EARTHQUAKE RELIEF—Nepal experienced a destructive 7.8 magnitude earthquake April 25. This natural disaster has caused over 4,000 deaths and 6,500 injuries, and many are still reported missing. The amount of destruction is overwhelming, and those affected are struggling for food, water and shelter. Development and Peace is working with Caritas Nepal and others Caritas members to provide aid to the population. Contribute to these much-needed relief efforts by donating to Development and Peace. Contributions will be matched by the Canadian Government until May 25, 2015. Make a donation online at or by phone at 1-888-664-3387; or by sending a cheque made out to Development and Peace (please indicate “Nepal Earthquake”) to Development and Peace, 1425 RenéLévesque Blvd. West 3rd Floor, Montreal, QC, H3G 1T7. ATTITUDE - “The pleasure you get from your life is equal to the attitude you put into it.” Most people agree that our living is determined not so much by what life brings to us as by the attitude we bring to life. Very often we have little control over what life brings our way but we do have complete control over how we will respond. A happy person is not one with a certain set of pleasant circumstances but rather a person with a certain set of powerful attitudes. For too many of us, when things go great, we’re happy and when things are hard we’re sad. We have “someday” disease…”someday” I’ll be happy. When I get a certain position, or reach an income goal or find the right person, then life will be complete. God chooses what we go through. We choose how we go through it. Victor Frankl discovered this principle when he was mistreated in a Nazi concentration camp. He said to his persecutors, “the one thing you cannot do is take away from me the way I choose to respond.” Remember, it’s not our circumstances that count, but how we respond that will make our year successful and happy. God gives us our start in life and then we alone grow our attitudes. “IF LIFE WAS EASY WHERE WOULD ALL THE ADVENTURES BE?” SCHEDULE OF MINISTRIES FOR THE WEEKEND OF MAY 9/10 St. Augustine Parish 602 Boychuk Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Parish Office: 53 Malcolm Place, S7H 4M3 Parish Office:373-3453/Fax:477-2571, Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-3:30 PM Parish email: [email protected] Parish Website: 5th Sunday of Easter — May 3rd, 2015 Priest Moderator: Rev. Kevin McGee Parish Life Directors: Russ & Yvonne Powell Youth Ministry Coordinator: Rachelle Young Parish Secretary: Jackie St. Pierre ([email protected]) Parish Pastoral Council Chair: Ivan Kowalski Parish Finance Committee Chair: Keith Beck Diocese of Saskatoon Website: RCIA: Interested in becoming a Catholic or know of someone who does, see Russ or Yvonne Powell for more information. SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday at 7:00 PM and Sunday at 9:30 AM Contemplative & Weekday Masses: see Upcoming Parish Events or the Parish Website. BAPTISM: Please call the Parish Office. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Thursdays at 7 PM MARRIAGE: Please notify Russ & Yvonne Powell six months to one year prior to the wedding date. MINISTRY OF CARE: Please notify the Parish Office 3733453 or email to [email protected]. If you or someone you know is needing Ministry of Care let Russ or Yvonne know. Scripture Reflection: Last week, we heard that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. This week, we hear that He is the vine and we are the branches. Again, we have a metaphor for Jesus that made perfect sense to the early Christians. A vineyard needs a certain type of care to flourish. Cutting away dead branches and pruning or trimming healthy ones was good farming practice. It was obvious that any branch cut away from the central vine would not live. This example clearly shows how we, too must be connected to the source-to God-in order to live and grow. SAT. 7PM MASS MINISTRY SUN. 9:30AM MASS Michele MacKay, Jackie Procyshyn Welcomers Ivan & Louise Kowalski Prayer for Christian Unity Colin & Mitchell Wrishko Ushers Mark & Erika Baumann Marion Laroque, Debra Roth Readers Gerry Farthing, Kyle Bandadyga Michele MacKay, Jackie Procyshyn Gift Bearers Gerald & Nadine Schaeffler Diana Tetu, Lillian Lai Sherry Richerts Eucharistic Ministers Iona Stites, Greg Chatlain, Jaime Phillips, Romona Blacklock, Marshall Sweeney Kieran Lawford, Alexandre Prisciak Altar Servers Chatlain Family God, you call us to be the church of Jesus Christ. Increase our love for one another, we pray. Inspire our worship, work and witness to better reflect Your grace. As Jesus crossed boundaries of separation and division to heal and reconcile, empower us to cross such boundaries in our day: to breach walls of rigidity and self-righteousness within and around the church; to bridge chasms created by poverty and wealth, racism and sexism, and by fear. Help us to receive the gifts of Your Spirit revealed in others, in their cultures and traditions, liturgical practices and theological insights. As Your church, the Body of Christ in the world, help us to be a justice-seeking, peace-making, healing and reconciling people of faith, as followers of Jesus, the Sun of Righteousness, the Prince of Peace, our Healer and our Reconciliation. Amen No Children’s Liturgy on Saturdays Child. Liturgy Miller Family Mary Saskiw Lit. Coordinator Russ & Yvonne Powell WISDOM OF THE SAINTS. . . There is no such thing as bad weather. All weather is good because it is God’s. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila UPCOMING PARISH EVENTS PPC Meeting Wed. May 6th at 7:00 p.m. Saturday Evening Mass May 9th at 7:00pm. Sunday Morning Mass May 10th at 9:30am. Let us continue our Prayers for these Parishioners and family members who are still recovering from illnesses: Iona Stites, Joanne Lawford, Jim Duncan, Jody Labas, Nancy Buttinger, Betty Riederer, Yvonne Powell, Oshin Yousaf, Mary Rodych, Eugene & Bernice Lavoie and Sundara Hidya. We also pray for their families and caregivers who continue to offer care and comfort. Annual Priest’s Pension & Retirement Fund collection will be held this weekend May 2/3. You received the special collection pledge cards & envelopes in last weekend’s Bulletin for this., there are more at the back of the church. These envelopes may be placed in the collections baskets or dropped off at the Parish Office anytime even if you don’t get it in on May2/3. 9th Annual Bishop’s Dinner Tickets now available for this evening of fine dining, dancing and fun Friday, May 8 at TCU Place. This year, proceeds go to Catholic Hospital Chaplaincy. Tickets are $150 each (partial tax receipt). Contact: Cathy Gilje at (306) 659-5851 or email [email protected] Knights of Columbus News St. Augustine K of C are hosting a Major Degree on Sunday, May 3rd. We are inviting everyone to the Banquet that evening starting at 6pm in the St. Augustine Gym. The tickets are $30. The deadline for ticket sales will be Tuesday, April 28th. If you would like more information contact Darren Gagnon, Grand Knight at 373-3364. CONGRATULATIONS! To all the parents, godparents, grandparents, aunts and uncles of the babies who celebrated their Baptism this weekend at St. Augustine Church. They are: Ellie Aria Baker, Sheridan Chloe Eisner and Meilo Antonie Creo. May their parents, godparents, and other family guide them with their own example of Your teachings and Your love for them Lord. May they always be ready to listen and to comfort, to laugh and to play, to encourage and to praise. May they always show these children that they are special in their eyes and in Yours. Bless these children today and always Lord! YOUTH NEWS KIDS FOR CHRIST (Ages 4—Grade 3) are welcome to come and share their faith through singing, games, skits, challenges, and more! This entertainingly educational group meets once a month in the gym after Sunday Mass. It is completely free and includes a K4C shirt and a cross necklace when you join! Our next event is May 24th—Good Samaritan. Register anytime by contacting Rachelle Young at [email protected]. Please include child’s name, grade, parents names, home phone, cell phone, and email when registering. CHILDREN’S LITURGY: (at Sunday Mass only) Children are encouraged to learn about God’s word through Children’s Liturgy. There is no registration required! Children learn the Gospel messages in a “kid friendly” way, through a story, discussion, crafts, games, and role-playing. If your child is younger than 3, you are encouraged to join them and help the teacher out. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION for 2015-2016 St. Augustine is a warm, welcoming school that focuses on faith and learning. Not only do we strive to see students reach their full potential in the classroom, we teach children that they have what it takes to reach out and make the world a better place. If your child will be five years old by January 31, 2016, they can begin Kindergarten in September 2015. Please inform your neighbours who have Kindergarten aged children about what we offer at St. Augustine School. To learn more about Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools and i ts programs , c hec k our webs i te at Parents/guardians are also welcome to contact the school and visit the Kindergarten classroom. PASTORAL APPOINTMENT by Bishop Donald Bolen We are pleased to announce the following pastoral appointment, of which will be effective Wednesday, July 1, 2015. St. Augustine Parish in Saskatoon – Our sincere thanks to Russ and Yvonne Powell who have completed their one-year term as Parish Life Directors. Daniel Pettipas will become the new PLD for this Parish, with Fr. Kevin McGee continuing to serve St. Augustine Parish. Mother’s Day Walk-The Annual March for Life will take place on Mother’s Day May 10 in front of Royal University Hospital from 2:30 – 3:30 pm. Join us as we thank our mothers for choosing Life. Signs will be provided. Refreshments will be served. for more info please contact Celine at 477-2082. PRAYER for the PEOPLE of NEPAL Help us name Saskatoon’s new Lord please be the guiding light in the darkness for Catholic Schools! Four new Catholic schools those in and around Kathmandu. Help to rescue the trapped and the wounded, send your angels to comfort and to lead by the hand all those who need help. will open in Saskatoon in 2017 in Evergreen, Hampton Village, Rosewood and Stonebridge. Do you have names in mind for these new schools? We want to hear from you! Email your school name suggestion (s) to [email protected] Please include: Your Name Your Suggestion (s) Reasons for your Suggestion (s) Whether you live in one of the neighbourhoods getting a school; if so, which one. Have mercy on the souls of those taken, and help immediate medical care get through to the injured, and bring to safe harbor all who are running scared, hiding or lost. Help those making temporary infrastructure, shelters, hospitals, roads, and morgues, those repairing power lines and getting supplies and expertise through to the needy. Protect We will also dedicate each of our new schools to a them all from aftershocks and further tremors. person who has made a significant contribution to the Be strength to the weak, balm to the broken-hearted, community the school serves. Do you know someone who deserves this honour? Let us know at calm to the traumatized, warmth to the cold, supplying [email protected] Please include clean water and food to all who need it. Then begin your name, community and suggestion, as well as the long road to healing, dear Lord, and stay always some background about the person you are to pour loving kindness on this place and these nominating. Make your name/dedication suggestions before May 22, 2015. The final choices will be people. announced by Fall 2015. (Four separate committees - See more at: comprised of people from each neighbourhood and news/prayers-and-donations-people-nepal-after-april- the school division will submit a shortlist of names to 25-earthquake#sthash.m2ndgRPY.dpuf the Board of Education for its decision.)
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