Summer Stock Brochure - Sangster Elementary PTA

Parent Name(s):
(for casting purposed only)
Wednesday, June 17th
3:50 - 5:15 pm
Sangster Elementary Cafeteria/Stage
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Are there any special circumstances,
needs, or physical challenges we should
know about? (such as allergies, asthma, etc.)
Monday, July 6th - Friday, July 17th
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Sangster Elementary Cafeteria/Stage
Friday, July 17
2:00 - 3:00 pm
Sangster Elementary Cafeteria/Stage
A PTA Sponsored
Youth Musical Theater Camp
for Rising 3rd through 7th Graders
Does your child have any previous theater
experience or classes? (please include dance
classes and/or vocal lessons)
Tuition covers music, rehearsal CDs, scenery, props,
costumes, show T-shirts, DVD of the final performance,
and daily snacks.
Please return your completed registration form
to Jennifer Lambert or leave the form, with
payment, in an envelope labeled “Sangster
Summer Stock” in the Sangster front office.
$400 per child*
$350 per additional child after first enrolled*
July 6 th - 17 th
*All checks should be made payable to: “Sangster PTA”
9:00am - 1:00pm
Please let us know if you would like to take advantage
of payment program or tuition discounts.
Sangster Elementary School
The young actors will perform a full-scale
musical on the Sangster Elementary Stage,
and aach student will receive a DVD of the
final performance.
In the past, we have had professional
musical theater actors from Broadway and
the D.C. Professional Theater community
work with our students and provide them
with valuable advice and techniques. We
are working on bringing in professional
artists to work with our students once
again this summer!
Please see the ‘Schedule’ section on the
back of this brochure for more details
and perfomance times and locations.
Each actor will receive two complimentary
tickets to the performance on the last day
of camp. Additional tickets will be available
for purchase prior to the final perfomance
for any additional guests who would like to
For ten non-stop days, our young actors,
actresses, and production crew members
will participate in a musical theater camp
that allows them to experience life as a
summer stock performer. Children with all
levels of performance experience will work
on musical theater techniques, voice, song
study, and movement, while they intensively
rehearse for a musical that will be performed
on the last day of camp. In our dynamic and
comprehensive program, all participants will
also build scenery, props and be introduced
to the technical side of theater production.
This program will be a fun and rewarding
experience as students work to successfully
put up a major musical in just ten days.
Those students who would like to be tech crew on the
show can enroll at a discounted rate for either one or
two weeks.
(Contact Mrs. Lambert if interested)
This is an intense musical theater program
modeled after a professional summer
stock experience, therefore, young actors
will be asked to arrive on schedule each
morning and memorize lines, lyrics, and
choreography within a week. All actors
must also be prepared for auditions. All
campers are asked to arrive with a positive
attitude each day and agree to follow all
safety rules.
I have read and understand my job as a
young actor in this camp.
Jennifer Lambert, Program Director
[email protected]
Actor’s Signature: