SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2015 ******************************************** MASS SCHEDULE Sunday, March 22 St. Bernard's 8:30AM +Janet Malkowski by Jim and Donna Barnett St. Mary's 10:30AM +Katherine Praus by Dave and Karen Cerise Monday 7:30AM Communion Service Tuesday 7:00AM +Jared Burian by Mike and Robbie Obach 5:30PM Novena Devotions St. Mary's 6:00PM Stations of the Cross Wednesday 7:00AM +Tommy Schaff by the Goplin family Thursday 7:00AM Deceased members of the Kytoichuk famly Friday 8:45AM +Alois Kessel by the family 3:00PM Divine Mercy 5:45PM Evening Prayer 6:00 - 6:45PM Confessions 6:45PM Stations of the Cross Saturday, March 28 St. Bernard's 4:00PM +Joe and +Elsie Hutzenbiler by the family Sts. Peter & Paul 7:00PM Priests by Linus and Ann Evinger Sunday, March 29 St. Bernard’s 8:30AM Parishes St. Mary's 10:30AM +Ryan Pavlish by Jim and Rosie Perdaems ********************************************* REMEMBER YOUR LOVED ONES AT MASS THIS WEEK ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF THEIR DEATH Mar. 23: Baby Hlebichuk 1956, Josephine Nameniuk 2006 Mar. 24: Evadne Paladichuk 1939, Louis Pauly 1959, Robert Wentz 1990, Vernon Kessel 2006 Mar. 26: Janice Jakubowski 1945, Patience Hartl 1993 Mar. 27: Alois Kessel 2008 Mar. 28: Katherine Hoffer 1970, Margaret Kadrmas 1974 Mar. 29: Raymond Krushevsky 1967, Nicholas Oe 2004, Martin Knopik 2011 Church Hours Open: 2nd and 4th Sundays 1:00 - 2:00pm (Call Nancy Duletski if you can take these hours.) CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday, March 22 9:00am - 1:00pm "Pancakes on a MISSION for Quinn" fundraising breakfast at the parish center. Everyone welcome! Wed., March 25 6:00pm CCD Thurs., March 26 7:00pm Penance Service at St. Bernard's Church Friday, March 27 5:30-6:30 Fish Fry and Bake Sale at the parish center MINISTERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND ( March 28 & 29 ) SATURDAY Readers 4:00PM Teresa Kessel Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Dave & Mary Kubas Servers Kayla Obrigewitch Usher/Greeters Bruce Baer/Ken Adams Ed/Lana Procive Andy Prociw Music Ministers SUNDAY Readers 8:30AM Lana Procive Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Cathy Cerkoney, Lana Procive Servers Abbi Oe, Anton Krebs Elijah Kordonowy Usher/Greeters Dennis Richard Ron & Don Decker Ken Hutzenbiler Music Ministers Elaine Johnson If you are not able to be at your appointed Mass, please find a replacement. ********************************** The KC's are sponsoring a Visit-a-thon to our senior citizens in Dickinson on Sunday, March 29th - Palm Sunday. Meet at the parish center at 1:00pm and we will leave from there. Everyone is welcome to come. There are sign-up sheets located in the back of church for the Easter Lilies. The cost is $20.00. Also, sign-up sheets for ministers for the Holy Week/Easter masses. Please sign up as soon as you can. ****************************************** STEWARDSHIP Stewardship Thought: God has taught us that you cannot love without giving. That includes the giving of our time, talent and treasure. March 14 & 15, 2015 Collection Adult Envelopes $ 3,499.00 High School/Children 10.25 Loose Collection 140.75 LOOK AT THE ADVERTISERS SUPPORTING OUR CHURCH BULLETIN Our Thanks Go Out To Advertiser Of The Week: " COWBOY INN " Please remember in prayer those in need of healing: Maggie Krance, Marge Hoffman, Ben Simnioniw, Neil Paul, Todd Decker, Barbara Dorval, Rod McDaniel, Rocky Jablonsky, Diane Berger, Duane Roller, Danielle Emch, Julia Kordon, Delbert Gulbranson, Eunice Miller, Dave & Kathy Schmidt, Danielle Jenny, Rose O’Brien, Shari Obritsch, Joe C. Armbrust, Lena Kadrmas, Mariah Lowman, David Basaraba, Kathy Chernenko and Marilyn Oyhus New Evangelization Summit - April 24/25, 2015. Be inspired, receive formation, and connect with other Catholics at the New Evangelization Summit. Join over 4000 Catholics across the US and Canada for this premier conference on the New Evangelization. The NES has been designed to inspire you and help you live out your personal call to evangelize. The conference will be webcasted live from Ottawa to Fargo. Register at Fargo location: Shanley HS; 5600 25th ST S, Fargo. Doors open at 6pm Friday and finishes by 4:30 Saturday. Cost: $50/participant. For questions call 701-356-7908. FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT “A VOCATION VIEW” March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Lent To be God's servant, we must follow Jesus. Do you desire to see where Jesus lives? Serve the poor and marginalized. ( John 12: 20-33 ) St. Bernard's has a new web page. The address is: Check out Fr. Bill's website at LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE SCHEDULE Sunday, March 22 2:00pm St. Patrick's Tuesday, March 24 7:00pm St. Joseph's Thursday, March 26 7:00pm St. Bernard's Friday, March 27 7:00pm Queen of Peace Tuesday, March 31 7:00pm St. Wenceslaus There will be an Easter Open House and Bread Sale at the Assumption Abbey in Richardton on Saturday, March 28th from 1:00-4:00pm. The Lutheran Church is having a Youth Mission Trip Spaghetti Dinner from 11:00am - 1:00pm on Sunday March 22. There will be a free will offering. Everyone is welcome to attend. There are new CD's on the display in the back of the church. One of the CD's is titled: Why Go To Mass: The Blood of the New Covenant If you ever feel bored at Mass or think that you don't get much out of it, this talk is for you. Most Rev. Alexander K. Sample, Archbishop of Portland, provides theological and practical reasons why we need to come to a deeper understanding of the nature of the Mass. By understanding the Mass as a sacrifice and a sacred banquet, we can tap into the transforming power offered whenever we worship.
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