A Sample Says/Does Chart for a Group`s Progress

A Sample Says/Does Chart for a Group’s Progress Report
Paragraph number
1 [Intro to the
Says who is in this student group and what
their topic is; assesses their progress thus
2 [Intro paragraph of Says how the group has divided up the work
the section
overall and introduces the list of individual
“Progress Thus Far”) assignments that follows.
3 [Bulleted list]
Says what each person is responsible for and
what kind of progress he/she has made.
4 [Intro paragraph of Provides a general statement of the main
the section “Work
areas of information yet to be researched.
Still to Be
5 [Bulleted list]
Lists the three most important kinds of
information that are still needed; explains
where/how the group will try to find them.
6 [Concluding
Says that the group is on track to complete a
draft by the due date; states that they
expect the findings to be useful.
Reminds the reader who’s in the
group and what its topic is so she
doesn’t have to consult her
Gives her an overall assessment
that will help her comprehend
what is to follow; saves the
details for later sections.
Conveys an image of the group as
well organized and focused.
Previews the list of individual
areas of responsibility.
Shows that the group has divided
up the work in a logical, fair way
and anticipated all important
parts of the project.
Shows that the work has been
divided evenly and that there are
no slackers.
Includes concrete evidence of
research thus far to attest to the
groups’ effort/research skills and
to build confidence in their
Helps the reader easily grasp
what remains to be done.
Builds the reader’s confidence in
the group’s ability to
direct/motivate itself.
Helps the reader assess the
likelihood of the project’s success
and advise the group if necessary.
Builds confidence in the group’s
Shows the reader that they are
aware of and heeding the
assigned deadlines.
Displays convincing enthusiasm
for the project and an awareness
of its purpose, both of which
bode well for its quality.