CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION – DEPARTMENT OF MARKETS & CONSUMER PROTECTION PORT HEALTH & PUBLIC PROTECTION SERVICE - FOOD SAFETY ENFORCEMENT PLAN 2012-13 Introduction The food, catering and hospitality sectors make a significant contribution to City corporate life and to the wellbeing of residents, workers and visitors. At the City of London Corporation, the Food Safety Team is part of the Port Health & Public Protection Service (PH&PP) itself part of the Department of Markets & Consumer Protection. The proper regulation of food hygiene within food businesses remains an important national and local priority. The team contributes directly to “…..the supports our communities” theme in our Community Strategy1, The City Together. Our main goal to help ensure that food is hygienically prepared and safe to eat. Ensuring a safe, healthy and sustainable food chain is also one of five national priorities for regulatory outcomes endorsed in November 2011 by an LBRO report2 on Priority Regulatory Outcomes. In performing our work, there is a need to strike a balance between support for businesses (especially smaller businesses) and protecting consumers and others from fraudulent and illegal practices. The Business Plan 2009-12 target for the team was a year-on-year increase in the number of ‘broadly compliant’3 food premises from 88.3% in 2007 to 95% by 2012. This was linked to the London-wide ‘stretch’ objective of making all food businesses broadly compliant in ‘Olympic’ local authorities preGames and will be carried over into our new departmental Business Plan for 2012-2015. Our initial focus for this year centres on Olympic preparations. The high profile of the Olympics magnifies potential negative publicity received around standards of hygiene, safety and healthy food supplied leading up to and during the Games. We will have additional plans in place to respond to situations that develop during the Games period but the strategy before this remains a proactive approach to securing improvement. This is in line with strategic policy and plans developed for 2012 by 1 “The City Together Strategy: The Heart of a World Class City 2008 – 2014 2 LBRO, 2011- A new approach to refreshing the national enforcement priorities for Local Authority Regulatory Services 3 Defined as scoring 10 or less in each of the Food Hygiene, Premises Structure and Confidence in Management categories of the Food Standards Agency’s Inspection Rating Procedure the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH)4. and we will therefore continue with our work on food businesses that are not yet properly compliant and there will be a final concentrated effort in the lead up to the Games to improve compliance in these poorer performing food businesses. Some of this work will be funded by additional grant from the Food Standard Agency (FSA) and the hope is that this will sustain compliance and thus create a more lasting legacy. There are now 1758 “food businesses” registered with the City of London and with the London Port Health Authority as being involved in the preparation, production, storage or sale of food. The majority of these are shops, bars, restaurants or other types of catering establishments such as staff restaurants and corporate caterers. There are other temporary businesses registered elsewhere that set up during various events and more of these may be planned in the run up to the Games. This Food Service Enforcement Plan5 aims to ensure that our services remain targeted, proportionate, consistent and transparent, and sets out the framework for the services delivery. It has been prepared as required by the FSA and in accordance with their "Food Law Enforcement Service Planning Guidance". The format and content of the Plan provide the basis upon which the City Corporation’s Food Safety Enforcement Service will be monitored and audited by the FSA. 4 CIEH, October 2010: Food Safety and Food Standards Management Strategy Olympics/Paralympics 2012 5 The scope of this plan does not include activities of the City of London on behalf of the Food Standards Agency at Smithfield Market or work of the London Port Health Authority. Page 2 of 27 1. Service Aims and Objectives 1.1 Aims The Service Aim of PH&PP is “to create, develop and maintain a safe, fair and healthy environment for the workers, residents and visitors of the City of London.” 1.2 Links to corporate objectives and plans As a part of PH&PP, the Food Safety Team aims to ensure that all food and drink that is produced, stored, or sold by food businesses within the City of London is hygienically prepared and safe to eat. Links to our Departmental and Corporate Business plans and objectives and how we plan for this service to play its part are given in the introduction above. 1.3 Objectives and plans Our main objectives for the Food Safety Team are to: Carry out regular inspections of City food businesses at a frequency determined by national risk criteria and local intelligence; Assist businesses in achieving legal compliance and good standards of food safety management through the provision of targeted advice, support and training; Investigate food poisoning outbreaks associated with City food businesses; Investigate serious complaints about food purchased in the City and complaints about City food premises; Undertake an annual food sampling programme in liaison with other local authorities and colleagues in the Health Protection Agency; Take appropriate action in response to ‘food alerts’ issued by the FSA; Take appropriate enforcement action for failures to meet legal standards. Page 3 of 27 2. Background 2.1 Profile of the Local Authority The City of London Corporation is an unusually diverse organisation that supports and promotes the City as the world’s pre-eminent financial centre and provides local government and police services for the “Square Mile”. We provide valued services to London and the nation as a whole including management of Guildhall Art Gallery, the Barbican Centre, the Central Criminal Court at the Old Bailey, 4,240 hectares of open space, three wholesale food markets and we act as London’s Port Health Authority. Our political and governance structures are not based on party politics and we use our own private funds to finance the promotional work we do on behalf of the UK-based financial and business services industry. The City’s working population is in excess of 340,000 with people working in many different business sectors but largely concentrated in finance, banking and the law. There are reminders of the City’s past in the markets such as Smithfield and Leadenhall but other industries have grown to service the needs of the businesses and people who work in the City including the provision of food. Increasingly other retail developments including food outlets are expanding in the City and 2010 saw the opening of the large New Change shopping complex with an increasingly diverse retail corridor being developed around it in Cheapside. Hotel developments continue to expand and there is a thriving night-time economy including world class venues such as the Barbican Centre and numerous bars and restaurants. The City has a small residential population currently around 8,000, evenly split between male and female and which is predicted to rise to 12,300 by 2020. The City is a popular destination for visitors, especially around St Paul’s Cathedral and there are estimated to be over 10,000 visitors each day to the City. London’s Competitive Place in the UK and Global Economies, produced by Oxford Economics, highlights that the capital generates 21% of the UK's total GVA and made a net contribution of £1.4 billion* in 2009-10 – the only positive figure among all other regions of the country. Page 4 of 27 2.2 Organisational Structure 2.3 Scope of the Feed and Food Service The Food Safety Team is located on the ‘commercial’ side of PH&PP and the team is managed by a Food Safety Team Manager whose work is dedicated to food enforcement and who reports to an Assistant Director (Public Protection). The Food Safety Team is responsible for enforcing legal requirements relating to food safety (standards and hygiene), occupational health & safety, statutory nuisances (other than noise) arising from commercial food activities and the investigation of infectious diseases that are related to food. More details on the extent of this work are reported in the section below which looks back on the work completed in 2011-12. There are separate food enforcement activities in the Port Health side of the Service and at Smithfield Market and these areas have their own separate plans. The Feedstuffs enforcement function in the City is carried out by the Trading Standards Team. Page 5 of 27 2.4 Demands on the Feed and Food Service Establishments profile: Registered food premises Rating and Frequency of Food Hygiene Inspections (under Food Law Code) Total number premises 2009-10 10 Total number premises 2010-11 6 Total number premises 2011-12 (inc Port) 27 Food Hygiene inspections due 2012-13(inc Port) 10 90 59 181 C rated = Inspected 18 months 907 940 D rated = Inspected 2 yearly E rated = Inspected ever 3 years Unrated 243 A rated = Inspected 6 monthly B rated = Inspected annually Total Approved food premises Star ratings Number premises FHRS Rating Number premises 0* 12 (11) 0 9 93 1* 53(78) 1 93 1083 702 2* 110(90) 2 58 214 200 119 3* 355(357) 3 196 208 254 279 101 4* 517(548) 4 345 50 36 88 2 5* 364(411) 5 798 Low Risk 273(267) 1508 1 1509 1858 1 (1)7 6 1027 Most premises rated as Low Risk under the old scores on the doors will be added to the FHRS so the numbers tally 7 This excludes, Smithfield Market where enforcement is overseen by the FSA. Page 6 of 27 1684 (1762)* *(201011) 14996 2.4 Demands on the Feed and Food Service contd. 2.5 Regulation Policy The service’s offices are located at Walbrook Wharf, 78-83 Upper Thames Street, London, EC4R 3TD. The office reception is open from 8am to 6pm each day but we only occasionally receive callers (unless by pre-arranged appointment). Access to the service is largely by telephone, e-mail, via the City Corporation’s web site and the City Corporation’s Contact Centre or through our own proactive interventions on site. Field enforcement officers normally work between the hours of 8am to 6pm. In the event of an ‘out of hours’ emergency there is a duty officer system and senior managers are all contactable via telephone. Food safety information is displayed on the City Corporation’s website: The City Corporation is committed to the principles of the Regulators’ Compliance Code, a statutory code for all regulators8. The PH&PP as part of the Department of Markets & Consumer Protection has a Policy Statement on Enforcement approved by the Port Health & Environmental Services Committee in June 20109 and this sets out our approach to enforcement. 8 9 See Page 7 of 27 3. Service Delivery 3.1 Interventions at Food and Feeding stuff establishments Single-tier local authorities like the City of London can opt to base our planned programme of food intervention work around the Food Hygiene risks rating scheme made under the FSA’S Food Law Code of Practice. For the vast majority of food businesses in the City, there is considerable overlap between aspects of Food Hygiene and Food Standards making simultaneous inspections in most case the best option, assisting both businesses, through minimising disruption and limiting multiple visits, and allowing our Service more resources to deal with the poorer performing businesses. For a number of years we have also considered appropriate Health & Safety interventions during some food inspections and we believe this work remains in line with the recommendations in Lord Young’s report10. The work was also in line with the joint statement from Health & Safety Executive (HSE), FSA and LG Regualtion11 in February 2011. The regulatory landscape has since altered further and this was subject of a Committee Report in January 2012. The plan for 2012-13 is to consider targeted, risk– based approach to interventions: Newly registered premises are entered onto our PH&PP database and our FSA-based target is to inspect and risk rate them within 28 days of opening. New food businesses once opened, will receive a comprehensive Food Hygiene and Food Standards intervention to assess their compliance with the relevant legislation and they will be consequently risk-rated so as to trigger future inspections at appropriate intervals for each. An appropriate H&S intervention will be considered at the same time and a rating assigned to them as an assessment of our confidence in 10 11 FSA, HSE, LG Regulation Joint statement – “Combining Health and Safety and Food Safety inspections”- February 2011 Page 8 of 27 their continued compliance. Food businesses in the lower two tiers12 (Zero and One Star) will receive a full inspection before the Olympics and will be considered for appropriately targeted, more intensive follow up, if they have not improved. The programme is scheduled to be accelerated further in the immediate build up to the Olympics subject to further funding (FSA grant). Food businesses due a Food Hygiene inspection and which are rated as ‘broadly compliant’ will receive an inspection in line with FSA guidance Food businesses visited or inspected for Food Hygiene interventions will also be simultaneously inspected for Food Standards if such an inspection is due any time this year or if it is overdue. The City Corporation plans to migrate from the London Scores on the Doors Scheme to the new national Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS). The FHRS will help to ensure that the public continue to be able to determine how well a business performs in relation to food safety. With the eventual adoption of one scheme in England and Wales it will also make rating easier to compare. Other interventions will continue. These are classed as those that are not an audit or inspection. They include sampling visits, visits to check compliance after complaints and revisits to check progress on implementing remedial action following an inspection. These are seen as a very important part of the service, especially in poor performing businesses, as they help to ensure a regulatory presence is maintained. We believe that this helps to ensure that standards are improved where required, or at least maintained. This programme is further enhanced in the build up to the Olympics and the following migration to the FHRS. All team members are encouraged to identify new premises and report details to our Data Management Team to ensure our database is kept up to date. This program is also being enhanced following our planned migration to the FSA Food Hygiene Rating Scheme 12 London Scores on the Doors Page 9 of 27 Intelligence on new premises is also acquired from other City departments and colleagues in other teams (e.g. Licensing, Trading Standards, Planning, Building Control), as well as formally through new food business registrations. Full details of our work planned for 2012-2013 are set out below. 3.2 Feed and Food Complaints 3.3 Home Authority Principle and Primary Authority Scheme 3.4 Advice to Business The Food Safety Team will continue to respond to all complaints but decisions on the depth of investigations will be made according to whether:- food is suspected as causing food poisoning or does not satisfy food safety requirements; - the City of London Corporation has enforcement responsibility; and - It is suspected that there could be a significant breach of the law. Views and information received from the FSA and Home / Primary Authorities will also be taken into account when determining the extent and direction of any investigation. The team manager and officers make an assessment of the complaint to determine the most appropriate follow up action and previous intelligence and compliance history are both considered. The assessment of complaints investigated will also be tempered by an enhanced response during the Olympics. Feed complaints are investigated by Trading Standards. None were received in 201112. Several supermarket chains have now registered as feed premises as certain waste foods are now being recycled into the feed chain. PH&PP have actively sought appropriate Primary Authority partners for Food Safety, Health & Safety and Trading Standards. Two have been engaged for Health & Safety and one for Trading Standards and it is anticipated that a Food Safety- related Primary Authority Partnership will be signed with a national restaurant chain in early 2012. Food safety advice to businesses is an integral part of our service and forms a significant part of our discussions with food business operators at various times including at the design stage for new premises or refurbishments and during inspections and following other service requests. Not all food businesses consult directly prior to carrying out works. New developments Page 10 of 27 3.5 Feed and Food Sampling 3.6 Control and Investigation of Outbreaks and Food Related Infectious Disease 3.7 Feed/Food Safety Incidents and their associated permissioning processes in the City can be complex and we endeavour to engage with them through Planning, Building Control and Licensing in order to advise and influence on food hygiene and health & safety in new developments and refurbishments believing this to be the best time to secure sustainable improvements through adequate investment. The service strives to be an active contributor to national and regional sampling programs and the sampling program is developed with our neighbours in the SE London Food Group and through the pan-London Food Co-ordinating Group. The group also takes advice and guidance from the Health Protection Agency and the Public Analysts and a sampling plan is devised that considers the co-ordinated programs as well as locally important issues. Samples are submitted to the Food Examiner or Analyst as necessary for the selected projects or in response to specific complaints and we have a contingency fund for this work with the Public Analyst. The City Corporation is in the North East and North Central Health Protection Unit (HPU)’s area and operates with the HPU to investigate outbreaks and selected notifications. In April 2010, Health Protection legislation in England was updated. The revised measures are contained within the amended Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 and accompanying Regulations and local authorities have new powers and duties to prevent and control risks to human health from infection or contamination, including by chemicals and radiation. The new legislation adopts an all hazards approach, and, in addition to the specified list of infectious diseases, there is a requirement to notify cases of other infections or contamination which could present a significant risk to human health. The service has arrangements in place to ensure that it is able to respond to Food Alerts issued by the FSA. Warnings are received electronically and all urgent Food Hazard Warnings receive immediate attention and action where necessary with staff able to be co-opted from other teams if necessary. Outside office hours, an emergency duty rota is available through the Out of Hours Service and if necessary members of the service’s management team. Page 11 of 27 3.8 Liaison with Other Organisations 3.9 Feed and Food Safety and Standards promotional work, and other non-official controls interventions The City Corporation is a member of the SE London Sector Food Group and is in the North East and North Central London Health Protection Unit’s area, and our representatives regularly attend meetings with the Directors of Public Health as well as hosting the London Food Coordinating Group meetings. We are also members of the SE London Quadrant for health & safety and the AllLondon Boroughs’ Health & Safety Liaison Group. For a number of years we have maintained links with the LBRO (now the Better Regulation Delivery Office) being involved in their Retail Enforcement Pilot Project and our Assistant Director is a member of their World Class Local Authority Reference Panel and we regularly contribute to improvement and development work for local authority regulatory services. The Food Safety Team members have been involved in work with our Licensing colleagues and the City of London Police on the Safer City Partnership’s Safety Thirst initiative and in specific work dealing with Illegal Street Trading. The intention in 2012-13 is to focus our work around food premises that are not ‘broadly compliant’. However, the promotion of Food Hygiene and good practice in the prevention of food allergenic reactions remains important Page 12 of 27 4. Resources 4.1 Financial Allocation In 2009-10 expenditure was £525,939.85 and in 2010-11 the overall level of expenditure involved in providing the Food Service was £461,600. In 2011-12 the expenditure planned for the year is £508,016 Legal provision for enforcement action is part-funded locally from the Team’s budget and part centrally through the Comptroller & City Solicitor’s department, with counsel engaged for all prosecutions 4.2 Staffing Allocation There is a Food Safety Manager managing the team. There are seven other Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) within the team. Two of these EHOs were on maternity leave during 2011-12. One returned to work in January 2012; the other has resigned her post in February 2012. Posts were fully covered by agency staff on temporary contracts. The team reports to an Assistant Director (Public Protection). Posts FTE 1x Food Safety Team Manager 7 x EHO posts 1 x AD Commercial 1.0 6.6 0.25 We have a Data Management Team that manages the Northgate M3 backoffice system for PH&PP, adding new premises, registrations and reporting/data extraction. Time spent on Food and Feed Control is not recorded separately from their other, departmental-wide work. 4.3 Staff Development Plan Staff development is managed through the City Corporation’s Performance & Development Framework appraisal scheme Specific assessments are used such as the HSE’s Regulator’s Development Needs Analysis (RDNA) tool and CPD requirements for Food Officers and generally for EHO members of CIEH and IOSH etc., are taken into account. This year we will introduce the LBRO’s more general RDNA tool which now covers food work. The main targets for training are on the delivery of our Service Plan and the Page 13 of 27 development of staff competencies that can best achieve this. Value for money is considered and the best results have been achieved by engaging external trainers to deliver specific courses. Training records are kept for all staff. 5. Quality Assessment 5.1 Quality assessment and internal monitoring Monitoring is by way of: The City Corporation’s Performance & Development Framework appraisal scheme links individual officer’s work to this plan and the overall aims of the organisation. These require preparation, a meeting, a six monthly follow-up and an end of year review. [12 days work] The workload monitoring process ties in with appraisal objectives and regular oneto-one meetings are held with officers to monitor how objectives are proceeding. These also consider enforcement action and interaction with individual food businesses. As a signatory to the national Food Hygiene Rating Scheme, we have further monitoring and consistency obligations but aside from an initial training period these are not thought to be any more onerous than those for the previous London Scores on Doors Scheme [24 days] There are separate procedures for monitoring enforcement decisions, investigations and formal notices this time is incorporated in the above tables Regular (6 weekly) team meetings [16 days] The Food Service contributes to the local Food Sector and H&S Quadrant work that reviews the arrangements that are in place to meet our service obligations. [6 days Food, 2.5 days H&S] The Food Service has received accreditation under ISO 9001 but this is to be reviewed during the year. Page 14 of 27 6. Review 6.1 Review against the Service Plan for 2011-12 See the Service Work Plan below 6.2 Identification of any Variation from the Service Plan See the Service Work Plan below 6.3 Areas of Improvement See Service Development below Page 15 of 27 Service Work Plan 1. Food Hygiene inspections Risk based targeted interventions, including use of alternative controls and enforcement for compliance with Food Hygiene legislation. Target 90% of food premises due and any overdue for intervention: New Premises to receive a full inspection within 28 days of registration(or opening) Category A, B and C (not broadly compliant) premises to receive a full inspection. Food Hygiene Inspections Rating and Frequency Due 2012-13 Done 2011-12 Done 2010-11 Done 2009-10 Predicted commitment (per inspection, not including follow up) A rated = Inspected 6 monthly 10 23 20 12 7 days B rated = Inspected annually 93 81 77 70 46.5 days C rated = Inspected 18 months 702 640 704 608 250 days D rated = Inspected 2 yearly E rated = Inspected ever 3 years Unrated Totals 119 67 114 65 22.5 days 101 96 96 112 15 days 2 1027 2 909 1011 867 341days (1)13 13 The premises, Smithfield Market, is approved as a cutting plant and is enforced directly by the FSA but with the City Corporation still expected to carry out interventions in relation to other food and related operations in the market. Page 16 of 27 2. Food Standards interventions Continue action plan as agreed with our Port Health & Environmental Services Committee for 2010-11 with all high risk premises rated and all others including any overdue inspections being picked up when the relevant Food Hygiene intervention is due thus eventually removing any backlog by 31 March 2012 Food Standards Due Done Done Done Predicted commitment 14 Inspections 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 Rating and Frequency A= Annually 0 0 0 1 B = Two yearly 58 18 80 57 C = Five yearly 27 292 443 376 Unrated 17 0 0 77 111 523 545 Outstanding Total 298 14 Based upon the number of inspections completed up to the end of January 2011 Page 17 of 27 10 days 3. Health and safety in food premises Risk based intervention/Inspections; focus on the highest risks and identified local and national issues of concern15. Health and Safety inspections Accidents LOLER/PUWER reports Due 2012-13 Done 2011-12 Done 2010-11 Done 2009-10 Predicted commitment NB see note16 89 355 291 Uncertain following changes to work patterns17 Uncertain18 95 104 155 50 hours work19 <5 3 2 5 4. To receive and investigate appropriately all requests for service, food incidents and complaints about food and food premises. Identify and follow the most appropriate enforcement response in accordance with this plan our procedures and our enforcement policy Complaints & Service N/K 375 364 355 44 days Requests (10/12) 15 This work will develop in 2012-13 as more guidance is published following the Löfstedt Review of health & safety 16 Following a report to the City Corporation’s Port Health & Environmental Services Committee in January 2012, health & safety interventions will continue in new food premises and we will also continue to complete health & safety interventions where problems are discovered during other work. Full health & safety inspections have however all but ceased following revised HSE guidance See 17 Previously based upon 1 Hour per inspection when combined with Food Hygiene; new premises likely to be similar, more serious reactive interventions will take longer 18 There are changes to both RIDDOR notifications and to HSE investigative criteria meaning that fewer incidents are likely to be reported and less investigated. See for details on incident selection criteria 19 If no major investigative work is required following a serious accident etc. Page 18 of 27 5. Follow up enforcement action in food premises. Identify and follow the most appropriate enforcement response in accordance with this plan our procedures and our enforcement policy Estimated Done Done Done Predicted commitment 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 Letters with legal requirements 664 930 835 Inc. in Inspection Time quoted above. Numbers of HIN’s 19 27 35 3-5 days HSW Notices Not Known 2 1 1 Negligible Voluntary Closures Not Known 2 3 1 2 days per case Emergency Prohibitions Not Known 2 1 0 3 days per case Legal Proceedings Not Known 1 3 1 21 days per case Page 19 of 27 Service Work Plan: Activity 6. Devise and deliver a sampling program. An annual commitment for the Food Safety Team selected from national and local sampling initiatives developed through recommendations from the London Food Coordinating Group and work in the SE London Food Group. The level of work to fit within our allotted (free) allocation of samples from HPA and our sampling budget for those consigned to the Public Analyst (see above). 7. 2011-12 Review Completed as planned Sampling Plan devised and delivered Sample allocation from HPA completed Spend with Public Analyst...... Studies 42 & 45 most beneficial (check) 2012-13 Work Planned/Activity Q1 & 2 will focus on Olympic delivery program (separate sample focus) Planned to concentrate on Study 42 &45 issues (check) Olympic monies available to boost/assist sampling work20 and all based on, National, London Food Co-ordinating Group and local SE London Sector Food Group devised projects with actual projects selected where they are of most relevance to the City. Q1 & 2 will focus on a specific Increase our presence with Food Businesses The level of activity in premises not broadly compliant Olympic delivery program that are not currently broadly compliant increased. with continued focus on non Reinforcing our intervention strategy with A number of formal compliant businesses. This will additional follow ups; revisits and coaching investigations will roll over into be funded by separate grant as deemed necessary to improve 2012-13 where proceedings are application from the FSA. performance. planned or reported for We will use the “Safe Food, Better Business” approval. 100 premises [~5-10 Hours] model where this is appropriate. Formal enforcement action is not precluded 140 days and this will be informed by our Policy Statement on Enforcement. 20 Currently there is a general London Boroughs’ [ALEHM] bid in with the FSA which includes funding for sampling work Page 20 of 27 Service Work Plan: Activity 8. Special Events and Street Trading; Olympic preparation and reputational risk Agree a policy on outside events. Catering at outdoor events is a high risk activity whether at an established venue or market or at a temporary or mobile function. Potentially large numbers of people, frequent use of temporary staff, the temporary nature of the accommodation and high-risk products for sale place specific pressure on food safety management. Sampling surveys have indicated that outdoor events are vulnerable to food safety problems. Devise a system for gathering intelligence on these events in advance. Gather information and comment to the relevant duty holders Visits sites as necessary with follow-up action taken as necessary Contribute to the auditing of caterers on the Remembrancer’s approved list. 21 2011-12 Review 2012-13 Work Planned/Activity No formal policy agreed. ASAG21 formed in 2011, PH&PP are represented. There is much improved coordination and communication for larger special events that feed into the ASAG process Other smaller events and issues around trading outside are not so readily quantifiable; many events are not planned or not notified to the City Corporation. Legislation for the City of London on street trading is currently passing through Parliament Injunctive action proved successful against one particular company but is costly and unwieldy. The landscape of street trading has evolved with many more public spaces now used to host temporary food events and with mobile stalls at New Change and New Street Square’s regular markets. We have established contacts with the organisers of these Formal policy with workable protocol for rogue traders is still required. With no specific new legislation there will be a potential problem with enforcement at the Olympics; this needs to be recognised so we can deal effectively (quickly) with rogue food traders. At present we are only able to prosecute for street trading; there is no power to remove or seize equipment. “Pop up” style vendors now receive public acclaim in parts of London and contribute to a vibrant street scene. Properly vetted these vendors add value to the street scene. The next round of audits of approved Guildhall caterers will be completed. ASAG-Augmented Safety Advisory Group for the City of London and partners Page 21 of 27 Service Work Plan: Activity 2011-12 Review 9. Continue to develop the programme to consolidate procedures and protocols to improve consistency of inspection, enforcement, advice, accuracy and consistency of record keeping and procedures. Consider the future accreditation and development of our ISO:9001 quality system Develop further work to improve consistency and effectiveness with reference to the FSA Framework Agreement, Health Protection Agency Protocols and good practice. Individual officers will be given specific process related work as part of their Performance & Development Framework objectives. events. The first round of audits of prospective Guildhall caterers was completed. To continue to work on developing workable consistent processes and procedures. PH&PP have examined various commercially available systems; none have been felt suitable to cover the broad range of procedures across PH&PP Work has focused on specific issues developed by other PH&PP service commitments including the Olympics. Capacity building and training of staff has been considered in the event of a serious food incident/crisis/infection affecting public health. The City plans to adopt the UKFSS22 system for recording food and feed samples. This is a database that can be used by 22 UKFSS- UK Food Surveillance Scheme See Page 22 of 27 2012-13 Work Planned/Activity Develop our services content for the revised City Corporation website; work continues into 2012 with a launch end Q1. Procedures and protocols are required for the FHRS system and will be developed Q4 2011-12 and Q1 2012-13 Procedures and protocols are required for the development of the UKFSS sampling system. Further training and exercises are planned to enhance training and capacity building for food/infectious disease investigation (preparedness) The legal proceedings work is underway managed by the AD (PH&PP). Service Work Plan: Activity 2011-12 Review 10. Increase awareness and effectiveness of pest control management in food businesses. Training was completed in January 2011 for field officers on insect activity and pest management building on the previous year’s rodent control. The closures of food premises have all related at least in part to a failure to control pests. Westminster-Aiming High initiative24 - will this result in improvements in the City? Small food businesses and their understanding of what is required Pest Control companies and their standard contracts - will eradication contracts work better and will there be sign up by the pest control companies to them? all local authorities and laboratories (the HPA23 and Public Analyst) UKFSS work will commence late Q4 2011-12. There has been no formal review of the ISO: 9001 quality system. Lack of understanding and commitment to pest control management and active pest problems continue to result in more formal action. A more co-ordinated approach on pest control is still not formulated. Evaluation of pest activity (anecdotal) indicates an increase in rodent and insect activity. Enforcement work has increased even when pest control companies engaged before our intervention. 2012-13 Work Planned/Activity Olympic work in Q1 will include pest control advice No further planned commitment until after the Olympics. The hypothesis remains that food businesses and pest controllers consistently fail to coordinate their pest control activities properly/effectively. 23 Health Protection Agency has a food water and environmental reference laboratory at Colindale which provides the City with microbiological services 24 An initiative to make pest control companies and their client food businesses take a more proactive approach to pest control management. Page 23 of 27 Service Work Plan: Activity 11. Evaluate our commitment to food hygiene training events. We believe they can help improve poor performance with better trained food handlers supporting businesses to meet their legal requirements, especially in relation to effective Food Safety Management Systems 12. We will continue to support the London Scores on the Doors scheme whilst the commitment remains in London or until there is a change in policy or the law which requires adoption of the FSA’s national Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS). 2011-12 Review Following a concerted effort by the FSA in 2011 to lobby all Local Authorities to adopt a single national scheme in England and Wales, the City has determined, with many other London Boroughs, that we will now adopt the FHRS. This will now launch prior to the Olympics 2012-13 Work Planned/Activity We have not secured the No further specific work necessary uptake to sustain the planned in Q1 & 2. 4 courses we planned Businesses will be directed to An alternative form of delivery other providers was considered with an alternative supplier but this was not progressed because of concerns about loss of potential income generation. The City and Port Health food We consider the rating scheme services will adopt the FHRS at in London has been a success, the start of Q1. All ratings will contributing to the improvement be listed under the new in standards in businesses in our scheme criteria from 1st April area. This is supported by evidence from FSA. 2012. The Scores on Doors scheme will Migration preparation work be replaced by the FSA’s Food commenced in Q4 of 2011-12 Hygiene Rating Scheme [FHRS] following a formal agreement See 13- for more details on this with the FSA. This agreement national scheme. released additional funds Hygiene rating schemes provide that enabled the financing of consumers with published readily the migration exercise. accessible information about There is a potential for hygiene standards in food confusion between schemes premises operating in the City and location of information and beyond. but there will be increased Support for the Your London site publicity for the national ceased in Q2 2011. Information scheme in the build up to the 25 Scores on the Doors is operated by Transparency Data Page 24 of 27 Service Work Plan: Activity 2011-12 Review was published on the Scores on the Doors website from Q3. This website was in turn acquired by the FSA in late 201125. 13. Further Olympic works funded by FSA This work was not considered in the original plan for 2011-12 but work has developed in the latter part of the 2011-12 year so it has been included on the review of the year and the plan for Q1 and Q2 of 2012-13. Plans for a coordinated London Olympic food project were developed between ALEHM and the FSA between November 2011 and January 2012 The Food Team prepared a bid for FSA funding for work in the City. 14. Work with the Data Management Team to carry out a database ‘clean-up’ of food premises. Data management remains an important priority. 2012-13 Work Planned/Activity Olympics. With the acquisition of Transparency Data by FSA there is a direct connection between websites. Delivery ALEHM Olympic Project Complete FHRS migration and associated work. Work started on improvements in 2009-10 and continues as we develop procedures that encompass the needs of all the (various) users of the PH&PP database. In Q4 of 2011-12 we secured funding from the FSA as part of migration to the new FHRS to further improve data entries to the standard prescribed. Page 25 of 27 Further development work is envisaged with Data Management now the responsibility of an AD who also manages regulatory service teams. Service Work Plan: Activity 15. Develop options for encouraging businesses to provide Healthy Eating Choices including setting up a Healthy Eating Award for businesses that can demonstrate good standards of Food Hygiene and include healthy options on their menu 16. Develop the Primary Authority Programme with potential partner organisations. 2011-12 Review 2012-13 Work Planned/Activity An application for further funding to contribute to the London wide Health Catering Commitments Campaign was applied for but rejected. On-going Work is on-going with a national restaurant chain and it is anticipated that a Primary Authority Partnership Agreement will e signed early in 2012-2013 On-going Page 26 of 27 Food Safety Enforcement Targets - Key Performance Indicators [KPI’s] To reduce average Food Hygiene compliance score below 15.026 [NEH1] NI 184 (ex) Increase ‘Broadly Compliant’27 food premises from 91.3%28 to 95% [NEH2] 75% food businesses inspected will receive a report/letter detailing the outcome of their inspection within 5 working days and the remainder within 10 working days. This will accord with standards within the FHRS system All authorised Food Safety staff to receive/complete the necessary professional development with:- 13.55 (Q3) (91.36%) 100% Completed at least 10 hours CPD on Food Safety tailored to delivery of this Enforcement Plan; and To complete their RDNA assessment. 26 Business Plan ‘Key Performance Indicator’ 27 Judged as such by using Criteria 5, 6 and 7 - Food Hygiene Compliance, Structural Compliance and Confidence in Management – from Annex 5 of Food Law Code of Practice- Scores >30 for these criteria combined are deemed non broadly compliant 27 LACORS – Local Authority Co-ordinators of Regulatory Services 28 Based upon data up to the end of the third quarter. Page 27 of 27
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