Shoreline Community College ELECTION RULES 2015

Shoreline Community College
All qualified students must have an equal opportunity to run for
Student Parliament positions.
A. Voting
1. All Shoreline Community College students are eligible to vote, as specified in the SCCSBA Constitution.
2. No student may vote more than once in any election.
1. All applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.75.
2. Applicants must have completed a minimum of 10 credits before submitting their
3. All applicants must complete English 101 prior to Fall Quarter 2015.
Conduct of Candidates
1. Campaign Funding
a. Funding is at the expense of the candidate. If the candidate wishes to seek
funding from private donations, grants, etc. they are encouraged to do so.
Absolutely NO funding will be provided by the Student Government, the
Student Leadership Center, or from Shoreline Community College (a
reasonable amount of material will be available for candidates).
2. Campaign Posters and Printed Material
a. All candidates will be provided with access to poster services in the Student
Leadership Center to produce up to a maximum of ten “8.5” x 11” / 8.5” x 14”
/11” x 17” posters, and a maximum of fifty 5.5” x8.5” flyers in total.
b. Candidates may post their campaign posters on Open Posting Boards and SLC
Posting Boards by themselves. Yard signs must be approved through the Student
Leadership Center following guidelines provided by the Director of Facilities
planning and Operations.
c. Candidates may NOT post up their campaign posters or flyers on the official
bulletin boards in the PUB (9000 Building).
d. All paid advertising in any campus publication must bear the words "paid
e. Campaign posters may not be posted on woodwork, doors (including bathroom
stalls), or covering glass.
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f. All posters must be removed from the campus on the day following the elections.
g. Candidates must actively inquire into and observe all college rules pertaining to
the use of school equipment. Use of school materials for campaigning purposes
other than the materials in item (a.) is strictly prohibited.
h. Candidates are expected to comply with College policies and procedures. It is the
candidate’s responsibility to inquire about any College policies and procedures
which may govern their behavior in the election. Candidates who willfully or
inadvertently disobey college policies or procedures to gain an advantage in the
election may be subject to disqualification.
3. Campaigning for votes
a. Candidates are encouraged to discuss the issues of their candidacy with individual
students and in classes or groups of students on campus.
b. Candidates are encouraged to cooperate with the Ebbtide newspaper to prepare
their campaign.
c. Candidates shall attend an Open Forum on May 5, 2015 in the Quiet Dining
Room (9208) in the PUB as conducted by the Hiring Committee.
d. No campaigning will be permitted by any candidates or other persons who
campaign on the behalf of the candidates within the polling area (defined under
Section G, "Polls" below) during the Election Days. Campaigning in the polling
area includes standing or loitering, discussing issues or candidates, displaying
posters, buttons, T-shirts or printed material regarding the election or escorting
voters inside the polling area. Candidates are required to avoid polling areas,
except for academic purposes or to cast their own individual vote!
e. Candidates may not speak with anyone who is casting or about to cast their vote
and must stay out of close proximity of those who are casting their vote.
4. Candidates and other persons who campaign on the behalf of the candidates are expected
to conduct themselves “ responsible members of the Academic community" and to
comply with all existing rules and regulations of the college as outlined in the Student
Conduct and Discipline policy #5030. In the event that the above listed persons are
found in violation of this policy the candidate could be disqualified as outlined in Article
K as well as in Article: D, Section: 2 of this document. Any persons found in violation of
policy #5030 may also be subject to any disciplinary action outlined in that policy.
Ballots, Election Administration
1. Candidate’s names will be listed on the electronic ballot randomly.
2. Any issues to be placed on the ballot must be approved by the SBA Parliament.
3. The Election Chair will ensure that election results and records will be secured until the
election is validated by Parliament.
4. An Election Advisor (Director of Student Life),Prime Minister of Student Body
Association and the Elections Chair will provide written clarification regarding
challenges or interpretation and enforcement of the election rules (see Article D, sec. 1,
2 and 4; and Articles J and K).
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Disqualification of a Candidate
1. Any candidate found to be in violation of the election rules may be disqualified by a 2/3
majority of the Parliament, with advice and counsel from the Elections Chair (Minister of
2. A full Parliament report of the disqualification will be presented to the candidate being
disqualified, along with a copy of the election report.
3. Results of any Parliament hearing regarding an election protest or violation will be
publicly announced, on campus, by the Elections Chair within 10 instructional days of
the hearing.
Rules for the Incumbent
1. Incumbents who are planning to run for election will have certain restrictions in
accessing information. They will not be granted any access to the update of vote counts
until the day the results are announced.
2. Incumbents shall exclude themselves during election discussions and not partake in any
decision-making concerning election rules.
ASG Elections Timeline
April 1st: Meeting à Election/Campaign Rules
April 6th – May 1st à Campaigning
May 5th à Open Forums
May 6th – May 12th à Voting
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