Saint John Paul II Parish Parroquia San Juan Pablo II 4th Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 Saint John Paul II Parish: April 26, 2015 PAGE 2 Saint John Paul II Parish Mission Statement: Saint John Paul II Parish’s mission is to nourish the growth of individuals in their love of God and one another through the sacraments, public worship, personal prayer, Catholic education and the sharing of Time, Talent and Treasure. Welcome to Saint John Paul II Parish Welcome to all new families! Please register by calling or stopping by the parish office, or by downloading the registration form online. If your address changes or you move from the parish, please inform the parish office. Saint John Paul II Parish Office 406 W. Central Boulevard, Kewanee, IL 61443 Phone 309.852.4549—Fax 309.853.4106 Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 am-4 pm Email: [email protected] Website: Pastor………...……………..Fr. Johndamaseni (Fr. John) Zilimu [email protected] Deacons…………………………………………Mar&n VanMeltebeck …………………………………...……………………………...Dc. Ted Mock Finance Secretary……….………………………….Marjorie Dooley ……………………………fi[email protected] Administrave Assistant…………………………….Brenda Kuffel ………………………………offi[email protected] Maintenance ……………………………………………….Nate Nichols ………………………[email protected] Spanish Ministry Coordinator……………………..Maria Torres ………………………………………………………………...309-525-1398 Adult Choir Director …………………………………..Susan Welgat Organist…………………………………………………Abbie Hamilton …………………………………………….visita&[email protected] Folk Group Director …...Mike Berry .………..309-856-7506 …………………………………………………[email protected] Youth Ministry Coordinator………………….Brea Cinnamon ………………………………………………………[email protected] Director of Religious Educaon, CCD……Samantha Harker …309-540-9800 or…………………[email protected] Director of RCIA, Cemetery, Tribunal Notary Auditor: ……………………………………………. Deacon Mar&n VanMeltebeck …………………………… [email protected] Visitation Catholic School Where a Rich Heritage of Quality Catholic Education Awaits Your Child 101 S. Lexington Avenue, Kewanee, IL Email: [email protected] (309) 856-7451, Office hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am –3:00 pm School Principal—Sheila Cromien Principal …………………………………………………………….Sheila Cromien ……………………………………………[email protected] Secretary………………………………………………..Susan Welgat Finance ………….………………………………………...Dan DeSmit .……………………………………..visita&[email protected] Bullen Deadline: ARTICLES MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA EMAIL OR IN WRITING TEN DAYS PRIOR TO THE PUBLISHED DATE. offi[email protected] Schedule of Masses Tuesday: Wednesday - Thursday: Friday: Saturday Vigil: Sunday: 5:30 pm 8:00 am 8:30 am 4:30 pm 7:30 am 9:30 am Spanish Mass 1:00 pm All Masses are celebrated at Visitation Church, 410 W Central Blvd. Devotions & Sacramentals Rosary: Wednesday, 6:30 pm Visitation Church Eucharistic Adoration: Thursday, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Sign up sheet in front of the pulpit. Baptism: All baptisms will take place at Visitation Church the 1st & 3rd Sunday after 9:30 Mass. Please call the parish office to schedule a time. A free-will donation should be given to the clergy performing the baptism. Additionally, non-members will be charged a $50 Stole Fee. Baptism classes will be last Sunday of the month after 9:30 Mass. Marriage: Contact the Pastor at least 6 to 12 months in advance to schedule a wedding and begin marriage preparations. Reconciliation: Saturday, from 3:30—4:10 pm and 9:00 am—9:15 am Sunday, Visitation Church or by appointment. Visitation & Anointing of the Sick: Any person homebound, hospitalized, in the nursing home or advanced in years may notify the Parish Office to receive the Sacraments: Eucharist, Confession/Reconciliation, and Anointing. Parishioners from the Pastoral Care Ministry would be glad to visit. We also offer First Friday Communion Calls to the Homebound. Please call the Parish Office if you or someone you know would like to be visited monthly. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): Persons wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith or join our Catholic community should call Dc. Marty Director of RCIA. Quinceañera: The family must be registered and active parishioners for at least six months and living within the boundaries of the Peoria Diocese. The family must provide copies of baptismal and 1st Communion certificates. If the 15 year old girl is already confirmed, we also need a copy of the Confirmation certificate. All certificates must come from parishes supported by the Roman Catholic Rite. Reserve the date: A date may be reserved on the parish calendar 6 months in advance with a deposit of $187.50 with an additional $187.50 due1month before Quinceañera. Quinceañeras are scheduled on Saturdays at noon or 1pm at Visitation Church. Saint John Paul II Parish: April 26, 2015 PAGE 3 This Week @ Saint John Paul II Schedule & Intentions Monday, April 27 No Mass Tuesday, April 28 5:30 pm Visitation Church Sts. Peter & Montfort Catherine ‘Kay’ Brooks By Lu Rux 10:00 am Royal Oaks William Goard By Friends Wednesday, April 29 Saint Catherine of Siena 8:00 am Visitation Church Frank Mower By Dc. Marty Thursday, April 30 Saint Pius V 8:00 am Visitation Church Bob Heying By Karen Heying & Family Noon Mass Saint Luke MC Joanne Baker By Malamphy Sisters Friday, May 1 Saint Joseph 8:30 am Visitation Church Bonnie Bryan By Dc. Marty Saturday, May 2 Vigil 4:30 pm Visitation Church Monday, April 27, 2015 2:00 –8:00 pm: Parish Pictures at Visitation School Tuesday, April 28, 2015 10:00 am: Mass at Royal Oaks 5:50 pm: Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions 2:00– 8:00 pm: Parish Pictures at Visitation School Wednesday, April 29, 2015 1:00 pm: Grief Support Meeting, Lower level PC 7:00 pm: Confirmation Mass Thursday, April 30, 2015 8:30-5:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration 3:30—6:30 pm: Spring Clean up Visitation Campus 2:00-8:00 pm: Parish Pictures at Visitation School Friday, May 1, 2015 10:30 am: Mass at Courtyard Village 2:00 –8:00 pm: Parish Pictures at Visitation School Saturday, May 2, 2015 10:00 am—4:00 pm: Parish Pictures at Visitation School Sunday, May 3, 2015 May Crowning 9:30 am: Baccalaureate Mass followed by breakfast lower level of parish center. Paul Wright Prayer Request By Daughter Sunday, May 3 5th Sunday of Easter 7:30 am Visitation Church Kay Brooks By Maribeth Mikenas 9:30 am Visitation Church Rose Szakal By Dc. Marty 1:00 pm Visitation Church Spanish Mass Stewardship of Treasure Collection for April 18 & 19, 2015 Sunday Envelopes $ 5,528.00 Loose contributions $ 424.52 Church Building/Grounds $ 43.00 Debt Reduction $ 20.00 VCS Roof Fund $ 30.00 St. Vincent dePaul $ 10.00 Easter Offering $ 40.00 Visitation Build/Grounds $ 189.00 Religious Education donation $ 5,000.00 Visitation Grounds donation $ 250.00 Memorial Garden donation $ 150.00 Total: $ 11,684.52 Loving Father, welcome home those whom You have called from this world and grant peace and consolation to their families. Lorenzo Corral May all the souls of the faithfully departed rest in the loving presence of God. Tom Ahlgren Cari Bridgewater Rusty Lams Frank Bartok Leo Cromien Benjamin Brown Grady Calderon Jean Carlat Dick Clark Sid Douglas Gary Hine Rick Girkin Jessica Rist Irene Bridgewater Mary Jackson Terrie Keefner Dennis Sullivan Olga Larson Veronica Lepianka Annie Eastman Jerry Swearingen Eugene Carlson Dee & Milt Seyller Donna Tucker Margot Macaley Ray VanWassenhove Milly Mock Fran Verschage Don Nyert Dwaine Wager Patrick Paxton Bernie Zumber Rosemary Paxton Delores Seckman Sue Saigh Charlie Sauer Marie Sherbeyn Paul Donovan Sue Lincy Xavier Conlin Joann Clementz Isabela Martinez Readings for the April 26 Sunday Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 4:8-12; 1 Ps 118; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 Monday Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42; Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr; Saint Louis Grignion de Mon2ort, Priest Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Acts 12:24—13:5a; Ps 67; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday Saint Pius V, Pope Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89; Jn 13:16-20 Friday Saint Joseph the Worker Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday Fi5h Sunday of Easter Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Saint John Paul II Parish: April 26, 2015 PAGE 4 April 27,28,30 May 1 & 2 May 8 &9 Sign-up ANYTIME Online using the Parish Website: Saint John Paul II, St. Vincent dePaul Society would like to take a moment and thank all of the parishioners who participated in our Lenten Feed the Need project. Over 72 St. Vincent dePaul bags were turned in along with a few extras. Also, the First Communion Class of 2015 donated several bags of food. St. Vincent dePaul serves on average 40 families per month. We could not do this with out the support of our Catholic families. A Special thanks to Dean and Joline Oswald who helped kick off this project. Knights of Columbus, Santa Maria Council 734 Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 1:00 pm—2:00 pm Saint John Paul II Parish Center Lower Level For more information visit or call the parish office or Delores at 525-4447. Grief Support Group Holy Spirit, strengthen those to be Confirmed with your giGs of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, For&tude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord, and serve as a disciple of Christ. Grant that she/he may grow into the fullness of the stature of Christ. Fill her/him with the joy of your presence. Increase in her/him the fruit of your Spirit. Help her/him to experience and trust your dwelling within, so that she/he can count on your guidance today and every day. Show us the way to help one another become beJer disciples of Jesus Christ, sharing your love with our world and with each person we meet. Come, Holy Spirit! Come. Confirmaon: Wednesday, April 29, at 7 pm. Beginning in April we will meet once a month on the 4th Wednesday of the month. 3rd Degree will meet at 7:30 and 4th Degree immediately aGer. Beginning in May we will meet at the lower level of the Parish Center. Catholic Book Club Catholic Book Club is a ministry of the parish which thrives to teach more about our faith through books on the lives of saints, inspira&onal readings, discussions, and hearing about &mes and places related to the faith. We welcome any women of the parish who enjoy a good book to join us. We meet once a month from Sept. through May. If interested call the parish center or Delores at 525-4447 for more informa&on. Ben DeSmit, Jesse Baker, Ashley Dykema, Roni Whitmer. Please keep our military personnel in your prayers. Call the office to add or remove names. Saint John Paul II Parish: April 26, 2015 PAGE 5 Our Mission: “The mission of Visitation Catholic School is to inspire excellence and to develop future leaders for Christ, through quality education grounded in Catholic values, principles, and traditions. www.visita& or like us on Facebook! MarkYourCalendarsNow! April 26th—Athlec Banquet (11:30 am) April 29th—Confirmaon (7 pm) May 4th—Spring Program (6:30 pm) Calendar Winners Apr. 20—Greg Hawkins Apr. 21—Joan McKee Apr. 22—Irene Marcella Apr. 23—Kim Sellers Apr. 24—Jayne Grabowski Spring Fling Summary The Visita&on Spring Fling “Casino Night” was a huge success! Everything seemed to go off without a hitch, and everyone appeared to have an enjoyable &me. The food was AWESOME and our Jr. High servers impressed many people. Thanks to everyone who helped in any way. Spe- cial thanks to overall chairperson, Amelia Schiltz & her committee chair people. Your time and dedication to this major fundraiser is greatly appreciated. Approximately $17,000 was raised!!
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