1 salt angel blue so, what is it? 2 A note from the Editor in chief By Kris Makuch “I think I want to start an online magazine” Famous last words as a thought turned into a Facebook post, which turned into an eager email exchange, which turned into an expectation. Well, that went better than intended. The thought came whilst I was laying out an article for a client brochure on the effects of technology on the wealth management sector. I was completely on auto-pilot, internally debating if a fifth coffee before 2pm is excessive, when a little neuronotification started to bounce in my skull. “You could do this... I have no idea what I’m doing 3 “You know loads of interesting people, who have loads to say on a whole load of weird and wacky topics, which are more reader-friendly than the regulatory concerns of investment bodies”. head in the clouds award 2015 All I would need to do is capture their thoughts, neatly package them up and release them online. Simple! If ever there was a prize for people that get carried away, they’d have to send it to me tied to a helium balloon. Because I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve never produced a magazine before. I can barely produce myself for work every morning. It turns out to be a lot trickier than I’d thought (both getting to work and the magazine). This became evidently clear when I was asked such questions as: “What’s the theme?/ How are you going to release it?/ How will you get people to read it?” To which the answer was nearly always the same. “Ummm... Well... What do you think we should do?” Fortunately, to this I was always provided with unique responses that I’d never have thought of myself. And as if by magic, there sat the underlying intention of my initial thought... It’s an open brief. It’s a collaborative project. It’s a creative platform. It’s a digital playground where imagination writes the rules. It’s an opinion piece. It’s a review. It’s a drawing. It’s a confession. It’s an insight into the lives of people that have something to say. And so here is Issue 000, the template to build upon, the kick to get the ball rolling. So I implore you to read on my friend. Take notes. Send feedback. Write an article. Get involved. Let’s do something different for a change. by Kris Makuch If ever there was a prize for people that get carried away, they’d have to send it to me tied to a helium balloon. 4 This issue So what is it? salt angel blue #000 May 2015 salt angel blue Do we really need a smartwatch? e rry h ’t wo ou. n o D y likes still Confessions of a non alcoholic Fast and Furious 7 the review 1 x macbook; 3 x sleepless nights; 1 x website domain; 1 x magazine design; 1 x desktop website design; a few rounds of Kyla La Strange, Dillon and Paramores’ latest albums; many gin & tonics, craft beers and nespresso coffees; and countless hours Googling ‘how to create a magazine’, all went into the making of this issue Thanks Visit our website at saltangelblue.co.uk To subscribe head to saltangelblue.co.uk/ subscribe.html To submit feedback head to saltangelblue.co.uk/ideas. html For general enquiries email saltangelblue.co.uk/contact. html 5 subscribe YES! THIS IS A FREAKIN’ AWESOME IDEA! Whether you want to read the mag, write an article, or just have a particular fondness for clicking buttons... Sign up and join the community to keep up to date with saltangelblue! Your email will be used to as a means to keep you up to date with our news. Now, stop reading and get involved! go to saltangelblue.co.uk/subscribe for more info 6 So what is it? I was sitting in a windowless office by the vending machine, sipping the turgid filth that, in my opinion, was incorrectly labelled as coffee, thinking that somebody should be sued for false advertising, when I received the message. “Write something” it said, “just one little article. It could be anything. About technology, culture….or Sesame street.” “Hmmm…..why not!” I thought. Now although I appreciate that Sesame Street has cemented itself firmly in the cultural heritage of a generation, thanks mainly to the moral teachings of a huge fluffy yellow bird – but also the unforgettable comic genius and questionable educational value of mumbling martian puppets shouting “Cow” through windows at telephones (I’d love to see that show get approved for production today!) - and love that, due to Youtube and the wonders of the modern age, this delight is still less than a minute away from even your most amply educated technology junkie, I still have no idea what to write about. I say still, those were just my first thoughts. “Hmmm....what to write…” So let’s start at the beginning. In the beginning there was nothing but the proverbial blank slate. The empty page. The block of marble yet to become the Venus di Milo. The penultimate breath before the very first brush stroke of the Mona Lisa. Nothing but anticipation of the countless untold possibilities that could be achieved through the medium of liberal expression. And then, in a way incomprehensibly less impressive than the Big BANG (more of a DING really), followed a Facebook thread sprinkled with a few “likes,”. In pockets across the length and breadth of England there were general mutterings of “yes please”, “why not”, the occasional “Hell Yeah!” and “I suppose so”. There was something. The Idea. And this is it. You’re reading it…or a least part of it. Exciting! So what is it? Excellent question. I, along with several others, have been coaxed (quite easily I admit), by the Mysterious Mr Koo, a strange and deeply disturbing human being with way too much time to sit and think of Ideas. I’ve been tasked to write something that you good readers and readettes might actually want to hear. I wish I could say that we know what we are doing, where we’re going, what we are talking about…or why we are doing it for that matter? Or even how this article will end. It’s our first attempt you see. I guess you’ll have to wait for clarification from the man with The Idea. We are a generally pleasant (a very all-encompassing term in my opinion, much like beige, which although generally pleasant is normally used to cover up the 7 possibilities of hidden depths and divisive personality traits), bunch of willing writers eager to spout forth our refreshingly perceptive and entertaining thoughts, musings and opinions unto the world. Some of us are clever, some of us are funny, some of us are both and some of us are something entirely different altogether. Some of us can even think without moving our lips so, you’re in for a real treat. While we’re on the subject, I’m also fairly sure at some point at least one of us has spent a large amount of time running around dressed as a horned beast on a boat, trying to hide in people’s cabins. Even I, myself have the odd anecdote. I was once sick underwater in Mexico. It was a delightfully unique experience, but not something I recommend or want to repeat. I’m also sure at least one of us has climbed a three storey house to sit on chimney. In summary, I have no idea what we will try to tell you through magical medium of magazine. So there you go. You have been warned. Having been speaking for a little while and not saying a lot (quite apt, given that it’s election season) I should probably wrap things up. From the very brief and, frankly, poor instructions I’ve been given at this point by His Mysteriousness, I guess The Idea is somewhere between the Ikea and the Tesco of your magazine world (or is it M&S and Waitrose?). It has all the shelves and draws and bits you need to develop any kind of mental home you prefer and has things you need to fill up your newly furnished home without travelling to far away. Sounds dangerous. Now although in future I would like to take the TS Elliot approach to inspiration, my turgid filth will have to do for now. Toodles. By James Hornsby 8 ? GOT A SUGGESTION click here or go to saltangelblue.co.uk/ideas 9 Do we really need a smartwatch? Resident ‘techspert’ Jonathan Fox takes a look at all of the recent hype behind the Apple watch Imagine the scenario. You’re basking in the glorious English sun, sunglasses on, cold beer in hand. It’s Saturday afternoon, everyone is mildly less aggressive than usual and work is a mere cloud on the horizon. You are relaxed. Then suddenly: “FZZZZZZ, FZZZZZZ” You’ve left it inside. “FZZZZZZ, FZZZZZZ” It’s probably your Mum letting you know your Grandmas coping well with the new hip. “FZZZZZZ, FZZZZZZ” “FZZZZZZ, FZZZZZZ” If only there was some way of reaching it without getting out of your comfy camp chair. If only there was a way where your phone was physically strapped to you for such circumstances as this. Sh*t! That’s your phone. If only... “FZZZZZZ, FZZZZZZ” ..... 10 OK. So a pretty exaggerated point to start with, but you get the idea. Smart watches could so easily be deemed as another excuse to further ‘lazify’ the human race. And one of the big contenders stepping up on the racetrack sidelines offering a giant lazyboy, is Apple with their new Apple Watch. But is it lazy? Or is this another great invention from apple that can really have an effect on our day-to-day lives. Remember, these are the guys that came up with the greatest invention so far this millennia; the iPod. That handy little trinket that sits comfortably in your pocket holding every song you’ve ever enjoyed at any time. That handy device that kickstarted the apple revolution and lead them to the global superstars that they are today. Surely the guys that hold such a high-profile wouldn’t be releasing something just to save you from having to go to the effort of moving our hands to our groin to pick up a call. Well maybe. The world is changing. Rapidly. We are in the first minute, of the first day of the full impacts if the internet revolution. Every cool device, gadget and app, that is making your life that bit easier than our Victorian brethren is just the beginning of things to come. The internet of things, isn’t just a terribly coined phrase, it’s actually a big deal that will have a huge impact on our culture, lives and future. As a species we are quickly diving head first into a fully connected world where immersed in an automated reality. Imagine a world where your fridge knows when you’re running out of beer and puts in your next order for you. A world where your house appliances automatically brighten and dimmer depending on which room you are in. A world where you can physically shake the hand of someone on the other side of the world over the web (well kinda, it’s through electrostatic vibration, but still...) Soon you’ll be able to touch the internet... and it’ll touch you back! So in that regard, a smartwatch isn’t a bad idea at all. In that world, a smartwatch will be an important access point measuring our location, health and habits. But it’s still a massive challenge. Teenagers generally don’t wear watches anymore for starters, then there’s the issue of battery life, as well as durability and don’t even get me started on the price-tag... 11 But this is where the genius of the Apple machine picks up a gear in it’s innovative engine. They aren’t following the same model as the iPod, the iMac and the iPad. The rules have changed. They know the long-term benefits of getting into the smartwatch market early, but they’re also well aware that it’s too pricy for most people. The current thought process of the average consumer should be: Do I have £300 to spare? Plus insurance? Do I have an iPhone5 or higher to link it too (it doesn’t work without one)? Am I buying the Apple watch for other reasons than just to show off (seriously)? Will you be able to deal with everyone wanting to touch and play with it? Do you find wearing a watch comfortable? Only if they answer yes to these questions are they really likely to consider splashing out. So how do you sell something that is too expensive to buy? Well apparently, you give it some premium branding, place it as a luxury fashion accessory and sell it to the more affluent end of society. Add some gold and silver editions for good measure just to really emphasize the sheer splendor of this opulent amulet, and get some well placed and influential friends to parade their well tanned wrists through the streets of Silicon Valley. In one well placed swoop Apple become the highest earning smartwatch provider, feeding the vainglorious appetites of the ‘instafamous’ and ‘instarich’, until the price of parts and labour fall to the point where Apple can release the watch at a price that the average consumer, being teased and taunted through tube and tabloid, can finally afford. This is all gifted to Apple while being stylishly wrapped up in the beautiful bow of being the first tech company to jump the hard-wired fence of the tech space, into the high-brow oasis of the fashion industry. 12 Boom. If were wearing a Smart Watch now I would asking Siri for shares. So do we really need a smartwatch? No.... Not yet. The apps aren’t up to scratch yet, the tech between operating systems isn’t fluid and the user experience isn’t intuitive. But we will. Given the pace of developments of the tech world, smart watches will be as common as iPads by about 2017. And they won’t replace smartphones. They’ll simply co-exist. We’ll need them to tap into our homes, to check our health and to reach our online social life. So in future those Sunny Saturday afternoons when your Mum rings to tell you that your Grandma is coping well with the new hip. You’ll simply have no excuse not to answer. by Jonathan Fox 13 life without the right coffee... DESPRESSO ESPRESSO MACCHIATTO steamed foam ESPRESSO CON PANNA whipped cream espresso single/double shot espresso single/double shot espresso LATTE CAPPUCCINO FLAT WHITE steamed foam steamed foam steamed foam hot milk hot milk hot stretched milk* single/double shot espresso single/double shot espresso single/double shot espresso LATTE MACCHIATTO MOCCHA AMERICANO steamed foam steamed foam shot espresso hot milk hot water hot milk hot milk chocolate syrup single/double shot espresso single/double shot espresso To achieve the non-frothy texture the steamed milk is poured from the bottom of the jug, holding back the lighter froth on the top in order to access milk with smaller bubbles, making the drink smooth and velvety in texture. 14 DEMANDING DOG? LET CAROLE DO THE IRONING The ironing service of the north east 15 Confessions of a nonalcoholic by Rebecca Schriebbe Everyone knows how it feels to wake up myself in?); and leaning really very intentionally despairing about their behaviour the night close against my non-single housemate. Who I before, but Rebecca thinks she’s been there don’t fancy. And THEN... I woke up. just one time too many... Of course, I didn’t just wake up. This isn’t primary school story-writing and I wasn’t hey’re free because we’re on the guest list.’ having a bad dream. I was having a bad night ‘All 16. Oh yeh I bate it. Wait. Bit, I bit it. I bite, I - a ruinous, got kicked out of Inferno’s, in bed bit. My lip.’ by one after trying to escape from Macca’s With my nail. With my nail? Ow that nail sure is (how many nuggets does it take to neutralise BROKEN now. Oh. My nail is really to the bone 4 double measure?), exposed the schoolgirl crush I’ve kept secret for months, and wasted broken. Ow. Why is my lip bleeding. my birthday outfit, night. These, are my last coherent thoughts. My last memories, are: queuing; being inside (did I pay ‘T 16 I’ve been planning my 27th birthday night out for about a month. I bought three outfits, had my legs waxed and applied fake tan. I made a playlist, bought some olives and tidied my house for the pre-drinks. But somehow, here we are with nothing but evidence to the contrary. Ripping Danny’s shirt open in Inferno’s, scattering buttons and integrity, pales in comparison to my worst moments. Telling him I fancy him from my favourite resting spot under the I’ve been planning not to get drunk kitchen table (legs akimbo, natch) can for my 27th birthday night out for be brushed off as drunken jesting. about three months, since the last time I made a drunken fool of myself At least there were no floor prints on and consequently pushed away all my white pillowcase skirt, where I’d my loved ones that extra irreparable hung out with Nameless in the pisteinch. That time culminated in me side skidoo shed. At least I wasn’t lost running away from my mum on in the woods in my (underage) haste to New Year’s Eve at our neighbours’ escape the police. At least I didn’t have annual party, diving&sliding under to shower chunks of my own vomit the dining table and hugging my out of my hair, didn’t tear my muscle friend’s dad’s legs. attempting the splits, lose my bagshoespursecardigancoat keysphoneI’ve been planning on not getting so cameramakeup, wake up naked on the drunk I become crazy/ emotional/ floor, wake up fully dressed on the floor, angry/ dysfunctional/ disorderly/ smoke, consume my weight in garlic teary/ vommy/ unconscious/ sauce, pull a stranger, pull a friend, or uncontrollable/ borderline shout at a loved one or several. schizophrenic (yes I’ve checked all these boxes) for years. When I was At least I hadn’t felt obliged to yell younger the morning after would be that JE NE PREND PAS LES DROGUES, hilarious, all the ‘crazy’ things we’d STEVE just because I’d passed out in done the night before! Now I wake the loos, he’d kicked the door open, up to a pit of shame harbouring in and arranged for me to be dragged my gut. (literally) up a mountain to my bed. At least I hadn’t boarded a number 12 at Oxford Circus going south and woken up on a 148 going west at Holland Park an undefined amount of time later (TFL their routes, friends, and The alleged events with which she then riddle me that.) filled my blanks included kissing her and peeing in the sea. He carried I refrained from taking my dress me into my parents’ house (‘hi, I’m off in the street. I didn’t find myself Aaron’) at 9.30pm. inexplicably in a car park and decide to climb into a stranger’s car. I didn’t That morning I had all the dread. I get taken home by the police. effing hate myself. And I’m not even I didn’t fall down a staircase on a swearer. Mortified did not cover it. pimps&hoes night and wake up with I well and truly learnt my lesson. fishnet imprinted into my thigh and One morning, aged 17, I woke up half naked covered in sand with a text from my friend saying: ‘don’t worry he still likes you.’ ’t w Don k li still “No, this is by no means the complete greatest hits. The point here is, I remember not one second of any of the above.” 17 y he r r o w u. o y s ke a vertical gouge down my forehead. Because I’m also the girl who still There was not an all-out temper has a great time when she’s sober. tantrum when the music stopped. I’ve actually had countless perfectly well-behaved good-drunk Big Nights I’ve outwitted the guy who followed Out. I’m smart, healthy, blessed with me off the bus in a quiet suburb of great friends and a perfectly nice Hamburg at 5am on a pitch black life. For these reasons I can’t bear to January morning; I’ve booked a apologise when I’ve been in a state, tattoo appointment in a holiday because it sounds like I’m fishing for resort, to be greeted reassurance I don’t with a page of my “I’m the girl you deserve. (Hey, it’s OK most secret thoughts see sitting on the to get smashed on and doodlings when xyour own birthday, platform with her I went to complain babes!) I claim these and ask for my head in her hands at nights strike without deposit back the rhyme or reason, but Sunday noon.” next day. That same they only mystery holiday I lost a flip-flop in the harbour really is why some nights I knowingly and attempted to jump the 10ft drop go overboard and others I’m a totally to reclaim it, then found a different normal drinker. pair of my shoes at a phone box I’d visited 24 hours earlier when I’d lost One friend asked are you stressed all belongings, friends and senses. with anything you might not realise? It’s easy to go crazy to release what I once hot-footed it from my brother your mind is going through without in a hotel lobby as the transfer coach you even knowing it, she said. (Yes, I pulled up, because I’m afraid of live with a psycho-analyst, she said.) planes and I’d rather marry a holiday rep and waitress in an end-of-the- This is a nice theory. But even if it earth fishing village for the rest of my were true it wouldn’t change what life anyway. I’m doing to my body, my reputation, my friendships, my sanity. No, this is by no means the complete greatest hits. The point Getting like this isn’t OK, only I don’t here is, I remember not one second know how to fix it. In the meantime, of any of the above. here’s to dry May. Tesco do a great half price Prosecco... I’m the girl you see sitting on the platform with her head in her hands by Rebecca Schriebbe at Sunday noon. No she’s not about to vom, she’s dying of shame. She can’t handle her drink and you’re so glad you’re nothing like her anymore. I’m the girl who should know better. And trust me, I do. For me The Hangover wasn’t a funny film but a story with a serious moral. 18 7 FAST& FURIOUS THE REVIEW By Philip Airson “ “ The story is insane and the acting is like watching drunk babies! 19 Our film fan Phil is tempted to unleash his inner boy-racer after watching the latest offering. Get your guns at the ready. I am not ashamed to admit that although I had been dubious of the petrol-head car-porn Fast and Furious franchise, I was sucked in by the charm of Fast number five. Since then, I have become giddy at the thought of the new releases. The films grasp at something childlike in my heart. The adult in me knows they are dumb - the story is insane, and the acting is like watching drunk babies. But every time I walk out wanting to call my friends ‘family,’ buy muscle T-shirts, and drive my crappy car making vrrrum noises. This film didn’t disappoint, the stunts were awesome and when Paul Walker jumped off a bus I literally yelled: “Oh God! What if he doesn’t make it?” There was one confusing, awful moment where man-baby Vin Diesel takes his amnesia-stricken girlfriend (who’s really his wife but she doesn’t know it - seriously) to a special surprise which he calls a ‘race war.’ Now, I’m pretty sure he could have googled the term before throwing it around like that, because it’s not what you’re thinking. It was bass music and car racing - not like the bad race wars of history. Another issue I had was with The Rock. Don’t get me wrong, I, like all men, see The Rock as the pinnacle of what I could achieve in life, even though I’ll never wake up Samoan. He first appears in a great fight seqeunce with protagonist and all around b*stard Jason Statham. Then we don’t see him for almost the entire film, until he just tears off the medical equipment that’s been kept him out of action for the duration, smashes an ambulance into a fighter drone, steals it’s minigun and shoots a bag of grenades attached to a helicopter (seriously.) I’m also assuming sleeves on shirts were banned on set, as the guns were out like an NRA convention. Baby oil sales tripled must have during filming. And I don’t think Michelle Rodriguez should be allowed to attempt emotion in anything ever. Robot roles only from now on, please. This film captures what is beautiful about the last two: it’s bloody good, nonsensical fun! I imagine if I were American I would have started a USA chant, however I’m British so I just gave it a polite nod and politely tipped my top hat. Although you could make a pretty lethal game drinking at every use of a spin camera, or quick shots over a dance beat, I could still watch these films any day. The tribute to Paul Walker at the end was touching, though the uncomfortable amount of smiling did make me feel weird. Nonetheless, go buy a vest, shave your head, and see this film! 20 It is alive! saltangelblue.co.uk 21 FIGHT FOR EVERY HEARTBEAT IN THE NEXT GOVERNMENT Urgent political action is needed to improve outcomes for people affected by cardiovascular disease (CVD) Join the debate on @BHFpolicy or find out more at bhf.org.uk/ge2015 our team 22 Kris Makuch Editor in chief Rebecca Schrieber Assistant Editor James Hornsby Contributor Jonathan Fox Contributor ? Phil Airson Contributor You! Future Contributor 23 thanks A huge thanks to all that contributed to the opening episode. You are bold, brave and Now thoroughly entertaining. A special thanks what? to Rebecca the editor, you could make even the most drunken or The next steps are to continue momentum, rambles appear cohesive. produce issue two and get a sense of regularity to the project. With that comes a view key tasks. We need to check the interaction, look at the alternative platforms and build up the community. None of this will happen over night. Baby steps my friends. By issue 001 the aims are to: Create the mobile version of the website. Gauge the readership and engagement Get feedback from said readership And most importantly, tell more stories. Get up. Get in touch. Get involved! We need you! You have a story, you have ideas, you have a voice. Get involved. Write us an article! Be in the next issue! Email us at: [email protected] 24 saltangelblue.co.uk issue one coming soon...
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