Sixth Sunday Of Easter May 10, 2015 “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” – John 15.9-17 When there is a funeral at "either" Holy Trinity or St. Joachim's, our regular 12 noon Mass will be cancelled and the Mass intention rescheduled for another day. MASS Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday SCHEDULE THIS WEEK May 13 12 noon May 15 12 noon May 16 4:00pm May 17 11:00am MASS INTENTION Bob Merzetti Lisa Rowe Fr. Paul Riley For All Parishioners & Their Intentions Last Week's Offertory Collection 69 Regular Envelopes Loose Donations Pre-Authorized Debit 27 Debt Fund 1 Easter 1 Nepal 4 Mother’s Day $1,428.00 $465.50 $809.31 $502.00 $100.00 $20.00 $90.00 $3,414.81 Last Week’s Total Amount needed to pay only “our regular weekly bills”: Amount needed to “also include” repaying the parish debt: A $4,500.00 per week $5,500.00 per week March For Life 2015 - Every Life Matters Father Peter invites all parishioners to join him for the “2015 March For Life” on Thursday, May 14th in Fredericton. The day begins with 10:00am Mass at St. Dunstan’s Church co-celebrated by Bishop Robert Harris and Archbishop Valery Vienneau. The Legislature Rally will be held from 11:30am to 1pm and then the March will commence at 1pm. Refreshments following. Transportation is available. For more information call 1-888-796-9600 or email ([email protected]). Special Collection Bishop Harris has asked us to take up a special collection for the victims of the earthquake in Nepal on the weekend of May 16th & 17th. If you wish to make a contribution to this cause, please place your donation in an envelope marked “Nepal” and place it in the collection that weekend. As always, please include your name or envelope number for tax receipt purposes. We need to have all donations by May 17th as there is a tight deadline for us to submit funds in time for them to be matched by the Government of Canada. Bishop Harris is also requesting your prayers for those suffering in Nepal. Letter From Bishop Harris Bishop Harris has asked us to share a letter from him inviting all parishioners to join him at the upcoming March For Life in Fredericton on Thursday, May 14th. The letter is available on the bulletin boards in the foyer, and on our website. CWL The next CWL meeting will be held on Monday, May 11th, 6:30pm. Please use K of C entrance. Congratulations The $100 winner of the CWL’s 50/50 Draw was Loreen Dupuis (#49). Flea Market There will be a Flea Market, BBQ and Silent Auction on Saturday, May 16th, 8 am -1 pm, at Saint Joachim’s. All funds raised will be used to support teens attending Steubenville Atlantic. Donations accepted on Friday nights - contact Joseph Bourque (721-8258) for more information. St. Vincent's High School Yearbooks Available The following yearbooks are available for $10 each by calling Suzanne Buckley (847-1580). Quantities available are noted in parentheses after each year. Years available: 1967 (1), 1978 (6), 1979 (4), 1980 (37), 1981 (46), 1992 (14), 1993 (11), 1994 (5), 1996 (22), 1997 (14), 1998 (16), 1999 (1), 2000 (3), 2001 (6) We joyfully remember the following Mothers: Marie Anne Blanchard Doris Cooper Marjorie James Sara McQuade Suzanne Noël Brideau Rose Mallett Lena Boucher Annie McQuade Helen Murphy Mary Finigan Jennie Evans Evelyn Cooper Ann-Marie Hayward Anna Sullivan Mary Dora Shannon Verna V. Wall Amelia Tobias Lillian Legere Margaret Murphy Squires Open House The Columbian Squires is the youth organization of the Knights of Columbus for young men 10 - 18 years old. There will be an open house for those interested in joining, and their parents, on Sunday, May 24th, from 2pm - 4pm, in the Knights Quarters at Saint Joachim’s. For more information, contact Joseph Bourque (721-8258 or [email protected]). K of C Bursary Applications for the K of C Bursary, valued at $500, are now available. Applicants must be members of St. Joachim’s, graduating in June, and be attending university/college in the fall. Applications are available in the parish office or by contacting Bryan Murphy (639-7946). Deadline is May 31st. Victoria Day Yard Sale St. Pius X, Somerset Street, will be holding a yard sale in their hall on Monday, May 18 th, 9am noon.
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