Friday 15th May 2015 Dear Parents/Carers Despite some obvious challenges, this week has been a positive one for those of us at Sayes Court. Some of you would have seen in the news this week about the pressure that the children across the country have been feeling as they sat down to complete their SATs tests this week. The Year 6 children really have applied themselves brilliantly and with the minimum of fuss too! Many of you will recall taking tests as a child but it is easy to underestimate the disproportionate amount of pressure our youngsters have felt over the course of the week. I am proud of each and every one of them and want to celebrate their achievements as individuals not as a level that they get after sitting a stressful exam. The first of the maths tests was particularly hard and I wonder if those who set the tests appreciate the anxiety they cause. Whatever the outcomes end up being, the learning that has taken place this year in Year 6 has been commendable and both the children (and the team of dedicated adults - spearheaded by Mrs Boldero) can feel content with doing their best. Last Friday saw the school’s Democracy Day and there are some pictures at the end of the newsletter to show some of the highlights of this event. Voting and the concept of democracy is a challenging one for children and it was great to see how much they gained from the experience of designing their own country to champion. The counting will take place at the end of this week and will be announced next Monday. The ‘presiding officer’ will be Alex Russell, the head of the Bourne Trust who is coming in to find out how the school is doing on its continued journey of school improvement. Last Thursday, as I have already explained, saw the School Improvement Planning Inset session. I hope that some of you have taken the opportunity to Issue 93 come into the entrance foyer to look at the thoughts of those that were present on the day. Do have a look and maybe even put a sticker against the ideas that are most important to you too. A final update from last week: Linda Kemeny who is the leader for Education for the whole of Surrey came to visit on Friday. It was good that this coincided with our Democracy Day and Linda left with really positive impressions of the school and the amazing children we have here. It was also useful to pry a bit more about the on-going issues around the school expansion which is planned. Please be reassured that as soon as I know anything – you will be ‘in the loop’ too. Finally, a few reminders to you all: Please make sure that we are all keeping the high standard for dress that is expected here at Sayes Court. Uniform is often a slippery slope and before you know where you are, the standard is falling. Please work with us in ensuring that your children are attending school appropriately dressed. Another way that you can help the smooth running of the school is by using the office to book appointments with your child’s class teacher. Remember, the class teacher is the first point of call for any issues that you may have and Mrs Richmond or myself are on call when these avenues are exhausted. Also remember that parents are only allowed to enter the building by the front entrance not the side ones! With best wishes Paul Grimwood Headteacher TIME TO CHAT May’s Value is PATIENCE. This week has not seen many opportunities to come together as a school – SATs really do take over for a week! Despite this, patience has been demonstrated really well by everyone here at Sayes Court. One thing that demands a lot of patience is gardening and next week all of the children will be taking part in a sunflower growing challenge. Mrs Glen and Mrs Leaver will be supplying the necessary equipment and resources and the children will then have a go at planting the seeds. I wonder who will win? This has led to this week’s ‘Time to chat’… Have a chat with your family this weekend. What are their favourite plants to grow? Why? If they don’t like gardening – what flowers are special to them? Is there a reason why? Strive- Create- Succeed CONGRATULATIONS TO MRS GLEN AND MRS LEAVER AND THE ECO CLUB!!! For winning a place in the Chelsea Flower Show with their growing skills, the scarecrow competition at Hampton Court and getting through to the Wisley Gardens Raised Bed competition, well done and the very best of luck. STRING ACADEMY AT THE SHIPLEY ARTS FESTIVAL Billy in Year 5 took part in the String Academy at the Shipley Arts Festival last night, playing with young and gifted musicians from the world-renowned Yehudi Menuhin School and the spectacular Windlesham School. He’s worked hard both at home and at various rehearsal venues for the last few week, under the expert tutelage of Rachel Barnes, and in the concert last night we were incredibly proud to see and hear how it all came together,. Inspiring stuff, a wonderful opportunity. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Alicia (Year 5) passed her ballet grade 2 exam and with a merit too! DEMOCRACY DAY Results will be announced next week! Stars of the Week Oak Ash Aalyah Yew Imogen Holly Stephen Beech Bradley Alder Joshua Willow Sycamore CLASS ATTENDANCE WEEK ENDING 08/05/15 WINNING CLASS ATTENDANCE: Oak 100.00% Sycamore 100.00% Alder 98.25% Willow 96.79% Ash 95.33% Yew 93.59% Holly 92.47% Beech% Year so Far 95.59% THE SCHOOL DAY STARTS AT 8.50AM Xander CLASS Learners of the Week Oak Ash Mimi Yew Mikey Holly William Beech Harvey Alder Pranav Willow Sycamore Joe BUILDING,LEARNING,POWER Oak Ash Max Martha Yew Holly Charlie & Evan Beech Amelia & Kanisha Alder Amy Willow Sycamore Remi Ash Oak Yew Holly Beech Alder Willow Sycamore TOTAL TOTAL LEARNING TIME LOST OVER WEEK 0 mins (Fantastic!) 75 (Not good) 25 mins 10 mins 25 mins 0 Mins (Fantastic!) 105 mins (Disaster) 0 mins (Fantastic!) 4 HOURS LIBRARY NEWS A big thanks to Mrs Burge for all her hard work raising money through the scholastic book fairs/catalogue. We have just spent nearly £300.00 on new books for the library. The books include: • Alex Rider/Artemis Fowl/graphic novels • Percy Jackson • Tom Gates: |Yes! No • Beastquest • Lego Ninjago/movie Please look after the books you borrow from the school library. Many books are being returned damaged (or wet) from leaking water bottles). If you do damage or lose a book please contact Maria [email protected]. Thank you Aidan (Y6), James (Y5) and Bradley (Y3) for donating books to the school library. MAY 2015 Monday 18th Year 6 to Thorpe Park Tuesday 19th PTFA Summer Fair mtg Wednesday 20th Chelsea Flower Show Wednesday 20th Year 4 to Jubilee PE Thursday 21st Eco Club to Wisley Gardens Thursday 21st 9.00am Year 3 Class Assembly all parents welcome Friday 22nd Enrichment Day Friday 22nd French Café 8.30am Friday 22nd Break up for half term. JUNE 2015 Monday 1st INSET DAY Tuesday 2nd Children return to school Wednesday 3rd 1.30pm Fullbook visiting year 6 Friday 5th MUFTI DAY for Summer fair Friday 5th 9.00am Year 6 Class Assembly parents welcome w/c Monday 8th Year 5 & 6 Residential trip to Beaconsfield Friday 12th 9.00am Yew Class Assembly parents welcome Tuesday 16th Year 3 & 4 trip to British Museum Friday 19th 9.00am Reception Class Assembly parents welcome Saturday 20th Summer Fair Monday 22nd Year 1 Trip to Brighton Friday 26th 9.00am Year 2 Class Assembly Monday 29th Eco Club to Hampton Court JULY 2015 Friday 3rd Sports day and Picnic Tuesday 3rd Year 5 Away Day Fullbrook Thursday 9th 6-8.00pm Full Governor Body Meeting Friday 10th Reception on Wildlife Trust Trip – Nower Wood Tuesday 14th ‘Moving up morning’ Tuesday 14th 6-7.30pm Summer Disco Tuesday 21st Break up for Summer Holidays DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE School meals A reminder that the dinner money due for this half term is £75.60 .This takes into account the Inset day on 1st June, and is adjusted accordingly for any trip/absences for your child. Those on the Beaconsfield Residential, the cost is £65.10. School meals must be paid for in advance. Please act promptly if you receive a payment reminder text. If your child wishes to change meal arrangements, please ensure that you notify the school in advance and fill out the ‘change of meal arrangement’ form is available from the office. Please note that this form must still be completed even if your child is receiving free or universal free school meals. Thank you
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