Progression Calendar Key Dates and Deadlines

Progression Calendar
Key Dates and Deadlines
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
Attend Futures Evening – Tuesday 3rd June 2014
Attend Futures Presentations (Personal Statements, CV’s, UCAS Course Search)
Research possible course options, universities, vocational schools, attend open
Research and seek support with Personal Statements/CV’s/Covering Letter
Attend UCAS Higher Education Convention – Friday 4th July 2014
Research possible course options, universities, vocational schools, attend open
Register for UCAS – (using school buzzword)
Register for CUKAS
Download Vocational School Application Forms
Prepare Personal statement, CV’s and Covering Letter
Book 1-2-1 IAG Interview with Progression Officer
Research possible course options, universities, vocational schools, attend open
Draft personal statements, CV’s, Covering Letter
1st September UCAS Application Opens
Attend Open Days
Attend UCAS Sign-Up Session
Complete Personal Statements – Get them checked!
Complete and Return Tutor Reference Form
Research and apply for internships/employment
Prepare CV’s and Covering Letters, Portfolios, Show- reels, Headshot/studio
photos, sample film/music etc.
Plan Gap Year
Book 1-2-1 IAG Interview with Progression Officer
1st October (TBC) CUKAS Deadline
15th October (TBC) OXBRIDGE Deadline
Complete Vocational Applications (Check deadlines with Institutions)
Research and apply for internships/employment
Prepare CV’s and Covering Letters, Portfolios, Show- reels, Headshot/studio
photos, sample film/music etc.
Plan Gap Year
Book 1-2-1 IAG Interview with Progression Officer
14th November - BOA Deadline UCAS Applications
Prepare for/Attend Auditions and Interviews
Prepare CV’s and Covering Letters, Portfolios, Show- reels, Headshot/studio
photos, sample film/music etc.
Research and apply for internships/employment
Plan Gap Year
Prepare for/Attend Auditions and Interviews
Prepare CV’s and Covering Letters, Portfolios, Show- reels, Headshot/studio
photos, sample film/music etc.
Deadline for Art and Design Foundation Courses
Please note: To keep up to date with key dates and deadlines visit,
and check direct with the institution for Vocational Courses, Foundation Courses etc.
Progression Calendar
Key Dates and Deadlines
January 2015
February 2015
March 2015
April 2015
May 2015
June 2015
July 2015
August 2015
15th January 2015 Official UCAS Deadline for On-time Applications
Deadline for Art and Design Foundation Courses
Attend Auditions and Interviews.
Research and apply for internships/employment.
Prepare CV’s and Covering Letters, Portfolios, Show- reels, Headshot/studio
photos, sample film/music etc.
Plan Gap Year
Attend Auditions and Interviews
Check Adviser Track – release of some University decisions.
Release of some Vocational decisions
Apply for Student Finance
24th March UCAS Official Art & Design (Later Deadline)
Check Adviser Track – release of some university decisions.
Release of some Vocational decisions.
UCAS Extra opens
Apply for Student Finance
Check Adviser Track – release of some university decisions.
Release of some Vocational decisions
UCAS Extra continues
Apply for Student Finance
Deadline to reply to UCAS Offers (if all received)
Deadline for Student Finance Applications
Reply to UCAS Offers via Track (if all received)
UCAS Extra Closes
Sign up to BOA Alumni
Reply to UCAS Offers via Track (if all received)
UCAS Clearing opens
Commence work, work experience, internships, apprenticeships, Gap Year
13th August 2015 AS/A2 Results Day
20th August 2015 GCSE Results Day
BTEC Certification
UCAS Clearing
Commence work, work experience, internships, apprenticeships, Gap Year
Begin preparation for 2016 UCAS Application
Go to University, Vocational School, Conservatiore, College
Commence work, work experience, internships, apprenticeships, Gap Year
Apply for 2016 Application
Complete BOA Destinations Questionnaire
Please note: To keep up to date with key dates and deadlines visit,
and check direct with the institution for Vocational Courses, Foundation Courses etc.