2015 Boy Scout Leader’s Guide Dear Scoutmaster/Committee Chairman, West Central Florida Council is excited to offer another summer of leadership development, personal growth, and advancement to Boy Scouts. Sand Hill Scout Reservation has continued to offer a quality program at an affordable price for over 20 years. Our summer camp program earns National Camp accreditation every year. Our staff is committed to offering a first class experience for every Scout and Scouter that attends camp. Please take time to read through this Leader’s Guide. This booklet has helpful tips and information to assist you in planning a fun and successful stay at Sand Hill Scout Reservation. You will find information about activities and programs that are being offered and a daily schedule to help you plan your Scout’s time at Sand Hill Scout Reservation. A schedule of training available to your adult leaders is also included. Deadlines and paperwork requirements can also be found in this Leader’s Guide. Boy Scouts and leaders will stay in 2-man tents with cots provided by the camp. Campsites include a central activity shelter and hot showers. Adult leaders have limited access to electricity in their campsite. An air-conditioned adult leader’s lounge is available at the Hough administration building with complimentary coffee and the morning newspaper. Wi-Fi internet access is available to adults at this facility. Meals are served cafeteria style in our air-conditioned dining hall. We have added new merit badges and activities such as slacklining which is similar to tightrope walking, and a marksmanship program. We are happy to point out that we offer 10 of the required merit badges for Eagle Scout. Please make note of what materials Scouts may need to bring to camp with them and any special notes concerning the merit badges offered. We have made minor changes to the handicraft merit badges. Each merit badge has a set program fee now. This fee includes all of the materials that the Scout will need to complete the merit badges. We will also offer the opportunity for Scouts to become trained Den Chiefs. Should you have any questions about our program or how to attend Boy Scout Summer Camp, please do not hesitate to email me at [email protected]. I look forward to a fun-filled stay with you and your troop this summer at the Sand Hill Scout Reservation. Yours in Scouting, Kenneth A. Knaebel Camp Director Table of Contents Fees, reservations and deadlines 2-3 Mission and Vision 4 Programs and advancement 5-12 Pathfinders Program 13 National Outdoor Awards 14 Camp & Off-site Programs 15-16 Adult Leader Programs 16-17 Daily Camp Schedule 18-19 Evening Activities Schedule 20 Information for Parents 21 Information for Adult Leaders 22 Camp policies 23-26 Camp health and safety 27-28 What to bring to camp 29 Check-in procedures 30-31 Check out procedures 32 Camp Staff and Counselor-in-Training 33 Allergies and Special Needs Diets 34 Permission to Leave Camp form 35 Sand Hill Scout Reservation map 36 Provisional Camper Application 37 Honor Troop Award 38 Golden Falcon Award 39 Troop Crackerbarrel 40 Troop Photographs 41 Leader’s Merit Badge Award 42 Counselor-in-Training Application 43 High Adventure Waiver Form 44-45 BSA Swim Test Classification form and standards 46-47 Daily Merit Badge Schedule 48 1 Camp Dates: Week #1: June 14-20, 2015 Week #2: June 21-27, 2015 Week #3: June 28-July 4, 2015 Camper Fees: On-time registration is $230 per Scout. A $25 early bird discount will be applied if the fee is paid in full prior to April 15, 2015. A $25 late fee will be applied to any registrations that are not paid in full prior to June 1, 2015. Fee includes meals and lodging. Skating, handicraft activities and some merit badges have additional costs. Please review the section on merit badge programs for any additional fees. We prefer for program fees to be paid in advance when registering Scouts for their programs. When to Pay Your Fees To reserve a campsite, each Boy Scout troop must submit a deposit of $25 per camper. Deadline to pay the balance of camp fees is June 1st to avoid late fees. It is preferred that all fees be paid in advance at the West Central Florida Council Service Center prior to arriving at camp. How to Make a Reservation Reservations can be made online or by mail. Online reservations can be made at www.wcfcbsa.org. If a troop prefers camping with their own gear, Sand Hill offers two campsites to let them do that this summer. Live Oak Rise (campsite 1), which many believe is the premier site with sunrises over the lake and camping under a large stand of live oaks, will be set aside for a troop that wants to camp using their own tents and tarps. This campsite does not have hot water at the latrine or a picnic shelter, so if you choose this option you will have cold showers (not a bad thing in the Florida summer) and need to set up tarps. The same option is available for Lookout Point (campsite 2). This campsite has both, hot showers and a picnic shelter. Your troop would only need to set up tents to make this campsite your home for the week. Please notify Donna Felsh at 727-391-3800 ext. 212 if you intend to use your troop gear this summer at either of these sites. If your troop chooses this option, Sand Hill Scout Reservation will make a $100 deposit to reserve your troop's campsite at Sand Hill Scout Reservation for summer of 2016. Contact Donna Felsh at 727-391-3800 ext. 212 if you have any further questions. Once again, online reservations are available or you can mail your reservation form to: West Central Florida Council 11046 Johnson Blvd Seminole, FL, 33772 2 Leaders Fees Troops with a minimum of ten (10) Boy Scouts attending camp are eligible for two (2) adult leaders at no cost. Troops with less than ten (10) Boy Scouts are eligible for one (1) adult leader at no cost. Every troop must meet B.S.A. youth protection guidelines regarding two-deep leadership. Any additional adult leaders attending camp will cost $100 each. Refund Policy All requests for camp fee refunds need to be in writing and received in the council service center at least 10 business days before the activity. A 20% service charge will be assessed, unless the registration fees are being transferred to another activity in the same calendar year. Requests for refunds received after the ten (10) day deadline will be considered (if received within ten days following the completion of the activity), only for the following reasons: o Personal illness of registered participant o A family emergency preventing attendance The same service charges will apply. Again, all refund requests must be in writing and received at the council service center within ten (10) days following the completion of the activity, Camperships A limited number of partial camperships are available for West Central Florida Council Scouts with financial need. Camperships are available for at most 50% of the camp fee, a maximum of $102.50. It is the responsibility of the boy and/or the unit to provide the balance of camper fees. Applications requesting the full camper fee will not be approved. A maximum of five (5) camperships will be awarded each week; no more than two (2) per unit. Unit leaders are encouraged to plan ahead and discuss fees, fundraising opportunities, and/or financial need with parents well in advance of payment deadlines. Camperships must be applied for by April 30th, 2015. An application form may be found online at: http://www.doubleknot.com/openrosters/docdownload.aspx?ID=32258. Provisional Campers Scouts who attend a week of camp without their Boy Scout troop are defined as provisional campers. Provisional campers are placed with a troop that is attending camp with the attending Scoutmaster’s approval. The fee to attend Sand Hill Scout Reservation as a provisional camper is $230 if paid by June 1, 2015. There is a maximum of 4 Scouts that may attend provisionally from any one troop in any one week. An application to attend as a provisional camper can be found in this Leader’s Guide. Boy Scouts should consult with the Scoutmaster about attending and which advancement they should pursue at camp. ALL VISITORS must check in at the camp office. Visitors do not count towards the leadership requirement, cannot be in camp after lights out/taps or before dawn, and cannot participate in any activities. 3 Guest Meals: Parents and additional leaders who come to visit during the week are welcome to join us for meals in the dining hall. Meal tickets can be purchased in the trading post. Costs are: Breakfast: $5 Lunch: $5 Dinner: $7 Mission Statement of the Boy Scouts of America The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Vision Statement of the Boy Scouts of America The Boy Scouts of America will prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Law. West Central Florida Council Policy The programs and facilities of the Sand Hill Scout Reservation and the West Central Florida Council, Boy Scouts of America, are open to all who meet Scouting’s membership requirements and qualifications. No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, handicap, or national origin be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination in the use of the same. All Participants must be registered with the Boy Scouts of America. Boy Scout Oath On my honor I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country And to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, Mentally awake, and morally straight. The Scout Law A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. 4 Merit Badge & Advancement Programs General While it is the goal of Sand Hill Scout Reservation to provide the best experience possible, the troop leadership should decide which activities the Boy Scouts, patrols, and troop want to participate in while at camp. It is important that each Boy Scout, patrol, and troop make the most of the opportunities provided for them while at camp. Scouts should be encouraged to schedule something during each activity period. Planning and Scheduling Troop leaders should work with their Boy Scouts to determine which merit badges they wish to work on at camp. A Boy Scout's weekly program should include time for personal development, camaraderie with friends, patrol activities, troop activities, camp wide activities, aquatic activities, conservation work, and advancement toward Eagle Scout. Please take note of any class size limitations, additional program fees, and prerequisites prior to enrolling. Class sizes, program fees and prerequisites can be found in this Leader’s Guide and online at www.wcfcbsa.org. Programs with class size limitations will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Should a class fill, we will work with troops on finding an appropriate alternative. Please remember that not all merit badges are suited for all Scouts. Each Troop should designate an adult to complete the Boy Scout’s merit badge and program registrations. Distribute a copy of the merit badge schedule in this Guide to each Boy Scout and have him indicate which classes he wants. Class registration is done online at www.wcfcbsa.org. You will be required to pay fees in full at the completion of the registration form. Changes to a Boy Scout’s schedule can be made during check-in. Please be prepared to pay any program fees due to changes in registrations during check-in. Bluecards In accordance with National B.S.A. policy, Sand Hill Scout Reservation requires each Boy Scout to provide a bluecard, known as the Application for Merit Badge for each merit badge. If a troop forgets to bring bluecards, they are available for sale at the camp trading post. Boy Scouts should turn in their bluecards to their counselors on Monday. Bluecards will be returned to troops Friday night. Bicycles and Bicycle Safety Since Sand Hill Scout Reservation has some program areas that are distant from the main camp, safe bicycle use is strongly encouraged. All bicycle riders, Boy Scout or adult, must wear a helmet at all times while ride a bicycle. No exception! Riding at night is only permitted if a bicycle has a headlight visible from 500 feet and a red lamp on the rear visible from 600 feet. These are Florida Law and not subject to interpretation. Sand Hill is wilderness and hazards exist. Riders should use caution and stay on the roads or main trails. Bicycles should be locked when not in use to prevent theft. Sand Hill Scout Reservation and West Central Florida Council are not responsible for theft or damage 5 Merit Badge Program In order to help a Boy Scout plan his week at camp, please review the merit badges that we are offering. Some merit badges may require the Boy Scout to complete some requirements before coming to camp. Those merit badges and the specific requirements are noted. Some merit badges may also have specific gear that the Boy Scout will need to bring with him to help him complete his advancement while at camp. These supplies are noted as well. Some merit badges have a program fee which covers the cost of materials or off-site activities. In order to ensure that adequate supplies and transportation are available, program fees are non-refundable after May 1st, 2015. Outdoor Skills MERIT BADGE LOCATION Outdoor Skills shelter Camping MATERIALS TO BRING TO CAMP Backpack, tent, and gear for requirement #7b Outdoor Skills shelter NOTES COST Req #9a & #9b $20.00 cannot be completed at camp. Cannot complete req none #5 and #7 at camp Communications Outdoor Skills shelter Personal and family emergency packs Outdoor Skills shelter Personal first aid kit for requirement #2d Outdoor Skills shelter none All-day deep sea fishing charter included on Friday $90.00 Outdoor Skills shelter GPS device Req #8 & #9 cannot be completed at camp none Outdoor Skills shelter comfortable running shoes Must complete req #1a & #1b before camp. Cannot complete req #7 & #8 at camp none Emergency Preparedness First Aid Fishing Cannot complete #2c at camp. Must be troop firewarden on Monday. Must have earned First Aid MB none none Geocaching Personal Fitness 6 Outdoor Skills shelter Complete req #2a none Pioneering Outdoor Skills shelter none Public Speaking Outdoor Skills shelter Bring personal survival kit to meet req #5 Scouts will spend one night in their shelters Wilderness Survival Paul Bunyan Award Outdoor Skills shelter Available during activity period 4:005:30pm none Outdoor Skills shelter Available during activity period 4:005:30pm none Outdoor Skills shelter Available during activity period 4:005:30pm none Totin’ Chip Firem’n Chit Aerial Sports Participation in all aerial sports program requires a completed and signed waiver form. The waiver form can be found in this Leaders Guide. MERIT BADGE LOCATION Jeff Sharlow High Adventure Center MATERIALS TO NOTES BRING TO CAMP none COST Certificate of completion of ICS-100 training none none Climbing Jeff Sharlow High Adventure Center Search and Rescue Slacklines Slacklines are a fun way for Scouts to test their balance. Slacklines will be set up near the parade grounds on Monday evening. This activity is open to Scouts and adults and is free! Come test your balance and aerial skills. 7 Aquatics ALL aquatics merit badges require a Scout to be classified as a swimmer in a BSA Swim Classification test. MERIT BADGE LOCATION Sertoma Lake Canoeing MATERIALS TO NOTES BRING TO CAMP Scouts get to canoe the Weeki Wachee River on Friday morning COST $10.00 Sertoma Lake Scouts get to canoe the Weeki Wachee River on Friday morning $10.00 Dan Carlisle pool Must complete req #1a before camp none Kayaking Lifesaving Sertoma lake none Rowing Dan Carlisle pool Must complete req #3 before camp none Dan Carlisle pool Must be 15 years old. Not a merit badge. Includes CPR training $100.00 Dan Carlisle pool Not a merit badge. Must attend all 5 days to complete. none Dan Carlisle pool Not a merit badge. For Scouts that need to develop their swimming skills none Swimming Long pants, long-sleeved shirt, belt and socks that will get WET! BSA Lifeguard Mile Swim BSA Swimming instruction 8 Shooting Sports Participation in all shooting sports program requires attendance at the 7:30pm safety briefing on Sunday evening at the Hagerty shelter. MERIT BADGE Archery Rifle Shooting Shotgun Shooting Marksmanship LOCATION Henderson Shooting Sports complex MATERIALS TO NOTES BRING TO CAMP none COST $15.00 Henderson Shooting Sports complex $30.00 Henderson Shooting Sports complex $45.00 Henderson Shooting Sports complex Must have already earned the rifle shooting or shotgun shooting merit badge $50 for rifle. $75 for shotgun Marksmanship Program: Scouts that have previously earned their rifle shooting or shotgun shooting merit badges can sign for the marksmanship program to improve their skills and accuracy. Marksmanship class is offered during the free shoot time from 4:00-5:30pm. Registered Scouts must attend the safety briefing at 7:30pm on Sunday evening at the Hagerty shelter. Scouts can choose .22 caliber rifle if they have completed rifle shooting merit badge or shotgun if they have completed shotgun shooting merit badge. Sand Hill Scout Reservation will be using the qualification standards found in the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification program. The cost for the rifle marksmanship program is $50. The cost for the shotgun marksmanship program is $75. 9 Ecology MERIT BADGE LOCATION MATERIALS TO BRING TO CAMP NOTES Ecology shelter COST none Animal Science Ecology shelter Binoculars, paper and pencil none Ecology shelter Binoculars, pen and Cost covers req #8 paper $10.00 Astronomy Bird Study Ecology shelter Cannot complete req #4 at camp. May not complete req#2b at camp Energy Ecology shelter camera Ecology shelter camera Ecology shelter camera none none Environmental Science Cannot complete req #7 at camp none Insect Study none Mammal Study Ecology shelter none Pulp and Paper Ecology shelter Cost covers model rockets and engines Space Exploration 10 $15.00 Ecology shelter none Weather Handicraft Kits to complete the handicraft merit badges are now a set program fee. MERIT BADGE LOCATION Hagerty shelter MATERIALS TO NOTES BRING TO CAMP Cannot complete req #4 at camp COST $5.00 Art Hagerty shelter Cost includes all supplies for the badge $20.00 Composite Materials Hagerty shelter none Fingerprinting Hagerty shelter Cost includes all supplies for the badge $10.00 Hagerty shelter Cannot complete req #2c at camp $20.00 Hagerty shelter Cost includes all supplies for the badge $16.00 Leatherwork Sculpture Woodcarving 11 General Interest MERIT BADGE LOCATION MATERIALS TO NOTES BRING TO CAMP Hagerty shelter COST none Chess Hagerty shelter Cannot complete req #2 and 3 at camp none Hagerty shelter Cannot complete req #7 at camp none Citizenship in the Nation Citizenship in the World Hagerty shelter Up-to-date cyber chip. none http://www.scouting. org/Training/YouthP rotection/CyberChip. aspx Digital Technology Hagerty shelter none Game design Hagerty shelter Cost includes materials for req #2a and #2c $20.00 Indian Lore Hagerty shelter $5.00 Painting Hagerty shelter Camera, photos to complete req #4a or #4b none Photography Hagerty shelter $20.00 Railroading 12 Pathfinder Program Sand Hill Scout Reservation’s Pathfinders program is highly regarded by troops. This program provides new Boy Scouts with skills instruction for advancement towards their First Class rank. There is a $25 program fee for the Pathfinder program. This fee includes the cost of the supplies for Leatherwork Merit Badge. The program takes place during sessions 1-5 every day. Skills session #6 is left available for the Boy Scouts to choose a merit badge that interests them. At completion, each Boy Scout will have had the opportunity to complete: First Aid merit badge, Leatherwork merit badge, Swimming merit badge, Firem'n Chit, and Totin' Chip. The following requirements towards First Class advancement are covered in the Pathfinders program: Tenderfoot requirements: 1, 3, 4a-c, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12a-b Second Class requirements: 1a-b, 2, 3c-g, 4, 5, 6, 7a-c, 8a-c First Class requirements: 1, 2, 4a, 4c, 4d, 6, 7a-b, 8a-d, 9a-c, 11 In order to meet Tenderfoot requirement #1, a Pathfinder will need to bring his camping gear and pack to camp. In order to meet Second Class requirement #7b, a Pathfinder must prepare his personal first aid kit before coming to camp. Due to circumstances beyond our control, the trip to Buccaneer Bay is not possible at the time we released the Sand Hill Leaders Guide. 13 National Outdoor Awards A Scout that has been to summer camp before may find the National Outdoor Awards program a challenge! When a Scout excels in outdoor participation, there are new awards to show it! This award includes six badges designed to recognize a Scout who has exemplary knowledge and experience in performing high-level outdoor activities. Six areas of emphasis are included in the award with special segment patches surrounding the perimeter of the center emblem. Sand Hill offers Scouts the opportunity to begin working on the National Outdoor Award for Camping and Aquatics. The requirements are as follows: Camping: Successfully complete the following: 1. Earn the Boy Scout First Class rank 2. Complete the Camping merit badge requirements 3. Complete the requirements for two of the following three merit badges: cooking, first aid or pioneering. 4. Complete 25 days and nights of camping – including six consecutive days (five nights) of resident camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the BSA – including nights camped as part of requirement 1 through 3 above. Aquatics: 1. 2. 3. 4. Earn the Boy Scout First Class rank Complete the requirements for Swimming and Lifesaving merit badges Complete the requirements for the BSA Mile Swim Complete the requirements for at least one of the following merit badges: canoeing, fishing, fly fishing, kayaking, rowing, scuba diving, small-boat sailing, water sports or whitewater. Complete at least 25 hours of the on-the-water time, applying the skills that you learned in the merit badges. 5. Complete at least 50 hours of any combination of swimming, canoeing, fishing, fly-fishing, kayaking, rowing, scuba, small-boat sailing, water sports or whitewater under the auspices of the BSA including the time spent in requirements 2 through 4 above. 14 Camp and Off-site Programs Shooting Sports The archery range is open on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 7:30 for open shoot. Boy Scouts and leaders can purchase tickets at the trading post for just $2.00 for 2 quivers of arrows. The rifle, trap and skeet ranges are open Monday-Friday from 4:00-5:30pm for open shoot. Tickets for ammunition must be purchased at the trading post prior to shooting. Costs for ammunition are $1.50 per block of .22 caliber (5 rounds) and $3.00 for 3 rounds of shotgun. Open Swim Each evening, the Dan Carlisle pool will be open for open swim from 7:30-9:00pm. Scouts and adults can swim based on their swimming ability determined at their swim check on Sunday. You do not need to sign up for this activity and there are no additional fees. Handicraft and Tie-dyeing The handicraft area at the Hagerty Shelter will be open from 7:30-9:00pm for Boy Scouts and leaders to work on craft projects or tie-dye a t-shirt. Handicraft kits and t-shirts are sold at the trading post. Friday Night Closing Campfire Every troop will be encouraged to provide songs and skits for the closing campfire on Friday night. A staff member will perform the master of ceremonies duties. During the campfire the Golden Falcons and Honor Troops will also be recognized. Honor Troop A list of requirements to qualify as an Honor Troop can be found in this Leader’s Guide. Troops that qualify will receive a ribbon for their troop flag at the closing campfire on Friday evening. Golden Falcon For nearly 40 years, West Central Florida Council has recognized one Boy Scout from each troop as a Golden Falcon. Each troop submits the name of the Boy Scout who has exemplified the Scout Oath and Law while attending summer camp. These Boy Scouts are recognized at the closing campfire with a certificate and a Golden Falcon device. Scoutmasters must submit the troop’s recipient by dinner on Thursday night. Troop Photographs At check-in, every troop will have its photograph taken. Please arrive in full field uniform so your troop looks sharp in its photograph. These photographs are a great way for troops to preserve their summer camp experience for the troop history. An order form will be provided at the time of the photograph for Boy Scouts and leaders to order their prints. Photographs will be delivered at checkout on Saturday. Troop Evening Activities Troops can choose from a list of available cracker-barrels for their evenings at camp. Complete the order form for troop cracker-barrels and Sand Hill Scout Reservation will deliver your cracker-barrel to your site. Orders must be paid for in advance. Drop off your order form off at 15 the administration office at any time. Please leave adequate time for the staff to arrange pickup and delivery. Camp Trading Post Sand Hill camp trading post is open daily from after breakfast until 10:00pm at night. The trading post is closed during meals. The trading post is stocked with supplies for merit badge work, craft projects, patches, T-shirts, and hats. It also has snacks and drinks. Each night the trading post is open for Scouts to gather and play board games. Games are not available during merit badge sessions. Scouts and parents should plan on having some spending money for camp gear and snacks. The Trading Post accepts cash, checks, and MasterCard/Visa. Den Chief Training Den Chief training will be held on Tuesday evening in the Leader’s Lounge at the Hough Administration building. This training will start at 7:30pm and takes about 1 hour. This training is available to any Scout. Jimmy Reese Checkers Tournament Are you checkers champion? Do you like to compete? Then sign up to compete in the Jimmy Reese Checkers Tournament! You can practice and test your skills during the week at the trading post. You must sign up before lunch of Thursday to compete in the tournament. The tournament is Thursday evening at the trading post beginning at 7:00 pm. The winner will be recognized at the Friday campfire. Adult Leader Programs Adult Leader Training Sand Hill Scout Reservation is excited to offer training opportunities that a leader may not have at their troop or District level. Check the schedule to find opportunities for training to help your troop when you return home. Every Boy Scout deserves a trained leader! Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 9:00am Mentoring Safe Swim Defense Leave No Trace Safety Afloat 1:30pm Stop Bullying Conducting an The OA and Your Safe Swim Defense Interfaith Service Troop All adult leader training is held in the Leader’s Lounge at the Hough Administration building. Leader Meetings/Coffee: Every campsite at Sand Hill has a coffee maker and supplies so troop leaders can brew coffee whenever they like! If you run out of coffee, filters, cream or sugar, just ask for more at the camp administration office. The Leader’s Lounge at the Hough Administration building has coffee, bottled water and the morning newspaper for your adult leader enjoyment. Internet Wi-Fi access is also available to the adult leaders. You must get the password to login from the Hough 16 Administration office. Every morning following breakfast, the Camp Commissioner and Program Director will meet with the leaders at the dining hall. Daily updates and any concerns from the troops will be discussed. Remember that Sand Hill is here to make everyone’s stay safe and enjoyable! Scoutmaster Swim: Adults can swim when it is convenient for their schedule. We ask that you please check with the aquatics director before entering the pool area. You must also have passed the BSA swimmer’s test to enter the pool. Leader’s Appreciation Dinner: A special dinner will be held in honor of all adult leaders who attend camp with their units. This dinner will take place at 6:00pm on Tuesday night. Every adult who camps the entire week will receive a special gift as a sign of appreciation from West Central Florida Council and Sand Hill Scout Reservation for supporting our program and y our Boy Scouts. Leader’s Merit Badge: While In camp, adults can work towards the Sand Hill Adult Leader’s Merit Badge. This badge has a set of goals that adults can achieve will staying at camp. Applications are available at the Administration office. Every adult is eligible to earn this prestigious award. Clout Archery Competition: Clout is a form of archery in which archers shoot arrows at a flag (known as "the Clout") from a relatively long distance and score points depending on how close each arrow lands to the flag. Scoring zones are defined by maximum radii from the flag pole. Each arrow scores points depending on which scoring zone it enters the ground in. An arrow embedded in the flag pole is counted as being in the highest scoring zone. If an arrow is lying on the ground, it is considered to be in the scoring zone in which its point lies. Adults can practice for the clout tournament on Tuesday at 7:00pm. The tournament begins at 7:00pm on Thursday evening! 17 Daily Camp Schedule Sunday 1:00 pm 6:20 6:20 6:30 7:30 8:15 8:45 11:00 Check-In Begins (Admin) Waiter Call (Dining Hall) Flag Lowering (Parade Field) Dinner (Dining Hall; note dinner is served later on Sunday only) Scout’s Own Service at the Chapel/Shooting Sports safety briefing Pre Campfire Show (Council Ring) Opening Campfire (Council Ring) Taps Monday through Thursday 6:30 6:45 7:15 7:15 7:30 8:30 8:30 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:20 pm 12:30 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:50 5:50 6:00 7:30 11:00 Mile Swim Reveille Waiter Call (Dining Hall) Flag Raising (Parade Field) Breakfast (Dining Hall) Leader Meeting (Dining Hall Porch) Skills Session 1 Skills Session 2 Skills Session 3 Skills Session 4 Waiter Call (Dining Hall) Lunch (Dining Hall) Skills Session 5 Skills Session 6 Activity Period - Free Swim and Open Activities Waiter Call (Dining Hall) Flag Lowering (Parade Field; Monday through Thursday only) Dinner (Dining Hall) Evening Activity Period – See Evening Program Schedule Taps Friday 6:30 6:45 7:15 7:15 7:30 8:30 8:30 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:20 pm 12:30 2:00 Mile Swim Reveille Waiter Call (Dining Hall) Flag Raising (Parade Field) Breakfast (Dining Hall), leave for fishing trip Leader Meeting (Dining Hall Porch) Skills Session 1, Canoeing mb and Kayaking mb Trip Skills Session 2 Skills Session 3 Skills Session 4 Waiter Call (Dining Hall) Lunch (Dining Hall) Wrap up merit badge work 18 4:00 5:50 6:00 7:00 8:45 9:00 11:00 Activity Period - Free Swim and Open Activities Waiter Call (Dining Hall) Dinner (Dining Hall) Unit/Family Time Flag Retreat at Parade Field Closing Campfire Taps Saturday 7:45 am 8:00 10:00 Reveille Breakfast (Campsite) Camp closes 19 Evening Activities Schedule Sunday 7:30pm 7:45pm 8:15pm 8:45pm Monday 7:30pm Tuesday 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Vespers (Chapel) MANDATORY safety briefing for Boy Scouts taking rifle shooting, shotgun shooting and archery merit badges Pre-campfire Show (Council Ring) Opening campfire (Council Ring) SM/SPL Meeting immediately following the campfire at the Dining Hall Open Swim at Pool until 9:00 Camp Wide Game-Troops assemble at Parade Field Slacklining at the Parade Field Leader’s Appreciation dinner Clout practice for adults Open Climbing and Rappelling at High Adventure Center Open Swim until 9:00pm Open Archery Open Handicraft Den Chief training – Administration building Wednesday 7:30pm 8:00pm Open COPE at High Adventure Center Open Swim at Pool until 9:00pm Open Archery Order of the Arrow Social Open Handicraft Pathfinders Campfire at Pathfinder’s area Thursday 7:00pm 7:30pm Clout Archery Competition for adult leaders Open Climbing and Rappelling at the High Adventure Center Movie Night (Dining Hall) Open Swim at Pool until 9:00pm Open Handicraft Basketballs and volleyballs are available at the Trading Post for the basketball and volleyball courts. 20 Information For Parents Please review the following information to help Sand Hill Scout Reservation ensure that your son’s summer camp experience is fun, safe and successful! A list of suggested equipment can be found in this Leader’s Guide to assist you in planning for summer camp. Before your son leaves for Sand Hill Scout Reservation make sure that you have completed the following: Your son has discussed with his Scoutmaster the merit badges and activities that he wants to participate in at camp. Make sure that your son has a current physical examination. You must use form #680001. A link to the form at the National B.S.A. website can be found in this Leader’s Guide. If your son is taking prescribed medications, please enclose all of his medications in a Ziploc bag with your son’s name on it and send this with your Scoutmaster to camp. All prescribed medications must be in a pharmacy-labeled container with your child’s name on it. If your son is taking over-the-counter medication be sure to write his name and troop number on the outside of the package. It may be helpful to include a photograph of your son inside the bag containing the medications. If your son has any food allergies, please complete the form in this guide and submit it to the West Central Florida Council Service Center before June 1st. We will make every effort to ensure that your son has alternatives that meet his needs. You or your unit leader may be contacted by Sand Hill to find alternative foods that meet your son’s needs. You may be asked to provide alternatives if we cannot meet the needs required for your son’s allergies. In the case of an elective diet, a Scout should be prepared to choose items from the menu that meet his needs. Some alternates are available, but your son should also be prepared to bring food that meets his dietary selection. The camp cook cannot prepare individual meals. Make sure that your son completed any prerequisites required for completing merit badges at camp. Prerequisites are noted in the section detailing each merit badge. Review any additional program fees required for merit badges and discuss with your son’s Scoutmaster how these fees will be paid for at camp. Please be aware that ALL additional fees must be paid for when your son’s troop checks in on Sunday. Sand Hill Scout Reservation and West Central Florida Council are not responsible for theft, damage or loss of your son’s personal equipment. 21 Information for Adult Leaders Before Coming to Camp: Read and review this Camp Leader's Guidebook. Complete the Camp Reservation Form to guarantee a week of camp. Submit the form along with a $25 per Boy Scout as a deposit. Meet and get to know Webelos boys, parents and den leaders who will be crossing over to your troop. Inform them of summer camp plans including costs and fundraising opportunities prior to crossovers or during new parent orientations. Arrange qualified leadership for summer camp. Call a troop committee meeting to determine who will camp with the troop. Make sure that all Boy Scouts and leaders have a current physical examination and medical form. Help each Scout set individual goals. Work with the Patrol Leaders Council to determine troop goals. Make a list of troop gear and personal gear that you have and want to bring. Plan to bring these items to camp. Register online for all classes. File tour plan at least two weeks prior to arriving at camp. While at Camp: Plan to arrive at camp no earlier than 1:00 PM, but no later than 4:00 PM. This will allow sufficient time for check-in, tours, and swim checks (weather permitting) prior to dinner. Plan on conducting or participating in at least 2-3 troop activities (see Troop Activities) while at camp Monitor your boy’s progress. Help them get the most out of their camp experience. Have all Leaders attend the Leaders meeting every morning on the Dining Hall porch. Participate in the Scoutmaster’s Merit Badge program or any of the other leader programs, such as training. Fill out and turn in evaluation forms at the end of the week. 22 Camp Policies Adult Leadership Every troop that attends must be under the supervision of its own adult leadership at all times. According to the BSA Youth Protection Policy, two-deep leadership is required for all activities, one leader who is at least 21 years of age and a second who is 18 years of age or older. Adult leadership can rotate throughout the week, but a minimum of two adults must be in camp. You are in charge of your troop at all times and responsible for the discipline and organization of your troop. It is never the camp staff’s task to take over your role as leader of your unit. Youth Protection Guidelines must be followed. This includes that no adult can stay in a tent with any Scout unless it is his parent or legal guardian. All adults must have current (within two years and not to expire before camp ends) BSA’s youth protection training. There are no exceptions! Camp Physicals All Boy Scouts, parents and leaders are required to bring a copy of their BSA Annual Health and Medical Record. Parts A, B and C are required and must be completed within the previous 12 months. Use BSA from #680-001. This form can be downloaded at: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_ABC.pdf Tour Plans Every troop attending Sand Hill Scout Reservation is required to submit a Tour Plan. Tour Plans can be done online through your http://www.myscouting.org account. The form is also available for download at: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/680-014.pdf. Please bring a copy with you to camp for our files. Swim Checks All Scouts, leaders and parents that wish to swim in the pool during their stay at camp must complete a BSA swim classification test. In order to expedite your troop’s check-in on Sunday, you may conduct these tests prior to coming to camp. The person conducting the test must hold current BSA certification such as BSA Lifeguard or Aquatics Instructor. The instructions for conducting the test and a form to complete are included in this Leaders’ Guide on pages 48-49. The signed, completed form and a copy of the certification of the person who conducted the test MUST be turned in at check-in on Sunday. It is BSA policy that the camp Aquatics Director retains the right to retest any participant. Shooting Sports Scouts registered for archery, rifle shooting, shotgun shooting or the marksmanship program must attend a safety briefing at 7:45pm on Sunday evening. This briefing will be held at the Hagerty Shelter. 23 Tobacco Products In accordance to the national policy of the Boy Scouts of America, Adults are asked to use discretion when using tobacco products or electronic cigarettes and should avoid using them in the presence of campers. Smoking is not permitted in camp buildings nor is the use of tobacco products by those under the age of 18. Controlled Substances In accordance with the national policy of the Boy Scouts of America, alcohol and illegal drugs are not permitted on camp property. Discovery of these items will result in immediate dismissal from the property and/or criminal prosecution. All medications must be under lock and key. Medications can be turned in to the camp health officer on arrival to be placed under lock or in the campsite. Firearms Personal bows, shotguns, firearms and ammunition are not allowed on camp property. Footwear Closed-toe shoes must be worn in camp except when showering or at the swimming pool. Youth Protection One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is not permitted. In situations that require a personal conference, the meeting is to be conducted in view of others. Adult leaders must respect the privacy of youth members in situations such as changing into swimming suits or taking showers at camp and intrude only to the extent that health and safety requires. Scout campers must extend the same courtesy to adults. All adults must have current (within two years and not to expire before camp ends) BSA’s youth protection training. There are no exceptions! When camping, no youth is permitted to sleep in the tent of an adult other than that of his parent or legal guardian. When female leaders are present in camp, signs are available to indicate the gender of the latrine or shower occupant. Visitors/Volunteers All visitors/ volunteers must check in at the camp office in the main parking lot upon arrival on the property. All volunteers must be approved by the camp director or his designee. Friday evening is a special time when visitors and guests are invited to camp. Visitors are encouraged to come to camp after 5:00 pm on Friday and eat dinner in the Dining Hall at 6:00pm. Guest meal tickets for Friday evening dinner are available during the week for $7 each. Leaders are encouraged to communicate meal costs with parents prior to Family Night. Visitors may stay for the closing campfire, which begins at 9:00pm. 24 Parents and guests must park in the camp parking lot and follow all camp rules during their stay. Please inform parents that this is a camp, and driving is not allowed. Visitors must leave camp after the closing show is over. Hotels are available in the area if you would like to stay overnight. Vehicles All vehicles must be parked in the camp parking lot near the Hagerty Shelter following Sunday unloading and prior to Wednesday loading. No vehicles are allowed in camp without the express permission of the Camp Director. Approved vehicles will be given a pass that must be visible (on the dash). No one is permitted to ride in the back of pick-up trucks or trailers. Telephone and Mail The camp emergency phone number is (352) 596-6082 and is to be used only for camp business or emergencies. Parents and others should remember that due to the camp size and individual schedules, it is not possible to locate campers or leaders at a moment's notice. Mail is delivered daily to Sand Hill and should be addressed as below: Scout’s Name & Unit Number Sand Hill Scout Reservation 11210 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville, FL 34613 Uniforms In an effort to instill a sense of pride in his uniform, each Boy Scout should arrive at camp in a Boy Scout uniform. Everyone should properly wear the complete Boy Scout uniform to Sunday check-in, dinners, and campfires. Leaving Camp Any Boy Scout or leader, who leaves the camp property, must checkout with the camp office. If a Scout is planning to leave camp (summer school, soccer game, etc.), a "Permission to Leave Camp Form" must be on file in the camp office. Boy Scouts will only be released to adults indicated on the form! Please, advise all parents that they will have to prove their identity when checking a Scout out of camp and please understand that we need you (the unit leader) to be present at the time to verify that the Boy Scout is allowed to leave with this specific person, even if they are the parent. Though they may be the parent, they may not be the parent that is allowed to have access to the child. 25 Electronic Devices Radios, video games, and other electronic nuisances are prohibited in program areas. Each unit may set a policy for electronics use in their campsite. Sand Hill Scout Reservation and West Central Florida Council are not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged electronics. Meals Meals are served cafeteria style three times daily and are well balanced nutritious meals that meet all the rules of the USDA Child Nutrition program. Any dietary restrictions or requests (for health reasons only) should be noted on the registration form. Hands must be washed before meals. 26 Camp Health and Safety Buddy System The buddy system is simply a pairing of boys that go to places together. The buddy system should be used at all times during camp. Everywhere the boys go they should be with their buddy, and an adult leader. No Boy Scout should be seen alone in camp. Wrist Bands/Camp ID Every paid Scout, leader, parent or staff will be given a wrist band. This wrist band is to be worn at all times and helps staff ensure the safety of the campers. This wrist band also allows you through the serving line at the dining hall. If you have a parent or leader visiting camp, they must check in at the camp office in the Hough Administration building. They will be given a different wrist band and must wear it at all times while on camp property. Please help us ensure your safety by wearing your identification wrist band. Health Lodge The camp has an on-site Health Officer, trained in First Aid and Emergency Response. The Health Officer provides routine medical treatment and handles minor medical problems. The camp has also contracted with a physician in town for more in-depth medical treatment, along with a hospital for emergency treatment. Insurance The West Central Florida Council carries supplemental accident insurance for all West Central Florida Council units. This insurance is secondary and used only after personal, parents or unit insurance has been utilized. Out-of-council units must provide a copy of their or their Council’s Health/Accident policy and bring claims forms to camp. Program Areas All program areas, including the pool, lake, C.O.P.E. courses, climbing tower, rappelling tower, and rifle, shotgun and archery ranges are off-limits when closed. Furthermore, no one is permitted to swim in, wade, or cross any undesignated body of water on the property. Fire Prevention Boy Scouts and troops are expected to follow the troop fireguard plan as set forth by the Boy Scouts of America. Each troop will need to appoint a fire warden, who will review procedures with the troop. No liquid fuel may be left in the campsite. No fires or flames are allowed in tents. 27 Wildlife Sand Hill is blessed with a wide variety of animals and other wild creatures. Our animals are important to camp and can be dangerous if cornered or threatened. Under no circumstances should anyone touch or disturb snakes or other animals. For a Safe and Enjoyable Experience at Camp: Drink lots of water Get plenty of sleep Wash your hands Attend all meals Participate in activities Take a shower every day Wear sunscreen Always go with a buddy! 28 What To Bring To Camp Personal Gear Each camper should take care of and safeguard their personal property. Clothing and personal items should be marked with the Scout’s name and unit number. Recommended items to be brought to camp include: B.S.A. uniform which includes official shirt, shorts, socks, and belt. 4-6 pairs of socks, including B.S.A. uniform socks T-shirts Shorts Underwear Socks Sneakers or boots Belt Footlocker, pack or duffle bag B.S.A. Physical, signed by a licensed medical professional (New BSA Medical Form) Flashlight and extra batteries Rain coat or poncho Bath towels Hat Scout Book Alarm Clock Bathing suit Sun block Personal hygiene gear (including comb/brush, toothbrush/toothpaste, soap, and shampoo) Talcum powder Paper/pen/pencil/notebook Canteen or water bottle Spending money Sleeping gear Scout knife (NO SHEATH KNIVES) Camera 29 Check In Procedures Check-in begins at 1:00pm and runs through 5:00pm on Sunday afternoon. You should plan your arrival accordingly. DO NOT ARRIVE BEFORE 1:00pm. YOU MUST CHECK-IN AS A TROOP. A Camp Staff Guide will greet the troop upon arrival at camp. One leader will check the troop in at the administration building. At this station the troop roster will be checked, all fees confirmed paid, and the campsite will be assigned. All Boy Scouts, leaders and parents who are staying at camp will meet with the health officer to do a medical re-check. EVERY SCOUT AND ADULT MUST HAVE A HEALTH FORM SIGNED BY A DOCTOR AND A PARENT OR GUARDIAN. No one will be allowed to unload at the campsite until the troop leader and the Camp Staff Guide have inspected the tents and tarps at the campsite. Two vehicles per unit can be loaded with equipment and unloaded at the campsite and returned to the parking lot. All vehicles must be parked in the parking lot. A BSA swimming classification test is required in order to participate in any aquatics program. Your Camp Staff Guide will lead your group to the swimming pool to take this test after unloading in your campsite, unless this has been completed prior to coming to camp. Please read pages 48-49 for information about swim classification tests. At check-in the troop leader will need the following: � A troop roster � Copy of receipts for previous payments � Copy of campership agreement forms � Be prepared to pay for additional leaders or Boy Scouts. Checks should be made payable to Boy Scouts of America � Have medical forms signed by a doctor and parent or guardian for each person staying in camp. Once at your campsite the Boy Scouts and leaders should: � Inspect the tents and tarps � Place gear in their tents (do not unpack yet) � Change into swimsuits for swim test � Go with the Camp Staff Guide to swim test and camp tour The tour will include: � Health Lodge � Dining Hall � Trading Post � Parade field & Flagpole � Program Areas � Pool After the camp tour, the troop will return to their campsite, continue to unpack and set up camp 30 Check In Schedule at a Glance: 2:00pm- 5:00pm Arrivals, check-in and medical re-check, swim test, camp tour 5:20pm Waiters to the dining hall 5:30pm Flag 31 Check Out Procedures When You Depart Breakfast will be delivered to your campsite on Saturday morning at 8:00am. The following procedures should be followed for check-out to prepare your campsite for final inspection by your Camp Staff Guide: � Leader and Staff Guide will inspect the tents and tarps for damage. � Pack all personal gear. � Close all tent flaps. � Remove any troop items from the bulletin board. Leave the camp schedule and emergency procedures. � Police the area for trash and set trash bags by the campsite sign. � Clean the bathroom and showers. � Two vehicles may be driven to the campsite to load the gear. � Any camp equipment that is damaged or stolen must be replaced or paid for before the troop checks out and leaves camp. � Stop by the Health Lodge to pick up any medications and medical forms. Remember – A Scout is Clean. Please try to leave your campsite in better condition than you found it. Check Out Schedule at a Glance: 7:00am Reveille 8:00 Breakfast in your campsite 10:00 Camp Closed 32 Camp Staff and Counselor-in-Training Camp Staff: Serving as a member of the summer camp staff can be a fantastic learning and growing experience for a youth, and can also be a thrilling summer experience for an adult Scouter. Summer camp staff members have the responsibility for working with the troops in camp to provide a high-quality, safe, fun experience for hundreds of campers over the course of the summer. Staff members must be at least 15 years old prior to employment, be approved by their troop leader and parent (if under 18), and must display talent, patience, Scouting values, and enthusiasm. If you know of any Scout or Scouter who would make an outstanding staff member, ask them to apply. Applications are done online at: http://www.wcfcbsa.org/document/shsr-staffapplication/133225 Counselor in Training: A Counselor in Training (CIT) program will be conducted for all Scouts who are at least 14 years old during their tenure at camp and are at least First Class in rank. A fee of $100 is required of candidates who are selected to participate in this one-week program. The CIT program is under the direction of an adult camp staff member and provides Scouts in the program an opportunity to learn additional leadership skills and observe the entire camp operation first hand. Graduates of the CIT program often return in subsequent years to be members of the camp staff. A copy of the CIT application is included in the Appendix. Applications are due at the council service center by May 1st. 33 2015 Boy Scout Summer Camp Food Allergies/Special Diets We will make every effort to ensure that a Scout or leader has alternatives that meet their dietary needs. Unit leader may be contacted by Sand Hill to find alternative foods that meet these needs. You may be asked to provide alternatives if we cannot meet the needs required for your son’s allergies. Adult Leader’s Name: Best phone number :( ) - Troop: Email: Please list all Scouts and leaders that have FOOD allergies or special needs diets. Full name Type of allergy/special needs Mail form to: Boy Scouts of America 11046 Johnson Blvd Seminole, FL 33772 ATTN: Boy Scout Summer Camp 34 Permission to Leave Camp I give permission for my son, with Troop to leave camp on (date) at (time) He (circle one) will/will not be returning to camp on (date) at (time) . The following adults have permission to pick up my child at camp: Name: Relationship: Name of parent/guardian (please print) Telephone Parent/legal guardian signature Date 35 . 36 37 2015 Provisional Camper Application Complete this form and return it with your payment of $230 to the address below. I wish to attend as a provisional camper for the following week: June 14-20 June 21-27 June 28-July 4 Boy Scout’s Name: Address: City: State: Parent’s home number :( Alternate phone number :( Troop # ) Zip: ) - Scoutmaster’s name: ________ Provisional campers MUST provide a current BSA physical form and a “Permission to Leave Camp” form at check-in. Register for merit badges online at: www.wcfcbsa.org. Applicant’s Signature: ________ Scoutmaster’s Signature: Parent’s Signature: Mail reservation form to: Boy Scouts of America 11046 Johnson Blvd Seminole, FL 33772 ATTN: Boy Scout Summer Camp 38 Honor Troop Award To qualify as an Honor Troop, a troop MUST complete ALL of the following requirements: Fly the U.S. flag properly during daylight hours Demonstrate the Patrol method throughout the week Earn an average of 85 points on campsite inspections for the week Complete a service project for the camp (see the Ecology Director) Demonstrate an advancement plan for the Boy Scouts at camp And, complete at least seven of the following requirements: Attend Scout’s Own Service on Sunday evening Participate in at least one camp-wide activity Perform a flag ceremony at a camp assembly (see the Program Director to schedule) Participate in the Friday campfire At least one adult attends adult training during the week Senior Patrol Leader attends the camp PLC after every lunch At least one adult leader attends the adult meeting after every breakfast Lead a song at camp assembly for flag raising or flag retreat Have the troop flag present at flag raisings and retreats, and camp assemblies such as opening campfire, closing campfire and camp-wide games I verify that Troop # has qualified as an Honor Troop. Camp Commissioner’s Signature: Date: 39 Golden Falcon Award The Golden Falcon Award is presented to one outstanding Boy Scout in every troop each week at Sand Hill Scout Reservation. The nominee should display an outstanding example of Scout Spirit and living up to the principles of the Scout Oath and Law. The selection should be determined by the Boy Scouts in the troop and should not be a popularity contest. The Senior Patrol Leader should lead the group in its determination under the guidance of the Scoutmaster. The recipient will be recognized during the Friday evening closing campfire. Please submit your nominations prior to breakfast on Friday. Troop # Scout’s name: Senior Patrol Leader’s signature: Scoutmaster’s Signature: 40 Troop Crackerbarrel Complete this form and turn it in at the Administration office to request evening cracker-barrels in your campsite for your troop. Troop # Day requested: Time requested: Type of Social: [] Ice Cream Sundae [] Ice Cream Sandwich [] Pizza [] Watermelon [] Other: _________________________ (We will try to meet special requests) Preferred Location: ______________________Number of People: _____________ Sand Hill Scout Reservation will supply necessary products such as bowls, spoons, napkins, etc. Quantity Cost Each Ice Cream Sandwich $.50 Ice Cream Sundaes $.50 Pizza $6.50 (8 slices) Watermelon $6.00 (melon) Other: Total Cost 41 Total Troop Photographs Preserve the memories of your troop’s visit to Sand Hill Scout Reservation this summer with a color photograph. Please arrive in full field uniform because the photograph will be taken during check-in on Sunday. Photographs will be delivered with your troop’s paperwork at check-out on Saturday. Please return this completed form and payment to the Administration office by breakfast on Friday. Photographs will be available to preview at the Administration office prior to placing your order. Size 4” x 6” 8”x10” Grand Total Quantity Cost Each $4.00 $6.00 Troop # Name: 42 Total Cost 2015 Leader’s Merit Badge A week at summer camp helps both the Boy Scouts and the adults sharpen their skills and challenge their abilities. The Leader’s Merit Badge requirements are shown below. When you complete a requirement, make a check mark in the box. When you finish all of the requirements, turn your application in to the Camp Commissioner. Forms must be completed and turned in prior to lunch on Friday. Good luck! o o o o o o o o o o o o Hang out at the pool during free swim Complain about the waiting time at the Trading Post Visit the Leader’s Lounge several times each day Discuss sports with Camp Director, Program Director or Camp Commissioner Relax in a rocking chair on the dining hall porch Take a nap in the morning AND afternoon Attend the leader’s meeting every morning Consume your daily recommended dose of coffee or your favorite morning beverage Attend at least one of the training sessions offered for adults Make a list of all the air-conditioned buildings in camp Tell Scouts to be quiet and go to bed Debate the troop’s campsite inspection score with the Camp Commissioner Leader’s Name: Troop # 43 2015 Counselor in Training Application Complete this form and return it with your payment of $100 to the address below. I wish to attend as a Counselor-in-Training for the following week: June 14-20 June 21-27 Boy Scout’s Name: June 28-July 4 Date of birth: Address: ________ City: State: Parent’s home number :( Alternate phone number :( Troop # ) Zip: ) - Scoutmaster’s name: ________ A participant in the Counselor-in-Training program MUST provide a current BSA physical form and a “Permission To Leave Camp” form at check-in. On the back side of this form, please explain why you would like to be considered for the Counselor-in-Training program. List your short-term and long-term camping experience as well. Applicant’s Signature: __________ Scoutmaster’s Signature: Parent’s Signature: Mail reservation form to: Boy Scouts of America 11046 Johnson Blvd Seminole, FL 33772 ATTN: Camp Director 44 HIGH ADVENTURE PROGRAM PARTICIPANT, PARENT or GUARDIAN AGREEMENT: I fully understand that vertical rope activities such as Climbing and Rappelling activities involve a risk of injury. I further understand that participation in such activities and/or use of such equipment may result in injury or illness including, but not limited to bodily injury, disease, strains, fractures, partial and or total paralysis, death or other ailments that could cause serious disability. These risks and dangers may be caused by negligence of the owners, volunteers, employees, officers or agents of, but not limited to, Boy Scouts of America and/or West Central Florida Council, BSA; the negligence of the participants, the negligence of others, accidents, breaches of contract, the force of nature or other causes. Risks and dangers may arise from foreseeable or unforeseeable causes including, but not limited to, guide decision making, including that a guide may misjudge terrain, weather, trail or water route, water levels, risks of falling out and drowning while in a raft, canoe/kayak or other water vessel and such other risk, hazards and dangers that are an integral to recreational activities that take place in a wilderness, outdoor or recreational environment. By my participation in these activities and for use of equipment, I hereby assume all risks and dangers and all responsibility for any losses and/or damages, whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence or other conduct of the owners, agents, officers, volunteers or employees of Boy Scouts of America, BSA West Central Florida Council, or by any other person. I, on behalf of myself, my personal representatives and my heirs hereby voluntarily agree to release, waive, discharge, hold harmless and defend Boy Scouts of America, BSA West Central Florida Council and their owners, officers, volunteers and employees from any and all claims, actions or losses for bodily injury, property damage, wrongful death, loss of services or otherwise which may arise out of my use of equipment or my participation in Climbing, Rappelling, Ropes Course, and/or other outdoor activities to include but not limited to Zip Lines, Rope bridges, Cable ladder climbing belayed tree climbing and knotted rope climbing. I specifically understand that I am releasing, discharging and waiving any claims or actions that I may have presently or in the future for the acts or other conduct by the owners, agents, volunteers or employees of Boy Scouts of America and or BSA West Central Florida Council. I fully understand that reference material exists, such as the COPE and CLIMBING / RAPELLING Director course material, ACCT Standards, Boy Scout Merit Badge pamphlets, etc., which describes the various safety precautions used, types of equipment, use of equipment, construction and inspection of High Adventure courses, equipment and Course usage log records, and basic activity fundamentals. This material is available thru the internet, the local library, the local Council Service Center, and the Boy Scouts of America. The West Central Florida Council highly recommends the participant read the available information and seek proper training and/or instruction prior to participating in any and all High Adventure activities. 45 HIGH ADVENTURE PROGRAM RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS Climbing – Rappelling I have read the above waiver and release and by signing it agree. It is my intention to exempt and relieve all parties described therein from liability for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death. Participant Signature: _______________________________________________Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ Name of Participant (please print) ________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________City________________________State______ Zip__________ (If participant less than 18 years old) Name of Parent or Guardian (please Print) _______________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian: _____________________________________________________ Date______/_____/_____ Witness Attesting ALL Signatures___________________________________________________ Date ______/_____/_____ 46 Unit Swim Classification Record This is the individual’s swim classification as of this date. Any change in status after this date (i.e., non-swimmer to beginner or beginner to swimmer) would require a reclassification test performed by an approved test administrator. Changes and corrections to the following chart should be initialed and dated by the test administrator. SPECIAL NOTE: When swim tests are conducted away from camp, the camp aquatics director retains the right to review or retest any or all participants to ensure that standards have been maintained. Unit Number _________________ Date of Swim Test _______________ Full Name (print) Non-swimmer Beginner Swimmer NAME OF PERSON CONDUCTING THE TEST: Full Name (Print) _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Print Name Signature _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Qualification Council/Agency (Red Cross, YMCA, etc.) UNIT LEADER: ______________________________________ ____________________________________ 47 SWIM CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURES The swim classification of individuals participating in a Boy Scouts of America activity is a key element in both Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat. The swim classification tests should be renewed annually, preferably at the beginning of each outdoor season. Traditionally, the swim classification test has only been conducted at a long-term summer camp. However, there is no restriction that this be the only place the test can be conducted. It may be more useful to conduct the swim classification prior to a unit going to summer camp. All persons participating in BSA aquatics are classified according to swimming ability. The classification tests and test procedures have been developed and structured to demonstrate a skill level consistent with the circumstances in which the individual will be in the water (e.g., the swimmer’s test demonstrates the minimum level of swimming ability for recreational and instructional activity in a confined body of water with a maximum 12-foot depth). ADMINISTRATION OF SWIM CLASSIFICATION TEST (THE LOCAL COUNCIL CHOOSES ONE OF THESE OPTIONS): OPTION A (at camp): The swim classification test is completed the first day by camp aquatics personnel. OPTION B (Council conducted/council controlled): The council controls the swim classification process by predetermined dates, locations, and approved personnel to serve as test administrators. When the unit goes to summer camp, each individual will be issued a buddy tag under the direction of the camp aquatics director for use at the camp. OPTION C (At unit level with council-approved aquatics resource people): The swim classification test done at a unit level should be conducted by one of the following council-approved resource people: Aquatics Instructor, BSA; Aquatics Cub Supervisor; BSA Lifeguard; BSA Swimming & Water Rescue; or other lifeguard, swimming instructor, etc. When the unit goes to summer camp, each individual will be issued a buddy tag under the direction of the camp aquatics director for use at the camp. TO THE TEST ADMINISTRATOR The various components of each test evaluate the several skills essential to the minimum level of swimming ability. Each step of the test is important and should be followed as listed below: SWIMMER’S TEST: Jump feet first into water over the head in depth, level off, and begin swimming. Swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards using an easy resting backstroke. The 100 yards must be swum continuously and include at least one sharp turn. After completing the swim, rest by floating. BEGINNER’S TEST: Jump feet first into water over the head in depth, level off, swim 25 feet on the surface, stop, turn sharply, resume swimming as before, and return to starting place. 48 Period Aquatics Handicraft 8:30-9:20 Canoeing Swimming Art Woodcarving 9:30-10:20 Sculpture Composite Materials 10:3011:20 Kayaking Lifesaving Rowing Instructional Swim Swimming(P) Canoeing 11:3012:20 Swimming(P) Kayaking Leatherwork(P) 2:00-2:50 Swimming(P) Canoeing Leatherwork(P) 3:00-3:50 Lifesaving Swimming Leatherwork Woodcarving 4:00-5:30 Open Swim Open Fingerprinting Leatherwork(P) Aerial Sports Climbing Search & Rescue Climbing Ecology General Interest Outdoor Skills Environmental Science Mammal Study Citizenship in the Nation Railroading Camping Communications First Aid Space Exploration Energy Digital Technology Game Design Personal Fitness Wilderness Survival Emergency Prep Weather Pulp & Paper Painting Chess Pioneering Geocaching First Aid(P) Environmental Science Insect Study Citizenship in the World Photography Camping Public Speaking First Aid(P) Astronomy Bird Study Citizenship in the Nation Indian Lore Communications Fishing First Aid(P) Environmental Science Animal Science Chess Digital Technology Wilderness Survival Emergency Prep Pioneering Slacklining Paul Bunyan Totin’ Chip Firem’n Chit (P) reserved for Pathfinders 49 Shooting Sports Archery Rifle Shotgun Archery Rifle Shotgun Archery Rifle Shotgun Open Shoot Marksmanship
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