Current Market Workshop Wednesday, March 28, 2012 6

Current Market Workshop
Thursday, June 18th, 6-8 p.m.
CalTrans office, 4050 Taylor Street, San Diego
• Learn what companies are looking for in resumes and
interviews for young professionals with 2-10 years
•Get insight on the local engineering market from Molly
Mapes, Senior Recruiter and Career Coach with more than
10 years of experience in the San Diego Area.
Molly has generously offered to tailor the presentation to our interests and
as such needs to know what you want to hear about! Do you want to
know what steps to take to differentiate yourself and your resume? Do
you want to know where the work is heating up in San Diego?
Email topics of interest or questions to
[email protected]
RSVP by 6/12 to: Ian Crano, Membership Chair,
[email protected] , (858) 810-1461
Please bring your resume, notepad, pen and
business cards with you.
Dinner will be provided.