Biomaterials 43 (2015) 23e31 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Biomaterials journal homepage: Cell selective chitosan microparticles as injectable cell carriers for tissue regeneration dio a, b, M.T. Cerqueira a, b, A.P. Marques a, b, R.L. Reis a, b, J.F. Mano a, b, * C.A. Custo a udio do Barco, 3B's Research Group e Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics, University of Minho, AvePark, Zona Industrial da Gandra, S. Cla ~es, Portugal 4806-909 Caldas das Taipas, Guimara b ~es, Portugal ICVS/3B's, PT Government Associated Laboratory, Braga, Guimara a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 15 September 2014 Accepted 24 November 2014 Available online The detection, isolation and sorting of cells holds an important role in cell therapy and regenerative medicine. Also, injectable systems have been explored for tissue regeneration in vivo, because it allows repairing complex shaped tissue defects through minimally invasive surgical procedures. Here we report the development of chitosan microparticles with a size of 115.8 mm able to capture and expand a specific cell type that can also be regarded as an injectable biomaterial. Monoclonal antibodies against cell surface antigens specific to endothelial cells and stem cells were immobilized on the surface of the microparticles. Experimental results showed that particles bioconjugated with specific antibodies provide suitable surfaces to capture a target cell type and subsequent expansion of the captured cells. Primarily designed for an application in tissue engineering, three main challenges are accomplished with the herein presented microparticles: separation, scale-up expansion of specific cell type and successful use as an injectable system to form small tissue constructs in situ. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Cell separation Antibody immobilization Injectable materials Functional materials Chitosan microparticles 1. Introduction The success of many cell therapies is highly dependent on the development of techniques for isolation and selection of cells that guarantee high yield and purity. One of the limitations in stem cell isolation is the restricted quantity that can be isolated from a tissue and the typical heterogeneity of the cell population. Obtain a pure cell population is particularly challenging when the target cells are rare in the total amount of cells in the sample. Methods for cell separation based on a difference in physiochemical properties, such as density and size have been reported, but the purity of the obtained population is generally low [1,2]. Thus the need for alternative methods to select subsets of cells with increased yield decreasing cell manipulation and expansion time is a reality. Moreover, the development of systems suitable for an efficient and effective cell isolation/separation that can act as a cell expansion platforms may result in a separation method that are much more specific for the population of interest [3]. An efficient system for * Corresponding author. 3B's Research Group e Biomaterials, Biodegradables and udio do Biomimetics, University of Minho, AvePark, Zona Industrial da Gandra, S. Cla ~es, Portugal. Barco, 4806-909 Caldas das Taipas, Guimara E-mail address: [email protected] (J.F. Mano). 0142-9612/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. adhesion-based cell separation lies in the specificity of an immobilized biomolecule to the target cell population. Fluorescenceactivated cell sorting (FACS) effectively provides high efficiency in cell sorting, but this technique has associated high cell manipulation and requires a demanding operational training [4,5]. Magnetic activated cell sorting is another separation technique based in surface markers, where cells bind to antibody labeled magnetic particles [6,7]. Antibody-coated microchips have also been used to successfully detect and isolate rare circulating tumor cells from peripheral blood [8,9]. All of these techniques have been in use for years and have shown some degree of success. Nevertheless, none of the described techniques provide support for cell expansion or proliferation. In an effort to overcome some of these limitations Nguyen et al. have recently reported the use of multilayered magnetic microparticles as a novel strategy to isolate, expand and detach endothelial progenitor cells [10]. Still, these particles are not suitable for the implementation of an injectable system to form a biodegradable construct in situ. Thus efforts are necessary to develop implantable supports for specific cell populations [11]. To overcome these issues while decreasing cell manipulation and time consumption, we report a new system for cell separation and expansion that may ultimately be injected to form a scaffold in situ for tissue regeneration purposes. 24 dio et al. / Biomaterials 43 (2015) 23e31 C.A. Custo Chitosan is well known as a biodegradable and biocompatible material [12e14]. In addition, the amino and hydroxyl chemical groups along chitosan chains enable this polysaccharide to form stable covalent bonds with many molecules of interest [14e16]. In our previous work, we demonstrated that chitosan films grafted with antibodies were able to promote selective cell attachment and growth [15]. Additionally to cell isolation and expansion, we envisage the development of a system for directly deliver cells in vivo, decreasing cell manipulation. The goal of this work was to explore the use of functional chitosan microparticles, as a strategy for cell separation and expansion that may be used as an injectable system to form tissue constructs at the lesion site for tissue regeneration purposes. Chitosan microparticles were firstly functionalized with biotin. Such modification allows engineering the surface of microparticles with a variety of biotinylated biomolecules via streptavidin (SaV), increasing its versatility and yield due to the multiple binding sites for biotinylated molecules. We tested the immobilization of biotinylated antibodies to target endothelial cells and human adipose stem cells (ASCs). Biotinylated antibody anti-CD31 was used to target human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) cells while biotinylated antibody anti-CD90 was used to capture ASCs. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Preparation of chitosan microparticles Medical grade chitosan (150e300 kDa and a deacetylation degree of 95%) (Heppe Medical Chitosan GmbH, Germany) was dissolved in a 2% v/v aqueous acetic acid (VWR, UK) solution to a final concentration of 2% w/v. Subsequently, the chitosan solution was passed through an aerodynamically-assisted jetting equipment (Nisco Encapsulation Units VAR J30, Switzerland) at a speed of 1 ml/ min. The injected air led the chitosan solution to break up into a spray at the outlet of the nozzle. The generated microdroplets were hardened into a 1.0 M sodium hydroxide solution (Panreac, Spain) that resulted in the production of chitosan microparticles. After solidification, microparticles were thoroughly washed in distilled water and sieved to the desired particle size of z120 mm. Microparticles were then sterilized in 70% ethanol and stored in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (Sigma, USA) solution at 4 C until further use. The produced particles were imaged using an Axiocam MRC-5 camera on a Axio Imager Z1M microscope (Zeiss, Germany). Analysis of microparticle size was performed using ImageJ software (Image processing and analysis in Java). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (JSM-6010LV, JEOL, Japan) was performed to characterize the surface of the particles. Samples were dehydrated in graded series of ethanol solutions and sputtered with gold prior analysis. 2.2. Functionalization with biotin Microparticles were resuspended in a solution of 1 mg/ml (þ)-Biotin Nhydroxysuccinimide ester (Biotin-NHS) (Sigma, USA) in PBS:DMSO (3:1) and stirred for 3 h at room temperature. Microparticles were then washed thoroughly with PBS, to remove the unlinked biotin. To assess the effective functionalization with NHSBiotin, modified particles were incubated with DyLight 488 SaV (BioLegend, Germany) (10 mg/ml) for 15 min at room temperature and finally washed with PBS. As control, plain particles were similarly incubated with the fluorescent labeled SaV. Images were acquired using an Axiocam MRm camera on a Axio Imager Z1M microscope. 2.3. Bioconjugation with biotinylated antibodies Particles were incubated with purified SaV (Promega, USA) (50 mg/ml) in PBS under constant stirring. After 15 min incubation at room temperature, the particles were washed to remove unbound SaV. Biotinylated antibodies were then used to functionalize the modified particles. The functionalization was performed with both biotin-anti-CD31 and biotin-anti-CD90 antibodies (10 mg/ml) (eBioscience, UK) under constant stirring for 15 min at room temperature. Microparticles were washed with PBS at the end of the process to remove all unbound antibodies. The detection of the immobilized biotinylated antibody was assessed by conjugation with a secondary labeled antibody Alexa Fluor 594 (Invitrogen, USA). Images were acquired using an Axiocam MRm camera on a Axio Imager Z1M microscope. SEM analysis (JSM-6010LV, JEOL, Japan) was performed to evaluate the surface of the particles after modification. a collaboration protocol with 3B's Research Group approved by the ethical committees of both institutions. hASCs were isolated as previously described [17]. Briefly, after digestion with 0.05% Collagenase type II (Sigma, USA), a filtration and centrifugation at 800 g were performed and the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) obtained. The red blood cells were lysed with a 155 mM of ammonium chloride, 12 mM of potassium bicarbonate and 0.1 M of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid buffer (all from SigmaeAldrich, Germany). The red blood cells-free SFV was resuspended in alpha-MEM medium (Invitrogen, USA), supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (Invitrogen, USA) and 1% Antibiotic/Antimycotic (Invitrogen, USA). Cell culture medium was changed, 48 h after initial plating and every 3 days thereafter. ASCs were used between passages 2 and 5. The HUVECs (Gibco, USA) were maintained in M-199 medium (Sigma, USA) supplemented with sodium bicarbonate, 1% antibiotic/antimycotic, 20% FBS (Invitrogen, USA), 0.34% glutamax (Gibco, USA), 50 mg/ml Endothelial Cell Growth Supplement (ECGS) (BD Biosciences, USA) and 50 mg/ml Heparin (Sigma, USA). Cell culture medium was changed every 3 days. HUVECs were used between passages 2 and 6. 2.5. Cell capture from a homotypic cell population and expansion The specificity of the functionalized particles was evaluated by analyzing their capacity to capture the cells from a homotypic cell suspension. hASCs and HUVECS were seeded separately at a density of 10 cells per particle on anti-CD31, anti-CD90 and SaV-bioconjugated particles. A total of 5 103 particles per well were placed in a non-adherent 24-well plate. The interaction between the cells and the functionalized particles was monitored within the first 6 h by time-lapse live imaging in Axio Observer (Zeiss, Germany). After 6 h of incubation at 37 C, 5% CO2, the suspension of cells and particles was passed through a 37 mm strainer (StemCell Technologies, France) in order to remove non-attached cells. The cell-particles complexes were then cultured up to 7 days, in the respective cell media. To assess the capacity of the particles to support cell expansion, the DNA quantification was performed after 1, 3 and 7 days in culture. A set of samples was analyzed for cell morphology. Samples were fixed with 10% formalin and stained with phalloidin-TRITC (Sigma, USA) for the cytoskeleton visualization, and DAPI (4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, dilactate) (Invitrogen, USA) to stain the nuclei and analyzed under fluorescence microscopy using an Axiocam MRm camera on Axio Imager Z1M microscope. 2.6. Cell selection/isolation from a heterotypic cell suspension As a cell separation system model, the specific selection of ASCs and HUVECs from a heterotypic cell suspension was examined using anti-CD31 and anti-CD90 particles. hASCs and HUVECs were mixed at a 1:1 ratio and a sequentially incubated with biofunctionalized CD31 and CD90 microparticles. ASCs and HUVECs were pre-stained with 20 mM 1,10 -Dioctadecyl-3,3,30 ,30 -tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (Dil) (Sigma, USA) and 3,30 -Dioctadecyloxacarbocyanine perchlorate (Dio) (Sigma, USA) respectively. Cells were trypsinized and resuspended in 2 mM cell dye in serum-free medium for 10 min at 37 C and washed with PBS. Each batch of particles (anti-CD31 and anti-CD90 particles) was incubated with the heterotypic cell culture. After 1 h of incubation, cell-particle complexes were separated from non-attached cells by passing the mixture through a 37 mm strainer. Particles with attached cells were then cultured up to 24 h prior analysis by fluorescence microscopy. The culture of the cell-particle complexes after cell separation, was performed in complete alpha-MEM medium for the anti-CD90 particles and in complete M-199 for the anti-CD31 particles. For flow cytometry analysis the mixture of cells (without pre-staining) was seeded on the functional anti-CD31 and anti-CD90 particles. After 1 h in culture, non-attached cells were collected and analyzed by flow cytometry. 2.7. Injection of cell-particle complexes To test the ability of the developed cell-particle complexes to be used as an injectable system and form constructs in situ, cultured particles were injected into a tubular silicone mold. The silicone mold was prepared with Sylgard 184 silicone elastomer kit (Dow Corning, USA) with a needle as a template to acquire the desired geometry dimension and shape. The obtained cylindrical cavity was about 1.0 mm diameter. CD90 functionalized particles were seeded with hASCs at a density of 10 cells per particle and then cultured up to 6 h at 37 C, 5% CO2. After removal of nonattached cells, the seeded particles were injected into the tubular mold using a 25G needle and cultured for 3 days, at 37 C, 5% CO2 in complete alpha-MEM medium. Samples were fixed with 10% formalin and stained with phalloidinTRITC for the cytoskeleton visualization, and DAPI to stain the nuclei. Samples were analyzed under fluorescence microscopy using an Axiocam MRm camera on Axio Imager Z1M microscope. 2.8. DNA quantification 2.4. Cell isolation and culture Human subcutaneous adipose tissue was obtained from liposuction procedures, provided by Hospital da Prelada (Porto), after patient's informed consent and under Cell proliferation was determined by DNA quantification using a fluorimetric dsDNA quantification kit (PicoGreen) (Invitrogen, USA). Samples collected after 1, 3 and 7 days were washed with PBS and immersed in 1 ml of ultrapure water, frozen dio et al. / Biomaterials 43 (2015) 23e31 C.A. Custo at 80 C, thawed at room temperature, and sonicated for 30 min. Protocol was followed, according to manufacturer's indications. Fluorescence was measured using an excitation wavelength of 480 nm and an emission wavelength of 528 nm on a microplate reader (Sinergy HT, Bio-Tek Instruments, USA). 2.9. Flow cytometry analysis Cell suspensions of the initial mixed cell population, and the cells that do not attached to each of the functional particles (anti-CD31 and anti-CD90) were incubated at room temperature for 15 min with CD90 (FITC) (eBioscience, UK), CD73 (PE) and CD31 (APC) (BD Biosciences, USA) fluorescent-labeled monoclonal antibodies. Samples were analyzed on a FACSCalibur Flow cytometer and the resulting data was processed using CellQuest software V3.3 (both BD Biosciences, USA). 2.10. Statistical analysis All the experiments were performed at least 4 times with at least three replicates each. Results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. Differences between the experimental results were analyzed using the Student t-test. 3. Results 3.1. Fabrication of microparticles Chitosan-based microparticles were generated by forming small droplets using a coaxial air-flow that were hardened in a NaOH solution. The size and morphology of the chitosan microparticles was determined using optical microscopy. The obtained particles exhibited rounded shape and the size ranged from 80 to 140 mm (Fig. 2A). The average diameter of the microparticles was 115.8 ± 10.61 mm (Fig. 2B) and they exhibited a rough surface (Fig. 2C and D). Chitosan microparticle Chemical modification with biotin In situ scaffold formation - NHS-biotin Cell expansion Streptavidin 25 3.2. Bioconjugated microparticles The chitosan particles were modified with NHS-biotin thought the binding of their succinimide groups and the amine groups at the surface of the particles, which allowed further conjugation of SaV (Fig. 3A). The effective conjugation of the chitosan particles with NHS-biotin was indirectly verified by assessing the fluorescence of the fluorescent-labeled SaV and the unmodified (control) microparticles. Results revealed the specific binding of fluorescent SaV on NHS-Biotin modified microparticles (Fig. 3B and C). After confirming the modification of the particles, the biotinylated antibodies biotin-anti-CD90 and biotin-anti-CD31 were tethered to NHS-Biotin microparticles via pure SaV. This conjugation was confirmed by immunostaining, after combining the modified particles with a secondary fluorescently labeled antibody (Fig. 3D). A high fluorescent signal can be seen on the bioconjugated microparticles, indicating the presence of antibody (Fig. 3E), whereas no fluorescence was detected on the control (biotin-SaV particles) (Fig. 3F). Images from optical microscopy and SEM analysis revealed that the bioconjugation process did not alter particle size or modify the surface of the particles (Supplementary Information S1). 3.3. hASCs and HUVECs capture and expansion on functionalized particles The interaction between the cells and the functionalized particles was first monitored with homotypic cell suspensions of hASCs and HUVECs respectively taking advantage of their specific expression of CD90 and CD31 markers. Conjugation with streptavidin Conjugation with biotinylated antibodies Selection and attachment of target cells - Biotinylated antibody - Cell type I (target cell) - Cell type II Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the strategy of preparation and functionalization of the cell-instructive particles. Chitosan particles are chemically modified with biotin that allows the conjugation with biotinylated antibodies via streptavidin. The functionalized particles are used for specific cell isolation/separation from an heterogeneous cell population and for further cell expansion representing in situ forming construct that can be injected at a lesion site. dio et al. / Biomaterials 43 (2015) 23e31 C.A. Custo 26 A B 15 N=66 Mean: 115.8 µm SV:10.61 Frequency 10 100µm 5 0 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Particle size (µm) C D 10 µm 5 µm Fig. 2. A) Optical microscopy image of the fabricated microparticles. B) Histogram of the distribution of microparticles size (n ¼ 66). C) SEM image of a chitosan microparticle. D) SEM image of the surface of a chitosan microparticle. Time-lapse imaging showed that less than twenty minutes of incubation time were sufficient for capturing hASCs by the antiCD90 particles (Supplementary Information S2). When hASCs were seeded on anti-CD31 or SaV-terminated particles, few cells attach even after 2 h incubation (Supplementary Information S3 and S4). The same results were observed for HUVECs. In that case anti-CD31 particles were capable to capture the cells in a short period of time (less than 20 min) whereas anti-CD90 and SaVterminated particles were not able to bind a significant number of cells after 2 h of incubation (Supplementary Information S5, S6 and S7). Furthermore hASCs and HUVECs showed good attachment after 1 h of culture in CD90 particles and CD31 particles, respectively (Fig. 4A and B). Apparently, longer incubation times do not significantly increase cell attachment to the particles. Indeed, cells that are not yet captured started to adhere to the bottom of the well plate. Supplementary video related to this article can be found at To further evaluate the ability of the functionalized microparticles to support cell expansion, cell-seeded particles were cultured up to 7 days. Results showed that cells were able to attach and organize their cytoskeleton, early in culture, on the specific antibody-coated particles (Fig. 5A and E). Unlike functional particles, non-modified particles did not support cell growth over the time (data not shown). Moreover, both cell types were able to proliferate along the culture time as observed by microscopy analysis (Fig. 5BeD and FeH). In addition it was noted that after 7 days in culture, seeded particles started aggregating. Cell proliferation on the antibody-coated particles was confirmed by the DNA quantification results. Anti-CD90 particles were able to support hASCs growth up to 7 days in culture (Fig. 5I) such as anti-CD31 particles supported the growth of HUVECs (Fig. 5J). Additionally, our results suggest that the chitosan particles although allowing the attachment of few cells due to non-specific cell recognition, were not able to support their growth. 3.4. hASCs and HUVECs specific separation from heterotypic cell populations The capacity of the functionalized microparticles to specifically select different cell subsets from a heterotypic cell population by varying the type of antibody bond to their surface was assessed in a 1:1 mixture of HUVECs and hASCs (46.94% CD31þ/CD90 and 48.70% were CD31/CD90þ) (Fig. 6A). The pre-labeling of the cells allowed to see that 1 h after seeding particles had attached to their surface only one cell type, HUVECs on the anti-CD31 particles as indicated by the green fluorescent signal (Fig. 6B) and the red corresponding to the hASCs on the anti-CD90 particles (Fig. 6C). Cell separation efficiency was then indirectly measured by assessing the phenotype of the cells that did not attach to the functionalized particles. CD90 and CD31, within the hetereptypic population specifically expressed by hASCs and HUVECs respectively (Supporting information S8), allowed to independently quantify the selected subsets. As shown in Fig. 6D after incubation with anti-CD31 the remaining cellular fraction showed a decrease (46.94% to 22.30%) of cells expressing CD31, along with an increase of CD90þ cells (48% to 68.67%). Such results suggest that the antiCD31 functionalized particles specifically bind to CD31 positive cells. When using anti-CD90 functionalized particles (Fig. 6E), a decrease of CD90þ cells (48.70% to 7.14%) and an increase of CD31þ dio et al. / Biomaterials 43 (2015) 23e31 C.A. Custo A 27 Biotin tin NH2 + Streptavidin NHS BIOTIN B C 50μm D F E 50μm - Fluorescently labeled streptavidin - Streptavidin - Biotinylated antibody - Fluorescently labeled secondary antibody Fig. 3. A) Schematic representation of the chemical modification of chitosan microparticles with NHS-biotin and functionalization with SaV. B) Micrographs indirectly showing biotin-modified particles after incubation with fluorescently labeled SaV and respective. C) negative control, i.e. plain particles incubated with a fluorescently labeled SaV. D) Schematic representation of the bioconjugation with biotinylated antibodies. E) Micrographs showing functionalized particles incubated with a secondary antibody Alexa Fluor 594 and respective. F) negative control, i.e. particles terminated with a SaV layer incubated with a secondary antibody Alexa Fluor 594. cells (46.94% to 89.05%) was observed in the remaining fraction, indicating a higher efficiency in the separation of the CD90þ cell subset, the hASCs. 3.5. In situ construct formation As a proof of concept, the possibility of using the bioconjugated particles as an injectable system to fill defects, forming small tissue constructs in situ was investigated. The CD90 particles coated with hASCs were injected into a mold containing a cylindrical cavity with about 1.0 mm diameter (Fig. 7A). After 3 days of culture, the previously observed tendency for aggregation was confirmed by the 3D tubular structure formed by particles tightly connected by the cells (Fig. 7B). 4. Discussion In this study the goal was to develop polymeric microparticles that along with cell selection/isolation allow cell expansion i.e., that may work as selective microcarriers to expand a target cell type (Fig. 1). Additionally we hypothesize that the developed bioconjugated microparticles may be used as an injectable system for in situ formation of small tissue constructs for regeneration purposes. Cell microcarriers are typically submillimeter-sized polymeric particles that provide sites for initial cell attachment [18,19]. In the current set of experiments, chitosan microparticles with a mean diameter of 115.8 mm were modified with antibodies, mimicking the magnetic particles commonly used for cell separation purposes [6,7,20,21]. Additionally, due to the large surface area, the particles here developed support cell adhesion and expansion on their surface. Such approach may eliminate the multiple trypsinization steps required for the sub-cultivation of the selected cells, providing a versatile, cost effective, and easy-to-operate combined isolation and expansion approach. Chitosan materials have been widely used in tissue regeneration, owing to their low immunogenicity, biocompatibility, biodegradability, low toxicity and facilitated chemical modification [12,13,15,16,22]. In this study, free amine reactive groups on the surface of the particles were used to tether biotin. Because of its strength and specificity, the SaV-biotin pair is often used for chemical conjugation of biomolecules [23e25]. The ready to use strategy herein proposed could be particularly interesting as several biomolecules of interest are often biotin-conjugated and can be easily used to functionalize the chitosan particles via SaV. In the present work the focus was the immobilization of biotinylated antibodies for specific cell attachment. Sulfo-NHS-Biotin was used to chemically functionalize the surface of chitosan dio et al. / Biomaterials 43 (2015) 23e31 C.A. Custo 28 SaV CD90 CD31 ASCs A HUVECs B 100μm Fig. 4. Optical micrographs showing hASCs (A) and HUVECs (B) attachment on SaV, CD31 and CD90 terminated particles after 1 h in culture. Day 1 Day 3 B C D hASCs A Day 7 50μm 100μm 10 00μm 0 0μm m F G H HUVECs E 50μm 100μm I DNA ( g/ml) 1.40 * * 0.60 0.20 HUVECs 1.80 * * 1.00 -0.20 J 1.40 DNA ( g/ml) 1.80 hASCs * Day 1 Day 3 * Day 7 1.00 0.60 0.20 ASCs 90particles anti-CD31 ASCs 31 particles anti-CD90 HUVECs 90 HUVECs 31 -0.20 anti-CD90 particles anti-CD31 particles Fig. 5. Optical micrographs of the (AeD) hASCs- and (EeH) HUVECs-particle cultures up to day 7, demonstrating that cells were able to attach and organize their cytoskeleton as shown by the phalloidin staining (red). Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). DNA quantification confirming the proliferation of I) hASCs on the anti-CD90 and J) HUVECs on antiCD31 up to 7 days of culture. Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation with n ¼ 9 for each bar. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) dio et al. / Biomaterials 43 (2015) 23e31 C.A. Custo A Cell mixture 29 anti-CD90 particles anti- CD31 particles 46.94% HUVECs B CD31 C 48.70% 50μm ASCs D CD90 Negative fraction of anti- CD31 particles E 89.05% 22.30% CD31 CD31 Negative fraction of anti- CD90 particles 7.14% 68.67% CD90 CD90 Fig. 6. A) Representative dot plots after flow cytometry analysis of 1:1 HUVECs/hASCs cell mixture. BeC) hASCs were stained red with Dil, HUVECs were stained green with Dio; a 50:50 mixture of both cells was seeded in CD90 and CD31 particles. Fluorescent images after 24 h seeding show good adherence of ASCs on CD90 particles. HUVECs readily attach on CD31 particles. D) Representative dot plots of the remaining cellular fraction after incubation with CD31 functional particles (negative fraction CD31). E) Representative dot plots of the remaining cellular fraction after selection with CD90 functional particles (negative fraction from CD90). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) microparticles with biotin. Sulfo-NHS-Biotin displays a spacer arm with 13.5 Å length that reduces steric hindrances associated with SaV binding. This allow for efficient capturing of the biotinylated antibody in order to accomplish favorable orientation, long-term stability for a high capture efficiency. A similar strategy, aiming to promote the adhesion of stem cells to a decellularized heart valve, was already proposed with biotinylated anti-CD90 antibody [26]. Nonetheless we aimed to go further developing a system to select/isolate specific cell sub-sets from heterogeneous populations. Different cells are known to express specific antigens on their surfaces thus, by coating the chitosan microparticles with different antibodies directed against specific markers we expect to obtain from example from a single sample more than one subpopulation of cells. CD90 microparticles seeded with ASCs A B Culture for 3 days 500μm Fig. 7. A) Tube-shaped PDMS mold chamber. B) Microscopy image of the obtained cell-particle constructs after 3 days in culture, demonstrating the aggregation of the particles through the hASCs that retain an organized cytoskeleton as shown by the phalloidin staining (red). Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 30 dio et al. / Biomaterials 43 (2015) 23e31 C.A. Custo Adipose tissue is a rich and very convenient source of cells for regenerative medicine therapeutic approaches [27,28]. Recent studies have confirmed within the SVF of the adipose tissue the coexistence of different cell sub-populations, among which endothelial and stem cells that are of significant relevance in the tissue engineering and regenerative medicine field [29,30]. As a proof of concept of our system we have explored the use of antibodies against endothelial and stem cell markers, CD31 and CD90 respectively, that may be thereafter used to target those subpopulations within the SVF. To validate the hypothesis that the herein developed platform is suitable for cell selection and expansion, microparticles were functionalized with anti-CD31 and anti-CD90 antibodies and used to select and expand HUVECs and ASCs respectively. CD31 is a 130-kDa membrane-spanning glycoprotein and is part of the panel of endothelial celleassociated markers [31,32], while it has showed a residual expression in mesenchymal stem cells [33]. CD90 is a 25e37-kDa N-glycosylated anchored cell surface protein, highly expressed by mesenchymal stem cells but not by endothelial cells [33]. Live imaging results showed that cell attachment to the functional microparticles is fast, occurring within 20 min for both cell types (Supplementary information S2 and S5). Nonetheless the kinetics of adhesion was dependent on the cell type. The recognition and attachment of hASCs to CD90 modified particles occurred within an interval of 5 min. In fact, a limitative parameter of all the cell selection antibody-based methods is not only the identification of a marker that is exclusively expressed by the population of interest, most of the times only preferentially expressed, but also the amount of epitopes displayed on the surface of the cells that varies with the cell type and their environment/condition. The mean fluorescent intensity observed for CD90 for hASCs (x ¼ 2046.28) and CD31 for HUVECs (y ¼ 1144.66) that can be correlated with the number of free epitopes for antibody targeting, justify our results regarding the kinetics of adhesion (Supplementary Information S8). For the rest of the experiments we decided to use 1 h of incubation for cell capturing in order to guarantee efficient cell attachment and avoid non-specific cell attachment. As it was expected, particles that were modified with antibodies that recognize antigens that are not expressed or low expressed by the cells show relatively low cell attachment. The ability of the bioconjugated particles to support cell spreading and proliferation up to 7 days in culture was then examined. After 3 days in culture cells proliferated covering the surface of the particles. Results suggest that the presence of the antibody had no inhibitory effect on cell proliferation. After 7 days in culture small clusters of cultured particles were observed. Such ability to aggregate is in accordance with several reports regarding cell culture on the commonly used microcarriers used for cell expansion [18,19,34,35]. The formation of small cell-microparticle aggregates may be an advantage for bead-to-bead migration and microtissue formation. Furthermore, as our final objective is to create a system that leads to the formation of a 3D construct, the presence of small aggregates may be an advantage. The use of agglomerated polymeric particles to produce constructs for tissue engineering applications has been already exploited [16,36,37]. An innovation in this study is the use of cell selective micro-fabricated modules. Microparticles conjugated with CD90 antibody were seeded with ASCs, incubated 24 h in cell culture conditions to guarantee a good cell attachment to the particles, and then injected into a tubular mold. After three days in culture, a robust tubular structure of cells entrapped within the bioconjugated microparticles was obtained. We believe that there is clinical potential in the use of the herein developed bioinstructive microparticles for the fabrication of small tissue constructs by layering combinations of particles seeded with different cell types. From a clinical point of view our strategy may offer several advantages as a significant decrease in time consumption from the biopsy to the implantation of the constructs. By this method, it may be also possible to assemble a combination of different cells obtained from one isolated biopsy performed to a patient. The bioconjugated microparticles were then analyzed on the ability to effectively separate a target cell type from a heterogeneous cell population. The obtained results showed the ability of the developed microparticles to separate ASCs from endothelial cells. The present system may be used as a simple technique that uses antibody coated microparticles, suitable for isolation and expansion of different cell types present in the same tissue sample. This could allow for instance, the selection and culture of endothelial cells, which yield is normally limited and insufficient in a clinical setting. Therefore, the proposed technique allows the boost of relevant cell types, particularly useful when their availability is limited. 5. Conclusions Here was demonstrated the ability of biofunctionalized particles to select specific cell types from mixed cell populations and to promote cell expansion, by using hASCs and HUVECs as examples. The versatility of this method allows the combination of the biotinSaV conjugated microparticles with any biotinylated molecule as antibodies, growth factors or peptides of interest. It was shown that biodegradable and biocompatible particles functionalized with antibodies presented selective affinity to cells, making them potentially suitable for separating subpopulations of cells from complex mixtures. Besides the ability for cell separation, the cultured particles proved to be also suitable for cell expansion. A versatile, cost effective, and easy-to-operate system with the capability to simultaneously separate and expand different cells sub-sets in vitro was developed. Moreover, the aggregation of the functionalized microparticles has been also shown to successfully form 3D robust structures upon injection into a mold. Thus the herein developed microparticles demonstrated that might be potentially used for further studies accomplishing the formation of a construct in situ upon implantation using minimally invasive procedures. Acknowledgments This work was supported by European Research Council grant agreement ERC-2012-ADG 20120216-321266 for project ComplexiTE and by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n REGPOTCT2012-316331-POLARIS. The authors acknowledge the FCT for the fellowship SFRH/BD/61390/2009 (C.A.C.) for the financial support. We are grateful to Hospital da Prelada for the lipoaspirates donations. Appendix A. 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