRONG AS WHAT WE COULD HAVE BEEN. WE COULD NEVER FLY! REMEMBER...WHAT WE STRUGGLE WITH MAKES US STRONG! “God always offers you a second chance it’s called Tomorrow.” SCHEDULE OF MINISTRIES FOR THE WEEKEND OF APR.25/26 SAT. 7PM MASS MINISTRY SUN. 9:30AM MASS Richard & Michelle Vanhouwe Welcomers Mary & Bernie Rodych Michele MacKay, Jackie Procyshyn Ushers Gerald & Nadine Schaeffler Steve Buttinger, Alfons Boving Readers Dave & Jonathan Elder Richard & Michelle Vanhouwe Gift Bearers Mary & Bernie Rodych Jan Buttinger, Mary Saskiw, Marion Laroque Eucharistic Ministers Lorne & Helen Keller, Leo Dube, Marshall Sweeney, Iona Stites Kieran Lawford, Alexandre Prisciak Altar Servers Dean Noble, Marcella Pilsner, Luke Adams No Children’s Liturgy on Saturdays Child. Liturgy Chatlain Family Myrtle Paydli Lit. Coordinator Ivan & Louise Kowalski Team 1 (Randy A., Jared, Vance ) Snow Shoveling Team 1 (Randy A., Jared, Vance) St. Augustine Parish 602 Boychuk Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Parish Office: 53 Malcolm Place, S7H 4M3 Parish Office:373-3453/Fax:477-2571, Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-3:30 PM Parish email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.saintaugustine.saskatooncatholic.ca 3rd Sunday of Easter — April 19th, 2015 Priest Moderator: Rev. Kevin McGee Parish Life Directors: Russ & Yvonne Powell Youth Ministry Coordinator: Rachelle Young Parish Secretary: Jackie St. Pierre ([email protected]) Parish Pastoral Council Chair: Ivan Kowalski Parish Finance Committee Chair: Keith Beck Diocese of Saskatoon Website: http://www.saskatoonrcdiocese.com RCIA: Interested in becoming a Catholic or know of someone who does, see Russ or Yvonne Powell for more information. SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday at 7:00 PM and Sunday at 9:30 AM Contemplative & Weekday Masses: see Upcoming Parish Events or the Parish Website. BAPTISM: Please call the Parish Office. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Thursdays at 7 PM MARRIAGE: Please notify Russ & Yvonne Powell six months to one year prior to the wedding date. MINISTRY OF CARE: Please notify the Parish Office 3733453 or email to [email protected]. If you or someone you know is needing Ministry of Care let Russ or Yvonne know. Scripture Reflection: The Risen Jesus was unexpected, unexplainable, and upsetting to the disciples, despite His message of peace. We, too, are upset by that which we do not expect, do not understand, and cannot control, even when it is ultimately for our good. When we are seized by fear and confusion, the Risen Lord speaks to us tenderly. He knows us and invites us to reach out to Him, to trust Him, and to embrace Him as a brother who walks with us, especially when we face fear. Prayer for Christian Unity O God, holy and eternal Trinity, we pray for Your church in the world. Sanctify its life; renew its worship; empower its witness; heal its divisions; make visible its unity. Lead us, with all our brothers and sisters, towards communion in faith, life and witness so that, united in one body by the one Spirit, we may together witness to the perfect unity of Your love. Amen WISDOM OF THE SAINTS. . . There is more value in a little study of humility and in a single act of it than in all the knowledge in the world. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila UPCOMING PARISH EVENTS Saturday Evening Mass Apr.25th at 7:00pm. Sunday Morning Mass Apr.26th at 9:30am. Contemplative Mass, Friday, May 1st at 7pm. Celebration of Infant Baptism: Saturday, May 2nd at 2pm. Let us continue our Prayers for these Parishioners and family members who are still recovering from illnesses: Jody Labas, Betty Riederer, Yvonne Powell, Oshin Yousaf, Mary Rodych, Eugene & Bernice Lavoie and Sundara Hidya. We also pray for their families and caregivers who continue to offer care and “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”~ Mother Teresa 9th Annual Bishop’s Dinner Tickets now available for this evening of fine dining, dancing and fun Friday, May 8 at TCU Place. This year, proceeds go to Catholic Hospital Chaplaincy. Tickets are $150 each (partial tax receipt). Contact: Cathy Gilje at (306) 659-5851 or email [email protected] CELEBRATION OF INFANT BAPTISM Expectant parents please contact the Parish Office to arrange for the Baptism preparation program and for the Baptism celebration. The next Celebration of Infant Baptism will take place on Saturday, May 2nd at 2:00pm. Please call the Parish Office at (306) 373-3453, or email [email protected] for information and to register. Contemplative Mass led by Fr. Kevin McGee Friday, May 1st at 7 p.m. at St. Augustine Church The rhythm of the Contemplative Mass is a gentle, steady flow, marked by 20 minutes of silence after Communion. It is designated to allow space for reflection and recognition of the intimate presence of Christ who comes to us through Scripture and the Eucharist. Silence within this form of worship can feel uncomfortable or awkward, especially when experienced for the first time. We encourage you to relax and rest in the abiding presence of Christ. “Let us protect with love all God has given us!” ~ POPE FRANCIS~ YOUTH NEWS KIDS FOR CHRIST (Ages 4—Grade 3) are welcome to come and share their faith through singing, games, skits, challenges, and more! This entertainingly educational group meets once a month in the gym after Sunday Mass. It is completely free and includes a K4C shirt and a cross necklace when you join! Our two events are April 19th—Abraham and Sarah & May 24th— Good Samaritan. Register anytime by contacting Rachelle Young at [email protected]. Please include child’s name, grade, parents names, home phone, cell phone, and email when registering. CHILDREN’S LITURGY: (at Sunday Mass only) Children are encouraged to learn about God’s word through Children’s Liturgy. There is no registration required! Children learn the Gospel messages in a “kid friendly” way, through a story, discussion, crafts, games, and role-playing. If your child is younger than 3, you are encouraged to join them and help the teacher out. K of C Pancake Breakfast Sunday, Apr.19th - 10am to 1pm @ St. Joseph's Parish Hall (1006 Broadway Ave.). Cost:$6.00 per person; $17.00 per family. Everyone is welcome. Sponsored by the Fr. O’Leary Council #5104. Inspiring Catholics We are incredibly excited to be a Host Site for the New Evangelization Summit – a Conference that has been designed to inspire Catholics and help them live out their personal call to evangelize. Join over 4000 Catholics across Canada and the USA on April 24th and 25th to hear 8 world-class Catholic Speakers on the New Evangelization – people like Scott Hahn, Fr. Michael Gaitley, Ralph Martin, Patrick Coffin and JoEllen Gregus, to name a few. Be inspired, receive formation, and connect with other Catholics. Register now at www.newevangelization.com Where/Location: St. Anne's Parish When: April 24th, 7:00pm–9:15pm and April 25th, 9:15am–4:45pm Cost: $50 dollars, includes lunch The Greater Saskatoon Catholic School Foundation Inc. presents Swing into Spring Fashion Show & Dinner, April 30, 2015 at Hall B, Prairieland Park. Tickets: 306-659-7003. A Trinity of Sound - Celebrating the music and traditions of the Chaldean, Ukrainian and Latin Churches 2 p.m., Sunday, May 3rd at Holy Family Cathedral in Saskatoon. A choir from each of three rites of the Catholic Church will sing a chant, a traditional song and a contemporary song from their particular tradition. Everyone is invited to stay for refreshments after the performance. Food from Iraq, Ukraine and Italy will be served after the concert. Free will offering will most appreciated. For more information please c on t ac t Sh ar o n a t 3 0 6 - 65 9 -5 83 1 o r [email protected] Eastertime - A Sense of the Season First, we kept the forty days, with praying, fasting and giving alms. Then we celebrated the three days of Christ’s passion, dying and rising. Now we delight in the fifty days, with rejoicing, feasting and giving witness! The season of Easter is fifty days long. It is a time of unbridled joy, of exuberant rejoicing. The church tells us, “The fifty days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost are celebrated in joyful exultation as one feast day, or better as one ‘great Sunday.’ These above all others are days for the singing of the Alleluia.” (General Norms for the Liturgical Year and Calendar, #22) Why is Eastertime fifty days? The ancient cultures that gave us the Bible had great respect for numbers. They believed that numbers contained hints about God and the meaning of life. The number seven was thought to contain fullness: There are seven days in the week, according to God’s original way of ordering time, creating all that there is and resting. So if you multiply 7 times 7, you have “fullness times fullness.” But wait! 7x7 is 49! With God, there is always more— more than we can ever imagine. So our holy season of Easter is even more than “fullness times fullness.” It’s “fullness times fullness” and then some: 7x7+1. That’s what love is like: more than we can ever imagine. That’s what heaven is going to be like: more than we can ever imagine. The fifty days are days for looking for the risen Lord among us, for hearing in each other’s stories of rising from the big and small deaths, days when we experience something of Christ’s triumphs. That’s why we look to the newly baptized, robed in bright new clothes and oily with gladness: at Easter, they died and rose with Christ! Now they take their places with us. Together, like the apostles who were so full of the Spirit that people thought they were drunk, we rush about with good and giddy news: Death is not the last word! Life and love are forever! And slowly, painstakingly, we work together, together with Christ, to change this world into the world to come. Sing Alleluia! Copyright © 1997 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1800 North Hermitage Avenue, Chicago IL 60622-1101; 1-800-933-1800. Text by David Philippart. Art by Chuck Ludeke.
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