Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period 1 Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period TELEKOM SLOVENIJE GROUP 2 Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period 3 Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period Publisher / Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Design / Futura DDB DTP / Judita Vegelj Year / 2012 Photos / Archive of Telekom Slovenije and its subsidiaries 4 Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period Introduction The word is facing the gravest global crisis since 1930s. The crisis began in the financial sector, and the bailout of financial institutions and crisis relief brought EU member states into even greater debts. These countries use fiscal consolidation to adopt strict saving measures, that will first cause a drop in domestic consumption and a rise in the numbers of the unemployed. The deteriorated macroeconomic conditions, merciless competition backed by regulatory measures, the constantly falling revenue from the current flagship services of fixed and mobile telephony simultaneous with the slower market growth in fixed broadband connections, will result in further revenue declines from telecommunication services in developed markets, which also includes the Slovenian market. According to forecasts the revenue from telecommunication services on less developed markets of Central and Eastern Europe will also begin to decline. Due to the decreased market shares, these trends will be reflected in a relatively more pronounced revenue decline from telecommunication services of incumbent operators including Telekom Slovenije, which based on the fact that it is the far largest company of the Telekom Slovenije Group (hereinafter referred to as TSG) will significantly impact the TSG business results. In order to maintain or increase their profitability, the telecommunications operators counter the above-mentioned trends mainly with ruthless cutting of all kinds of costs, and, in what is crucial for long-term operations, by extending their operations outside the classical telecommunication field to the growing areas related to television, digital advertising, mobile data transfer, managed services, cloud computing services... All of these are already a part of operative business and the revised and updated TSG strategy described further on. 5 Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period The TSG strategy is based upon or derives from its mission, values, vision, and the TSG strategic targets. according to our mission (who we are, what is the purpose of our operations) TSG provides its users with constant and the best connections to their nearest, dearest, and also to content. The values on which we build our operations and are also our guide confirm that we’re a well-trained team that lives with our users, that we are reliable, innovative, and proud of our roots and talents. The TSG vision and guideline is to be the leader in providing end-to-end and easy to use communications, which will provide residential and business users with a simple to use and secure high quality user experience by combining all mobile and fixed IT and communication technologies, services, multimedia content, and devices. Strategic goals 6 The strategic goals of TSG comprise the following: • defend the Telekom Slovenije market shares in current services, significantly increase the revenue from new services, and become the leading provider of ICT services, • become the leader in advertising and digital media and application monetization, • profitable growth in Southeastern Europe and international wholesale growth, • cost optimization, establish cost competitiveness, and remain the leader in the technology and network segment, • employee development, work productivity increase, restructuring from a tech company into a sales and services oriented company, • TSG transformation to a regional telecommunication operator, • quality, business excellence, and sustainable development. Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period Retail telecommunication services strategy The key targets of the retail telecommunication services strategy are defending the market shares in mature markets, increasing the penetration and market shares for products still in the growth phase or extend to growing areas, which all require the same or increased level of user satisfaction, and to seize key competitive advantages. Although voice telephony revenue is dropping, and text messaging revenue is not expected to rise, these two segments require special attention, because at least until 2016 they will still present a lion’s share of the revenue. More and more new competitors are entering the market – OTT, that use the infrastructure of telecommunication operators free of charge to provide their services. However, the telecommunication operators, including those of the TSG, have a comparable advantage over the OTT, which lies in the user recognition, and that is essential for crossselling or up-selling services. This has so far not been exploited to its full potential. The advantage of Telekom Slovenije also lies in the power of its brands, however we are still planning to enter new partnerships and implement new business models as we expand to the new growing segments, mainly vertically, because from today’s point of view, the future does not hold one new, key service in terms of revenue, but several relatively smaller areas. Working in these segments and managing partnerships demands swift reactions and adaptability or a form of organization that allows for the new features to be quickly and efficiently offered to the market. The activities for reaching the target market shares and services profitability will be based on higher added value for the user, which will be created by quality, rich content, and simplicity and accessibility of services tailored to the user. 7 Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period Strategy for the retail product portfolio 8 The strategy for the retail product portfolio is based on market dynamics, trends, our target competitive position, the service life cycle phase, and user segments. We’ve classified the retail telecommunication services into the following groups of services: • Internet and multimedia services In the segments of fixed internet access and the multimedia part of TV the goal is to limit the market share decline, and retain revenue. This requires an improvement of the user experience, and a better differentiation of TV services from those of the competition. We will achieve this by also increasing the level of interactivity of TV services, by offering services for all screens, providing our own OTT services, adding the private cloud computing service, and offering exclusive content. Our target is a relatively large increase in user numbers and revenue from the mobile broadband access where we will direct the business model to a combination of fixed and mobile access that will provide connectivity anywhere and anytime. • Managed services These are aimed primarily at business users and comprise data communications, infrastructure lease, business multimedia telephony, and business packages (SaaS). This segment is expected to grow in the coming years, mainly through the growth in the small and medium business segment, by adapting business models to individual larger project solutions, by expanding the service portfolio and developing services with higher added value, and by ensuring quality and reliability of managed services, which will continue to be our competitive edge well into the future. • Comprehensive solutions They comprise vertical and M2M solutions and services: lodging (hotels, homes...), security (Infranet/IP Infranet, video surveillance), lifestyle (a safe and energy efficient home or company), health (telecare, telemedicine, institutions), transport (toll charging, tracking), stores (IP POS), and education. Most of these services are in development, implementation or growth stage, so in the future we expect an increase of revenue from these services, which will be achieved by constantly adapting to the demands of users and by collaborating with external partners. • Premium services Premium services are the services that we provide in collaboration with external service providers (M:Vrata, 090, 080, Moneta…). They represent a segment in which Telekom Slovenije once had what could be called a monopoly, but now the pressure of competitors and backed by the regulatory measures is increasing, so apart from Moneta, which is expected to grow, the target is to maintain the revenue. We can ensure this by increasing the number of service providers to which we will provide support in growth and competitive business conditions that will prevent them from switching to the competition. • Voice services in Slovenia In the segment of traditional fixed telephony the target is to increase service profitability while also retain the bulk of user base. We will achieve this by introducing new models and various service solutions in the fixed segment that were up until now only used in the mobile segment. In the mobile segment, the target is to maintain the market share, this is why we will overhaul the price plans to be better adapted to the changing market conditions and to include different amounts of voice minutes, messages and data allowance, supplemented by other services from our portfolio. In the mobile prepaid segment our goal is to retain ARPU, together with a minimum decrease of market share. Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period Sales strategy Marketing strategy In line with our sales strategy we will maintain the aggressive sales campaigns in municipalities with a high sales potential and great purchasing power. Our sales center network will get a refreshed image to be better recognizable and attractive in terms of sale and service demonstration. We will study the options of franchising sales centers in less densely populated areas based on the profitability analysis. We will also reinforce sales through a network of external resellers by introducing partner programs, change the loyalty system and synchronize the resellers’ sales plans, which will help provide greater stability and predictability of sales. We will also implement a unified online store, combining the whole range in one place; this will help the users make faster purchases and orders, changes to the existing services, and that will also take the burden from other sales channels. The key targets of the marketing strategy, and key marketing activities comprise the following: • Optimum placement of brand architecture Telekom Slovenije alone has as many as 21 brands or sub brands, and their maintenance is tied to significant investments. This is why we will consolidate our brands with a power and value shift to selected key brands, through which we will achieve a complete coverage of selected market segments. • Efficient market communications By 2016 we plan to improve the KPI, which is the ratio between production costs of market communication activities and media buying from current 1:3 to 1:4, but for this it will be necessary to make plans on time or forecast the activities that will require market communications. This target will also be realized through a changed market communications structure with the goal of taking advantage of the new innovative, online, and mobile media, as well as own resources in terms of content creation and production. • Segment management The key target is the maximum coverage of the needs and wishes of individual user segments, for which we will first have to establish a system for efficiently gathering information on the users. • Introducing a single comprehensive loyalty program The loyalty program will present an efficient tool for user retention, maintaining ARPU and the market shares. The target is to have 400,000 active users in the Telekom Slovenije loyalty program by 2016. • Unified approach and operations of TSG in the marketing segment, which we will achieve by standardized brand management and transferring knowledge and solutions within the TSG. 9 Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period Sales strategy In line with the after-sales strategy we will be active in user micro segments which are identified as the customers most likely to leave (calls, direct mail), together with the loyalty program. Our guideline will be to resolve customers’ wishes or inquiries upon the first contact, while our electronic ordering and order tracking system will provide a quick order execution and also provide feedback on the order status. We will cut the time required to set up a connection and the waiting lines in our contact centers; that can only be realized through staff reinforcements. As a consequence of our target of raising customer satisfaction and process facilitation the customers will be largely redirected to self provision, their operations will be further helped by e-invoices and joint invoices for fixed and mobile services. We will also implement a unified system for help desk ticketing and complaint monitoring for quicker resolution and immediate feedback to the customer. Domestic wholesale strategy The goal for the domestic wholesale strategy is to provide the growth of operator connections, which will be key to cutting the average cost per user in the retail segment as well. Due to the ever greater infrastructure competition we have to prevent the users from switching to the networks of alternative operators, and for that it is necessary to provide access to our network, actively collaborate with the regulator, and adapt the terms and pricing policy of leasing our network to market capabilities. The goal for the international wholesale strategy is to ensure revenue and gross margin growth from international carrier services in spite of the falling prices of call termination abroad. Telekom Slovenije will combine the international wholesale for the whole TSG in terms of organization; Telekom Slovenije will establish itself as the first and preferential regional provider of international carrier services. This is also important because currently the call termination services still provide significantly more profitable operations of some of our companies in Southeastern Europe. Once the regional fiber optic network is completed this year, it will present an additional potential for the growth of in international carrier services where we will also be able to exploit the growing traffic in Turkey and in countries of the Near East. International wholesale strategy 10 Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period IT and service platforms strategy Successful execution of the action plan as well as of the IT and service platforms strategy is essential for the success of virtually every other area strategies. After the merger of Telekom Slovenije and Mobitel, the merged IT faces a complex information architecture caused by the fact that both companies had in the past built their own IT infrastructure completely independently and differently. The result of doubled functionalities, that are to a certain extent also present at the TSG level, are high operating costs of IT. In light of the above the target of the IT and service platforms strategy is consolidation and streamlining, that would provide a fast and, in accordance with the priorities and agreed set deadlines, coordinated response of IT to the changes in business environment. The IT functionalities within TSG will have to undergo centralization as soon as possible to cut the operating costs and provide far better support to company business. Network strategy The network strategy will support the transition from technological to a user-oriented company, which means that the technical aspects of new technologies will continue to provide initiative, but will not take over the operations. The decision to go for a new technology must be a reflection of the requirements on the market, and must also be critically assessed through a business model in which sales and product management should be the key. Typically the incumbent operator manages to keep its market share in spite of the somewhat higher prices with a higher quality of services; this is why Telekom Slovenije will continue to provide a better quality of services with regard to the competition, which will also be monitored through the KPI which will be logically higher than those of competitors. The network as service production mostly brings the highest individual cost in the total cost based price of the service, which is why the most prominent goal of the network strategy is to establish cost competitiveness, which is an extremely ambitious goal with regard to the fact that we provide the lease of our network to alternative operators at regulated prices calculated according to LRIC. 11 Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period HR strategy The key target the HR strategy is connected to the business process overhaul and increase of work productivity, that should bring a measurable result of 16% of labor costs (not including the cost of HR structure adaptation) in TSG revenue in 2014. Taking into account that knowledge in the ICT field gets outdated really fast, we will continue to provide our employees with training on the latest technologies through a training and management system. In order to improve employee motivation we will establish a new bonus system that will cover the material as well as the intangible aspect and feature customized performance bonuses. Employee efficiency will also be ensured by a system of targeted management that will be further upgraded and implemented in companies where it was not used before. We will relatively increase the share of employees in the marketing segment, develop the management and promising employees, and that will lead to an HR structure that will provide an efficient business growth. polni certifikat 12 Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period Supply and logistics strategy In terms of the supply and logistics strategy Telekom Slovenije will centralize the supply, which will rationalize supply paths, allow for better terms and conditions of supply as well as better use of synergies in supply. Similarly, by grouping our demand and a joint approach to suppliers at the TSG level, we will be able to negotiate better conditions with our suppliers and thus facilitate successful operations of individual companies of the TSG. We will also centralize the logistics by terminating the in-between warehouses and this way avoid the overhead in the handling of materials, and improving the utilization of work resources, so we can better manage our centralized stocks. Investor relationship strategy In terms of the investor relationship strategy our primary goal is to stand out for good quality of relations with investors and analysts among the prime market companies. Our aim is also to increase the number of analysts who regularly cover the Telekom Slovenije’s share. We will ensure the above mainly by providing current and potential investors with regular and broad information base through which they can valuate our share. The authorized manager of the state’s assets, the Capital Assets Management Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, expects the payment in the amount of up to 1/3 of distributable profit and a dividend payout ratio of 3.5% by 2015 from TSG; this is why the company will observe the expectations of the majority owner in the payout of dividends, but will of course first provide the available financial assets for the future development of the company. The agreed dividend will thus present a compromise between the expected dividend payout for the owners and the use of net profit for financing the company’s investment plans that will allow a long-term growth and development of TSG. 13 Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period Digital media and applications advertisement and monetization The vision of TSmedia, responsible for TSG’s strategy of digital media and applications advertisement and monetization, is “We will become the main media and information point in Slovenia, and the first choice of users, advertisers, and digital content and service providers in the region”. The target for the 2012–2016 period is to generate an additional EUR 69.2 million from the new services of digital media and applications advertisement and monetization on the Slovenian market. The vision comprises the strategic directions of the company, targeting four basic items: • • • • 14 Publishing major media: It will comprise the Planet TV television channel and the Planet portal. With the Planet TV television channel, which will be the backbone of the entire content and media portfolio of TS media and will be launched in 2012, TSmedia will round off its media and strengthen its presence in the Slovenian television market where most of the advertising revenue is still generated. In the long run, the channel will become indispensable on the Slovenian market – for users as well as advertisers. The Planet presents a great opportunity for the company because a relatively high growth of revenue from internet advertising is expected on the Slovenian market in the coming years. Managing a central information point: TSmedia will provide the information, which it makes available at every moment through phone (1188) in either printed or electronic release of the telephone directory, and mainly on, which is being repositioned into a central entry point for local information. Being the leading provider of digital content and services. The connection between television and internet allows a two-way communication with customers and advanced types of advertising, digital content sale, and completely new business models. We also expect a steep growth of revenue from video on demand (VOD), which is why the company will continue to produce own specialized media with non-linear content which will be present in all networks and with all operators. Global trends also point to the much expected growth in the segment of payable online services and content, which is why we will establish the biggest Slovenian digital content store that will attract local users. The first choice of advertisers and digital content and service providers in the region. Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period GVO strategy The key strategic goal of the GVO strategy is to realize as high as possible share of revenue outside TSG, otherwise the strategic goals of GVO are the following: • Breakthrough into the EU markets and getting the first major deals: enter the first projects in Austria and/or Germany already in 2012. In both these countries we will exploit the opportunities coming from the announced investments connected to the Digital Agenda in the following years. • Expanding operations to the field of photovoltaics: Constructing as well as managing and maintaining solar power plants. • Completing the investments into current projects of constructing open broadband networks, acquiring new projects and increasing the utilization of connections in the already constructed open broadband networks. • Improving the capital adequacy of the company and taking over as the agent for marketing of TC materials. • Increasing the share in terms of selling price plans of Telekom Slovenije. • Associate land surveyors, documentarists, and architects into one organizational unit; by doing so we will also enter the market of geodetic services. • Achieving the ecological targets of the company as derived from the ISO 14001:2004 standard. • HR optimization, improving business operations support, and overhauling IT systems. 15 Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period ICT service development strategy Quality and business excellence systems 16 The strategic goal of the ICT service development strategy for the 2012–2016 period is to generate EUR 217 million from the sales of ICT services at the level of TSG, which we will achieve through the following activities: • We will continue to nurture the relationship with our customers in the field of system integration, because this will be the main criteria as to whom the major clients will entrust with conducting cloud computing services. • We will expand our operations into the public sector, because it is an important market segment of the entire IT market, and without it we will not be able to reach the strategic goal. • We will enter the small and medium business (SMB) market with IT services; here the key will be the construction of an adequate sales network or close collaboration between Telekom Slovenije and Avtenta. • • We will expand the range of managed services and cloud computing services. We will establish a partner network of external ICT providers. • We will develop our cloud computing brand and provide with marketing support. The quality is and must remain the comparative advantage of the TSG offer. That is why parallel to the overhaul of business processes we will implement quality and business excellence systems, which have a measurable goal of preparing us to candidate in 2015 for the business excellence award according to the most demanding model EFQM. Naturally we will maintain and upgrade endto-end corporate responsibility and sustainable development, where the measurable objective is to decrease energy use by 5% until the end of 2013 with respect to 2009. Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period Strategic goal of corporate governance The strategic goal of corporate governance is the transformation of TSG into a regional telecommunication operator, which will be reflected in harmonized strategies and operations of subsidiaries. The goals of corporate governance at TSG are: established organizational infrastructure of corporate governance, established efficient control over decisions in the group and their compliance with the strategic direction of the group, optimized operations of the group in terms of corporate governance, established infrastructure that, through corporate control and business management, allows the optimization of technical platforms and processes between the companies of the group, clearly defined responsibilities and competencies of all involved in corporate governance, and consolidation of all companies of the group (in terms of management, portfolio, and ownership). The main principle of corporate governance operations will in addition to the formal also be based on the matrix organization. One One has a good infrastructure in is actually the cheapest in the mobile subscriber segment, but due to the lacking market recognition, potential users are not really aware of that. The strategic goals of ONE are the following: become recognized on the market, increase sales especially in areas populated by Albanian people, and increase sales in selected segments (SOHO/SMB), reduce the current number of products, develop innovative new products, raise the ARPU and consequently raise the EBITDA as well. Further goals also include becoming more efficient trough optimization of processes, human resources, and a new organizational structure, improving IT support, increasing the pressure on the state and the biggest operator to achieve better market position and better operating conditions, retrieve inner strength and synergies, ensure short-term liquidity, and ensure more stable operations and an adequate position in the local macroeconomic field, and stable operations and network by legalizing base stations. 17 Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period Ipko 18 In order for Ipko to achieve long-term stability the number of mobile users must be increased. Ipko’s activities should be as follows: • Sales: Develop services for maintaining the position of the leading and innovative provider especially for the youth, business and family segments. Simplify the portfolio, increase user satisfaction and loyalty, and increase brand recognition. • Product and service development: The goal is to design products clearly differentiated GSM and fixed services products. The strategy is to focus on innovative convergent products, followed by a loyalty and customer retention program. • Sales and distribution: a clear differentiation of levels of users and distributors/resellers, where we ill introduce exact SLAs for sale and customer care. • Network: Own backbone network. Upgrading the fixed and mobile network with the aim of providing high bandwidth for data transfer. In the stationary network the introduction of the DOCSIS 3.0 cable internet access technology as soon as possible, while in the mobile services segment development towards a combination of 3G and LTE technologies with the option to implement WiFi technology. • Legal – regulation Establish a normal competitive environment, manage the numbering space problem, switch to new numbering space, and number portability, defending the current position in the mobile network call termination segment, legalize base stations, defense from the implementation of legislation that would not be harmonized with the implementation in other countries, especially EU. Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period Aneks The number of subscribers with Aneks is currently too small for a midrange existence in the market and maintaining the current state of operations. In order for it to become the third operator in the country, acquisitions of individual smaller cable network operators are planned, along with an expansion of the existing network, as well as offering the three basic services to users who currently do not have this option, which can help achieve ARPU over €30. Primo Restructuring Primo will be executed by focusing on the business market, as this segment has a significantly higher added value than the residential segment, where Primo’s market share and network utilization has been declining, also because we are able to cover only a limited geographical area with our own network. In the retail segment we will also have to conduct an profit analysis to decide whether stop providing services in our own network in limited rural geographic areas. Gibtelecom Gibtelecom plans to achieve the set strategic goals by maintaining local business revenue, developing MSAN future technologies, developing global business operations (in a smaller scope), by using the EIG underwater cable, efficient and successful company management, while maintaining social and corporate responsibility. Soline Besides the maintenance and expansion of the salt pan infrastructure key goals of Soline include optimization of salt production, development and expansion of the production of primary natural cosmetics, and launching the new activity of health and natural tourism by constructing the Male terme thermal center. 19 Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period Strategic projects The strategy is also executed with strategic projects which are listed below along their objectives: • • • • • • • • • Risks to the TSG strategy The major risks to the TSG strategy are basically the same as for every company in ICT: • • • • • • • • • • Success of the strategy execution will be measured 20 Capitalizing on the user database: Providing a single data warehouse, uniform analytical tools and establish processes that will allow the formation and use of information for business purposes. Develop IT services in TSG Establish the organization and portfolio of ICT products, mainly cloud computing products. Develop digital media in Slovenia: Increase the revenue from selling the ad space and premium content/services, and become the largest Slovenian manager of digital media. Rationalize costs and investments Efficient execution of the program for rationalization of operating costs. Business process overhaul: Increase in efficiency of business processes, achieving their competitiveness in the domestic market and comparability with international operators. Optimizing the working capital. Efficient management of the working capital constituent parts (receivables, stocks, short term liabilities) to establish a stable and manageable cash flow and increase business profitability. Establish corporate governance for TSG: Increase efficiency and effectiveness of decision making and control of the more important decisions in TSG as well as provide legal compliance and economic soundness of decision making. Real estate optimization and marketing. Optimum facility utilization, rent fewer facilities, reduce technological premises and offices due to telecommuting, and thus cut the operating costs and increase revenue by divesting. Establish comprehensive risk management for TSG: Increase the rate of efficient realization of strategic goals, timely response to internal and external changes and counter the impact of potential negative events. losing ownership of users, drop in user profitability, regulatory risks, inefficient investments in infrastructure, inability to control costs, lack of creativity and innovation, unfulfilled expectations of investors, inadequate systems and processes, bad management of mergers and acquisitions, and strategic partnerships, security risks and unsolicited distribution of personal data. The success of the strategy execution will be measured quarterly based on a balanced system of indicators and executing the action plan, and twice a year we will also conduct a managerial overview. At Telekom Slovenije we will implement in 2013 a balanced system of indicators at the sector level, which will be the basis for assessment of individual sectors’ and their directors’ performance for that year. Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period 2016 By diligently fulfilling this strategy we will be the leading Slovenian telecommunication operator and provider of innovative services, with a stable market share that surpasses the competition in terms of customer relations, top quality, and technological innovation, by 2016. Through specialized range for individual fields, TSG will also establish itself, either on its own or together with a network of carefully selected partners, as a leading provider of ICT services. We will provide our own television channel which will become indispensable on the Slovenian market, and also become the main local provider of advanced advertising in digital media, and digital services and content in the country. By centralizing supply, exploiting the group’s purchasing power and a reorganized procurement process, we will achieve significant savings, that will, together with cost optimization, allow us to be competitive in the technical field from the cost perspective as well. Cost efficiency will be ensured by IT environment consolidation and streamlining, which will also provide faster response of IT to changes in the business environment. We will become the first and preferred regional provider of international carrier services. TSG will act as a regional telecommunication operator, and on the markets of the Southeastern Europe a growing, profitable second operator, with cost efficiency also be ensured by the synergies within the group. In the HR segment we will make a transition from a technologically oriented into a service and development oriented company. We will encourage knowledge, quality, innovative breakthrough, which will make us a proactive, service oriented, high-tech company based on sustainable development, that will be at least comparable to better companies in our industry in the EU in terms of profitability. All of the above will maximize the value of the company, which will also add to the value for owners and other stakeholders. 21 Summary of the Strategic business plan of the Telekom Slovenije Group for the 2012–2016 period 22
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