REGIONAL ASSOCIATION OF OIL, GAS AND BIOFUELS SECTOR COMPANIES IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN WORKSHOP MANAGEMENT OF MAJOR REFINING AND SURFACE FACILITIES PROJECTS October 20-22, 2015 | Lima, Peru HOST Sponsor WORKSHOP MANAGEMENT OF MAJOR REFINING AND SURFACE FACILITIES PROJECTS REGIONAL ASSOCIATION OF OIL, GAS AND BIOFUELS SECTOR COMPANIES IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN INTRODUCTION The oil and gas industry in Latin America and the Caribbean faces the challenge of carrying out major projects in refining, petrochemicals, oil production and transportation, both offshore and onshore, in order to meet the growing demand for energy as a result of the economic growth of the region, and also to meet the demand for fuels with lower environmental impact. These projects are capital intensive and of great importance, not only for the economy of the companies, but also for the communities where those companies operate, due to their economic and socio-environmental impact. For these reasons, the group on Management of Major Refining Projects of ARPEL has organized this workshop and invites all professionals of oil and gas production companies, oil refining companies, construction companies and analysts of major project management to exchange experiences and good practices in this field, in order to optimize the execution of these projects. OBJECTIVES OF THE WORKSHOP • Sharing experiences, best practices and lessons learned in the management of major projects for the oil and gas production, transportation and refining among companies of the oil industry in Latin America and the Caribbean. • Analyzing the new trends in the management of major refining and surface facilities projects, led by construction companies' specialists who are experts in the state of the art of this topic and recognized at the global level. WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE? Professionals of oil refineries, major surface facilities of production, transportation and processing of oil and gas, both onshore and offshore, construction companies, consulting firms and service providers responsible for project planning and implementation, environmental safety and preservation, relations with communities, startup, integrity and maintenance of units. Representatives of government ministries or departments, investment promotion agencies and regulatory agencies for activities and projects of the oil and gas industry. Universities, institutions and associations of professionals and companies, research centers, developers or those interested in the management of major projects. THEMATIC SCOPE 1. Organizational structures of the project Integration of customer/supplier/constructor structures and their evolution during the development of the project 2. Different major project contracting strategies 3. Policy of participation of the national industry in "major projects" - experiences of ARPEL member companies 4. Stages of the design of a major project: conceptual, basic and detail; participation of licensors. The role of the customer 5. Risk management in major projects (plans and risk management). Experiences regarding contingencies 6. Social responsibility and relations with neighboring communities: obtaining social license and environmental permits for the execution of these projects 7. Methodology for the evaluation of consultants (engineering, supervision and project management), suppliers of capital goods and constructors 8. Implementation of safety processes in projects Experiences in the management of project change control 9. Control of engineering documentation and suppliers 10. Construction safety: the role of "owner;" practices to guarantee the reduction of accidents 11. Implementation of projects in facilities in operation Interfaces and interferences 12. Prefabrication, modularization and pre-assembly strategy 13. Supply management Critical equipment and control of installation materials 14. Training plans for facilities assembly personnel, and operations and maintenance personnel for the new units - experiences in use of simulators 15. Reception of units for commissioning. Pre-commissioning and commissioning group
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