ST. ANTHONY’S PARISH - Archdiocese of Vancouver 5TH SUNDAY of EASTER 2347 Inglewood Avenue West Vancouver, B.C. V7V 1Z9 May 3rd 2015 Pastor: In residence: Office Hours: A Office: (604) 926-6881 Fax: (604) 926-3852 Email: [email protected] Website: Archdiocesan Website: Fr. Gary Franken Fr. Joseph Thanh Thoai Le, JCL Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. tree pruner had been offered a job over in America. At the US customs office, he was greeted: "Good afternoon sir" they asked " What are you going to do in America?" The tree pruner replied, "I go to America to chop bush." Today’s Gospel is not about plants; it’s about people. It is not about vines; it’s about life. The image of the vine and the branches which Jesus uses in this Gospel is a way of saying that we as branches will share in Christ’s very life. If we abide in Him, we will have life to the fullest. Now this is a very positive and exciting image, and yet there is one line in today’s Gospel that can stop us short and even frighten us. The line is this: “The branches that bear fruit my father will prune so that they bear more fruit.” That line tells us that we must expect to be pruned by God. This is frightening, yet, this kind of pruning is at times necessary. This is one of the earliest lessons I learned in ministry. One day, a man came in to talk to me in great distress. He said, “My wife is divorcing me.” I expressed my regrets and then asked him, “Did you see this coming?” He replied, “Oh yes,” and continued, “We’ve been living in a loveless marriage for at least ten years. I wanted to go to a counselor but my wife refused; and in time, I too lost the will even to try.” I asked “Why did you stay together?” He replied, “It was for the kids, of course. We wanted to keep our family together. But now they are off to college, and my wife says that there is not anything left in our relationship.” I prompted, “Do you disagree with her?” He said, “Not really, but”, - and here is the line that I will always remember - “All my life,” he said, “I dreamed of a perfect marriage. I dreamed of someone who would share their life with me for as long as I lived. I wanted a relationship around which we could build a family. It is so difficult to let that dream die.” This man’s words rang true the first time that I heard them and they still ring true today. We hope for the best in our lives. We make big plans. But when those plans fail and there is nothing that we can do to prevent it; it is difficult to let those dreams die. If this man’s life was going to continue, if his life was to have a future, he would need to face the truth and let God prune that dream away. As difficult as it might be, at times we need to face what is real and move forward. Cutting off what is dead is not cruelty, but an act of a loving God who removes barren branches so that other parts of our life can thrive. If we want life, we need to let Him prune what is dead away. Fr. Joseph SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 and 11:00 AM. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM; Saturdays & Public Holidays, 9:00 AM. CONFESSIONS Mon - Fri: before 8 AM Mass; Sat: 9:30 AM & 4:15 - 4:45 PM. MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS May 3rd SUN th 5 SUNDAY OF EASTER 9 am Sp. Int. Charlene Pius & Oliver 11 am FOR PARISHIONERS (First Communion Mass) Mon May 4 8 am † Angelo Torresan Tue May 5 8 am Sp. Int. Charlene/Oliver Hannan Wed May 6 8 am Sp. Int. Bastian Vendargon Thu May 7 8 am † J ohn † Mar gar et Micallef Fri May 8 8 am Sp. Int. Christina Rambow 7 pm For Vocations 8 am † J ames Bekko 5 pm FOR PARISHIONERS 9 am Sp. Int. Angela Seymour Sat May 9 May 10th SUN th 6 SUNDAY OF EASTER 11 am Sp. Int. Jennifer Tan ST ANTHONY’S SCHOOL (604) 922-0011 STA HIGH SCHOOL (604) 987-4431 Catholic Cemeteries: are a link between the living & the departed. DATE May 9th: 5 PM May 10th: 9 AM May 10th: 11 AM HOSPITALITY U KERIN/F HIGGS M MEDILEK W GRAY ROCIO HAUSER J CULLEN/L DALINGHAUS M CATTERMOLE LECTORS SUSAN MURPHY WENDY GRAY JoANN CULLEN EMHC ELAINE MOONEN ROCIO HAUSER RANDY HOLMAN SOCIAL HOSTS SUNDAY, MAY 10th BEV CARSON JULIE BARTLETT St. Anthony’s Parish Religious Education Program (PREP): Every Wednesday at 3:50 PM for students in Grades 1 - 7 not attending Catholic Schools. For other Sacramental Information, phone the Parish Office or email PREP at [email protected]. CONGRATULATIONS, FIRST COMMUNION CLASS 2015! TODAY, at the 11 AM Mass, we rejoice and congratulate our PREP children who receive our Lord Jesus into their lives for the first time in Holy Communion. St. Anthony’s Parish thanks the parents and families for the honour we have to be collaborators in helping the children grow in God’s love. We are pleased to work with parents in helping them do their job! To the teachers and staff of our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP), we say Thank You for your faithful and devoted work in preparing the children. Congratulations to . . . Luciana BEREZOWSKY, Dane CALKINS, Gregoire CANTIN, Isabella CEOLIN, Christina CONCEPCION, Chiara CRIELESI, Sofia DE COTIIS, and Lucas GITT. Welcome children, to the Table of the Lord . . . “Taste and see that the Lord is good “. PROJECT ADVANCE 2015 Last Sunday we launched our campaign for this year. Georg, Katherine and other volunteers are available for the next Sundays to receive your pledges and donations after Masses. We invite other volunteers to phone the parish office if you can help us at the Mass you are attending. Giving online is also encouraged. Visit: giving and specify St. Anthony’s Parish, West Vancouver as the recipient. Thank you. God bless! NEXT SUNDAY, MOTHER’S DAY St. Anthony’s Parish Knights of Columbus and The Craft Group will be at hand after Masses to help you celebrate Mother’s Day. Saturday, after the 5 PM Mass and after the 9 & 11 AM Masses, the Knights of Columbus are selling Carnations. Proceeds of the sale are for Life Issues. Sunday, the Craft Group invites everyone to the parish hall to their Craft Sale. Hand-made gift items & flowers for Moms! MEMORIAL MASS † ARCHBISHOP EMERITUS RAYMOND ROUSSIN, SM Friday, May 8th, 12:10 pm, H.R. Cathedral All are invited to attend the Mass which will be followed by a reception in the cathedral hall. ST. THOMAS AQUINAS HIGH SCHOOL Whistler Music Festival Jazz Ensemble Winners! Juniors, Silver; Seniors, Gold. Congratulations, STA! PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR: Terri Peterson, Mary Skwarok, Mary Bruce, Leonor di Fiandra, Rocio Hauser, Cathy Gardner, Jay Shrager, Marcela Chavez, Vini Fitzgerald, Patr icia Trapp, Blaine Fogal, Dan & Chr is Peak, Sho Uyeda, Maria Castle, Theresa Tu, Jacqueline Cummings, Pat Keough, Geor gia Bridger, J oy Sescar, Donna Fontanella, Rose Kowch, Susan Stastny, Harvey Sazunic, Wallace Murray, Alexandria Pius, Declan Lord, Dan Arenet, Marina Andrew, Keith Jacobsen, Marian & Jack Welch, Lynne Cavaleigh, David Kritzwiser, Patrick Leslie, Les Szabo, Roman Moshevich, Joseph Wein, Ed Hauser, Agnes Koh, Lachoo Narain, Alex Barraza, Tanis Stastny, Gina Charles, Don/Edna Copley, Irene Masterman, Christine Ermita, Kenelm Burridge, Rico Alvano, Bobbi Bass, Pamela Kinna, Brendan Stephens, Louise Schubert, Agnes Notte, Margar et Irving, & Annette Garm. STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION . . . “Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.” 1 John 3:18 Do you “walk the talk?” Does your action reflect what you say? If not, spend time every day in prayer, give some of your talent to help one of your parish’s ministries and give some of your money to support the work of the Church. GOLDEN TONES: SAXOPHONE & ORGAN Friday, May 8th, 8 pm, @ H.R. Cathedral With saxophone virtuoso Julia Nolan and organist Denis Bedard on Handel, Schubert, Marcello and Bedard. $20; Students/Seniors, $15. (604) 682-6774, ext. 5. BIRTHRIGHT MASS & CROWNING OF MARY Saturday, May 9th, 12:10 pm @ HR Cathedral In support of Birthright & its works. Refreshments in HR Hall. MOTHER’S DAY VIGIL @ LGH Sunday, May 10th @ 13th Street, 2-3 pm Your presence at this peaceful demonstration emphasizes that abortion in Canada is an unresolved issue morally & politically and strengthens others, witnessing for the dignity human life. CATHOLIC AFTER-HOURS SOCIAL MIXERS Mondays, May 11th & 25th @ Vancouver Art Gallery Café For all 25-45 year old Catholics searching true happiness. See you at 6:30 pm. $20. Visit: NATIONAL WEEK: LIFE & FAMILY May 11-17 is an initiative of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. The theme, “ We’re All Connected” focuses on the issue of assisted suicide. Visit: for resources and how you can help address this urgent matter! FOR LOVE ALONE Tuesday, May 12th @ JPII Centre, 7 pm Special pre-screening of For Love A lone, latest release from Grassroots Films. The film follows religious sisters across the US and emphasizes the risks and rewards of following God. FREE with snacks, social and Q&A period with Mother Mary Clare and Sister Clare Matthias. MARCH FOR LIFE IN VICTORIA - MAY 14TH Car-pooling is possible, please call the parish. ORDINATIONS TO THE DIACONATE Friday, May 15th, 7 pm @ HR Cathedral We are blessed to have four men being ordained to the Transitional Diaconate: Lucio CHOI, Davide LANZANI, Larry LYNN, and Mark McGUCKIN with the Archbishop presiding. 5
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