2 0 1 5 M A Y 1 ST. MICHAEL Catholic School D E D I C AT E D T O S P I R I T UA L G RO W T H , AC A D E M I C E XC E L L E N C E , A N D S O C I A L D E V E L O P M E N T, T H E M I S S I O N O F S A I N T M I C H A E L C A T H O L I C S C H O O L I S T O P R E PA R E O U R S T U D E N T S T O L I V E T H E G O S P E L M E S S AG E I N A N E V E R C H A N G I N G , D I V E R S E W O R L D. From the Principal’s Office 5-1-15 “Sometimes things have to fall apart so that new things can fall together.” Author Unknown nnn Absentee Line: 952-447-2230 Call anytime your child is going to be tardy or absent. First Communion weekend has finally arrived for our second graders. Jesus in the Eucharist will be present in them for the very first time. The other Sacraments give us grace; the Holy Eucharist gives us not only grace but also the Author of all grace, Jesus, God and Man. I remember back to my own First Holy Communion with such fond memories. I was so excited to be in a beautiful white dress and shiny white shoes. This day, being so special to me, as it was the day that Jesus would be giving himself to me in the Eucharist. He would be forever in my heart and I was going to be his little princess from that day forward. Joy entered my heart that day in a special way, as I knew that he actually visited me. Jesus upheld His end of the bargain and has continued to enter my heart and soul in the Eucharist throughout the years. I can’t say that I have remained faithfully His little princess, good thing we have confession! Please take time to congratulate the second graders as they enter into a deeper relationship with Jesus. May Crowning Mass is this Wednesday, May 6th. The eighth grade class will be dressed in their finest clothes to honor Mary for saying yes to God. Lauryn Clay has the honor of being chosen to crown Mary queen of heaven and earth while the eighth graders sing Hail Mary Gentle Woman. The 2nd graders will be attending the school Mass in their First Communion outfits so that we can all celebrate their “2nd communion” as a school with them. Please come prepared with your cameras to take pictures of both our 8th and 2nd graders after Mass. Principal: Being selected, as the school principal, is a great honor to me. As your principal, I commit to assisting parents in handing on the faith to your children. Our Catholic faith and values will be embedded in all school programs and activities including integrating our faith across the curriculum. It is humbling to be selected for this position and its responsibilities. Thank you to all of you that are entrusting this responsibility to me. I will work my hardest to continue the high academic standards St. Michael’s is known for and to keep our school, our family through Christ Jesus. Blessings, Laurie Maxwell Children’s Mass Mr. Dekker’s 8th grade class is planning the Children’s Mass and May Crowning on Wednesday, May 6th at 8:00 a.m. May food shelf collection: Beans (cans or bags) FAITH COMMUNITY Please remember our St. Michael Community in your prayers the week of May 4th. Pat Casey Rhonda Zweber Barb Stark Sheridan Hafdal Loretta Eller Upcoming Events for May 4 - May 10, 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Chess 2:15 Robotics 7 pm MPR Children’s Mass and May Crowning 8:00 am Flag & Safety Patrol field trip Nickelodean 10:30 - 3:45 7th grade Park Square Theater 8:45 - 1:30 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Check out our Media Center website: https://sites.google.com/a/saintmpl.org/mrsmeidllibrarymediaspecialist/ Interested in being a Book Fair Organizer or Volunteer for our BOGO or Fall Book Fair? Contact: Mrs. Meidl at 952-447-9036 or [email protected] 2014-15 YEARBOOK Yearbooks are only $20 and a great keepsake for all ages. Orders are limited so hurry and order before it’s too late! School ID code is 12368115. https://ybpay.lifetouch.com Narnia: The Ballet: Friday, May 8, 7:00pm Saturday, May 9, 2:00pm Saturday, May 9, 7:00pm Sunday, May 10, 2:00pm See 4th g rader , Mari a LoPr esto, p e rform! AMES CENTER (formerly Burnsville Performing Arts Center). TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Tickets: from $18-$34, in person at the Ames Center Box Office, or via Ticketmaster at 800-982-2787 or at http://www.ticketmaster.com/Twin-Cities-Ballet-of…/…/1791376 Discounts for groups of 10 or more! Athletic Breakfast - May 14: Students and families that participated in volleyball (5th - 8th Grade), basketball (4th - 8th Grade), baseball, softball, and spring golf are invited to attend the Athletic Breakfast. The event will be held in the school gym and will begin at 6:30am. Donuts, coffee, and juice will be provided. Golf Tournament Save the Date: The Annual St. Michael Blues Golf Tournament will be held on Sunday, September 13th, 2015. The fundraiser will be held at Legend's Golf Club with a 1:30 shotgun start time. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Wentzel or Megan Ames at [email protected]. Math Academy for students entering high school or in high school Sister Melissa will offer Math Academy this summer. The concept is to provide math materials in a study group/discussion format. Classes are two weeks in duration, meeting either two or four days/week. Classes offered: Intermediate Algebra/Geometry, Honors Geometry/Algebra 2, Honors Algebra 2, Into to Logic and Proof, Crazy for Conics. Contact Sister Melissa or the school office for more information and a registration form. Class sizes are limited. Academic All-Stars We are in need of a parent/parents to coordinate the Academic All-Star event scheduled for Thursday, May 28th from 3:00-4:30 at the Archangels Hall. The event honors those students in 7th & 8th grade who have made the high honor roll. Light snacks are provided. Detailed information is available to assist with the planning. If able, please contact Jo Gabbard at [email protected] or 952-447-4062 Save the Date Lakefront Days Parade - we need you to join us in the parade. Saturday, August 8th at 10:30 am. Contact school office if you can join us. 447-2124 Putt for Pete Putt for hydrocephalus research and awareness for our very own Pete Bigalk. See attached flyers. Summer Splash with the School Sisters of Notre Dame: a weekend for girls who are completing sixth, seventh or eighth grade and their moms (or significant female adults). Mom and daughter alumnae from any previous Summer Splash are also welcome. Held at Our Lady of Good Counsel Campus (170 Good Counsel Drive, Mankato, MN 56001), beginning at 1:00 p.m. Friday, June 26 until 6:00 p.m. Saturday, June 27. Cost - $75 per mother/daughter pair. Includes a blend of activities designed to strengthen the mother-daughter connection while providing an inside look at the Sisters’ lives. See www.ssndcentralpacific.org/summer-splash-2015 for more information and to register. Questions? Contact Sister Dorothy Zeller, SSND (507-514-2296 or [email protected]). Kindergarten Prep and Kindergarten visit Casey’s Farm. What a beautiful day! Thank you to the Casey’s for your wonderful hospitality. On behalf of the Sacristan committee, we would like to Thank all those who have joined in & have considered helping out at the school masses! We are still prayerful that there are a couple more persons willing to be part of this wonderful ministry! The commitment is low & the reward is Huge! Rotating Wednesdays every 3-‐5+ weeks! Important Media Center News! -Children's Book Week May 4-10, 2015 -Screen Free Week May 4-10, 2015 -Final Book Club-Tuesday, May 5 - 2:15-3:00 PM -All books (exception-MHL nominees, series or books needed for projects) need to be returned by May 18, 2015 -Please use the SOTN & MHL nominees as summer reading lists for your students. (We have many of the new nominees & I have ordered some of that we did not have.) -Scholastic BOGO Book Fair dates May 27-29 (Book Fair arrives 5/26 D rotation. We will try & have it set up for classes to do their preview that day. Preschool-5th grade will preview during their scheduled rotation time. 6th-8th grade will have to schedule a time.) -Summer Reading Program information listed on Weekly Media Center Update which is on my web page. -I will have a summer reading log sheet (possible folder) for Preschool-6th grade students by 6/8/15. Month of May - Media Center Review & TRAILS testing (3rd-5th Grade) Student news Students speak out for Justice On Tuesday, April 28th three College students representing an organization called LINK, “Liberty for North Korea” visited St. Michaels 8th Grade Social Studies Class. They are on a ten-week speaking tour traveling across the United States and Canada. Their leader was Elaine Chiu and her assistants were Jake and Alyssa. Their zeal for freedom and justice were evident in the message they delivered. North Korea is run by a cruel dictator named Kim Jong Un. He rules with an iron fist over the country. Any Koreans that try to escape Communist North Korea risk torture, imprisonment and execution”. LINK is involved in educating the public about how Americans can help the suffering people of North Korea. They also help escapee’s from Communist North Korea find safety and stable relocation. Korea is a peninsula on the east coast of Asia where Americans fought from 1950 – 1953 and over 50’000 died for freedom and democracy. The nation is split along the 38th Parallel today and a war could resume at any time. The 38th Parallel or DMZ is nearly impossible to cross by anyone because of armed guards and landmines. Those who escape often travel from North Korea through China and on to freedom through South East Asia. Link has contacts in Southeast Asia. Escapees have created a covert network in China of safe houses, passages and routes similar to the underground RR of the Old Southern United States. Students were very curious and asked questions and took notes. It was a very special day, very informative and very inspiring. For more information you can contact LINK on line at www.libertyinnorthkorea.org Future Leaders of Scott County Day Members from Scott County local government visited St. Michael School in April this year. They gave a presentation on local government in Minnesota to the 8th Graders in Mr. Olson’s Social Studies Class and talked specifically about Scott County government. Scott County Representative and former St. Michal Parent Barb Marshall was one of the Presenters. She spoke about townships and cities in Scott County and answered questions on Federal and State government. She also offered students an opportunity to apply to be chosen for a special day of learning called “Future Leaders of Scott County Day”. Katelyn Maqsudi was chosen from St. Michael school and wrote about her terrific experience. “I was selected to go to Future Leaders Day in Scott County. There I had an amazing time where I got to spend time with my friends and meet new people. Once I was there everyone was given mentors who showed us around Scott County. We learned so much about the jobs in Scott County and how beneficial they all are in making the county successful. After that we got to do a Mock Trial. I was allowed to be the defense attorney where I was responsible for delivering my client's case. Although I sadly lost it was interesting watching my friend who was the deputy arrest someone with handcuffs for the first time. Through this experience I learned so much and would definitely do it again.” ! ! The dates for the NWEA spring testing are May 4-8 and May 11-15. Please make sure your child gets proper rest and has a healthy breakfast and lunch these weeks. SUMMER TUTORS Mr. Whalton Mrs. Vochoska Math only 952-884-0467 Grades 1-8 [email protected] Any subject [email protected] Any grade Sister Melissa Math only [email protected] Grades: entering 9-12 Mrs. DeGross Any subject [email protected] Grades 2-4 Ms. Johannes Any subject [email protected] Elementary Mrs. Groehler Any subject Any grade(limited number of students) [email protected] RAISING FUNDS for HYDROCEPHALUS RESEARCH & AWARENESS COMPANY SPONSORSHIPS • WITH GOLF • HOSTED BY: A GOLD LEVEL SPONSOR – $5000 • Two foursomes in tournament with reserved lunch seating for 8 and golf gift • Event sponsor, exclusive hole sponsor, event signage, logo included in media and presentation B SILVER LEVEL SPONSOR – $2500 • One foursome in tournament with reserved lunch seating for four • Exclusive hole sponsor, event signage, logo included in media and presentation C CART SPONSOR – $2500 • One foursome in tournament with reserved lunch seating for four PETE IS A FIRST GRADER AT ST. MIKE’S IN PRIOR LAKE, AND HE WANTS YOUR HELP. LL SKI A ll VEL S ! LE ITE D INV When: D EAGLE SPONSOR – $1250 • One foursome in tournament with reserved lunch seating for four • The Stats • • Exclusive hole sponsorship, logo included in media and presentation recognition FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 2015 Where: THE WILDS GOLF CLUB, PRIOR LAKE, MN T ime: • Exclusive cart sponsor with signage in all event carts, logo included in media and presentation E BIRDIE SPONSOR – $850 • One foursome in tournament with lunch for four 8 AM SHOT GUN START; LUNCH AT 1 PM • Shared hole signage, logo included in media and presentation recognition • REGISTER at LOVEPETE.COM • ADDRESS : 5572 Candy Cove Trail, Prior Lake, MN 55372 | PHONE: MORE OPTIONS ON BACK 612-801-0729 | WEBSITE: www.lovepete.com | E-MAIL: > [email protected]
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