sample mounting Marek Bartkowiak What this talk will NOT be about • will not provide THE solution • will not provide drawings for a holder • will not give a specific design Sample mounting from the scattering point of view only sample is exposed to the beam => held by “nothing” • any other amount of material in the beam needs to be minimized => surrounded by “nothing” • additional material should be far away from sample => for better differentiation • from the cryogenic point of view sample mounted on a well conducting holder CONFLICT => can be significant amount in beam • assure good thermal contact between sample and holder => use of some sort of glue or fixture => even more material in beam • reduce other sources of heat => radiation shields around the sample • For neutron scattering SE the situation is much better than for X-ray there exists a selection of metals and insulators with low neutron absorbtion or scattering cross-section Thermal Conductivity Pobell 1992 sample holder • • • • sample holder contact resistance sample thermal radiation sample heated mainly by thermal radiation radiation heat flows through the contact between sample and holder thermometer usually not mounted on sample thermometer measures temperature of holder radiation heat load black body radiation spectrum 300K 77K 4K radiation power of a black body radiator (Stefan-Boltzmann law) Stefan-Boltzmann constant for a grey (non-ideal) body radiation heat transfer heat transfer between surface A1 and A2 P… radiation power F… view factor using for 2 long concentric cylinders: material typ. ε paint 0.9 glass 0.9 Copper polished 0.05 Copper oxidized 0.85 Aluminium foil 0.04 Aluminium as bought 0.1 T of hot surface max. heat load (K) neglecting Tcold (mW/cm2) 300 46 77 0.2 4 1.4x10-6 (1nW/cm2) radiation shield radiation heat load is taken by the shield sample will equilibrate to a temperature close to thermometer BUT How long does this take? How can this time be shortened? exchange gas solid contact exchange gas hydrostatic limit free molecular regime l << d; l..mean free path l >> d; l..mean free path thermal conductivity independent of pressure mean free path for Helium Ekin 2006 thermal conductivity is a function of pressure and energy transfer to the surfaces (accommodation coefficients) For 2 surfaces with 1 Surface at room temperature and Helium as gas: White&Meeson, 2002 Catarino, Cryogenics 48 (2008),17-25 for Tlow : 4K A : 1m2 p : 10-7mbar heat load: 2mW exchange gas without radiation shield • • è è thermal gradients in the gas column can drive convection sample temperature can be significantly higher than thermometer reading sample temperature can fluctuate with radiation shield BETTER!! radiation shield keeps thermal gradients small superfluid film Thermal conductivity is huge Thermal conductivity is difficult to predict depends on the actual setup thermal heat load drives superfluid film flow Nacher, J Low Temp Phys 97 (1994), 417 this is a good possibility to couple a sample if the heat load is small solid contact • • • Solid/solid contacts at low temperatures become limiting factor for heat flow this is true even for metal/metal joints interface heat transport proportional to contact Area Solder joints have highest conductivity BUT may alter the sample • pressed m/m contacts show conductivity 100x higher than predicted by WiedemannFranz-law BUT compression force is high 500N for Cu/Cu • varnish, grease, epoxy can be used to increase contact area BUT may introduce hydrogen compounds in the beam (increased background) • usually not applicable to sample mounting contact resistance metal-metal Bermann,Nature 182 (1958) 1661 Ekins metal (soft)-dielectric(hard) thermal transport across interface by phonons only acoustic mismatch theory applicable ==> Kapitza resistance Kapitza resistance acoustic mismatch theory Thermal Boundary or Kapitza-Resistance Snell‘s law of refraction critical angle of total reflection not all acoustic waves hitting the for lq. helium and copper 4° Kaptiza-Resistance occurs boundary are allowed to penetrate at any solid-solid, liquid-solid interface some will be reflected (totalfraction reflection) of phonons incident within critical angle Partciular problematic for liquid helium because of the low sound velocity Pobell Lammi 2009 - 28 powder samples Powder is like a bunch of single crystal samples most of the grains are not in direct contact with holder cooling relies only on the thermal contact between powder grains è for metals è sintered materials coolant fills the voids between grains è increases contact area è adds to background additional radiation shield reduces heat load on sample container lower thermal gradients filler materials metal powder (Cu) can be mixed with sample and pressed to a pellet è these pellets can be conductive even if the sample is insulating con: background of Cu + crystal peaks mixtures of deuterated methanol+ethanol è easy to apply can be removed by evaporation, not crystalline background con: may be similar amount of material as sample, expensive Helium wet cell è optimal filling of voids, fully removable con: needs He leak tight container + gas handling and filling capillaries, inelastic signal (rotons) Helium film (overpressure filled) è only thin film on sample (low background) fully removable, no GH and capillaries con: leak tight container at overpressure (10bar+); wetting of sample depends on grain size and sample amount takeaway lesson • • • • • • • choose the right sample holder material (background vs. thermal coupling) Copper clamp contact surfaces should be gold plated use of varnish or glue greatly enhances thermal contact to sample Thermometer should be in close proximity to the sample sample in exchange gas preferred over sample in vacuum a radiation shield should always be used (an Aluminium foil around the sample might sometimes do..) Aluminium becomes superconducting below 1K ==> should only be used below 0.1K in magnetic fields > 150mT Summary Sample in vacuum use radiation shield use varnish Sample in exchange gas better with radiation shield 100mbar at 100K is more than sufficient Powder sample use filler material better with radiation shield
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