4-19-2015 - Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church

Perpetual Adoration
Sacrament of Penance
Vocation Holy Hour
Baptism and Marriage
7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) and 5:00pm
Monday - Saturday 8:00am
Daily, after morning Mass
Tuesday, after morning Mass
24 hours
Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 6:00pm - 7:00pm
1st Friday, 8:00am Mass
Please call Parish Office
Pastor Father Brian Corcoran Associate Pastor Father Joseph Freeman
Pastor Emeritus Monsignor Timothy Harnett Deacon Bob Beiner
School Principal Dan Schuh Music Director Julie Marner
1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828
Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118
Saint John School : 760 944-8227
[email protected] www.saintjohnencinitas.org www.saintjohnschool.com
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Saint John the Evangelist
“We are called to be the architects of the future, not
its victims!”
... Bishop Robert McElroy was installed as the sixth
bishop of San Diego by Archbishop Jose Gomez of
Los Angeles, in the presence of many bishops from
across California, priests and people from San
Diego and beyond, on Wednesday (15), at Saint
Therese of Carmel Church, San Diego!
... Bishop McElroy was born on February 5, 1954,
to Walter and Roberta McElroy, and has three sisters and a brother. They grew up in Daly City, CA,
and Burlingame, CA. His parents currently live in
Santa Rosa, CA. He attended Catholic schools before entering Harvard in 1972, graduating with a
degree in American history, and then attended
Stanford Graduate School to obtain his master’s degree in American history.
... Ordained a priest on April 12, 1980, for the
Archdiocese of San Francisco, he went on to further
studies in Catholic Social Teaching, obtaining a licentiate in theology from Berkeley, a doctorate in
Moral Theology from the Gregorian in Rome, and a
doctorate in political science from Stanford!
... He has held many positions in the Archdiocese,
but his first love was always parish ministry, serving at Saint Cecilia, Saint Pius and Saint Gregory
parishes for over 20 years! He was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of San Francisco on July 6, 2010.
... Vice-president of the California Catholic Conference, he also serves at the national conference of
bishops on the administrative committee, the ecumenical committee, the committee on domestic justice and the committee on international affairs.
... When he was informed that Pope Francis had
appointed him to be the sixth bishop of San Diego,
Bishop McElroy said: "When I was growing up, my
family would come to San Diego for our summer vacation, and I was captivated by the beauty and vitality of this graced region. During my years as a priest
and bishop, I have continually been struck by this
same beauty and vitality in the life of the local
church -- proclaiming the Gospel, embracing the
poor and the marginalized, strengthening family life,
forging unity in faith and solidarity amidst great cultural diversity. Now I have the privilege of becoming
a member and a leader in this magnificent Catholic
community and the society which surrounds it. There
are not words to describe the tremendous joy and
gratitude to God which I feel at this moment."
April 19, 2015
... Congratulations to Jill Dodge and Tom Heidecker on celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage
on Friday (17) with Father Brian officiating. Jill
and Tom have been pivotal in making our livestreaming of our 9:00am Mass possible! Alive!
... Come along to the Fiesta Planning Meeting this
Wednesday, April 22, at 7:00pm, in the Encinitas
Room. Fiesta is August 8 - 9!
… Tickets for our Fiesta Grand Drawing, with
prizes of $5,000, $2,500, $1,000 and $500, are $2
each or a book of 15 for $25. Our children in our
Religious Education experiences will be bringing
them home soon! So please return them to us and
watch for the early bird’ drawings!
... Contributions last weekend (12) amounted to
$15,703.50, with 394 families using envelopes. A
further $2,128.00 was contributed ‘Online’!
... Because of an unfortunate error on our part,
we ask that all of our ‘Online Givers’ please go to
our website, click on the ‘Giving’ button, and resubmit your bank or credit card information, so
that your ‘Online Giving’ can resume. It stopped
posting on March 31. Sorry and thank you!
... 76 families contributed a total of $2,029.00 to
the Building Fund last weekend (12).
... This Saturday (25) at 5:00pm Mass, and Sunday (26) at 10:30am Mass, our Saint John School
children celebrate their First Eucharist! Wow!
… Saint John School Eagle Group Meeting is this
Tuesday (21) at 8:00am.
... Our Annual Catholic Appeal assists the extensive ministry of our Diocese. Please make a meaningful pledge that you will strive to meet over the
next eight months.
... The Sunday 9:00am Mass is streamed live to
the Internet each week. Connect to it from our
website, or go to www.saintjohnlive.
... Our Young Adults (18-39 years) meet this Monday (20), at Off Shore Tavern, 2253 Morena Blvd.,
San Diego. Dinner at 6:30pm, with speakers,
Peggy and Ralph Skiano, on “Vocation of Love?” at
7:30pm. For more info visit www.yamsd.org
… Our popular Saint John Summer Bible Camp is
from Monday, July 13, to Friday, July 17. For
more info, call Ann McGinnis at 760 436-0664.
... Our Saint Vincent de Paul group meet this
Tuesday (21) at 7:00pm and the Culture of Life
meet on Thursday (23) at 6:30pm!
... “You are witnesses of these things!”
Page 3
April 18
April 19
April 20
April 21
April 22
April 23
April 24
April 25
April 26
Saint John the Evangelist
5:00pm Lorraine De ehring †
Third Sunday of Easter
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48
7:30am Special Intention
9:00am Gary Bokoch †
10:30am Special Intention
12:00pm Parishioners
5:00pm John Logan †
Acts 6:8-15; Jn 6:22-29
8:00am Special Intention
Acts 7:51 -8:1a; Jn 6:30-35
8:00am Michael Wisner †
Acts 8:1b-8; Jn 6:35-40
8:00am Arlis Kentrich †
Acts 8:26-40; Jn 6:44-51
8:00am Bernanrd F. Connerton †
Acts 9:1-20; Jn 6:52-59
8:00am Dana Hallgren †
1 Pt 5:5b-14; Mk 16:15-20
8:00am Josephine McCarthy †
5:00pm David Williams
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Acts 4:8-12;1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18
7:30am Deacon Richard Corder †
Special Intention
9:00am Dick Howick †
10:30am Alice Farrell †
12:00pm Parishioners
5:00pm Robby Robinson †
Perpetual Adoration
Volunteers are needed for: We need more
Substitutes, especially night-time volunteers, and are
in serious need of regular volunteers for some of the
following hours:
Sunday, 2:00am
Monday, 9:00am and 1:00pm
Tuesday, 1:00am and 2:00am
Wednesday, 4:00pm
Friday, 4:00pm
Saturday, 8:00am, 12:00pm and 2:00pm
We could also use another volunteer for Day
Captain to take charge of arranging substitutes for
regular adorers on the Captain’s assigned day.
Ken Poggenburg 760 635-2573
Lupe Cardona (Sp) 760 753-7784
Perpetual Adoration is prayer in the presence of the
Most Blessed Sacrament ... 24 hours, day and night,
Remember to patronize our advertisers for
making the bulletin possible. Thank you!
April 19, 2015
Please Keep in Your Prayers
Nydia Abney, Gail Alofsin, Martha Amador, Ruth Ariza, Anthony Baggio, Thomas Baglio, Rosily Baratono, Aiden Blenderman, Maura
Brown, Lorraine Butler, Joe Corder, Rob Crewse, Jack Davare, Edward Dillon, Barbara Dorion, Robert Egan, Kathy Fix, Hiram LeeGonzalez, Manny Gonzales, Carolyn Goohs, Joe Graciano, Monsignor
Harnett, Maria Jaque, Maria Johnson, Cheyne Johnston, Paul Kenny,
Eva King, Skyler Koehne, Stella Lubera, Andy Maduza, Pat McKinley,
Lucy Mee, Greg Monzeglio, Patty Moore, Luz Nieve, Eileen A. O’
Connor, Grace Oreb, Mary Ann Pavnic, Joaquin Perez, David Quessenberry, David Rambeau, Ashley Ray, Elizabeth Roney, Gina Stack,
Andrew Todd, Eric Vukicevich, Grant Waller and Griffin Waller.
Rest in Peace
Eva Lopez and Gene Sarenana
We pray for our sick and deceased at daily Mass.
& Edie
Jasper, IN
Beginning Experience
Widowed, divorced and separated person ready
to move beyond their grief are invited to attend a
retreat at Whispering Winds on June 5-7. For
more info. Linda at 858 335-0915
Theology on Tap
Monday (20)
Speakers Peggy and Ralph Skiano7:30pm 9:00pm
“Vocation to Love”
Dinner 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Page 4
Saint John the Evangelist
April 19, 2015
All are invited to be Partners in Mission
by responding very generously to the
2015 Annual Catholic Appeal
will be visiting Saint John
Wednesday (29), Thursday (30), and Friday (1)
You can schedule an appointment to give blood at
www.sandiegobloodbank.org (Sponsor Code: SJCE) or call 1
800 469-7322. Or just come by the parking lot from 1:30pm to
6:30pm! ‘Give the gift of life!’
Lives depend on it.
JULY 13-17 from 8:30am-12:00pm
kids currently in grades K-5
Registration is available on the parish and school websites,
in the
School, Parish and Religious Ed
For more info, contact Religious
Ed Office at 760 436-0664
Plan on joining the adventure!
Come to the Planning Meeting on
Wednesday (22) at 7:00pm
Encinitas Room
All are Welcome!
Live on the Internet
Sunday 9:00 am Mass
Register as a parishioner ‘online’!
Go to www.saintjohnencinitas.org and click
on “Registration” For more info, please
call the Parish Office at 760 753-6254
Adults wishing to learn more about our Catholic faith!
* Have you joined us from another faith
and would now like to find out more
about the Catholic Church?
* Would you like to discover more about
what it means to be a Catholic?
We would love to help you on your journey!
Tuesday (21) at 7:00pm in the hall.
For more info, Liz Beiner at 760 753-6254.
Saint John School
Pre-School - Grade 8
Principal : Dan Schuh
760 944-8227
Saturday (25) at 5:00pm and
Sunday (26) at 10:30am
First Eucharist
Saint John Preschool
Kindergarten Readiness Program:
“Building the whole child in preparation for kindergarten”
For more info, or to schedule a tour,
Annette Conrad at 760 944-8227 or
[email protected]
Park and Pray Womens Group
Join us Tuesday (21) after 8:00am Mass.
For questions please contact Mary at 760
445-2022 or [email protected]
Page 5
Saint John the Evangelist
Abril 19, 2015
Cincuenta Días de Pascua
Una de las cosas maravillosas sobre las vacaciones
es que después de nuestro regreso nos pasamos dos o
tres semanas
saboreando la
compartiendo las
fotos y recuerdos
con nuestra familia y
amistades. Esta clase
de reflexión nos
vincula nuevamente
a la experiencia
original y nos hacer
volver a vivir el descanso y las maravillas que la
vacación nos proporcionó. Hoy, el Tercer Domingo
de Pascua, la Iglesia nos da la bendición de unos
recordatorios de lo que celebramos hace dos
domingos. Las tres lecturas son reflexiones del
significado de la muerte y resurrección de Cristo.
Uno de los hilos que unen a estas reflexiones es que
el propósito del sufrimiento, la muerte y la
resurrección del Señor fue para salvarnos y perdonar
nuestros pecados. Tenemos cincuenta días para
contemplar esta realidad –cincuenta días para
saborear la experiencia de la muerte y resurrección
de Cristo por nosotros.
Los cristianos somos ¡testigos de Cristo resucitado!
Testimoniamos todo lo relacionado con Jesús de Nazaret
quien murió en una
cruz, fue sepultado y
resucitó al tercer día.
Debemos ser personas
que cantan y gritan
¡Resucitó, Aleluya!
Tan importante es la
resurrección de Cristo
que, mientras tenemos
cuarenta días de
Cuaresma hay
cincuenta días de Pascua en el calendario cristiano.
Durante esta época, domingo tras domingo mediante la
proclamación del Evangelio se nos transmiten escenas de
Cristo, quien cada ocho días se aparecía a sus discípulos
confirmando cada Domingo que en verdad había
resucitado, instruyéndolos para que pudieran ser
verdaderos testigos de su resurrección.
Y ¿tú? ¿Cuán buen testigo eres? Un buen testigo da
testimonio de lo que ha visto, escuchado y
experimentado. Para ser testigo de Cristo hay que verlo,
escucharlo y experimentarlo. La Iglesia nos da la
oportunidad de verlo, escucharlo y experimentarlo
diariamente, en especial durante el domingo. Esto es
posible sólo si durante la semana vives con el corazón
abierto. Abierto para ver, escuchar y experimentar a
Jesús en tu hogar, en tu trabajo, entre tus parientes y
Ya estamos inscribiendo a
niños de 6 a 10 años de edad.
En Abril tenemos 50% de
descuento. Estas inscripciones
son para que sus niños vengan a las clases en
español. La donación en abril es solamente $70.00,
por niño/a, aprovechen la oferta del descuento.
El domingo mayo 3, a la 1:30 pm.
En el California Room.
Les pido a todos los Ministros de Hospitalidad que
vengan a esta junta.
Varios Ministros me pidieron que la junta sea en
domingo, por eso es el cambio de fecha. Si tienen
preguntas llamen a Mary Moran al 760-436-4366.
El viernes 24 de Abril a las 6:00 pm.,
rezaremos el Rosario Misionero
En la iglesia.
Los invitamos a todos a que vengan
y juntos recemos por los Misioneros
En 2008 se introdujo la Campaña del Rosario Misionero al
Programa de Educación Religiosa de nuestra parroquia. Cada
año los niños y los adultos juntan dinero para donarlo a los
Misioneros para que ellos ayuden a nuestros hermanos los
cuales la mayoría son niños, jóvenes, madres solteras, ancianos,
prisioneros y otros grupos marginados.
Si tienen preguntas o si tienen sugerencias de cómo podemos
ayudarles más, hablen con Mary Moran (760) 436-4366.
Les pedimos a todos los niños y a todos los adultos que
el viernes, 24 de abril, traigan lo más que puedan para donar a los niños pobres. Recuerden que en la Biblia Dios nos
dice, que todo lo que hacemos por los más pobres, lo hacemos por Él.
Page 6
Saint John the Evangelist
April 19, 2015
Religious Education
Saint John School
Religious Education
‘Faithways’ Junior-High
Youth Ministry
Hispanic Ministry
Music Ministry
Dan Schuh
Ann McGinnis
Nicole Steele
Isaac Deken
Mary Moran
Julie Marner
760 944-8227
760 436-0664
760 753-4279
760 753-3679
760 436-4366
760 753-6254
Adult Faith
Perpetual Adoration
Perpetual Adoration (Spanish)
Centering Prayer
Liz Beiner
Ken Poggenburg
Lupe Cardona
Shirley Shetula
760 753-6254
760 635-2573
760 753-7784
760 525-6721
Altar Society
Boy Scouts
Cub Scouts
Catholic Men’s Fellowship
Culture of Life
Holy Name
Knights of Columbus
Saint Vincent de Paul
Religious Education
Classes on Monday (20)
Mondays Grades 1-6 at 4:15pm and 6:30pm
For more info, call Ann at 760 436-0664
[email protected]
Sunday Morning Preschool
For children ages 3 - 5, on Sundays, at the School.
Drop-off starts at 8:50am. Mom and Dad can pick-up
after the 9:00am Mass.
For info, call 760 436-0664
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Dismissal for Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes
place during the Sunday 9:00am Mass. Children in
Grades K-5 are encouraged to participate in this
special celebration of the Word.
Junior High Faithways
For Grades 7 and 8
Classes Monday (20) at 6:00pm
Nicole at 760 753-4279
[email protected]
Youth Ministry
Classes Sunday (19)
For more info, contact Isaac at 760 753-3679 or
[email protected]
Jan Bokoch
Blane Adessa
Richard Weston
David Pavnic / Chris Cammack
Jennifer Grethel
Olivia Reynaga
Rick Decker
John Brannon
Sandra Watson
Nettie March
760 944-9655
760 944-0626
760 230-6183
760 753-6254
760 753-6254
760 753-5230
760 753-6254
760 522-9969
760 753-3056
760 753-6254
Fresh Coffee and Delicious Donuts
Holy Name Society hosts coffee and donuts every Sunday after morning Masses. Come join us in the
Parish Hall!