SANTA BARBARA HIGH SCHOOL DONS FOOTBALL CAMP Coach Stone, Staff and Alumni are proud to present: A up tempo camp designed to teach and apply fundamentals in a competitive game speed environment. The camp will consist of conditioning and football specific training. Instruction will be given by experienced Coaches, Alumni and former college football players to better assist your child. Be prepared to work hard, compete and most of all have fun! THE 3rd ANNUAL YOUTH SUMMER CAMP Football • Speed • Skills & Development Special Guest Trainers Monte' Nash - Creator of the Speedsac Sad-Sled and developer of the I.M.F.A.S.T strength training program Kareem Larimore - Former Dallas Cowboy and Arena Football star. Co Founder of "Camp Shutdown" Chris Phillips - Founder of Muscle Activation South Bay and Co-Founder of "Camp Shutdown" June 15th thru June 18th Monday thru Thursday: 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. SANTA BARBARA HIGH SCHOOL PEABODY STADIUM CAMP ELIGIBILITY: Ages 8-14 CAMP COST: Pre-Registration $50.00 (by June 8th, 2015) On-Site $60.00 (Providing there are open slots. Space is limited.) Cost Includes: The best training, camp tee-shirt, & Thursday BBQ EQUIPMENT: All participants are to wear athletic shorts, cleats and water DAILY CHECK-IN: Campers must check-in at Peabody Stadium daily at 3:30pm. MAIL FORM & PAYMENT TO: Ye Ole Gang /Santa Barbara Dons Football Alumni P.0. Box 579 Santa Barbara, CA 93116 REGISTRATION FORM DONS FOOTBALL CAMP Camper Info/Información de Campista: Name/Nombre: __________________________________________________________ Age/Edad: _________________ Address/Domicilió: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/Cuidad: __________________________________________________________________________Zip/Código Postal: _____________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Position(s): □ QB, □ WR, □ RB, □ TE, □ OL, □ SS, □ FS, □CB, □ LB, □ DE, □DT, □K , □ P Number or years of football experience, if any:____________________ Contact Info/Información de contacto: Home Phone/Numero de Teléfono: __________________________ Cell/Celular: ________________________________ Parent(s) Name/Nombre de Padre(s: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact/Contacto de Emergencia: _______________________________________________________________________________ Phone/Teléfono: ____________ (other than parent/que sea otra person ) Medical Info/Informacion Medical: Health Insurance/Seguransa: _____________________________Policy# __________________ Conditions/Allergies/Condiciones/Allergias: __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Camp Session/Sesion de Campo: Camper T-Shirt Size/Tamano de Camiseta: S____ M____ L____ XL ____ XXL____ Adult size □ or Youth size □ (Place a check in box for Adult or Youth Size) Payment/Pago: Cashiers Check: _____ Check: _____ Amount Enclosed: ____________ Please make checks payable to: “Ye Ole Gang” Any questions contact: Coach Stone at [email protected] or (805) 612-0016 Sam Cuellar at [email protected] or (805) 797-0763 Consent to Treatment of Minor/El consentimiento para el tratamiento de menores In the event of sudden illness, accident or injury which may occur while said minor is engaged in an activity supervised by the Santa Barbara High School Dons Football Camp and their representatives, agents or assignees, when neither parents, nor designated family physician can be contacted, I hereby give my consent pursuant to California Family Code 6910 for emergency treatment as shall be necessary under the circumstances by any physician licensed under laws of the State of California. I understand and acknowledge that in order to participate in this activity, I and my son/daughter agree to assume liability and responsibility for any and all potential risks that may be associated with participation in the Santa Barbara High School Dons Football Camp. I agree to, and do hereby release and hold the District and its officers, agents, employees and/or volunteers harmless for any and all claims; demands, causes of action; liability; damages, expenses; or loss of any sort, including bodily injury or death; because of or arising out of acts or omissions with respect to the sport. I acknowledge that I have carefully read the registration form and that I understand and agree to its terms. En caso de enfermedad repentina, accidente o lesiones que se pueden producir mientras dicho menor participa en una actividad supervisada por el rojo Santa Barbara High School Dons Football Camp y sus representantes, agentes o cesionarios, cuando ni los padres ni designado médico de familia puede ser contactado. Por la presente doy mi consentimiento con arreglo al 6910 de código de familia de California para tratamiento de emergencia, será necesario en las circunstancias por cualquier médico licenciado bajo las leyes del Estado de California. Comprendo y reconocer que para poder participar en esta actividad, yo y mi hijo(a) acepta asumir la responsabilidad y la responsabilidad de todos riesgos potenciales que pueden estar asociados con la participación en el campo de fútbol de Santa Barbara High School Dons. Estoy de acuerdo y crea liberar y eximir del distrito y sus funcionarios, agentes, empleados y voluntarios para todo reclamo; demandas, causas de acción; responsabilidad; daños y perjuicios, gastos; o pérdida de ningún tipo, incluyendo lesiones corporales o muerte; por o resultantes de actos u omisiones en relación con el deporte. Reconozco que he leído cuidadosamente la forma de registro y comprendo y acepto sus términos. _________ Date/Fecha ____ _________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Firma de Padre _________________________________________________ Signature of Participant /Firma de Participante _____________________________________________________________ Family Physician and Phone/Nombre de Doctor y Numero
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