my pdf cv

sara kuhlman.
35 S St Clair St, Apt 208, Dayton, OH 45402
937-654-9875. [email protected].
Indiana State University Bachelor of Science in Journalism
Terre Haute, Indiana (August 2004 - August 2008)
Web Manager
Horizons Women’s Healthcare
Dayton, Ohio (November 2014 - current)
Redesign and transition existing websites from Joomla! to WordPress, researching patient needs to create an
optimized user experience. Create new websites to promote standalone products. Establish and manage social
presence on multiple accounts. Design all marketing pieces for digital and print.
Social Media Editor
British Medical Association
London (August 2013 - September 2014)
Increased followers on social accounts for the British Medical Association by 25,000 in less than a year. Created
innovative presentations of content to engage the Association’s 154,000 members, such as multimedia video
stories on our YouTube channel or interactive graphs made with Google Fusion Tables. Increased engagement
with the BMA Medical Students print magazine by creating scripts, recording and editing podcasts. Assisted in
launch of BMA Communities, our new social networking site for doctors, by designing all banners, writing blogs
and creating fun instructional videos as alternatives to text instructions.
Web Designer / Multimedia Specialist
PR Newswire Europe – United Business Media
London (July 2012 - August 2013)
Used the latest HTML5 and CSS3 standards to design 25-30 customized multimedia websites per month for
high-profile clients in every sector. Wrote, edited and distributed attractive PR content to a readership of more
than 8 million, including 700,000 subscribed journalists. Created official style guide for the multimedia team to
streamline editorial and design standards.
Oversaw expansion of multiple European social accounts and mentored senior UBM staff. Managed and
curated content for PR Newswire’s Tumblr, company blog and four Twitter accounts, including @prnewswire, an
account with 75,000+ followers. Increased Twitter followers by 135% in first six months.
PR Newswire Europe – United Business Media
London (March 2010 - July 2012)
Edited and developed successful content for clients based on media, SEO and legal training. Awarded Top
Performer of 2010. Maintained highest editorial accuracy rate in department throughout time on the team.
Self-taught HTML/CSS and promoted to dual editorial/multimedia role in September 2011. Created
official editorial style guide based on AP Style and UK industry standards. Helped create legal guidebook based
on media libel training in the US and UK.
Editorial Intern
Indianapolis Monthly Magazine – Emmis Communications
Indianapolis (May 2008 - September 2008)
Ensured accuracy in fact, consistency in style and re-reported for Indianapolis Monthly, a 46,000-circulation
glossy city magazine. Published front-of-book pieces and small service items for the magazine in addition to
creating feature and smaller-interest story ideas in weekly staff meetings.
Editor in Chief
Indiana Statesman
Terre Haute, Indiana (August 2006 - May 2008)
Managed staff of 30 editors and reporters for a three-times-a-week, 5,000-circulation newspaper while at
university. Trained editors in Adobe InDesign, publication design, AP style and editing. Designed and edited
every front page, budgeted content for all sections and reported hard news, including local coverage of the
2008 presidential primaries when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton visited Terre Haute. Promoted to editor in
chief in December 2007 after working as managing editor and news editor since August 2006.
skills and interests.
Design - I have extensive experience in Adobe Dreamweaver, InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop as well as
Quark XPress. I use WordPress in my freelance Web design as well as for all of my personal sites. I’m confident
in using any CMS for Web design, and can also hand code HTML from scratch. I recently attended the Digital
Summit in Charlotte where I focused my learning on User Experience in web design.
Volunteering - I’m currently a big sister in the Big Brothers, Big Sisters of the Miami Valley program, but in London my volunteering focused more on the homeless. I worked for an organization that trained the homeless or
those at risk of homelessness how to work in a restaurant and gain the skills needed to re-enter the workforce.
I have also worked at the House of Bread in Dayton.
Bowling - Bowling is a beautiful sport. Since age 12 bowling has been a big part of my life. I’ve competed in
dozens of leagues and tournaments throughout my life.
PR Newswire Top Performer 2010
Indiana Society of Professional Journalists Mark of Excellence: First Place Breaking News Reporting for
“Noose in tree causes outrage,” Indiana Statesman Oct. 26, 2007
Outstanding Senior, ISU Department of Communication
Excellence in Journalism 2006 - 2007, ISU Department of Communication
Indiana State University academic four-year scholarship